//------------------------------// // The Kingdom of the Griffins // Story: My little pony Adventures season 3 // by Kayceejr91 //------------------------------// Trenderhoof's ship flew high in the sky above the clouds and the sea below. Aboard it was himself, Troubleshoes, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. "Ugh how much longer," groaned Rainbow Dash leaning over the edge of the ship, "I could have flown to Griffonstone by now!" "Griffonstone is very far away," pointed out Twilight, "Not to mention all the way across the Celestial Sea." "I know, I know," said Rainbow Dash look agitated, "I just can't wait to get there!" "Well I can," said Trenderhoof rolling his eyes, "I've had more then enough experiences with griffins.." "Trenderhoof," stated Rarity looking shocked, "I'm surprised at you. How can you say such a rude thing?" "Well it's true isn't it," stated Trenderhoof, "I've already had to deal with Grif'aun more times than I can count.. I not looking forward to meeting more Griffins!" "Now Trenderhoof," said Fluttershy floating over to the stallion, "I will have you know that Rainbow Dash and I have met plenty of nice Griffins." "That's right!" said Rainbow Dash leaping up into the air, "Like Gilda!" "Who," Asked Applejack confused. She was fishing over the edge of the ship with Spike. "Oh, Gilda was one of our closest friends back at Junior Speedsters Flight Camp," stated Fluttershy. "Closest friend?" stated Rainbow Dash, "She was the greatest Friend! That griffin could fly like no other Griffin could! That's I just can't wait to get to Griffonstone!" "I'm excited to see Griffonstone too!" said Twilight looking up from, "I've been reading about there history, and the griffons have a proud and noble legacy. I've even heard there city is one of the most beautiful outside of Equestria." "So why are we going there again," said Spike as he caught a bite from the end of his line. "A diplomatic mission," said Twilight, "The griffons and the ponies have always been rivals, so we're going to extend our hoof in friendship." "And the other reason is?" stated Applejack as she tried to save Spike from the bird he has caught on his line. "Well, the Kingdom of Griffonstone has been around for over a thousand years," said Twilight blushing, "If any creature knows where there might be another key to Tartarus, it's them.." "Ahoy!" shouted a voice. The ponies and Spike all looked up to Pinkie Pie up in the crow nest. "Griffonstone, dead ahead!" the pink pony continued, "Hoist the colors! Weight the Anchor! Man the lifeboats and unpack for Granny's House! Were Heeeeere!" The ponies and Spike all looked over the edge of the ship to see mountain peak, with a momentous tree tree jutting out of the top of it. Numerous tiny houses could be seen scattered across it's massive branches, with a glorious palace at the top. "Everypony, welcome to Griffonstone!" said Twilight Sparkle triumphantly. Trenderhoof's ship had been parked at the bottom of the mountain peak. The mane six, and Spike were making there way the curved path up the mountain, with Trenderhoof not far behind. "Um, Trenderhoof darling?" as Rarity looking at the stallion sheepishly, "Are you sure you don't stay behind, and guard the ship with Troubleshoes?" "There's no way I am leaving you girls alone in a city full lying, scheming griffins," stated Troubleshoes, "I promised Flash I'd keep an eye on you!" "Well if ya'll are comin' with us," said Applejack sternly, "Ya'll had better change that attitude of yours! We're trying to make friends with these here griffins.." "You ponies should be talking to me then," stated Rainbow Dash proudly, "I've already got friends in Griffonstone. Everypony else rolled there eyes. "Look!" called out Twilight with excitement. Up ahead of them stood a large grand gate, leaning over the edge of the peak. The ponies and Spike quickly picked up there pace and headed for the entrance. "Everypony," proclaimed Twilight as the reached the top, "May I present to you, the City of..." Twilight Sparkle paused mid conversation. Everypony gasped at the sight that lay right in front of them. Just beyond the gates of Griffonstone stood a handful of ramshackle shacks, with straw roofs that had all but caved in. Only a few griffins could be spotted lounging about and looking annoyed. "This is the most beautiful city outside of Equestria?" asked Rarity in disbelief. "I'd hate to see what the ugliest city outside of Equestria looks like," stated Pinkie Pie. The ponies and Spike walked through the gates, which were slowly falling apart. The ruined hovels continued up the trunk of the tree and out to it's branches. As they walked up the trunk towards the Castle, they passed by numerous griffins, all of whom gave them dirty looks. "I don't understand," said Twilight looking down at her book, "Everything I've read stated that the Griffins took pride in there city. How did it get like this?" "Excuse me sir," said Rarity trying to catch the attention of a passing Griffon, "Could you please tell me what took place here." "Hmph!" stated the Griffin sticking up it's peak and walking away. "Hey there," said said Rainbow Dash flying over to a female Griffin, "Are you friends with a girl named Gilda?" The young Griffin brushed Rainbow Dash aside and gave her to cold shoulder. "You see!" said Trenderhoof crossing his hooves, "Rude, insensitive bullies.. Just like Don Grif'aun!" Every griffon suddenly halted in there tracks and turned to the ponies after hearing what Trenderhoof had said. There look of annoyance had suddenly turned to looks of fear. "Don't say that name!" said a Griffin flying over to Trenderhoof and covering his mouth. "You mean Don Grif'aun?" stated Spike in confusion. "They just said it again!" said an old lady griffin. "What's wrong with saying Don Grif'aun?" asked Pinkie Pie, "It's fun to say Don Grif'aun! I could say it all day! Don Grif'aun! Don Grif'aun! Don Grif'aun! Don Grif'aun!" "They keep saying it," another griffin panicked. "Run for your lives!" a griffin shouted out waving his claws in the air. All of the griffins suddenly flew up into the air in a wild