//------------------------------// // Sombra’s Shadow Army: Snail Soldier Arrives // Story: MLP: The Hime-Rangers // by lolnewsPegasus //------------------------------// The five girls returned to Luna’s lab, where the princess was playing checkers with Shining, with the latter losing for the 14th time. “King me.” Luna said. “Best 15 out of 29?” Shining demanded. “We’re back, Princess!” Twilight said, walking towards the checkerboard. “And we got them Zords to help!” Applejack added. “At least there’s some good news,” Luna sighed. “However...” she said as she opened the live news feed. There was a snail-like monster armed with poison stingers on its wrist, chasing down the people at the park. “Hear me, you dry whelps! I, Snail Soldier, will claim this little town for the Shadow Empire! After this, King Sombra will reward me with a bounty of mates for sure! Bwahahahahaha!” “This just in,” said the reporter. “King Sombra’s Shadow Army has arrived for Pony Grove!” “How are we gonna get there in time?” Rarity wondered. “Oh no, we’re going to have to run there, are we?” Fluttershy asked with a gulp. Fluttershy’s Morpher started blinking. “Use the powers we granted through the Morpher, that will get you there.” Phoenix Zord said. “All right!” Fluttershy said with a nod. She pushed on her Morpher, saying “Umm…” Twilight cocked her head sideways. “Let me try…” she said as she pushed on hers, and listened to each entry. “Hmm… Grizzly Shield… Star Blaster... Steed Speeder? I’ll try the Steed Speeder...” She pressed on her Morpher, calling out “Steed Speeder, activate!” A motorbike themed like a horse spawned in the empty space of the lab. However, Twilight realized that despite her time with Sunset and her motorbike, she doesn’t know how to ride one. “Uh, Ursa?” “There’s autopilot options available,” the Morpher answered. With a sigh of relief, she turned to the girls and nodded. “Now that that mystery’s taken care of, let’s get on our Steed Speeders!” Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy summoned their Steed Speeders, and then got on.  “I’ll open the exit ramp,” Luna said. Without even looking, she pulled down a lever that opened the exit ramp. The five girls sped off on their Steed Speeders, heading for the park. “Nothing is working!” a police officer said to another as he tried to shoot at the snail monster. “Can we contact the Army?” a third one asked. “They’re occupied!” the first one answered. “Thanks to the Canterlot invasion, their hands are full in order to maintain the blockade on Sombra’s army! Chief explained it to us this morning, remember?” “Dammit!” the second officer said. “How about the rest of the Canterlot Guards? The Wonderbolts? The Shadowbolts?” “Also occupied,” the first officer added. “They are keeping Chrysalis’ Hive in check.” “All of them?” The third one asked. “All of them.” The second one answered. “If their forces aren’t held at bay,” the first one said, “they will be able to walk through conquering half the continent with ease.” “This is such a bad day for lunch...” The second one said. The monster turned around to the officers. “Ha ha ha! My slime just softened those shots you took!” it said. “Oh yeah? How about these? Star Blaster!” someone shouted. From out of nowhere, energy blasts littered the monster with hits, staggering it. “Errgh, foul shot!” the monster shouted. “You’re one to talk!” someone shouted back. “Heartwood Axe!” The swing was dodged by the monster, and it curled up into a fetal position. “You’ll never get through the Shell Formation!” it shouted. The police officers looked in shock and awe. Five female fighters, clad in colorful lycra, wearing helmets with animal visages. An officer spoke up. “Excuse me!” The five girls turned to the officer, as he added, “You can’t park on the grass!” The girls looked at each other, confused. They looked at their Steed Speeders, which they left parked on the park grass. “Hey, Windy!” Pinkie said, talking to her Morpher. “Can the Steed Speeders be de-summoned?” “Of course, loud girl!” Windicorn Zord said, his voice sounding more gruff. “Steed Speeders, Dismiss!” he said out loud. The Steed Speeders then vanished into thin air. “Say ‘summon’ when calling on your arsenal, ‘dismiss’ when you don’t need them.” “Thanks a lot, Windy!” Pinkie cheered.  “You girls better get used to the whole ‘fight against evil’,” Windicorn Zord said with a chuckle. “It’s a long one...” “Alright!” Fluttershy said, gulping. “Burning Staff!” she said out loud, or what she would consider loud, and then put her hand out. A pink staff patterned with flames and topped with an avian head spawned onto her grip.  “Crystal Saber!” Rarity said out loud, as she conjured a fencing saber and took pose. “Alpine fan!” Pinkie shouted, coupled with bounces. Two folding fans appeared, one in each of her hands. The three of them then charged at the snail monster, supporting Twilight and Applejack’s advance. However, the monster was quick to dodge their individual attacks, evading the lunges Rarity made while stepping aside to be clear of Applejack’s swings. Fluttershy’s fire blasts managed to hit the monster’s shell. However, the blasts only managed to leave scorch marks without burning through it. “Oooh, why I oughta scream--” Fluttershy said, annoyed. She then screamed in her standard Fluttershy manner, very softly. “Aaa...” Pinkie fanned a couple of air gusts at the snail monster. The shell didn’t budge, but the antenna did.  “Dang it, I’m blinded!” it said, squirming and covering what seems to be its face, where the antennae retreated in. “Soot in my eyes!” Applejack managed to whack a hit at the shell, making a crack. “Rarity, now!” Rarity then attempted a thrust attack, but she couldn’t get a stab at the crack. “Unbelievable, the crack’s too small! And it’s healing!” Applejack swung her axe at the monster's feet. "No good, there's armor there as well!" Twilight, after observing the recent effects, then turned to Fluttershy. “Scorch the ground and soot it up!” She then turned to Pinkie and said, “Blow the soot at the monster as soon as he comes to!” “Okay!” Pinkie and Fluttershy both said. Fluttershy then aimed her staff at the ground, and exclaimed, “Scorch… please...” The staff then blanketed the ground with a swath of bright flame, covering it with a considerable layer of soot. Pinkie then prepared her fan. “Go Go, Gale Gust!”, she shouted, hurtling a dust devil made of soot, at Snail Soldier. The soot then covered its eyes and antennae, this time, blinding it for good. “I can’t see! Why didn't Lord Sombra let me bring backup!” Applejack then rolled her shoulders, and then nodded at Rarity. “C’mon, hun! Ah gotcha!” “Why, I never!” Rarity scoffed. “Ladies like to have ample independence, for your information--” Before she could finish, Applejack sprinted at the monster and cracked the shell in half with a solid swing. Rarity shook her head. “Yes, dear, I can hear your muscles bulging… Forward, forward, dash, low outside!” A solid pierce at the weak point by Rarity’s Crystal Saber, skewered the monster. She pulled her saber out from Snail Soldier as it collapsed and exploded, staggering the two girls. “I...” Rarity said in shock. “Darling, the forces of evil tend to… burst upon defeat.” Diamond Dog said. “However, this one was not of enough power to damage you.” “Be warned, however,” Ursa added to Twilight. “Your victory may have just landed us on the Coalition’s radar.” “Ursa is right,” Princess Luna said through communication. “To get to me and my sister, Sombra and Chrysalis will have to go through you girls.”