Conspiracy Theory

by PegPony

Pipsqueak is a Dog?

"I mean... what I'm saying makes sense right? You get where I'm coming from don't you? It's so obvious! I can't believe I didn't see it before and I can't believe you're skeptical about it!" Twilight proclaimed, she had just dropped a bombshell of a conspiracy theory but Fluttershy was extremely doubtful of the claim, how could Pipsqueak be a dog?

Fluttershy went "Geez, I don't know Twilight, I mean... Pipsqueak being a dog? I know he's a little different but I think it's a bit of a leap to assume he's a dog, don't you think ponies would have noticed that he was a dog by now?"

Twilight rolled her eyes and went "Well DUH! No pony knows that he's a dog! I don't even think that Pipsqueak himself knows that he is a dog!"

Fluttershy nodded and said "OK... but how do you explain the fact that he can talk and looks exactly like a pony?"

Twilight scoffed as she said "Simple! He may seem to be a pony but he doesn't exactly look like one, what pony do you know with colors like that? Besides, diamond dogs can talk!"

Fluttershy, still unsure, stated "Alright, present a case for your conspiracy theory and then I'll point out the flaws, if at the end of it I believe that your argument is even remotely believable... I'll post it anonymously on a conspiracy theory blog, if not... then you'll have to feed Angel"

Twilight raised her eyebrow as she asked "The forfeit is feeding your rabbit?"

Fluttershy nodded and replied "Uh-huh, he's a fussy eater! Go ahead, provide your evidence!"

Twilight grinned and prepared to detail everything that had led her to the conclusion that Pipsqueak was a dog.

"To start with, let's talk about the appearance of a pony, namely our color palette.There are countless examples of ponies having more than one mane color, myself included, though it's rare that we ever have more than one skin color and if we do, the difference is sparse and is often a different shade to our main color, so how does that explain how Pipsqueak has so many patches of brown on his white skin?! There is only one other creature that could have such an interesting color palette and that creature is a dog, just an example, look at Winona. Is it just me, or does she have a similar, if not identical, color palette to Pipsqueak? Winona is clearly not a pony so the only explanation is that Pipsqueak is a dog! Sure he can talk but let's not forget that diamond dogs are perfectly capable of talking and let's face it, there isn't much difference between them and ordinary dogs, it's perfectly reasonable to think that he could learn to talk and maybe learn even more to blend in at school! Secondly, his size, he is way too small for a pony his age! Compare him to the CMC and the difference is clear, he is far too small and yet there is no report of him having stunted growth at all, he is just dog-sized! Like a dog! Thirdly, he came here from Trottingham, right? Well where is his house? Or his parents for that matter? Nowhere to be found, Ponyville wouldn't allow for homeless colts and fillies so where does he live and where is his family? Nowhere... because he is not only a dog, he is a stray dog! He has no home or family because he is a dog! There you have it Fluttershy! Three big main points of evidence, Pipsqueak is a dog!"

Fluttershy considered Twilight's points and said "Well... the color palette idea I'll grant is a very good point, I don't think I've ever seen a pony with more than one skin color and the ones I have seen only have maybe a small patch focused on a single area that's either a darker or lighter shade of the main color... so Pipsqueak's colors are... interesting, especially considering the similarity to Winona. The size? Again, I can't exactly fault you on that, he is too small for his age and even ponies that are younger than him don't look like he does. The home and family? To be honest Twilight... I got nothing, I can't argue with any of the points you've made apart from the talking and being part of pony society... can you explain that?"

Twilight bit her lip and said "That... is something that I can't properly explain, true. Though as I said, if diamonds dog can talk, maybe a stray dog could learn to talk and maybe even more! You see what I'm getting at right?"

Fluttershy nodded "Yeah Twilight, I gotta admit you're making a lot of sense here, you're conspiracy theory isn't perfect but let's face it, what conspiracy theory is perfect? It's posted!"