panic, screaming they did so. The ponies and Spike stood in the middle of the now empty street completely confuse. "What the heck was that about!?" asked Rainbow Dash in confusion. "Um, maybe we should avoid sayin' that name from now on?" stated Applejack. "What name?" Pinkie Pie stated, "You mean Don Grif.." Rarity quickly covered Pinkie Pie's mouth before she could finish, "Yes, that name!" The ponies continued to up the trunk of the tree until they reached the castle atop of it. Unlike the rest of Griffonstone, the castle was in Pristine shape, carved out of the finest white stone that shimmered in the sunlight. Two griffons in armor guarded the large double doors of the castle. "Um, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said nervously, "We're here to see King Griff?" The two guards gave each other the eye, and then eyed the ponies. Finally they stepped aside and opened the door to let them pass. The ponies and Spike walked past the doors and into the foyer of the Castle Griffonstone. The castle was even nicer on the inside. Large open windows shined light onto elegant tapestries depicting griffins doing many heroic deeds. The ceiling above them was painted with the images of heroic Griffin Kings of the past. As they walked down the golden carpet of the foyer, they entered in a large throne room even grander than the foyer. The walls and ceiling were decorated with carvings of numerous griffins each one grander then the next. At the end of the throne room beneath a large stained glass window of King Griff, stop a humongous throne with King Griff himself sitting upon it. "Princess Twilight Sparkle," said King Griff in excitement, "Welcome to Griffonstone!" Twilight smiled sheepishly up at the King, "Oh.. Thank you?" "So what do you think?" asked King Griff gesturing proudly. "Ummm.." muttered Twilight a bit confused. "Of my castle of course," said King Griff leaning in with anticipation, "Tell me your thoughts!" The ponies looked at each other for a moment, nervously trying to figure out what to say. "Oh, it's wonderful.." said Applejack gritting her teeth. "Simply.. Divine, darling.." stated Rarity trying not to be rude. "It's.. nice.." muttered Fluttershy. "Yes, yes, I know," said King Griff rubbing a claw against the throne, "It was a labor of love really. I'm just sorry you all to arrive before it was finished. "Finished?" asked Twilight looking confused. "Why the statues not even halfway ready yet," King Griff stated. The ponies looked out a nearby window to see two Griffins carving a ten foot statue of King Griff out of a piece of granite. "Um, I can't help but notice that the rest of Griffonstone doesn't share your castles beauty?" asked Rarity, attempting to be careful with her words. "Yes, such a pity," said King Griff looking at his claws, "The taxes do hit the griffins hard.. But such is what happens when you're running such a refined and elegant country. The ponies all looked at each other for a moment. "Greedy, lying, scheming thieves.." whispered Trender Hoof under his breath. Rarity gave him a quick jab with her elbow, signaling for him to hush up. "So how shall begin this treaty of friendship," stated King Griff as he rose form his throne. Several griffins tended to him, adjusting his cape and handing him a drink. "Shall we ourselves a banquet..? A small party..?" "A party!" said Pinkie Pie leaping up with excitement. Rainbow Dash quickly pushed her back down in annoyance. "Actually your majesty," said Twilight Sparkle as she followed the Griffin King about his throne room, "I was hoping we could have a word with you about the Keys of Tartarus?" King Griff glanced up ever so slightly to Twilight Sparkle, and then glanced back at his cup, "Keys of Tartarus? Why I'm afraid I've never hear of them." Twilight frowned, "Your majesty, I've studied the history of Griffonstone thoroughly.. And I know for a fact that the founder of Griffonstone, King Grover, played a large part in the battle against the titans!" "Yes well that was a long time ago," said King Griff taking a sip from his drink, "Perhaps this key of yours went the same way as the Idol of Boreas? We did lose a lot of treasure after the whole Arimaspi incident.." "Or maybe it was stolen by Don Grif'aun?" sated Trenderhoof. King Griff suddenly spat out his drink in horror, "How do you know about that!?" Everypony looked at King Griff in a mixture of shock and confusion. "I mean.. Who is Don Grif'aun," stuttered King Griff pulling at the collar of his cape, "I've never that name before.. Are you sure he's even a griffin.." "Um.. yeah.. We're pretty sure.." said Rainbow Dash eyeing the King suspiciously. "Oh.. look at the time.." said King Griff looking at his wrist where a watch should be, "It's.. nearly Ten Thirty in the morning.. It's a shame you all have to leave and.. Never come back!" "But we just got here?" stated Spike. "King Griff," asked Twilight Sparkle, "Is there a reason no one around talks about Don Grif'aun?" "Enough!" said King Griff who was quickly becoming angry, "I have no time to answer such ridiculous questions! Guards! Guards!" Two griffons in armor quickly rushed into the throne room. "Come back when you ready to talk about more civilized topics!" King Griff fumed. And with that, the two guards proceed to push the ponies and Spike out of the throne room, and out of the castle. Feeling both defeated and confused the mane six, Spike, and Trenderhoof walked about the village, back towards there ship. Everywhere they went, the Griffins seemed to give the ponies dirty looks. "What the heck was that about!?" asked Rainbow Dash in disbelief. "I don't know," said Twilight, "but we can't possibly leave Griffonstone with King Griff angry at us." "Gee," muttered Trenderhoof sarcastically, "Who would have possibly guessed that the king of the griffons would be a selfish, self centered jerk? I certainly wouldn't have." "You weren't exactly on your best behavior either," said Rarity smacking Trenderhoof on the back of the head, "If anything you were even ruder then the King!" "Maybe Trenderhoof should apologize," said Spike with a smile. "Apologize!?" stated