My Little Pony: Train in Equestria

by Tisalie

Love Me Like You Do

(12th April 2017; 06:04 PM)

After Train Wrecker and Rainbow Dash were released from the hospital, Dash took Train home with her.

"So..... You've really had a crush on me for 3 weeks?" Dash asked.

"Yup.... Sure do. And honestly, can you blame me? You know, I wasn't interested in starting a relationship either. But all of a sudden.... I met you in that locker room."

They were both visibly still shaken from what happened earlier.

"Well.... I have to admit something. For a few days now, I've been having these dreams. These dreams where we were a couple and kissed each other, similarly to what we did earlier." Rainbow Dash explained.

Train wasn't expecting that.

"For real? You... Like me too?"

"I wasn't lying, Wrecky. You are really important to me. And.. Well, I'm sure Luna wasn't just playing around."

"Ahem.... Rainbow Sonic Dash....."

"What, where'd you get my middle name?"

"Records, Dash.... Anyway, Dashie, I know it hasn't been long, yet we still had a lot of fun with each other and after what happened today, I realized that it could always be too late. And, I feel it and you feel it, I don't see what's stopping us. So....Would you like to try it out and.... Become my marefriend?"

Rainbow Dash smiled softly and kissed him again.

"How's that for an answer?" She asked in a seductive tone.

Train blushed slightly and nodded.

"Today's been an exhausting day.... How about we lay down a little.... Maybe cuddle?"

"Oh, come here you."

She tackled him onto the bed, laughing and wrapped her wings around him. Train soon did the same.

"I love these veins on your wings. You're so... Muscular." Rainbow Dash admired.

"Well, I am a Wonderbolt after all. That's basically requirement. Besides, you are possibly even more muscular than me."

Rainbow blushed and giggled.

"Oh, you're making me blush."

She pressed her body on him, hugging him tight.

"This could sound weird, but I'm glad that Rainboom failed." She whispered softly.

"I know what you mean. This is magical."

They started making out again, having fully lost themselves in the moment.

"I'm quite literally tasting the rainbow right now. And it tastes fantastic." Train chuckled.

Rainbow laughed with a huge smirk on her face.

"You don't taste so bad yourself."

They pulled away after a minute, smiling at each other. Dash then yawned.

"Holy Luna... I'm so tired. Would you please stay with me tonight? I want to sleep with you by my side."

"I'm glad you asked, because you wouldn't have gotten rid of me either way."

They shared one final kiss before saying "Good Night" and dozing off in each others embrace.

(13th April 2017; 09:21 AM)

Train and Rainbow were awoken by a ring on the doorbell.

"Morning, Wrecky." Rainbow Dash whispered, her voice sounding scratchier than usual.

"G'Day, Dashie." Train whispered back, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Could you please answer the door? I think I'll have to change." Rainbow asked sweetly.

"Sure, love."

Train got up, stretched his wings and opened the door to find a gellow mare with a fluffy pink mane sitting infront of it. She was a little surprised to see Train, but then smiled knowingly.

"Oh, uhm, hey there. Is Dash awake?" She asked quietly.

"Heya! Yeah she is, she's just changing real quick. You were Fluttershy, correct?"

She nodded.

"I see. Did you.... Have good sleep?"

Train smiled fondly. "Oh, definitely. It was awesome. We escaped this whole thing nearly unscathed."

Rainbow dashed downstairs to the door with a huge smile on her face.


She ran up to her and hugged her.

"I'm so glad you're okay. And I see that you had some company." Fluttershy gestured over to Train.

"Oh, yeah. Should we tell her?" Dash whispered.

"Go ahead, love."

She smiled confidently and turned to Fluttershy again.

"Flutters... Meet Train Wrecker, my.... Coltfriend."

Fluttershy's face lit up.

"I knew it! Congrats, Dash! I'm so happy for you. It's crazy how much time has passed. Now, we're all starting love lives and it's so beautiful to see"

"Yeah, pretty weird, huh? It feels like last week that we fought Nightmare Moon and now 6 and a half years have passed."

"Well, that's time for you. Oh, and by the way, don't feel bad for failing that Sonic Rainboom. No matter what, you will always be my champion. You got us all our Cutie Marks indirectly and inspired me to become a more confident pony. You rock."

Dash was very touched by her best friends' comment. She squeezed her in a tight hug, smiling ever so softly.

"I don't deserve you, Fluttershy. You always know what to say.... You're a miracle."

Fluttershy was exploding with happiness.

"I'm just doing my job as a friend."

"Do you want to come in for a tea?" Rainbow Dash offered with a huge, genuine smile on her face.

"Oh, sorry, Discord and I are meeting soon. I was just here to check on you. Besides..." She chuckled cutely.

"I think you need some time with him. It's good for you, I can tell."

Rainbow smirked at Train.

"You know, maybe you're right." She said teasingly.

"Thanks for your visit, Shy. I'm glad to have friends like you, I really do."

"Oh, I feel exactly the same. Now, I won't disturb you any longer. I can see you are burning to have some alone time with him." She said, unusually teasing for her.

Dash and Train blushed a little. They waved goodbye to Fluttershy and looked at each other.

"You know, I'm feeling a little cold right now. Would you mind..... Warming me up?" She leaned in closer, speaking in a seductive tone.

"Of course, precious. It's still early, we have all day."

He picked her up and carried her back to her bed. Once they arrived, he snuggled up to her.

"By the way, I got a message from Spitfire. She told us we could stay home today and "recover"."

Rainbow's smile turned into a full on smirk.

"Yeah.... You know, I could need some help with that aswell. Could you..... Make me a little relaxed."

Train smirked back and pulled the covers off of him.

"Why, sure, Darling. Let's make you feel better."
