//------------------------------// // ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 3 // Story: Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen // by Epic Fable //------------------------------// As the group followed the creatures through the forest Fluttershy broke the brief silence. “Do you three live here in the forest?” “Eh kind of. Our home is kinda hidden.” Hawkmon replied. “You’re saying to much.” Dracomon chided. “You know we’re just lost right? Sorry if you can’t even trust us.” Sunset snapped a bit. “Just can’t be to careful. We were told all sorts of creatures and things could hurt us and will. We never seen you lot before. Think about it from my point of view.” “...I can kind of see your point. Sorry.” “So long you know.” “Listen you litt-” “We appreciate you helping us.” Fluttershy interrupted while giving a stern look to Sunset. “Any tiiiiime.” Hawkmon said loudly. As the group walked a church was seen into view. An old fashioned southern style church was seen. It was slightly worn down, covered by plants. However, instead of a cross or any other known religious symbol you'd expect on the decor, a symbol of a circle with the square was seen on the stained glass windows of the church. The same symbol the group saw on their phones, tv and other screens from back home. “A church? Here?” “Hey…I recognize that symbol! We all saw it back at Sunset's place when that freaky storm hit.” Rainbow commented. “We don’t knowto much about it. It's been here ever since we can remember. You can ask the sistermon about it.” Liollmon explained. “Sistermon?” the group repeated in unison. The church doors would burst open as a slender woman in what appeared to be a nun outfit came out running. She would hug the three creatures hard. What was odd was her attire. Similarities of a nun were present but what stood out where the additions to the outfit. Cat ears along with a face on the nuns top while the dress itself was short like a skirt. The woman's pupils were of a star or flower like pattern. Her gray eyes scanned the new group behind the creatures. “I told you not to go outside and who are these strangers-” Her eyes widen when seeing the group. “Humans…real humans…” “Uh what?” Rainbow responded. “Aren’t you human?” Twilight asked the nun. “No, I'm a digimon. I am Sistermon Noir. Oh dear. You’re hurt. Here let me.” She went to Fluttershy as she put her hand right above her ankle as a soft light glowed. Fluttershy would feel her ankle getting better with the pain subsiding. “Oh…my ankle. It feels better.” “So wait. You aren't human?” Applejack pressed. “Like I said. I’m a digimon.” “But you look so much different than these three cuties.” Fluttershy commented. “Well nat-” Before Sistermon Noir could explain more a pink flash went by her as a new humanoid came to the group with glee in her eyes. She had a white skirt with long white sleeves but what really stood out was her long pink cat that had bunny like ears and decoration. Her pink eyes examined the group as they grew wider and wider. “REAL HUMANS and I believe a canine thats NOT a digimon! How did you get here?! Oh I’m Sistermon Blanc! I have so many qu- HEY!” Her questions were interrupted when Noir pulled her away and smacked her upside the head with the butt of a cross shaped pistol. “Don’t hound them Blanc. These are our guests." She would turn back to the group. "Pardon her. This is Sistermon Blanc. She works with me in tending to the church and our charges. she can be a bit...overzealous but she is harmless. Now come children follow us. You all look like you could use the rest.” She would turn while pulling Blanc away. The three little digimon would follow as the group of humans and dog would look to each other unsure but with a shrug from Sunset and Flash they would follow as well. They would walk through the church as they would see the other side of the stained glass windows with the circle pattern with the square within. This shape would be in what appeared to be light or ray like patterns. Various depictions of people holding it, monsters cowering to it and monsters alongside bigger monsters. When leaving through the back door it was a lush garden with some toys and even a jungle gym and such in the backyard of the church. There they would see more unique creatures. When they walked around outside in the back they would be led to a small body of water where a turtle like creature with an army helmet