Lone wolf in Equestria

by Xinrick

Chapter 14

After a nice day of hanging out with my children and…a rather steamy night with Polka Dot, Derpy and Alex, especially when Alex decided to give them pointers and also…new lewd clothes…

Today was the day I traveled to the Zebra Lands to visit two Arrancars that I sensed a while back…but something about when I sensed it…I heard Claire’s voice…

“Is something wrong?” Derpy asked.

“I…thought I heard Claire’s voice a while back.” I answered carefully.

“So another herd mate? Cause you always talked about how much you loved her and…well, how I reminded you of her.” Derpy brought up.

"Yeah…I loved her dearly, and I think she loved me too considering how much time we spent together…but I never knew if she really did because of all my mental issues and my Nightmare twins stuck in my head…” I sighed.

“Do you think she’s out there, over in the Zebra Lands?”

“Well…when I sensed around I felt two Arrancar’s in the Zebra Lands…and…and I heard her voice calling to me.” I said carefully.

“You think she’s been on Equis as long as you have, and is the same as you… well, same as you before the whole reborn into a Death Wolf super Floof?”

“Well…if she was transported here based on what she was cosplaying like me then yes.” I nodded.

“Well, go find her.” Derpy said. “Sounds like you two are in for a long overdue reunion.”

“Yeah…” I nodded. “And…I’m sure she would love to meet all of you.” I admitted.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go.” Derpy chuckled. “Catch up and then bring her home.”

“Alright.” I chuckled and gave Derpy a quick kiss. “Love you Derpy.”

“Love you too, and it makes me really glad that you’re so much happier now.”

“Yeah…it feels a lot better to be happy like this.” I said with a warm smile. “All thanks to Mom that I got a fresh start…”

I gave Derpy another quick kiss before I left. I shifted back into my Starrk form since I feel I should transition Claire into knowing about my whole… second life thing.

Flying there was easy, thankfully and I landed at a coastal village that seemed to be fairly modern. Brick houses with clay tile roofs, a large dock with boats and cobblestone roads. It was nice, but I did notice the architecture was very nice. Despite being made from brick the houses all were unique in their designs and shapes.

“Uh, pardon me, but who might you be?” One of the locals, a zebra mare with a pin in the shape of an eye, was on her left ear.

“My name is Coyote Starrk, and I’m here to see some…important individuals.” I said. “Have you seen anyone with this bone like object on their heads?” I pointed to the ‘jaw’ part of my Hollow Mask that was down near my neck.

“I have not, but stories from inland, there is talk. A being like you walking on two legs and a zebra like me with their face decayed.” She informed.

“And which way did they go?” I inquired, knowing I could sense the both of them but wanting to at least be kind to the local.

“South east is a town called Trees, there for little over a year both beings live free.”

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “And before I go, what’s your name ma’am?”

“Zi’kara.” She said

“It’s nice to meet you Zi’kara.” I nodded. “And what’s the name of this town? As you can see I’m…not from around here.”

“This town is called Clamrock, as you can imagine, it’s namesake is…” She paused, trying to find the words… “Fuck. Can’t figure out how to make it rhyme…” She sighed. “Sorry if it was annoying by the way, it’s usually a traditional thing and my parents have been on me lately to talk more in the old ways of rhyme.”

“Trust me, I understand and I still have no idea how Zecora does it so seamlessly.” I chuckled, having met the Zebra from time to time and wondering how she was so good at rhyming.

“Oh you know Zecora? How is she? I haven’t heard much since she left.”

“She’s doing well last time I saw her, her potion brewing has been helping the folks in Ponyville.” I shrugged. “Friend’s with Zecora?”

“She’s a bit of a local celebrity. First in our town to graduate from the Priestess Academy and first to sail towards Equestria. Lot of magical herbs and such there but they’re all in very dangerous areas.”

“Yeah, and considering she’s in a very dangerous area, the Everfree Forest, I’d say she’s doing her job rather well.” I chuckled.

“Heh, she was always a badass. Considering her dad is a retired Knight Captain, not surprised. Anyway yeah just head east towards Trees Village and you’ll probably run into those two rather quick.”

“Thank you Zi’kana.” I nodded. “And it was nice to meet you.”