Trenderhoof in disbelief. "That's a wonderful idea Spikey," said Rarity patting Spike on the head, "We'll have Trenderhoof give an official apology to King Griff!" "Oh No!" stated Trenderhoof firmly, "There is no way in Equestria that I am apologizing to that cocky, self centered..!" Rarity gave Trenderhoof a sharp look, which quickly made him swallow his words. "Yes dear.." Trenderhoof responded. Trenderhoof gave Spike a quick glare, and trotted away pulling Rarity with him. "What? What did I do?" asked Spike confused. "I'll explain it to ya'll later," replied Applejack. As the ponies continued to walk about the streets of Griffonstone, Rainbow Dash suddenly noticed someone familiar. "Gilda?" Rainbow Dash stated. Right down the street, mixed amongst the crowd of griffons, stood a rather cranky looking female griffin. She stood besides a bakers cart, desperately trying to sell scones. "It is you!" shouted Rainbow Dash waving, "Hey Gilda over here!" The griffin looked over at the group of ponies and suddenly panicked. She quickly grabbed as many scones as she could and flew away. "Gilda?" asked Rainbow Dash confused. The blue pegasus quickly took off into the skies and chased after her old friend. "Yo, Gilda! Wait up!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Seeing the blue pony follow her, Gilda began to speed up and darted down a nearby street. Rainbow Dash quickly followed her, forcing Gilda to make another sharp turn. The two friends continued to chase each other about, going back and forth down every branch and street of Griffonstone. Finally Gilda was forced to hide behind an old shack, desperately trying to catch here breath. As she glanced, over to her side, only to see Rainbow Dash right beside her. "Don't you remember?" the pegasus stated, "It's me Rainbow Dash!" Gilda was about to take off again, when she suddenly sighed and gave up. "It's good to see you again Dash.." said Gilda with a small smile. "I knew you'd remember!" said Rainbow Dash excited, "Why did you..?" Gilda suddenly covered Dash's mouth, stopping her in midsentence. "Not here," whispered Gilda, "Follow me.." Gilda slunk about the streets of Griffonstone with Rainbow Dash close behind her, slowly making there way to a large worn out shack. Gilda pulled aside the tarp covering the door, allowing her old friend. "We should be fine here," said Gilda, "Nogriffin else should be home right.." "A pony!" a highly excited voice cried out. "Oh no," said Gilda slapping herself in the face. A grey female griffin with a big shining smile flew down to the two of them in excitement. "I don't believe," said the griffin examining a startled Rainbow Dash, "I've never actually met a real live pony before! My name's Gabby! What's your name? Do ponies even have names? This is so exciting! I have so many questions to ask you!" "Gabby!" shouted out Gilda in frustration. The chatty griffin suddenly halted mid sentence, startled by Gilda. "This is Rainbow Dash," signed Gilda, "She's an old friend, and I would like to keep that quiet." "Gilda the grump is friends with a pony?" a voice stated from above. "Oh come on," said Gilda rolling her eyes. Another griffin, this one a light blue male, floated down to the group with a cocky smile on his face. "Oh this is to rich," said griffin boy slapping his thigh, "I can't wait to tell everyone in Griffonstone about this." "If you tell anygriffin about this Gallus, I swear..!" "Ahem," a voice muttered. Every griffin turned to see Rainbow Dash, an annoyed look on his face. "Are you trying to hide me Gilda?" the pegasus asked with a raised eyebrow. "What no," said Gilda with a nervous smile, "I'm just.. Trying to keep you safe!" "More like your trying to save your reputation," said Gallus rolling his eyes. "It's one pony Gallus!" shouted Gilda, "It's not like I know a whole herd of them!" "Oh Rainbow Dash?" a soft voice called out. Fluttershy suddenly popped through the front door. "There you are Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, "Oh, hello Gilda." "Great, just great.." muttered Gilda in disbelief. "Whoa, nice place you got here," said Pinkie entering the hut behind Fluttershy. "Nice?" said Trenderhoof close behind, "This place is a glorified dump." "There you go again Trenderhoof," said Rarity frustrated, "being rude to every griffin you see.. And to our hosts no less.." "Beg pardon Rarity," stated Applejack, "But these griffins didn't technically invite us in?" "Oh they don't mind," said Spike chewing on one of Gilda's scones, "These Griffonscones are delicious.." "Spike! I told you to stop eating those," Twilight stated, "They're as hard as rocks!" "What's your point," replied Spike taking a large bite out of another one. Gallus looked at Gilda with a sly smile on his face. "Don't say a word," growled Gilda clenching her beak. "I didn't say anything," stated Gallus matter of factly. "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!" stated Gabby in pure amazement, "Look at all the ponies!" She quickly flew over to the mane six and began examining them one by one. "You're Pink! And you're yellow! Is that a cutie mark? How do I get one? Is true ponies eat Rainbows? What kind of pony are you?" "Um, I'm a dragon," replied Spike looking at Gabby confused. "I like this girl," said Pinkie Pie elbowing Rainbow Dash. "Um Dash, could you come here for a moment," said Gilda gritting her beak. The young griffin quickly pulled Rainbow Dash over to a corner, with a frown. "Look you've got to get these ponies out of here," whispered Gilda under her breath. "Um these ponies are my friends," said Rainbow Dash with a huff, "And Fluttershy used to be your friend to in case you've forgotten." "I know, I know.." said Gilda frustrated, "But's it bad for my image to be hanging out with a bunch of ponies.. If the other Griffons saw me.." Gilda sighed and looked down in the ground in sadness. A look of concern crossed Rainbow Dash's face. "Gilda, what happened to you?" the pony asked, "You never care anygriffin else thought of you before.." "Well that was then and this is now," said Gilda with a huff, "Things have changed since Junior