Twilight's life: A race against time

by Serenity Darkmoon Raven

Chapter 3- Today

Yesterday, they had a sleepover, they pillow fight, shared ghost stories, Rainbow Dash shared the most scary ghost story. Then, they drank hot chocolate, went home and go to sleep. During the sleepover, she had itching, her eyes changed colors, she vomit a lot in the bathroom. She then yawned and went downstairs, Spike was seen putting books on the bookshelves. She cracked a weak smile and said, "Good Morning, Spike.."

Spike turned around, he is holding a red book, and a purple book with his claws. He said, "Oh.. hey Twilight.. I am organizing the books.." he had a sad look on his face, the memories from yesterday haunt him, he realizes that there are six more days till she dies because of her disease. Spike had some tears in his eyes.

Twilight has a sad look on her face, a tear race down her eye. Part of her wish she never told Spike what happened, she doesn't like when Spike is upset and doesn't want her death to be a burden to Spike. There was silence for a moment, Twilight broke the silence and said, "So, I will... leave you.. alone.. now.." Twilight walked away and walked into the kitchen. The kitchen had an oven, a microwave, a yellow cookie jar next to the big white fridge, a table with a red and white tablecloth. There was a jar of sugar. There was a salt and pepper shaker on the table, there were two brown, wooden chairs at the end of the table.

Then, she opened the fridge and grabbed a bundle of hay. She grabbed the hay, and sighed as she remembered the fate that would greet her.. at the end of the week.

She grabbed a white, fragile plate, placed the hay on the plate and walked over to the table and ate her meal. As she was eating, she remembers her fate, she then got a massive rash on her hoof. Her face was itching. She then started to itch the itch in her face. Her eyes turned red and purple, then her horn started to glow purple and she grabbed the pepper shaker from the table, using her magic and it poured over her. A huge sneeze could be heard. Spike heard the sneeze and yelled, "Bless you!"

Twilight then said, "Thanks."

Then Twilight went back to eat the hay, it was crunchy and tasted like hay. Then after she was done, she got up and cleaned the plate and put it on the counter. She then sat on the couch, she had a tired look on her face. She doesn't know what to do. She asked, "What should I do?"

Spike turned around and said, "What about-?" Three knocks could be heard from the door before Spike could finish what he wanted to say. Twilight turned around and heard another knock. Twilight ran, stopped by the door and opened the door. She was shocked when she saw who it was, she bowed and said, "Princess Celestia."

Princess Celestia had an upset look on her face, her eyes were filled with water, her grin was upside down, the two guards behind her had the same looks on their faces. Then, Princess Celestia said, "I heard... you were.. suffering.. from a disease..."

"How.. did you find out?" Spike asked Princess Celestia in a curious tone.

Princess Celestia then said, "Well.. Spike, Pinkie was crying while she was walking to your house... and she said that yesterday her best friend, Twilight was suffering from a disease that would kill her, then many ponies asked her what's wrong, she told them the problem and now they are crying too... and it is sad to see that the Princess of Friendship is going to... die.. soon... I heard the crying and teleport there, they told me the problem and I went to yours and Twilight's house to say my condolences."

She then turned to Twilight and said, "Twilight, I am soo sorry about what you are going through.. It must be tough knowing... you'll die in a week." A few tears race down her face. She then sighed. She entered the house, Twilight and Spike moved over and let Princess Celestia in.

Princess Celestia then said in a sad tone, "Twilight, I want to say.. you were the best student I ever had... you were so smart, kind... and passionate... you are a wonderful pony... I wish I could help you.. but there.. is not much I could do... there is no spell to heal diseases and that time travel spell.. was.. was... destroyed.. because you and Starlight Glimmer used this spell to travel back in time and it created a ton of timelines and problems and well... we thought it was a good idea to abolish it before some pony use it to mess things up or to do something that will be irreversible."

Twilight coughed, and felt something gross in her mouth, she ran into the bathroom, and could be heard wheezing, crying and vomiting. Spike then whispered in a sad tone, "I-.. I wish I could.. do something to help her.."

Princess Celestia then growled, "We all do!" She had a sad and upset look on her face.

Princess Celestia saw Twilight open the door, she walked out, closed the door and then Twilight said in a rough tone, "Sorry.. I had to vomit... I felt something gross in my mouth.. I have been throwing up, coughing, and having so much complications... I haven't been this sick when I got Bird flu in second grade... I had to take a ton of medicine.."

Spike said, "That's awful and I got the dragon flu when growing up.. Twilight had to clean my vomit, I cough, sneezed a ton, I even unintentionally used my dragon breath to set things on fire.."

Twilight chuckled when she heard that she said, "Yeah, it was crazy.." She had a smile on her face.

Then Fluttershy and Apple Jack walked through the door. Fluttershy then said, "Twilight, we want to make your final days in Equestria enjoyable so... where do you want to go, we'll go anywhere."

Apple Jack said, "Wait, where the hay is Rainbow Dash?" she looked around, she remembered yesterday she and Rainbow Dash plan to go to her house and spend the day with her to make her last days enjoyable.. Fluttershy had a sad look on her face.

Fluttershy said, "Oh, Rainbow Dash called me and said she wasn't feeling well.. and was vomiting, coughing, and even felt heat on her forehead throughout the night and the morning.. so she told me to take Twilight out."

Apple Jack had a confused look on her face, Rainbow Dash didn't felt any of the symptoms during the sleepover last night.. She then shouted in an angry look and tone, "Rainbow lied," She then looked at Twilight and said, "Ay bet she was lying so she could avoid you and go sleep on a cloud or do something stupid.. How is she our friend?"