“You too Coyote Starrk.”

I headed east and walked through the town. Once I was out of the town proper I took flight again.

After just a half hour of flying I found what I believe to be Trees Village. It was the only place here that seemed to have gigantic trees that grew up to a mile high and were as thick as football fields. It was a strange sight that was very out of place, especially since there were trees of all kinds here, not just what I think should be native to the land. Yet they’re all here and growing extremely healthily.

The lumber set up told me what this place does for a living.

“Alright…now let’s see where those two beings are…” I hummed, trying to sense where the two Arrancar are in this area.

I landed near the trees, and immediately the earth opened up under me, pinning me into itself and leaving my head out.

“Well, this is a surprise.” Turning I saw a Zebra stallion, his upper head, from halfway down his muzzle and up had a skull like helmet over his head. His ears poked out of some convenient holes and his green eyes looked at me with a smirk. “And here I thought Claire was the only creature like you around.”

“You know Claire?” I asked quickly. “I can start asking important things in a bit…Claire is my most important point here.”

“Oh she’s been here for over a year. Nice girl, little lonely, can’t use her powers for shit.” He stated. “So, I take it you’re Mike then? She goes on and on about you sometimes.”

“Yes, I am Mike.” I nodded. “Where is she? I have…so much to talk about…” I said, hoping she is okay and also hoping she wouldn’t mind me having a harem…which I’m sure she’d be happy about but I’m not sure…

“Probably at her house drinking tea, reading bad erotic romance novels and contemplating whether or not to finally buy something from the local adult toy store.” He shrugged. “I’m Leaf by the way.”

“Mike, or Coyote Starrk.” I answered. “And where would her house be?”

“In the village, tallest building in town cause, she’s taller than anyone else in town.”

Right, we are like, twice their height.

“Right…thank you, I’ll be right back.” I said as I vanished from his sight as I looked around for the specific building.

Free and in town proper I began looking around for Claire’s house. Tall building, tall building…

I spotted a house, all log, single story that stood towering over the others near it. Bingo!

I rushed over to the front door, lightly padded some dust off of me and took a deep breath as I knocked on the door, giving our ‘secret knock’ to show her it was me.

“Coming!” I heard her voice call out, hearing some shuffling as the door opened…and showed Nelliel Tu Odelschwank…the very same character she cosplayed back home. “The hell is Coyote Starrk doing here?” She blinked in surprise.

“Claire…” I said, seeing her eyes widen as she heard my voice. “It’s…it’s me, Mike.”

“M-Mike?” She asked in shock and awe. “It’s…it’s really you?”

“Yes…it’s really me.” I said with a smile. “And…I’m going to do something I should have done for a long time.” I said, pulling my best friend, my companion, the first person I loved and would have died for…into a hug and a passionate kiss, a kiss that I…and apparently her by the fact she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me deeper into it, have been waiting for.

Just like with Derpy, with Polka Dot, and with Alex…I felt my heart feel full, my entire body feeling at peace with the one I truly loved, feeling my undead heartbeat with theirs as we just stood there, in her doorway just unapologetically sharing this most important moment of our lives…but given how much I’ve grown accustomed to such actions, and how much Polka Dot and Derpy loved to shapeshift…the want to feel the love between us was a little off put by the fact her breasts were squishing against me and I felt how…big they were…”They’re almost bigger than Derpy’s…” I thought to myself…even though I heard her squeak a bit. “Body why!?!” I mentally whined as my body betrayed me.

“Well…I see someone’s eager to see me.” Claire giggled.

“I don’t know why my body is betraying me.” I said sheepishly.

“And currently I’ve been reading cheesy romance lewd novels and wondering if I should get a dildo to get something, and considering how suddenly forward you are, I’m not going to let you flake out on me.” She said, grabbing me by my collar and pulling me in side rather quickly.

The last thing the outside world heard was the threatening giggles of a woman in need, the whimpering of a man who doesn’t want his hips broken, and a closed door.

So…twelve hours later, a very broken bed, burned bed sheets, and one very satisfied lady later…me and Claire were sitting in the living room and trying to think of what to say after…all of that. “So…” I coughed, trying to get this conversation started.