Speedsters Flight Camp.." Rainbow Dash gave a sad sigh and turned away, "Come on everypony.. Something tells me were not wanted here.." The other ponies and Spike watched as Rainbow Dash sadly trudged towards the door. An angry look crossed Trenderhoof's face. "You know, Rainbow Dash said you were a good friend," Trenderhoof stated glaring at Gilda, "But you're exactly what I though you'd be like.. A real jerk!" Trenderhoof began to trot away following Rainbow Dash. "Typical pony," said Gallus with an arrogant smile, "Think's the whole world revolves around him.." Trenderhoof screeched to a halt in his tracks. He quickly turned around and glared at Gallus. "You know aside from her," said Trenderhoof pointing at Gabby, "You griffins are exactly what I thought you'd be like.. Greedy, selfish jerks!" "Well excuse us for greedy," said Gallus mockingly, "We can't all live in fancy palaces like you ponies do." "I'll have you know that ponies have just as many problems as you griffins do!" said Trenderhoof. "Oh yes," continued Gallus, "I don't know what's worse.. The sunny blue skies? The endless green fields? Or maybe it all the magic you use so you never have to lift a hoof!?" "We ponies work together to solve our problems," stated Trenderhoof, "Maybe if you griffins tried your kingdom wouldn't be such a dump!" "Oh and how would we do that?" asked Gallus, "By singing and dancing like a sissy pony!" "Don Grif'aun sings all the time," shouted Trenderhoof, "And he's a Griffin!" A look of fear suddenly crossed Gallus's face. He quickly backed up against a wall, trying to get as far away from Trenderhoof. "H-h-h-how do you know that name?" asked Gallus looking petrified. "Um, we've met him before," said Twilight confused, "Quite a few times actually." Gilda glared at the ponies suspiciously as she went to comfort Gallus. "You ponies aren't friends with Don Grif'aun are you?" she asked. "Us friends with Don Grif'aun?" stated Pinkie Pie in disbelief, "No, we don't even like him!" "Of course they don't," confirmed Gabby, "No creature likes Don Grif'aun" "How do you guys know Don Grif'aun?" asked Rainbow Dash suspiciously. Gilda gave a Gabby a sharp look of anger. Realizing what she had do Gabby quickly covered her beak. "We don't know Don Grif'aun," stated Gilda, "and we definitely don't talk about him." "You're darn we don't!" a loud gruff voice shouted from above. Everypony looked up to see an elderly looking griffin with a scarred eye starting down from the rafters. He quickly looked down to join the ponies, adjusting the Fez atop his balding head. "Oh Great," groaned Gilda, "Now you've got Grampa Gruff started. "Don Grif'aun was the worst thing to happen to Griffonstone, since King Guto allowed Arimaspi to steal the Idol of Boreas!" Grampa Gruff shouted. "Why the very mention of his name in Griffonstone is treason at best." "And yet you keep mentioning it.." grumbled Gilda trying to control to old griffin. "I don't understand," said Twilight, "I know Grif'aun is bad, but what did he do to make every griffin so afraid of him?" "What did he do!?" shouted Grampa Gruff, "What didn't he do?!" "He didn't do anything Grampa," said Gilda gritting her beak. "I ain't no griffin's Grampa!" shouted Grampa Gruff. "Does this have anything to do with King Griff?" asked Trenderhoof. "That spineless coward! He couldn't even stand up to his own brother!" "Don Grif'aun was King Griff's brother!?" Twilight asked in disbelief. "His older brother!" Stated Grampa Gruff pushing Gilad aside, "And next in line for the Throne!" "That guy used to be your King?!" asked Rainbow Dash in disbelief. "He was no King!" shouted out Grampa Gruff. "We don't talk about Grif'aun, no, no, no!" Gilda muttered. "We don't talk about Grif'aun... but" "It was Coronation Day," Grampa Gruff stated. "It was Coronation Day," Gabby repeated. "We we're getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky," Gruff continued. "No clouds allowed in the sky," Gabby repeated. "Grif'aun walks in with a mischievous grin," Gruff said. "Plunder!" Gabby exclaimed. "Are you telling the story or am I?" Gruff shouted at Gabby. "I'm sorry, Grampa Gruff, go on," the young griffin apologized. "Grif'aun raises his sword high," Grampa Gruff continued. "Why did he do it?" Gabby said. "Pirates rain down from the sky," Gruff stated "Nothing else to it," Gabby added. "Steals our gold then waves goodbye," Gruff finished. "What an awful day... but anyway," Gabby stated. "We don't talk about Grif'aun, no, no, no," they both sang. "We don't talk about Grif'aun" "Hey!" Gilda cried out grabbing Rainbow Dash. "Grif'aun was the next in line for the throne" "But his Family didn't like it, couldn't leave that alone" "I associate him with the sound of falling coins, clnk-clnk-clnk" "Mommy always like his brother the best" "Decided to kick Grif'aun right out of the nest" "Left her oldest son in a state of disarray," "You get what I say?" Gallus swooped over Spike and Fluttershy and began to mock them. "Seven foot frame" "Quills down his back" "When he sings his song" "He's on the attack" "Yeah, he haunts your dreams" "And feasts on your screams (Hey!)" "We don't talk about Grif'aun, no, no, no!" they all began singing, "(We don't talk about Grif'aun, no, no, no!)" "We don't talk about Grif'aun (We don't talk about Grif'aun)" The four griffins led the ponies out into the town where more Griffins began to sing about past horrors. "He said that he'd need a ship," an old sailor griffin stated. "But never pain! (No, no!)" "He robbed our treasury.." a stiff collared griffin continued. "The very next day! (No, no!)" "He let all the crooks out of the jail, and then got away," a female griffon said before fainting. "(No, no! Hey!)" "If he shows up then you'd best do what he say!" King Griff walked out onto his palace balcony and looked down at the crowd of Griffins and ponies. "He told me that the treasure was his, but the castle and crown could be mine," the king said with a smile. "He told me that I'd never be great, but the way I see it I'm Devine" "Ugh, He's just like his brother," groaned Gilda. Gallus lowered his head looking down at