A Hero's Story

by TheBlackPanda

Chapter 5: The First Attack

We all got up at about nine in the morning. We ate breakfast like champs. (Bacon, pancakes, more bacon, more pancakes, and even more bacon. With bacon on the side.) Then we hit the town. We traveled for a little while. We hit up Sugar Cube Corner for some sweets. Then three men in suits with sunglasses walked in.
"What are you doing here?" One asked.
"Buying food. You?" I replied. Then he swung at me. I blocked it. "What the hell,dude? Calm down Agent Smith!" I yelled. The other two proceeded to hold up the sweets shop. I saw Kaitlin and Darkside jump to help the cashier. Pretty soon we were fighting in the store.
"Let's take it outside guys!" I yelled. "Too many people, not enough space!" I threw Smith outside. Then, I kicked him into the air. I waited for him to land. Shrugging, I flew up to catch him. Then I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. I turned to see him charging me. WITH A SWORD. Apparently, Mr. Smith is tired of working for the machines now. Because the fucker would not stop his assault.
"MOMMA'S COMING!" I heard a familiar voice.
"Shit," I said. "That was subtle..."
Luna was flying at Smith like a torpedo. When she got there she screamed, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY SON!" And punched him, right in the kisser. Funny how people change when they're related to you. Smith disintegrated right then. She started to say something, but saw Kaitlin and Darkside struggling. Me and Luna looked at each other, nodded, then went to help.
"Guys! Let me and Luna handle them!" I yelled. They stepped back. I punched him in the mouth then proceeded to pummel the everliving shit outta him. When he was struggling to get up Kaitlin yelled "OH! OH! WHERE YOU AT! WHERE YOU AT! OH SHIT! WOMBO COMBO! GET YO ASS UP!" I started laughing. I remembered that video. Then I turned to help Luna. To see her polishing her sword. My jaw dropped. She laughed.
"In all honesty, I came to get you because 'Tia needed you and your two friends to get a small group and come with me to Canterlot."
I called to Rainbow. Her jaw was on the ground. Obviously me and Luna had impressed her. She snapped out of it and flew to me.
"Could you go get Applejack for me?" I asked. "Tell her to meet us here." She saluted me and then flew off.
"Is that all?" Luna asked.
"I know how strong Applejack is, though I've never seen her fight." I said.
Luna yawned. "Very well, then."
"What's wrong-uh can I call you mom here or no?" I whispered.
"Go ahead." she replied.
"Mom, did you get any sleep last night?"
"Not much." She admitted. "I was scared."
"Because I saw HIM. He got in my head and warned me that he will take away the one person closest to me." She said, hanging her head.
Well, needless to say I shit bricks. I was going to DIE. I hugged my mom. She just looked up, then hugged me back.
"I didn't introduce you to my friends, did I?" I asked. She shook her head, so I introduced them to her.
"How are you two that close already?" Kaitlin asked.
"She's my mom," I said. Kaitlin and Darkside both dropped their right there. But then Rainbow was back, and she was carrying Applejack. Applejack bowed, but Luna simply told her to get up. "I'm not about to be royal in front of my son." she said.
Rainbow and AJ looked at me like I had blew up the farm by looking in that direction. Me and Luna just laughed.
"Applejack, can you fight?" I asked. She nodded.
"Of course!"
"Good. Because we're defending from an invasion."
"Yes, invasion. Don't tell anyone. This is only to be discussed with me, Luna, Rainbow, Kaitlin, Darkside, and Celestia. Okay?"
She nodded. Then we got ready to leave.

******************PART 2: Equestian Battlefield**************************

We arrived in shortly after. We elected Darkside to hold AJ because we were flying there. Once we got to the castle, we were greeted by Celestia's emotionless stare. Then she beckoned us into a room. And we sat there, bored out of our goddamn minds, in a WAR MEETING. Luna sat next to me.
"Uh, Luna," I started, "Why are we here if we aren't even a part of the meeting?"
"'Tia wanted us here. That's all I know." She put an arm around me and hugged me. "Don't be scared. She's not going to torch us or anything."
"I hope not."