“Is it alright to assume I might be pregnant after all… that?” She asked

“I mean…” I blushed brightly. “Maybe…we were at it for…with breaks…ten hours straight…” I said sheepishly, honestly surprised how she wasn’t…’bloated’ as it were from all of that. “So…what have you been up to for the past year?”

“Well, Leaf has been trying to help me figure my powers out, but I honestly suck at them, so much so I somehow accidentally turn into my Resurreccion form with no reason given. I learned how to not accidentally use them but that’s about it. Other than that I work part time in the lumber yard and spend my days reading trash romantic porn and occasionally go to this one bar that’s really chill. Other than that I hang out with Leaf from time to time.”

“Well, I can help you out with learning your powers if you like.” I said honestly. “I’ve had…a lot of time to practice due to reasons I’ll get to.” I said sheepishly. “But trash romantic porn? I thought you were into more classy porn.” I joked.

“Psst, all porn is honestly trash, it all just depends on how it’s written that depends on what quality of trash it is.” She chuckled. “But, no thanks. Honestly I’m alright. Not even sure why I’m here, in this body.” She sighed.

“You…don’t know?” I asked in shock.

“Pfft, of course I know.” She said. “Do you…remember how you got here?”

“I…the pistols you bought for me that finished my Starrk cosplay…I…I accidentally shot someone in the leg, even though they were supposed to be fake…then I…” I did the finger guns to my temple.

“Yeah…when I heard the second bang, I saw you just…vanish, into thin air.” She sighed. “You were gone and I didn’t know what happened…but then Genie and Demon showed up and told me what I needed…so I’m here, not really knowing how to use my powers, but have sometimes done some really cool things with said powers by accident…” Claire sighed. “And…maybe you can help, but I don’t want to learn stuff right now…I want to get to know what the hell happened to you.”

“It’s…it’s a long story…from the time I got here, to my…technical third life…” I said sheepishly. “The first step is to show you…” I said, turning into my Death Wolf form

“... Fluffy!” She said, immediately jumping up and scratching my ears. “Who’s a good boy?!”

Curse you itchy spot and wagging tail! And leg, stop shaking in joy!

“Nuu~!” I whined, blushing in embarrassment even as I was enjoying all the ear scritches.

 “I always knew you were a huge Furry but now you finally achieved the dream of all Furries.” She said, now scratching my neck.

“S-says the furry that’s gonna live the dream of a furry.” I groaned happily at the neck scratches, trying to get some semblance of control here.

“My centaur form doesn’t count.” She chuckled.

“T-talking about you getting plowed by an anthro.” I corrected.

“Pst. You forget the horny porn stuff was more your thing. I just found them all super adorable. Though I guess after a while I could see you being sexy and adorable in this form.” 

“And…well I can see how happy you are with me being like this.” I said. “So…uh…I have some confessions to make…”

“You’re in a harem with at least one femboy?” Claire guessed.

“How in the fuck did you know?” I asked incredulously.

“Boy, I have seen your browser history.” 

“Why must you betray me like this?” I whined. “I thought you loved me?” I asked dramatically.

“I do, all your perversions and obliviousness and all.” She laughed. “But seriously, I’m glad you finally got laid. Little sad I wasn’t your first but it’s good nonetheless.”

“Either way…are you okay with the harem bit?”

“I’m the one that got you into harems so yes.”

“Well…fair.” I nodded. “So, you're probably wondering how and why I…turned into this and who my harem is?”

“Those are indeed questions I have yes.” She nodded.

“So…let’s start with my growing harem, first is Derpy Hooves, she’s an adorable gray furred pegasus that…honestly reminded me a lot of you…” I said honestly. “The way she talked, acted…how cute she was…she was like you, but a cute pegasus.” I started. “Then Polka Dot, a Knowledge Changeling who joined in because…well it started with some casual fun then became a whole thing…” I said sheepishly. “Then…Alex, the femboy Angel…” I said sheepishly. “Which…talking about him needs me to talk about my other life with my mom Crescent.”

“I mean, first there’s a pony version of me? That’s cool…so was I technically your first time by magic proxy?”

“I…suppose so.” I said sheepishly. “So…back to story time.”