the ground. The ponies noticed tears beginning to form in his eyes. "He told me I was worthless and small, didn't matter at all," spoke Gallus. "So foolish and stupid," "It's like I hear him now," "Who care? He's never coming back here," King Griff smiled confidently. "(It's like I can hear him now)" continued Gallus. "I can hear him now" All of a sudden Troubleshoes raced up the streets in a panic, approaching the mane six and Trenderhoof. "Um about Grif'aun..." Troubleshoes stated. "Yeah about that Grif'aun..." I really need to talk about Grif'aun..." There something everpony here should know about Grif'aun!" A large pirate ship suddenly rose over the peak of the mountain, and hovered over Griffonstone. "Griffonstone, you're king has returned!" Don Grif'aun shouted from the bow of the ship "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" every griffin screamed and began to run about in a panic. Twilight listened as all the griffins began singing at once. "Seven foot frame" (It was coronation day, It was coronation day) "Quills down his back" (We were getting ready) "When he sings his song" (and there wasn't a cloud in the sky) "He's on the attack" (No clouds allowed in the sky!) "Yeah, he haunts your dreams" (Grif'aun walks in with a mischievous grin-) "And feasts on your screams (Thunder!)" "Are you telling the story or am I?" "I'm sorry, Grampa Gruff, go on," (Ugh, He's just like his brother) "Grif'aun raises his sword high," (Seven foot frame, Quills down his back) "Pirates rain down from the sky," "Steals out gold then waves goodbye," "He's here!" Panicked King Griff. "Don't talk about Grif'aun, no!" every griffin shouted. "Why did we talk about Grif'aun" Twilight stated. "Not a word about Grif'aun" every griffin screamed "We never should've brought up Grif'aun" Twilight panicked. Do Grif'aun's ship landed and the cocky griffin walked off with his monstrous crew close behind him. The griffons all gathered in the town square cowering. The mane six, Spike, Trenderhoof, and Troubleshoes watched as Don Grif'aun and his crew disembarked. "Hmmm.. Singing?" Don Grif'aun stated with a mischievous smile, "I was under the impression that songs had banned in this crumbling excuse for a kingdom.. It is one of the main reasons that I left!" Grif'aun eyed the crowd with sinister smile. The griffins simply stared down at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact. "What is the matter?" Grif'aun asked, "Are you not happy to see my return? It has been to long! Where are the feasts? Where is the dancing?" "G-g-g-G-g-Grif'aun.." a voice stuttered, "How nice to see you again.." Every creature turned to see King Griff approaching the front of the crowd, led by his royal guards. "Ah, brother dear," proclaimed Don Grif'aun pulling his sibling close, "It is good to see me again isn't it? I bet you are wondering why I have chosen to return!" "W-w-well actually.." King Griff started. Don Grif'aun spun his brother around and then tossed him aside, "I am happy to inform you all that my long overdue absence has come to an end.. I have decided to return and take my place as King of Griffonstone!" All the griffins gasped in horror. "He's your Royal Highness, King Grif'..." a pirate began singing. Don Grif'aun quickly kicked him out before he could finish. "But.. But.. You said I could have the throne!" stated King Griff about to cry. "Indeed," continued Don Grif'aun, "And at the time I truly meant it.. However at the behest of a close friend of mine.. I have been requested take my place on the throne as ruler of Griffonstone.." "F-f-friend?" asked King Griff cowering. Don Grif'aun smiled and snapped his claws. The pirates behind began raising up flags, each one bearing the image of large green eye with a slatted pupil. "As of this moment.. Griffonstone is officially a part of King Sombra's empire!" Grif'aun proclaimed proudly. All the griffins gasped again in utter horror. "YOU TWO FACED, YELLOW BELLIED, RAT FINK EXCUSE FOR A GRIFFIN!" a voice shouted out from the crowd. "Oh no, not again.." groaned Don Grif'aun putting a claw to his forehead. Everyone turned to see Grampa Gruff bursting out of the crowd in a raging fury, his face bright red. "IT'S NOT BAD ENOUGH THAT YOU ABANDONED YOUR POST AND ROBBED OUR TREASURY..." Grampa Gruff raged on, "NOW YOU'RE SELLING US OUT TO THAT TWO-BIT NO GOOD...!" Two pirates suddenly ran up and pounced on Grampa Gruff, pinning him to the ground. "I don't have to put up with you anymore you old buzzard.." growled Don Grif'aun pointing his sabre at the old griffin's beak, "I am the King!" "You still have us to put up with us!" a voice shouted out from the crowd. Don Grif'aun turned to see Trenderhoof, Troubleshoes, and the rest of the ponies standing out from the crowd, ready to pounce. Spike was cowering behind Twilight. "Ahh.. Princess Twilight Sparkle!" proclaimed Don Grif'aun, "And my old friend Trenderhoof! How nice it is to see you all again.. That was lie was of course.. It's perfectly awful to see you all again.." "I knew you were despicable Grif'aun.. But didn't think you'd sink low enough to work for Sombra.." snapped Trenderhoof, "No wonder even griffins hate you!" "What can I say," said Don Grif'aun shrugging, "Sombra made me an offer, and I literally could not refuse.." "Well you can be sure that we'll be here to stop you," proclaimed Twilight Sparkle. "That's right!" shouted out Rainbow Dash, "If you want to take over Griffonstone, you'll have to go through all of us!" The ponies all charged at Don Grif'aun and his crew, with Twilight Sparkle at the lead. Just as they were about to reach him, two Griffin Guards raised there spears and blocked off the ponies. The eight ponies suddenly screeched to a halt, crashing into each other and landing in a huge pile just before Grif'aun. "What are you doing!?" asked Rainbow Dash. "You are in the presence of the new King of Griffonstone!" one of the guards proclaimed, "And you shall lay neither hide nor hoof on him." "King!" exclaimed Twilight in disbelief, "But you all hate him!" "King Grif'aun has come to reclaim his title," the other guard said, "We have no choice