The meeting ended. We all sat around the same table. Then a series of events occured that broke me down.
Celestia looked at each of us. Then said.
"Let's be blunt about this,. Kaitlin, Brian. Did you bother to close the portal?" Kaitlin hung her head and Darkside facepalmed.
"We sure as hell didn't..." He said, grimly.
"Are you proud of that?" Celestia said firmly. .
She asked me, "Nephew, do you even care? Are you listening to me?" I looked up.
"Sorry, mind wanders sometimes."
"Are you sure you weren't asleep?" I looked at my shirt. There was a small stain on my shirt from drool.
"Fuckin' A." I muttered.
"What did you say?" She asked sternly.
"Dang it me." I said with a touch of British to make 'me' sound like 'A'
Celestia stood up. "Looks like you need to have your mouth washed." Kaitlin, Rainbow, AJ, and Darkside were laughing their asses off at me. Rainbow and Kaitlin were holding their sides and rolling on the floor. Then Celestia walked up to me, and socked me right in the mouth, which only got more laughs and cheers from the peanut gallery. I hopped up. My mouth burned and I felt a metallic taste in my mouth. As if Luna was reading my mind, she sapped her fingers and we were in the sparring room.
"You ready for round 2?" I asked. She threw herself at me and I just side stepped and slapped her. I was about to hit her for real when the castle shook. I felt a familiar power force. The enemy had sneaked up on us.



I ran to the base of the castle. Apocalypse was leading an army to the castle. Me, Luna, Rainbow, Kaitlin, Darkside, and AJ stood in their way. I counted to three. We charged. I ran straight, grabbing Apocalypse and throwing him away from his back up. I landed next to him.
"Nice one," I said. "Pulling a surprise attack out of your ass huh?" He growled and lunged at me. I sidestepped. He pulled out his sword. I pulled out the one my mom had given me. I lunged at him with Equinox in my right hand. Our blades clashed and The sheer power knocked over trees in the Everfree Forest. I stabbed at him, and he parried my strike and followed up with his own. I blocked it. We jumped, slashed, and kicked. Then he pulled an afterimage trick out of his ass. They spun around me. I tried to use focus. I closed my eyes to predict my foe, but he was prepared for it. His clones all had the same power signature. Then he started dashing from one side to the other. I felt blades slicing through me like a hot knife and butter. Then he stabbed me in the shoulder. I collapsed. He grunted, then laughed as he stood over me.
"Good game."
Then a foot came down on me, and everything went black.


Luna was freaking out. Her son's life force just hit rock bottom. 'Tia, however, was keeping her at bay. She wanted them to stand strong. The problem was, 'Tia had no idea what it was like to have her child's life just...vanish. Then Luna finally gave up.
"I can't take it." She jumped off the castle, and flew over to Apocalypse. She cut him off as he ran to find his army.
"Where are you going?" She shouted as she landed in front of him. She punched him in the face. Then, she grabbed his head and brought it down to her knee, and then kneed him in the face. She kicked him back, pulled out her sword, and rushed him. He pulled out his sword and they locked blades. She was looking him in the eye, and then they broke apart. She spun and slashed toward his neck, but he blocked the blow. Then they broke into a flurry of slashes, each's sword hitting the other. The final hit knocked the swords out of each other's hands. They got into a fighting position. They punched and kicked at one another. Then they locked fists with each other. Then they broke apart and began to power up.
"This ends NOW." Luna shouted.
"I've let you live long enough!" Apocalypse yelled.
Then they sprang at each other with blinding speed. The two were faster than any eye could track. Each time they hit, a explosion of sound would emerge. Then, Luna grabbed him, spun around, and threw him to the ground. He didn't move.
She picked up her sword, let it disappear, then ran to find her son.