“Go on.” She nodded.

I sighed, before telling her the story of what happened when I got here, and the life I had with Mom, all the new friends I made, all the training I had to do…the dangers with Nightmare and Andy and Ann…then talked about my life with Mom, all that fun stuff that helped me get my life back together, feeling so much happier and forward with life…but I was so into storytelling I also…told her about all the sex I had with Derpy, Polka Dot and Alex…for some reason I couldn’t help myself with all that nonsense…

“Wow… that’s hot.” She said.

“Derpy and Polka Dot said the same thing.” I sighed. “But…what about the rest of the story of my brand new life?”

“Well, it would be nice to meet your new mom. So, I guess when we can or after this whole Nightmare, Ann and Andy thing, I can meet her.”

“Well…I suppose you meeting her in her actual form would make sense, but she’s around here in her chibi form.” I admitted.

“A chibi form? That’s adorable.” Claire chuckled. “Well, since we ended up doing it for so long, wanna actually sleep given…” She pointed out the window, seeing it was now night outside.

“Yeah…sleeping would be nice.” I yawned. “And…maybe tomorrow we can go on a date? It’s been a year for you and…nineteen years for me.”

“Heh, sure… huh, this makes you… thirty seven. My my Mike, should such an older man be conventing a young lady like me~” Claire teased.

“I’ve waited too long for this.” I said, leaning over and taking her hand. “And I’m happy to be here with you Claire.”

“My, you sure became chivalrous~ Do I owe your new mother or Alex the thanks?”

“Mostly Mom, cause she gave me a fresh start and…well, also helped with the fact that I’m…hopefully not housing a demon of rage and murder in my head that was spawned there after I uh…did the thing…” I said sheepishly.

“Oh yeah, that…’Insanity’ thing right?” Claire asked, her teasing mood dropping a bit at remembering that explanation.

“Yeah…but I had a happy childhood, a fresh start to life and…I got to experience all the joy and wonder I thought I couldn’t, and now I can share it with you after all this time.”

“Heh, looks like I owe her a lot then. You know, I do like this form of you a lot more than you as Starrk. This feels more like you.”

“What? Being a cute fluff ball snek hybrid?” I asked.

“The fact that your race is still called a ‘floof noodle’ is hilarious and adorable.” Claire giggled.

“Yeah I know.” I chuckled.

 “Come on now, let’s get some sleep.” She said, motioning to the bed that was now on the floor and rather… flat. “Heh… guess I’ll need to get a new mattress tomorrow.”

“Well,” I said, getting down on the ground and lightly patting my chest. “For now, you have the fluffiest bed imaginable right now.”

“Heh, you sure? The floor is solid ground so your back might hate you in the morning.”

“I’ve had to fall asleep in worse places to be perfectly honest.” I admitted.

“Heh, if you say so. Just try not to roll over alright?” She asked, picking up her blanket and a small pillow before leaning and finally laying on top of me. “Heh, not gonna lie, you’re comfy. Might just enjoy this a lot in the winter.”

“I know.” I said with a smile. “This is nice.” I said, gently wrapping an arm around her and holding her close.

“And this is the Library, and that’s the cafe, and over there is this corn stand that makes some really tasty corn based food.” Claire said as she was giving me a tour of the town she had called home for the last year.

“That’s cool.” I nodded, walking around the place. “Also…why a random corn stand?”

“Ya know the Potato Famine thing back on earth? Yeah they had something similar but with Corn and it’s become a staple food item here in the zebra lands rivaled only by Wheat and Figs.”

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “So what made you decide to stay here?” I inquired.

“Well, I woke up about half a mile from here. At first the villagers were a bit weary of me but Leaf showed up, noticed we were similar and just vouched for me. Once he did they opened up to me and… this place is nice, it’s like back home on earth, but tolerant and without all the Fox News.”

“Which is great.” I nodded in agreement. “So where have you trained at? Cause I’m sure you’ve done quite a bit.”

“Well, it would be half a mile away where I’ve been learning EarthBending…somehow.” She admitted. “Leaf is a master at it.”

“Oh really?” I asked.

“Yes, you have your next master you Avatar loving nerd.” Claire giggled.