but to follow him!" "But what about King Griff?!" stated Applejack, "Doesn't he get a say in all this!" The ponies all looked at King Griff. The cowardly griffin glanced over at the ponies and then back to his brother. "T-th-the thing is brother.." King Griff stuttered with a nervous smile, "I've sort of become accustomed to ruling Griffonstone.." "Very well," said Don Grif'aun with a sigh, "You are always free to rule Beneath Me.." King Griff sighed and removed his crown, handing it over to his brother. Don Grif'aun grabbed ahold of the crown glaring at it wickedly. "Well Princess Twilight.." said Don Grif'aun placing the crown on his head, "This has to be about the upteenth time that I have captured you and your friends.. Perhaps this time I should just let you go?" "Really?" asked Pinkie Pie with a smile. "Nah.." said Don Grif'aun cockily. Twilight quickly flashed her horn in a bright purple light. Instantly she, the other ponies, and Spike were teleported away to an unknown location. Don Grif'aun snarled, "Find them! Search Everywhere!" The royal guards quickly flew up into the sky in search of the ponies. The mane six, Spike, Troubleshoes, and Trenderhoof his in the shadows of a nearby alleyway. Out in the streets, numerous griffin guards passed them by search for the ponies. "Well who could have predicted something like this could happen?" said Trenderhoof rolling his eyes, "Oh that's right, I did!" Rarity smacked Trenderhoof in the back of the head furious. "Well I did!" repeated Trenderhoof. "This is not good," said Twilight, "We have to get back to Equestria and get some help to take down Grif'aun.. But first we have to find a way out of Griffonstone.." "Follow me guys," whispered Rainbow Dash, "I have an idea!" The ponies and Spike slowly crept behind Rainbow Dash, slowly sneaking there way back to Gilda's hut. "Gilda!" cried out Rainbow Dash as she burst through the door, "Don Grif'aun's got his goons all over the city! We have to find a way.." Rainbow Dash look on in disbelief. Within the hut Gilda was quickly packing up her things in a large satchel. Up in the rafters, Gallus and Gabby were doing the exact same thing. All three seemed to be in a panic. "Um, What are you doing?" asked Twilight Sparkle entering behind Rainbow Dash. "What does it look like we're doing!?" said Gilda furiously, "We're hightailing it out of here!" "But you can't just leave," said Fluttershy looking concerned. "That's right!" agreed Troubleshoes, "This here is yer home! Ya'll have ta fight fer it!" "Fight?!" asked Gallus looking down in disbelief, "Against Don Grif'aun?! Are you ponies crazy!?" "Why not," asked Spike, "We fight against that guy all the time!" "And we always win!" concluded Rarity. "Um, I don't know if you ponies have noticed," said Gallus floating down to them, "But aside from his usual crew of pirates.. Don Grif'aun has an entire army of Griffins under his claw!" "Okay, that's true.." thought Twilight for a moment, "But the other Griffins have to hate Don Grif'aun as much as you all do.. Maybe we can convince them all to fight back!" "Um, again I don't know if you ponies have noticed?" stated Gallus sarcastically, "But this isn't frilly-dilly namby-pamby ponyland! This is Griffonstone, and griffins only ever think of themselves!" "I don't," said Gabby raising her claw. Everypony suddenly turned to the griffin smiling. "But on the other claw," Gabby stated nervously, "I really am afraid of Don Grif'aun.. And I'm even more afraid of King Sombra.. Not mention the the fact that I hate confrontation.. And of course there's also the fact that.." "We get it," said Rainbow Dash halting the griffin in mid conversation. "Besides!" said Gilda as she tied her satchel to a pole, "Nothing in Griffonstone is worth fighting.. The only reason I ever stayed in this dump is so I could find a way out of it.. And I might as well get while the getting's good!" The ponies all looked at each other sadly. Finally, Rainbow Dash trotted over to her old friend with a stern look on her face. "You know.. The Gilda I knew would never run away from a bully like Don Grif'aun.." the pegasus stated. Gilda glared, "This isn't Junior Speedsters Flight Camp Dash.. We're not standing up to a couple of colt's in the school yard.." "What does that matter," stated Rainbow Dash furiously, "The Gilda I used to know always stood up to her friends! No matter the stakes..! No matter the consequences..!" The young griffin sighed, "If that's the Gilda you came looking for, you came to the wrong place.." Rainbow Dash stared at her foalhood friend in disbelief. Finally, she turned away with a cross look on her face. "Maybe I did.." Rainbow stated in huff. The other ponies watched as Rainbow Dash stormed out of the hut. One by one they slowly followed after her. "Trender Hoof was right!" Rainbow Dash fumed with her friends close behind her, "Griffins are all nothing but selfish jerks!" "Now, Rainbow Dash," stated Rarity, "You know that's not true.." "You're right!" shouted Rainbow Dash, "Most of them are cowards!" "But you can't leave things like this," proclaimed Fluttershy, "Gilda is one of our oldest friends." "Well not anymore!" proclaimed Rainbow Dash, "I don't even know why we came to Griffonstone in the first place!" Upon hearing this, a though suddenly occurred to Trenderhoof. He suddenly stopped, and turned to look back at Griffonstone Castle. "Uh, Trenderhoof," said Applejack looking back at him, "Ain't ya'll comin'?" "Twilight.." said Trenderhoof still thinking, "Why do you think Don Grif'aun came here?" "He said that he wanted to take back his throne, didn't he?" asked Pinkie Pie. "No.." said Trenderhoof, "Don Grif'aun hated being king.. And he's to selfish and stuck up to want to rule over all of these Griffins by himself.." Twilight Sparkle, turned and thought along with Trenderhoof. "Grif'aun said that King Sombra ordered him to come here.." thought Twilight. "And what did we come here to find, that King Sombra also wants?" asked Trenderhoof raising an eyebrow. All of the ponies and Spike gasped at once, "The Keys of Tartarus!" A large doorway opens within the halls of