Date with the Muffin Mare

by MLPFan98

The Date

Ponyville Post Office

Having moved to Ponyville from Canterlot, Anon the Unicorn found the place to have a friendlier atmosphere rather than Canterlot. Of course, he did have some friends in Canterlot that weren't bad, but he often found himself surrounded by stuck-up ponies and he was not too fond of it. So he decided that a change of scenery was in order and he moved to Ponyville.

So far he was enjoying it. Many of the locals were nice and even threw him a welcome party, courtesy of a certain pink hyperactive pony named Pinkie Pie. So Anon already had some friends, including Twilight Sparkle, the young dragon Spike, the two pegasi Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, the fashion designer Rarity, the hard-working Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, the one who threw him a party.

But they were not the only ones who he became friends with as he also befriended Applejack's older brother Big Mac, Caramel, and many others as well. But there was a certain pegasus who he felt was a bit closer to him..her name is Derpy Hooves.

At first, he didn't think much of Derpy, sure she was a bit clumsy, but still very nice, and was even nice enough to get him a job helping her at the post office, where he would basically stamp the packages and sign. Over the months he has been here though, something in him changed…every time he saw her he would get butterflies in his stomach and he would blush a bit at seeing her.

Of course Anon was not a dense pony, he knew what love and a relationship is but he was wondering why he felt that way about her. Of course, she was really nice and all…but he didn't think a relationship could work out for him at all.

Flashback/Carousel Boutique

“I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!” Anon shouted as he plopped his head on the table, staring at Rarity. He had gone to Rarity to explain his predicament to her.

Rarity put her tea down and used her horn to lift his head up. “Anon, darling.” She said to him. “I think if you really do like Derpy, then you should go for it.” she said with a smile. “I don't understand what’s holding you back.”

Anon looked at her and sighed. “I guess…I’m just worried that I might mess up at all. I don't really have good experiences with relationships…especially in Canterlot but that's another story I don't wish to bring up.” He said.

Rarity smiled at him. “Well, that was then and this is now, darling.” She said, “Don’t let a few bad experiences stop you from what your heart tells you.” She said with a smile, making Anon face her and ponder.

Present/Ponyville Post Office

“Alright Derps, everything seems to be in order.” Anon said with a smile as he used his horn to levitate some envelopes over to Derpy.

The mare smiled at him. “Thanks, Anon.” She said with a smile as she then put the mail in her saddle bag and was about to take off. Anon thought bac ti what Rarity said and had made his was either now or never. Would she agree to a date? Or would she refuse? It made him nervous, but he was not going to let his nervousness stop him!

“Hey, Derpy?” He asked, getting her attention. “Um…well…I kinda wanted to ask you a question.”

Derpy smile. “What is it?” 

“Well…uh…” Anon said, trying to relay hard to get the right words out. “You see…I was wondering…are you busy tonight?” He asked her, with her shaking her head no, inwardly he sighed in dread. “Well..this might seem so sudden, but I was wondering…do you maybe..want to I don't know...go on a date” He asked nervously.

Now it was Derpy's turn to look at him with a faint blush. “You...want to take me on a date?" She asked, hoping that she had heard him right.

Now he was the one blushing a bit. “ what do you say?” He asked a bit nervously, and then Derpy got closer to him, with the biggest smile on her face.

“I would love nothing more.” she said. “Maybe after we get off work?”

Anon was shocked…he finally did it, he finally asked them if he developed feelings for going out on a date! This was almost too good to be true! “Sure.” He said with a smile.

Derpy giggled and began to walk off. “Ok then, after work, which shouldn't be too long, all I need to do is drop off this mail, and it will be closing time.”

Anon got out of his lovesick phase to see the clock and to his surprise, it really was almost closing time. “Jeez, where does the time go?” He thought. He then turned to Derpy. “So…what would you like to do?” He asked.

Derpy shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.”

“Me neither.” that led to an awkward silence…a silence that turned into laughter. “I’ll think of something.” He said.

“Ok, after I drop off the mail I’m going to go home and try to find a sitter for Dinky, are you alright locking up?” Depy asked

“No problemo.” He gave a salute with his hoof, making Derpy giggle.