“Hey, Avatar was a great TV show.” I countered with my own smile.

“Heh, you know, if you grew up in a crazy powerful family of gods I’m amazed you didn’t do all this training while there. You could probably have even made or gotten your own Avatar State.” Claire chuckled.

“I mean…I probably can…” I said, bringing up my Assistant which I learned had a Skill Tree in it, which I weirdly never bothered using because I was more preoccupied with my own natural abilities and all that.

“Pst. Nerd. So, there’s not much else to see around here.”

“Alright, and you said you can EarthBend? How good are you at that?” I inquired.

“I mean, it’s a bit more than just earth bending.” She said, floating a rock up from the ground, then it cracked as a dandelion grew out from inside it.

I blinked. “That’s new.” I said in surprise.

“How else do you think all those giant trees grew?” She asked, motioning to the giant tree forest behind the village. “Leaf grew them. Only took him a day.”

“Ya know…when I started this, the Avatar reference was more so a joke…but now I think it’s kind of taunting me at this point.” I said, feeling like that giant ass tree was supposed to be the ‘Mother Tree’ in that swamp episode. “So…cool.”

“So, I take it you’re gonna want to go talk with Leaf now huh?”

“Well, gotta learn my earthbending sooner or later.” I shrugged. “But date first, I did the promises.” I said playfully.

“Heh, alright. So, shall we go get a coffee then?”

“Sure, coffee it is.” I nodded. “Got a place in mind?”

“The place over here has an awesome caramel frappuccino with almond chunks.”

“So we’re effectively going to Starbucks?” I asked.

“Heh, I mean, it’s not a chain that seems to have an unspoken rule of having a store at every street corner.” She laughed. “Plus they also are one of the few places here that sell food items with protein.”

“Cool.” I nodded. “Off to get some good coffee.”

The coffee place was nice, tasty drinks and pastries.

I enjoyed our simple date. It was all I wish I could have done before back on earth.

We finished it up with a kiss before I left to find Leaf-

Something wrapped around my leg, dragging me high into the air and hung me high up into the tree branches. I saw Leaf laying on their back on one of these branches. Looking down… up, I saw it was a vine wrapped around my leg.

“Hey.” Leaf said.

“Hi there.” I said to the Zebra Arrancar.

“You two are loud.” 

“We tried not to be…” I said sheepishly. “Sorry.”

Leaf laughed. “I think you two were heard all the way in Equestria.”

“I…doubt that…” I said sheepishly, but when I heard ‘ding’...I worriedly pulled up my Assistant and saw it was…both Derpy and Alex both mentioning to tone it down…”Damn it…”

“So, shall we begin the training you obviously want to go through?”

“Yes please.” I nodded. “So…I can see that Earthbending here is a tad more…broad then just working rock’s and stone.”

“Duh.” He smirked. “Lesson one,” He said, throwing me something. I caught it, and saw it was a small acorn. “Grow that into a tree to get down.”

“Uh…how?” I asked. “Is it like…infusing my spirit energy into it and hoping for the best?”

“Oh boy this is gonna be good.” Leaf chuckled. “So, what do you know of earth ponies wolf man?”

“They’re more connected to nature, physically stronger than Pegasi and Unicorns…and that’s kind of about it given I’ve never really delved into either biology or really get into their magics.” I said honestly.

“Well crash course, Earth Ponies use their magic to speak to nature. They make it grow and help it stay healthy though speaking via magic. You can do the same with your energy but be careful, if you aren’t nice then they might retaliate, or die, both are possible.”

“Right…” I muttered, trying to use my spiritual energy to try and…talk to the seed. “Hello?” I tried to mentally talk to the thing so I didn’t look like a weirdo talking to the seed.

“...hello?” A voice, well, not really a voice but maybe… an echo or… something, replied. Copying me. Yet confused.

“Hi there.” I said to the acorn. “How are you?”

“How are… You? Hi there.” It repeated.

So…I’m literally teaching a newborn how to speak…crap…”I am good, are you good?”

“I am good, are you good?” It repeated again.
This is going to…take a while…”Yes, I am good, do you know what you are?” I mentally asked.

This is going to be a…long day…

To be continued...