Castle Griffonstone, revealing a hidden chamber. Don Grif'aun steps into the darkness, a wicked smile upon his face. "Ahh.. King Grover.. How nice to see you again.." The pirate cackled. An ancient statue of a regal looking Griffin stood before them, standing on his hind legs. He held a large keys in his claws, with the letters P and R on the hilt. Don Grif'aun quickly swiped the key away, and walked back out into the throne. "Please brother," pleaded King Griff down on his hands and knees, "You cannot give that key to King Sombra..!" "And why not?" asked Grif'aun pointing the tip of his sabre at his brother. Sweat began to drip down King Griff's brow, "Our family has protected that Key for centuries! We have no idea what could happen if it's power is unleashed!" Don Grif'aun snapped his talons and two Royal Guards pointed their spears at the former King. "You forget you're place brother," Don Grif'aun sneered, "I have the power now!" What Don Grif'aun failed to notice was a blue pegasus blending in with painted mural above. "I am the King of the Griffins now," Grif'aun gloated, "Everything in this kingdom is mine.. This palace, this throne, even this here key.. And that is why.." "I'll take it!" said Rainbow Dash swooping down and grabbing ahold of the key. "She'll take it.." finished Don Grif'aun, "Wait..?! What!?" Don Grif'aun did a double take as he watched Rainbow Dash zoom off with the key, ducking down a nearby hallway. "After HER!" Don Grif'aun shouted. Two griffon guards flew up into the air and chased after after Rainbow Dash. The blue pegasus pony zoomed about the palace halls, trying her best to lose the guards. "Applejack Catch," shouted Rainbow Dash. The pegasus passed the key to her earth pony friend who quickly dashed down the hallway. The Griffon guards quickly switched targets. "Up high, Fluttershy!" shouted Apple Jack tossing the key up into the air. Fluttershy quickly caught the key and flew up several flights of stairs. She quickly tossed the key over to Rarity and magicked it over to Pinkie Pie. "42! 27! Hike!" cried out Pinkie Pie. She quickly charged forward directly towards the guards, carrying the key like a large football. She pushed through the two griffins, dropping them aside like bowling pins. Pinkie Pie peeked her head out the window and tossed the key to Spike who was hanging on the ledge. Spike quickly crawled down and slid off the edge of the castle landing onto Troubleshoes. Troubleshoes quickly charged across the drawbridge with Spike on his back, heading down into town. "Incoming!" shouted Rainbow Dash from behind. Spike turned to see the ponies running away from the castle with about a dozen griffin guards chasing after them. Seeing his chance Spike tossed the key over to Trenderhoof who quickly raced the key over to the Town Square. Twilight Sparkle was waiting there for him. She hopped atop of a worn statue of ancient griffin, and caught the key. "Every Griffon! Listen to me!" Twilight shouted raising the key into the air. All the griffins in the area quickly turned there heads and stared at the strange pony standing atop the statue. "This here is one of the seven Key's to Tartarus!" explained Twilight pointing to the key, "And Don Grif'aun plans on handing it over to King Sombra!" "Yo, pony.. What in Griffonstone do you think your doing.." A voice whispered from the crowd. Gilda crawled out from the large group of Griffons, with Gallus and Gabby close behind. "Get down from there before you get us all killed.." Gilda growled. Twilight looked over the crowd of Griffins, a serious look upon her face. "I know standing up to someone you're afraid of can be challenging.." Twilight continued, "But if there's one thing that I've learned from my friends.. It's that by working together we can accomplish anything! There are more of us then there are of Don Grif'aun.. Together we can take him down!" Twilight Sparkle looked down at the crowd of griffons with a confidant smile. To her disappointment, all of the griffons stared down at the ground avoiding eye contact. Not one of them stepped forward to come to Twilight's aid. A long slow clapping could suddenly be heard by Twilight. She turned to see Don Grif'aun approaching with his crew of pirates behind him. "Bravo Princess Twilight, an elegant speech if I've ever heard one.." Don Grif'aun chortled. Numerous griffon guards suddenly swooped down, pointing there swords directly at Twilight Sparkly. With them were Spike, Trenderhoof, and the rest of the ponies. "Did you really think that a few inspiration words and some hope would change these griffins," Don Grif'aun mocked, "They lost there pride long before I came around. Don Grif'aun pointed to the worn out statue that Twilight was standing atop of, "These kingdom lost all hope the minute that King Guto lost the Idol of Boreas to Arimaspi. Is it any wonder I didn't want to take the throne? Oh but you still believe in them.. How sweet.. There a waste of feathers my little pony.. You failed!" All a large scone hit Don Grif'aun of the side of the head. "Who done that?!" growled Grif'aun rubbing his bruised head. He turned to see Gallus holding a pile of Griffonscones under one arm. "We are not a waste of feathers!" shouted Gallus. "Ah Gallus, my old cabin boy," smiled Don Grif'aun "All grown up I see.. Guards, arrest this little pest for me would you.. Don Grif'aun gestured towards the guards, but the guard did nothing. "Did you not hear me? I said arrest him!" Grif'aun continued. All the griffons in the crowd began glaring at Don Grif'aun. "Why are you just standing around?!" Don Grif'aun shouted, "You're king commands you!" Suddenly, all of the griffon guards turned there spears, and pointed them directly at Don Grif'aun. "You are no king of ours!" one of the guards stated. Gilda stepped forward from the crowd, "I say we arrest this guy for being a jerk!" "YEAH!" shouted all the griffins behind her in agreement. Don Grif'aun scowled, "So that's the way you want to play it huh?" The pirate captain snapped his claws. Slowly but steadily, his ship floated over the city, about a hundred pirated riding atop of