Fluttershy jumped in and said, "AJ, that makes no sense... Rainbow Dash felt sorry for Twilight, also it was HER idea to make Twilight's final days good and enjoyable before she bites the dust.. also she is the element of loyalty and never intentionally abandoned us!"

Apple Jack yelled, "What about when we were in the maze and looking for dem cutiemarks and she flew over us and caused us to lose Discord's stupid game and not being able to stop him!"

Fluttershy said, "AJ, Discord tricked her and lied to her.. ALSO I BEEN HER FRIEND SINCE PRE-SCHOOL.. she's been loyal to me.. she wouldn't wake up one day and be like 'I WiLl dItCh TwIligHt' also she been loyal to Twilight the first day she met Twilight also I heard her.. vomit and coughing.. it seemed real... she didn't hang up and I heard her vomit, cough and hr complaning about the heat on her forehead.."

Apple Jack narrowed her eyes, her grin was upside down, Apple Jack then growled in a suspicious tone, "Good point."

Twilight said, "Okay, can we... go to.. the zoo... I loved going there as a filly... along with the library, and school... also I wanna study animals... you know how much I love to study!"

Fluttershy said, "I know a great zoo, you'll like... follow me.." she had a smile on her face. Apple Jack and Twilight followed her to the zoo. After Twenty minutes, which felt like a decade and a half, not to mention the countless ponies offering their condolences... they arrived. The big sign made in wood writes "Ponyville Central Zoo"

Twilight smile widen as she read that sign, she remembers going here as a filly,, she went here during summer break, her birthday, and when she was dating a stallion from college name Green Tea. He had a green mane and lime coat, and his eyes were green. Green Tea's cutiemark is a picture of a white cup with a green substance. Not to mention, he was smart, a straight A student, working for a nuclear engineering degree. He also had 4.50 GPA.

Twilight then shed a tear. Fluttershy asked in a soft tone, "Are you okay, Twilight.. if you don't want to come to the zoo.. that's fine.."

Twilight turned her head to Fluttershy and said, "No, no... I want to go to the zoo.. when I saw the sign I remembering going here for my birthday, summer break, and when I was dating Green Tea. He was an amazing student from college.. I broke up wit that idiot..."

FLuttershy then asked in a curious tone, "Why did you break up? If you don't mind me asking.."

Twilght's smile dissolved and turned sharply upside down. She then said, "I broke up with him after I found out that he only dated me to be popular since I was very popular in college... he only dated me to help me with his homework... he was rude and restrictive... and the staw that snapped the pony's back was he was charged and convicted of Drug Trafficking.. he only dated me to help him with his drug operations.. I- didn't get arrested because I didn't know I was helping him with his drug shit... also I had no criminal intentions.. I broke up with him because I thought dating a criminal would ruin my reputation, his actions were all over the news and condemned... and yeah..."

App Jack and Fluttershy felt sorry for her.. they both said in unison, "I'm sorry that happened to you!"

Twilight said, "Well, that goes before I make this... day is more depressing than yesterday.."

The three mares enter the zoo, a grin is on their faces. They walked to where the first exhibit and saw the first exhibit was a Jaguar. They had yellow fur and black patterns and spots on their body. Twilight then yelled, "My favorite-" Before she could finish speaking, a sneeze could be heard.

Fluttershy and Apple Jack said in unison, "Bless You!"

Twilight nodded her head and said, "Thanks.."

She then felt an intense itching sensation on her face and body, She started itching all over her body. A rash could be seen on her hooves. After a while, she stopped itching but her rash was still on her face. She had a tired look on her face.

Then a pony walked over to the three mares were standing, it was Moondancer. She had a sad look on her face, her eyes were filled with water and a few tears run down her face. She said, "Twilight, I heard you have a lethal disease and your due.. in a few days..." She could be heard crying, then she whimpered, "I will miss you when you're gone... you and I were friends as fillies... and... and.. we had so much good times.."

Twilight eyes fill and leak water, a grin was on her face. She then said, "We had good times, and I'll miss you too," she then wiped away her tears and said, "I also... want to say.. I am sorry for not going to your birthday party and also sorry for not being a good friend to you!"

Moondancer then looked up to Twilight, a wide grin was on her face. She then said, "Twilight, I forgive you... also what are you talking about you were always a good friend to me," She then wiped one of her tears before saying, "You were my best friend.."

Moondancer then walked forward and tried to hug Twilight but Twilight backed away, a worried look was on her face.
Moondancer was confused by this and asked, "What's wrong?"

Twilight then said, "Well, it's just that... if you touch a pony with this disease.. you'll get the disease too and you'll die in a week.. I don't want you to die.." There was a silence for a few minutes, no pony spoke a word.

Moondancer said, "Oh Okay, sorry Twilight!" She had a sad look on her face. Twilight had a light grin on her face.

Then Moondancer then walked away. Twilight, Apple Jack, and Fluttershy walked through the zoo. They saw a bunch of penguins. They were sitting on an iceburg, swimming in the freezing cold water, and they were eating fish. They they went to see more animals. When they walk and look at more animals, everypony tells Twilight about how much they felt bad for her and how they heard of their condition, even Discord and Starlight Glimmer themselves, Twilight's enemies did, they hate Twilight but can't feel anything but bad for her. This disease is deadly, rare, and there is no cure.

After a long day, they saw many animals. Apple Jack favorite animal was Polar Bear, Twilight favorite was the Jaguar, and Fluttershy loved all the animals. Twilight, Apple Jack, and Fluttershy left the zoo, Twilight went back to her house, Apple Jack went to Sweet Apple Anchors , and Fluttershy went to check on Rainbow Dash. The sun stepped from the sky, the moon took it's place and shined brightly on the sky. There was silence in Equestria, everypony left work and went back home. Some ponies started working the night shift. Twilight was reminded of how after tonight, she only has five days left to live..