I woke up, wondering what happened. Then I remembered it. The entire thing. I tried to jack knife to my feet, only to have my bruises and cuts hold me down. They burned. I was scared. Had he won?. I called out, "Mom!" No response. Tears filled my eyes. "Mom!" I cried out again. I started to cry. I knew we lost. "Mom! Where are you? Please..." My voice trailed off. I cried out again. Then a voice called back to me.
"Don't move baby! I'm coming!"
I was never happier to hear a voice in my life. Then my mom ran to me. She cradled me in her arms as I laid there crying. Her calm voice helped me settle. "Shh... Don't cry. Mommy's got you. It's okay. It's gonna be alright."
Soon, I could talk again.
"Did we win?" I asked.
"I beat Apocalypse for you. So, unless his grunts have a second in command, yes we won."
"Okay." I was glad that she was honest. Hell, I was glad I had a mom. A mom I could actually cry next to. One that cared.
"I love you."
"I love you to, sweetie." She kissed me on the forehead
Soon, my regeneration started to kick in. I heard Kaitlin. She screamed shouts of praise. I could swear I heard her shout 'We won!' to the people.
"Well," Luna said. "There's your answer."
I started tearing up. We won. We lived. We guaranteed Equestria another day under the rule of the princesses Celestia and Luna. Then Kaitlin and Rainbow found us. Tears were shed.
I told them that I felt bad. Halfway through, I got knocked out for the rest of the battle. They reassured me that I was still a part of the team because I was the genius that planned our positions and predicted the enemy's. Of course I looked at them with my best 'dafuk?' face I could muster up. But they reminded me of the plan me and the princesses thought of.
Well, the meme may be dead along with Earth but damn it all, I planned that shit... LIKE A BOSS.


I stayed for a little bit in Canterlot. We partied and had a good time. It just so happened that today was New Years Eve.
Lucky us, cause Pinkie throws some badass parties


After getting home. I was tired like a motherfucker. It was only nine thirty. But remember, I got cut up, curb stomped, then partied like a hardcore motherfucker. So naturally, I'm going to be tired. So Kaitlin got her blanket, and me and Rainbow got in bed together. She nuzzled up next to me, and I put my arm around her. I slept with one thought.

I had a family. And that family loves me. Also, Pinkie will be planning the birthday party for all of my children.


But, a happy ending would suck, because this story is just getting started.
I slept. Peacefully. For an hour. Then I had a dream
I was running. A monster was growling ferociously. Then I got to a cellar. I Turned on the single lightbulb. Then someone lunged at me in the dark. I woke up strapped to a table. Unaware of my surroundings. Then my captor showed up with his pet. And by pet I mean the big ass motherfucker that was chasing me earlier. It looked at me, then grabbed my arm and yanked it. The pain was horrible. It ripped it off and began to chew on my arm. Then my captor came back. With a rusty knife. I wanted to scream. He said, "Mommy's not here now, is she?" I felt tears come out of my eyes as he hacked at my body with the knife. Then he cut slits in my mouth. Then one in my ass. I knew where this was going. I had seen this movie. I started screaming, crying, and pleading. I knew what was going to happen. But first his beast ate my other arm to wash down his midnight snack. He brought two people. One had a slit cut in his mouth. The other didn't, but there was fecal matter coming from his clothes. As he got to work, he sowed my ass to the guy with the slit in his mouth. And he sowed the guy with the fucked up ass to my face.
He had made me the center of the Human Centipede.

I heard a layered voice say something then
It said:

"Fight the lord of Darkness
Should you lose,
The moment that the day and time are the exact same
The sky will go dark
The stars will fall from the sky
Your world will crumble
The worlds will collide
And time will end"


I woke up in a cold sweat. I got out of the cloud bed, and told Darkside where I was going, In case the girls woke up and decided to get all scared on me.
I flew around. I thanked my mom for the generous moonlight. I could see pretty good out here. But, I wished I could think straight. I wondered what The Human Centipede had to do with me. And then that prophecy. Basically, I had to beat either Apocalypse or, worse yet, Satan, before the moment that the day and time are the same. It probably didn't count year and month, because December 2012 was the last of those days for a thousand years. So If I fail, time ends with a cataclysm? That's not cool.
But...What are ya gonna do?

Someone has to do it.