it. "Geronimo!" the pirates shouted as they began dropping down to the city below. "Charge!" shouted Gilda, as she lead an angry mob of griffons forward. Soon every griffon in the city was fighting against Grif'aun's pirate armada. Spears clashed against sabers. Feathers flew against claws. "Come on! We've gotta help!" shouted Rainbow Dash. The ponies and Spike all charged in to join the fight. Pinkie Began launching her party cannon with Gabby riding atop of it. Applejack began bucking away pirates with Troubleshoes swinging his hammer at her side. Rarity shot out blast of magic with Spike riding atop of her. Fluttershy summoned an army of birds to join in the fight. Twilight and Gallus swooped down on the pirated from high up above. Finally Rainbow Dash and Gilda flew back to back from each other, fighting off the army of pirates like old friends. Meanwhile Trenderhoof was shooting his bow and arrow and Don Grif'aun, who was blocking his shots with his saber. "You know you really are despicable," stated Trenderhoof backing Don Grif'aun up a flight of stairs, "No wonder even your own kind hates you!" "What do I care!" shouted Don Grif'aun fighting Trenderhoof atop of wall, "I am more a griffon than any of those fools combined. Everyone else in this kingdom is just a spineless wretch unworthy of the griffon name." "Even your brother?" asked Trenderhoof with a sly smile. "My brother?" asked Don Grif'aun with a laugh, "Why he's the most pathetic one of them all! If any pride whatsoever, he would stand up to me, and try take his crown back! But no.. He just stands on his knees and begs 'Oh please brother! Please spare me!' Why to think that I related to such a sad excuse for a..!" A small claw suddenly tapped Grif'aun on his shoulder from behind him. "Not now! I am in the middle of some..!" Don Grif'aun turned to see his brother floating directly behind him, a furious look on his face. "Excuse me brother dear.. But I believe that's My Crown that you're wearing!" King Griff quickly gave his brother a large punch to the face, knocking him off the wall, and causing the crown to fall right into his claws. Don Grif'aun landed on the ground unconscious, directly in front of him men. "Retreat!" One of the pirates shouted. One by one the pirates flew back up to their airship, carrying Don Grif'aun along with them. The ponies and griffins all cheered as pirate ship flew away. Later that day, every griffon in Griffonstone gathered in front of the palace as King Griff shook hooves with the ponies one by one. "I cannot you enough Princess Twilight," said the King shaking her hoof, "Not only have you helped save our kingdom, but you've helped reignite the pride of Griffonstone that has been lost to us for so long.." King Griff turned to crowd of griffons, all staring up at him and the ponies. "My fellow griffons," said King Griff looking sadly at the crown still in his claws, "I know I have truly let you all down on this day.. If you truly wish for me to resign my position as King then.." "Ah, Shove Off You Sad Sack of Feathers!" a loud voice shouted out from the crowd. Grampa Gruff walked up to the front led by two griffin Guards. "We Know You're a Corrupt, Money-Grabbing Excuse for a King.." Grampa Gruff continued, "..But You're Our Corrupt, Money-Grabbing Excuse for a King!" King Griff smiled, a tear dripping down his eye. He slowly put the crown back on his head, and every griffon cheered. The ponies and Spike watched the scene along with Gabby, Gallus, and Gilda. "So do you still want to get out of this town," asked Rainbow Dash nudging Gilda. "Nah," replied, "Thing's are starting to look up around here. All of a sudden Rarity appeared pushing Trenderhoof forward to the Griffon. "Go on.. Say it!" snapped Rarity. "Alright! Alright!" said Trenderhoof with a sigh. He turned to the three griffons and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I was so rude to you all earlier.. It was wrong for me to assume that all griffons were bad, based solely on Don Grif'aun" "Hey, we're Griffins," shrugged Gallus, "Being rude is a national pass time around here." "But.. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be nicer to other ponies?" said Gabby squeezing his shoulder, "..And more importantly to each other!" "Eh, I don't know," said Gallus rolling his eyes. Suddenly Gilda slapped Gallus on the back of the head. "Alright! Alright!" Gallus exclaimed, "If you're friends of Gilda's, you're friends of Mine! "And any friend of Rainbow Dash is a friend of Mine!" said Gilda hugging Rainbow Dash tightly. All the ponies and Griffons laughed together. "Um, Twilight," said Spike tugging on her wing, "Aren't we forgetting something?" "Oh, right," said Twilight. The Alicorn Princess trotted over the King Griff as he waved to his people. "King Griff," stated Twilight, "I know Key of Tartarus is important to the Griffins.. But if you allow us to take it with us to Equestria, we can keep it safe and far away from King Sombra." "But of course," said King Griff happily, "Consider it a symbol of friendship between Griffonstone and Equestria!" "Great!" said Twilight, "Can we have it!" "I don't have it.." said King Griff, "I thought you had it.." "I don't have it," said Twilight, "I lost it during the fight.." "Well if you don't have it, and I don't have, then who.. Oh No!" stated King Griff Back on Grif'aun's pirate ship, the battered griffin stared into an orb filled with green flames. The menacing figure of King Sombra stared out at Don Grif'aun from within. "So.. I asked you to conquer Griffonstone for me.. And you failed miserably.. Give me one reason why I shouldn't wipe out you're pathetic existence?" growled Sombra. Don Grif'aun smiled, "I can think of at least one reason.." Grif'aun reached behind his back and pulled out a large black key bearing the letters P and R. "The Key of Pride..!" stated Sombra in disbelief, "..Five down...Two to go.." "Yes," cackled Don Grif'aun, "Even in defeat, Don Grif'aun is still victorious!" "He's the famous Captain Don Grif'aun," a pirate sang out. Grif'aun smacked the pirate atop of the head, "Seriously! Somebody fire that guy already!"