A Night at the Gala

by Locomotion

Chapter 7: Standing in Solidarity

“...and so, without further ado, I would like to present our guest of honour for tonight. My lords, ladies and gentlecolts, I give you Locomotion and Hornette of Ponyville!” Blueblood stepped aside as the young couple tentatively took the stage.

Looking all around them, Locomotion and Hornette noticed some very mixed reactions among their audience; some of the guests, Jet Set and Upper Crust in particular, were still staring down their noses at the pair as if they had no manners. But while others didn't seem to care much either way, others still were looking on with curious and even rapt anticipation. Firelli, for her part, seemed shocked and proud for her brother both at the same time; and Sweetie-Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Rumble, Mistral, Featherweight and Lickety-Split were similarly awestruck.

Even Celestia and Luna could be spotted amidst the crowd, smiling upon them with encouragement. Gladly accepting the unspoken seal of approval with a discrete nod, Locomotion stepped up to the microphone and began speaking; “Good evening to you all – and my thanks to you for your warm reception tonight!”

Cadance and Blueblood exchanged dismayed glances. There was a mild tone of sarcasm in Locomotion's voice, and they almost worried they might have made a grave mistake.

“I'll be honest with you all,” continued Locomotion, “when I was invited to this Gala a few months ago, I was...more than a little reluctant to attend at all, let alone with Hornette. I mean, I ask you – me, a humble engine driver from the home town of Princess Twilight Sparkle, taking part in an event way above my league?” The slightest hint of a cheeky smirk registered on his lips. “Not that I ever have been part of the Equestrian Buckball League, mind...”

To his surprise, a few chuckles could be heard from his audience, some genuine, some just polite, while the anxious looks on Cadance and Blueblood's faces gave way to smiles of mild approval. Feeling more encouraged, Locomotion carried on.

“...but if anything, I felt my date would be even more out of her depth; and while I don't wish to name names, there are one or two ponies out there who I regret to say have rather proven my point.” I'm looking at you two, he thought, shooting a quick glower at Jet Set and Upper Crust. “And I'm not just talking about here in Canterlot either. Even back home in Ponyville, Hornette still gets a very occasional look of wariness, or even contempt, from a creature who hasn't forgiven her kind or learned to trust them, even after our respective nations have...well, kissed and made up, to coin a phrase. Now, some of you might be asking yourself what does a young pretender like me, who has merely starred as himself in a film, know about them?”

At the mention of his film role, Technicolour Tarquin stepped up behind him as arranged and nodded his affirmation. Jet Set and Upper Crust's triumphant smirks vanished in an instant as they felt the incredulous eyes staring in their direction. They had known about “Battle of the Griffins”, but had never appreciated that the young lout had been a part of that movie, and were most embarrassed at their own oversight. Blueblood saw the remorse on their faces and smiled with satisfaction. He could see Locomotion had more than got his own back now.

“Well, absolutely nothing at first,” went on Locomotion with a proud smile of his own, “but that all changed from the moment I first stumbled upon her, and I couldn't be more grateful for it. Some things you have to learn from experience – just like I did with my career in Ponyville Motive Power Depot – and it was the same story for me and my friends when Hornette, then unnamed, came into our lives. Now, I could've jumped to the same conclusion as most creatures, and I leave you to work that one out – BUT, and this is a very important point, with the benefit of hindsight, to have done that would have been an even bigger mistake. I actually took the time to learn what sort of creature Hornette really was, and none could be further removed from the savage stereotype with which society has labelled her kind. Only one changeling was ever really like that, and I'm relieved to add that said menace is, of course, by the end of the day, strictly speaking, to all intents and purposes, in body, soul and entirety, quite conclusively and undeniably, dead!” Yeah, up yours, Chrysalis, he thought smugly. “And yeah, there are still doubters out there that think I'm under her influence or something stupid, to which I say – yes, I am under a type of influence, and it's the exact same one as that which our own Princess of Love holds over Prince Consort Shining Armour and vice versa.”

Right on cue, Cadance and her husband stepped forth to stand next to him. Flurry Heart hopped off her mother's back at that point and hovered next to Hornette with a broad smile.

“And you know what? I couldn't be more grateful for it, not least because of how much more I learned from an actual changeling than I ever could from mere hearsay, and got myself a life partner into the bargain. I've learned so much from spending so much time with her, from learning what made her tick and sharing my own secrets and life experiences with her,” giving Hornette a fond glance as he spoke, “that I can say with absolute conviction, and with Celestia and Luna as my witnesses, that I've forgotten a heck of a lot more about changelings than many creatures will ever know. We all have our vices, we all have our embarrassing backstories...”