“See you later, Anon.” She happily said.

“Same here.” He said as Derpy headed for the door, but then.


She went head-first into the door. “Ow…” she said as Anon winced. Of course, this was not the first time she did that,  But it still seems to hurt like heck.

After she left. Anon then took a few minutes to ponder what had just transpired. He finally did it..he finally asked out the one mare he began to grow feelings for! He was happy…

“OH YEA, BABY!!” He shouted with a  big grin as he jumped in the air and did a little dance. “Go Anon, go Anon, go Anon. Yea!” 

Derpy’s House

Derpy was lying on her couch in thought. She couldn't believe her ears when she was naked out by Anon. Now Derpy was a beautiful mare, there is no doubt about that, but the thing is…she had never really been asked out on a date in a long time..and she was feeling a bit nervous.

“What do I do?” Depy thought. “What do I wear? What should I say? Oh, what if my clumsiness gets too much of him and he leaves me right then and there…” She was panicking a bit..what if the date turns horrible?

But even with these thoughts of doubt in her mind, she was still excited to go on a date with him, and she began to wonder what kind of things they would do. A nice dinner? Maybe some dancing? A trip to the moon?

Derpy giggled and shook her head. A trip to the moon was a bit far-fetched…but she still couldn't wait.

“Mama!” Derpy turned around to see her daughter, Dinky Hooves trot up to her with a big smile. “Hey, mama.” She said happily. “Are you getting ready for your date with Mr. Anon?”

Derpy nodded. “Yea, I am so excited, but at the same time, I am a bit nervous.” She said as she then looked down a bit. “You know about my clumsiness…I’m just afraid that I might mess it up for Anon…maybe he won't want to see me ever again.”

Dinky looked at her mother with concern. Her clumsiness was always a bit sore for her, but she then smiled. “I don't think it will come to that.” she said, getting the older man's attention. 


“I said, I don't think it will come to that.” Dinky said to her.

Derpy frowned a bit. “How do you know? You know every stallion who I ever liked can’t stand me due to me crashing into things.” She said as she looked down.

Dinky looked at her mom with determination. “Mom, Mr. Anon is different…I just know it.” She said.

Derpy looked at her daughter and then at herself in the mirror…and she was right. She was letting her own insecurities draw her back…but not tonight! She was not going to let anything stop her! “Alright, I’ll do it!” she said.

“Yay!” Dinky said as she hopped into her mothers’ hooves and wrapped her in a big hug. “Love you, mama.”

“Love you too, sweetie.” Derpy said with a grin, but then she gasped. “Oh, I better get ready!” She said as she began to get ready.

20 minutes later…

Anon was now outside Derpy’s house, feeling a bit nervous with his black bow tie wrapped around his neck... This was his first-well not exactly the first date, but the first date he had in a while. As he mentioned to Rarity before, he had some bad experiences in Canterlot…he just hoped that this would turn out better than the last.

He gulped as he took a deep breath and looked determined. “Alright, here we go.” He said as he then used his left hoof to knock on the door. As he waited for her, he began to ponder about how the date will go, will he make a fool of himself? Will he say or do something to mess up? All he had to do was hope and pray to Celestia that it would turn out best.

“A-Anon?” He got out of his thoughts when he turned to see the voice of Derpy and when he saw her, he felt shi jaw drop. Because the gray mare had her mane tied in a ponytail, and she was wearing a blue necklace around her neck. Her cross-eyes looked down, feeling a bit nervous. “I hope you don't mind the way I look.” She said sheepishly.

Anon began to blush a bit as he smiled. “You look beautiful.” He said with a smile.

As soon as she heard that, it was now Derpy’s turn to blush as she made eye contact with her. “Thank you..” She said to him with a smile. “So…what do you have planned?” She asked.

Anon smiled. “Well, I thought of a nice dinner at Café Hay, and then..if you wish, we could go to Saddle Lake to see Celestia’s sun go down.” He said as he then rubbed the back of his head with his hoof. “If that sounds alright with you of course.” He said, and much to hsi relief, Derpy nodded with an eager smile. 