and what seemed to be partly robotic came out. It shook the water off trying to get dry. As it looked content it would get hit on the helmet by another creature that what could be described as an anthropomorphic gear or cog. “Kamemon! I told you I JUST patched that helmet!” “But Hagurumoooooon I love me a good swim.” It had a goofy deep chuckle only to get smacked again. “Is that really necessary?” Twilight chided. The two creatures would turn their attention to the group as they both were in awe. “Ahhhh.” Kamemon seemed to exclaim slowly. The cog would go right to Twilight’s face then to Spike’s. “Do NOT tell me we have actual humans and a non digimon non human life form?! I only heard about them in our studies! And YES! Like I just told him I JUST PATCHED his helmet. If he keeps getting it wet its just gonna fall apart again!” “I feel she is right, Hagurumon but must you be so high strung?” Noir replied.  “YES!” The rest of the group just kinda shrugged as Kamemon just did his deep chuckle.  Loud buzzing was heard as a bee like creature with big green eyes flew to Applejack which startled the latter as he flew around everyone. “Oooo Hagurumon was right. How did you all get here buzz.” asked the bee. Rarity screamed as the creature while Fluttershy just coed at it. Applejack wrecked her nerve to talk to it. “Howdy there. Who are you little fella.” “I’m Fanbeemon buzz. Humans don’t belong. How did you get here?” “Well we were having fun hanging out and poof. Here quicker than a fox going to a chicken coop.” “Oooo.” “Come there is more to see.” Noir and Blanc escorted them around and showed them to a garden full of vegetables in a grid like pattern. There they see two more creatures. One looked like a bipedal plant with a helmet made from a budding plant talking with an orange bat-like creature. “Oh Patamon you really should be taking better care of yourself. You need a good brushing.” “Floramon touch me and you're gonna get wilted.” “Hey! Play nice you two.” Noir chided. When Fluttershy saw the creatures she couldn’t contain herself just blurted. “You all are so CUTE.” she looked right to Patamon who backed up a bit. Meanwhile Rarity and Floramon locked eyes and walked to each other. “My a creature that somehow has a sense…of such grace!” Rarity complimented.  “Ohhhh I can see you have great taste dear…creature.” Floramon replied with a smirk. “Oh Sistermon Noir I got some radishes. Maybe we can use them for our stew tonight?” “Oh thank you dear. This will be lovely.” Noir would pat Floramons head gently as the latter would just giggle. “Now come everyone you are hungry, tired. You are our guests.” “Man, that would be nice. I’m starving.” Flash commented. Liollmon would get near him and start to drool. “Oh man, same here! Hurry!” “You be patient Liollmon.” Blanc chided. Patamon would fly to Noir and just nuzzle into her as she patted his head lovingly like a mother. “Everyone these are new guests. Um-" "I'm Sunset Shimmer." "Flash Sentry." "My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike." "Yo." "Rainbow Dash!" "I'm Fluttershy." "I'm Pinkie Pie! SO GLAD TO MEET YOU ALL!" "Howdy. Name's Applejack." "And I am Rarity. Charmed." "These are the digimon we look after here. This is Dracomon, Liollmon, Hawkmon, Kamemon, Floramon, Fanbeemon, Hagurumon, and Patamon." All the digimon responded to each introduction and responded in kind. Dracomon just rolled his eyes while the others got excited at the new and odd guests. "Follow me everyone.” As the group were led by the nun Blanc would set up the the table. Later on Noir would server everyone a vegetable stew. The smell of fresh and cooked vegetables filled the air with a slight burning smell of spice. Everyone would eat with gusto as all the humans and Spike would moan in pleasure. “Isn’t Sistermon Noir’s cooking delicious?” Dracomon exclaimed. Several compliments were said in unison which made the nun laugh. “Oh you flatterer. Don’t be shy, you are our guests, there's plenty.” She would serve Flash and Rainbow seconds as Sunset looked around and saw more symbols of the circle with a square in it. “Hey, can I ask a question?” “Yes child?” “Outside and inside of the church I’ve been seeing that symbol. What is that? It doesn’t look like a religious symbol I’ve seen.” “That? That is the symbol of evolution.” “Evolution?” When Sunset repeated the word all the digimon looked up with interest and a hopeful glee in their eyes.