Now, it was Trixie and Blueblood's turn to join them.

“...but what good does it do to keep dwelling on those vices, and forget about what makes these creatures truly special? Must we continue to distrust each other just because we're different? Just because we can't move on from the past? We can coexist, and peacefully...”

Finally, to emphasise that point, Fancypants and Fleur-de-Lis ventured forward to stand by Hornette, while Melissa did the same with Locomotion. The whole crowd looked on in awe, and even Jet Set and Upper Crust were impressed to see not only the pinnacle of high society standing in solidarity with this young couple, but another changeling of even greater importance than he could ever hope to be.

“...and that's why I stand before you now, to show that the days of animosity between pony and changeling, just like that veritable dictator Chrysalis, are long gone! I've dedicated a good chunk of my life in the past year or so to challenging the racism that changelings still face, and I invite you all, nay, implore you,” finished Locomotion emphatically, “to stand in solidarity with Hornette and myself, to help me spread the message far and wide, to show the whole of Equestria – the whole world – that these creatures too can be friends and allies to one and all!!”

For a moment, the only sound that could be heard were indistinct murmurs among the higher class guests. Fearing the worst, Locomotion sullenly braced himself for whatever ridicule they were about to hurl at him; but to his surprise and delight, he was greeted instead by a round of applause from Fancypants, Blueblood and Hornette. Cadance, Fleur-de-Lis, Shining Armour, Flurry Heart, Melissa and Tarquin all joined in, and soon the whole ballroom echoed to the sounds of cheers and stomps from guests and hosts alike, while Discord danced above their heads with a pair of cheerleaders' pompoms in his hands. In a gesture of triumph on the young couple's behalf, Trixie even set off a firework display as everyone applauded Locomotion and Hornette to the echo.

Firelli almost felt like dancing with joy herself after hearing her brother's speech. Her eyes welled up with tears as she, along with Celestia, Luna and Twilight, beamed upon him with pride and congratulation; while Sweetie-Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Lickety-Split, Featherweight and Rumble gave the loudest cheers of all.

After that, things only seemed to get better and better, almost as if it had never been quite so bad in the first place. Where other guests had treated them with suspicion, they now seemed far more welcoming and accommodating, singing the young couple's praises all night long, and several even wanted to get to know them personally. Locomotion and Hornette were deeply flattered, and especially so when Celestia and Luna praised them for teaching the upper classes a thing or two about changelings. Secretly, Locomotion wasn't sure if it really was his own charisma that had turned opinion around, or if it was merely Fancypants and Blueblood's influence as a baron and a prince respectively; but it didn't matter by the end of the day. The main thing was that neither he nor Hornette were being shunned or derided just because others thought they were beneath them. The biggest surprise came when a humbled Jet Set and Upper Crust approached and congratulated him for giving such a fine speech.

“Truly marvellous it was, young Locomotion,” commented Jet Set. “You and Hornette are a real inspiration to us all.”

“Of course,” put in Upper Crust, smiling faintly and trying not to look sheepish, “we never truly took you for pretenders, Jet Set and I – apart from being a hero of the Great Griffin War, that is, but at least you made a jolly good motion picture role out of it.”

It took all of Locomotion's willpower not to smirk in amusement at their poorly disguised attempt at an apology, and even Hornette couldn't help but shake her head as she sensed their regret. “Well, glad to hear you think so,” he replied in a casual manner.

“By the way,” put in Jet Set, “we were wondering if you might wish to attend a charity ball for the Royal Horticultural Society in a month's time. We would be most honoured to...”

“Sorry, Jet Set,” interrupted Locomotion, holding up a hoof, “but unless we get invited to another Grand Galloping Gala, I don't think we'll be bothering too much with high society events – will we, Hornette?”

“No, Loco. As courteous as these other ponies have been since you gave your speech, I don't think I'd feel anywhere near as comfortable among their ranks as I do among my friends back in Ponyville.” Hornette smiled wryly at the looks of dismay on the two older unicorns' faces.

“Anyway,” Locomotion pointed out earnestly, “it's as I told you – events like these are way out of our league,” and he and Hornette sauntered away to chat with Tarquin and Melissa, chuckling under their breaths. Unable to come up with a compelling counterargument, both Jet Set and Upper Crust remained respectfully silent.

The rest of the night went by without further trouble, and Hornette and Locomotion soon found themselves having a far better time than they had expected. They spent much of their time hanging out with their new friend Melissa and the princesses, but were more than happy to include Firelli, Mistral and their other friends from Ponyville as well; and every so often they would go and mingle with the other guests. As they grew more comfortable with their surroundings, so Locomotion managed to build up confidence in himself, especially when Coloratura, the famous singer, took up the stage alongside Octavia and her group; and the other guests watched on as he and Hornette shared a dance. Even the Wonderbolts invited Hornette to fly a few of their easier stunts – although Locomotion secretly wondered if Soarin and Rainbow Dash had bribed them into it!

As the Grand Galloping Gala began to wind down, the young unicorn and his changeling were left with a feeling of warmth and fulfilment at what must surely have been the best night ever – at least so far. Even the insults thrown their way had been worth it for all the praise and attention, and Locomotion in particular found he had gained a new respect for Blueblood, Trixie and Discord. When it was time to leave, he and Hornette thanked them for their support.

“Not at all,” smiled Blueblood. “I'm just glad I could help. I hope this makes up for my, er...”

“Well,” said Locomotion with a wry smile of his own, “I still kinda resent it...”

Blueblood looked crestfallen.

“...but I think I can let it slide after tonight. You did us one heck of a service, Blueblood,” continued Locomotion appreciatively. “I dunno why you bothered after I'd been so harsh with you, but...know that Hornette and I are extremely grateful.”

“Well, you know,” replied Blueblood modestly, “somepony had to show that lot where to go with their prejudices, didn't they, Trixie?”

“Exactly,” agreed Trixie, “and a fine job you did of it too.” She winked broadly at her beau; “Was there ever any doubt?”

“Yes!” retorted Locomotion facetiously, and the five of them shared a good laugh.

“It was nice getting to know you too, Commissioner,” said Hornette to Melissa. “I do hope we can meet up again sometime.”

“As do I, Hornette,” Melissa answered, “and thank you, Locomotion, for giving such a marvellous speech tonight.”

Locomotion blushed. “You know,” he murmured humbly, “you guys can call me Loco. All of my friends do.”

“Then by extension, I'd be happy for you to call me Melissa,” smiled the older changeling graciously. “Farewell to you both, and all the best for the future.”

“So long – Melissa.”

“See you round, Blueblood, Trixie. And thanks again.” With that final greeting, the young couple left the castle to join Firelli, Sweetie-Belle, Mistral and Rarity, who were waiting just outside the castle entrance. But just before they reached them, Locomotion remembered something.

“Oh, by the way, Hornette,” he said, levitating the slipper he had picked up earlier, “you left this behind when you skipped the castle.”

“Did I?” Hornette gazed at her right hind hoof; only now had she become aware of how bare it felt. And no wonder, she thought as she gratefully took the slipper in her magic and put it back on. “Aw, thank you, Loco,” she said fondly. “What would I do without you?”

“I owe it all to you, my honeybee,” whispered Locomotion, nuzzling her affectionately and smiling as he was rewarded with her purring.

“Well,” remarked Sweetie-Belle brightly, “how about that, eh, Loco? Not nearly as bad as you thought it would be.”

“Uh...nearly?” smirked Locomotion cheekily, causing Sweetie-Belle to blush awkwardly. “I think you'll find it was nearly as bad.”

“Yeah, but...you made it work out in the end, didn't you?”

Locomotion nodded. “Emphasis on the word 'nearly',” he pointed out, “and I've got the likes of Melissa, Blueblood and Lord Fancypants to thank for salvaging the night for us.”

Rarity stared at him as if she could hardly believe her ears. “Backed up by Blueblood? You must be joking!”

“No, really, Rarity,” put in Hornette, “he was really nice – not the rude and selfish pony you described him to be. Besides, he was only like that to begin with because some noble's daughter bullied him when he was young.”

The look of dismayed understanding on Rarity's face spoke volumes for the sorrow she now felt for him. “I...I never realised...” she murmured sympathetically.

“Don't blame yourself,” soothed Locomotion, wisely suppressing his amusement. “We all have our secrets, some good, some bad. Heck, if he hadn't revealed all that to us, I would still be hating his guts even now.”

Firelli smiled. “Well, it's good to see you two have made it up,” she observed, “and that you have some new friends into the bargain.”

“Yeah, seems the likes of Sweetie-Belle and Rarity did us a good turn after all, roping us into this crazy scheme.” Ignoring the mild embarrassment in the white unicorn sisters' expressions, Locomotion turned and gave Hornette an affectionate peck on the cheek. “Come on, Hornette, let's get back.”

“Where you go, tender heart, I'll always follow,” murmured Hornette; and the young lovers, still nuzzling each other, began making their way back to the hotel for a good night's sleep.