“Hey Derpy, hey, Anon.” They both turned to see Fluttershy trotting over with a pleasant smile on her face. “A little birdy told me of two ponies going on a date, and I figured it was you two.” she said with a giggle as Anon and Deroy blushed. Fluttershy smile. “I will take good care of Dinky, you both go and have fun.” she said to them both.

“We will, and thanks again Flutters.” Anon said with a smile as he and Derpy went off to enjoy their date, leaving Fluttershy behind.

A bird perched by Fluttershy and tweeted to her, and she smiled. “I know, they make a good couple, don't you think?” She asked. The bird tweeted again and then she blushed. “M-me and Discord? I-I don’t know what you're talking about!” she said, with the bird smirking as Fluttershy made her way inside to watch Dinky.

The bid turned towards the camera and said. "She knows what I'm talking about." He said with a wink

(Hey, no 4th Wall breaking in this story!)

Café Hay

Anon and Derpy made their way to Café Hay and the waiter sat them down at their table outside. 

“Would you two like to start off with drinks?” He asked, with the two nodding.

“I’ll have a glass of Apple Cider, please.” Derpy said to him. Anon ordered the same thing.

“Be right out with your drinks.” the waiter said as he trotted off, leaving the two to look over the menu.

“Jeeze, this stuff looks good.” Anon said as his mouth began to water a bit, Deroy noticed and giggled a bit. “What do you think, Derps?” He asked. “And since I asked you, you can get whatever you want, I’m paying

Derpy blushed at being called that name, nobody ever called her that before, but she smiled at him. “Well, I think I might get the Grilled Hay and Cheese sandwich,” but then her smile turned into a frown. “Wait, are you sure you want to pay?” she asked with Anon nodding. “I don't mind paying-”

“Derpy,” Anon said sternly. “I’m the gentlecolt, I will pay, don’t worry.” He said with a gentle smile on his face.

Deroy then hid her face behind the menu in order to hide her blush. “Celestia, his smile is so…infectious.” She thought with a giggle to herself. 

And she wants the only one blushing, Anon was as well. “Ok, so far so good, all I gotta do is not say anything stupid or embarrassing, and everything will be alright.” He thought. And because they were in thought, they did not notice their water coming back with their drinks.

*Ahem*” the waiter said, getting their attention. “Drinks.”

“Oh, sorry.” Anon said sheepishly as he used his magic to grab the drinks and place them down.

The water smiled. “Now are you both ready to order?” He asked.

Derpy smiled and nodded. “I’ll have the Grilled Hay and Cheese Sandwich please?”

Anon then sighed. There were so many choices that he just couldn't decide, so he did the next best thing. "I'll have what she's having." He said.

"Excellent choices." The waiter said as he then took the menus and put them on his back. "I'll be sure to get those meals right out immediately."

As the waiter left, the two got back to each other. "So…Anon, I was wondering." Derpy said. "What was it like? Living in Canterlot?"

Anon shrugged “Eh, it was alright I guess. Not really used to living amongst the elites though.” He said to her with a small frown on his face, something that Derpy noticed, despite her cross-eyes. “I mean… it seemed as if no matter where I went, I was always surrounded by unicorns who acted so stuck up and high and mighty of themselves.” He then sighed and looked down. “I mean I knew I had other friends there who didn't act like that and I'm thankful for it…but some of the was just a bit too much for me to take.”

Anon looked down and sighed. “Sorry if I’m making you worry,” He said to her, but then he felt a hoof grab onto his and he looked to see Derpy giving him a smile.

“You don't have to be sorry, and the most important thing is that you live here in Ponyville now, surrounded by many friendly faces.”

“Like yours?” Anon asked, making Derpy giggle a bit.

“Mmhmm.” She said to him, but then her doubts of thought came to the rand and she turned away. “Hey, Anon?” she asked as she got the location's attention. “What made you…well…ask me…the town clutz..on a date?” She asked him.

Anon looked at her to see that she looked nervous and a bit worried. Oh Celestia, what did he do? Did he say something wrong?

“Dinner is served.'' The two got out of their stance when they saw the waiter return with their meal. “Enjoy.” He said with a smile as the unicorn and pegasus thanked him.

It was now a bit tense, the both of them not really talking as they ate their meal, but even with the tension, they could not deny that the meal was good. The gooeyness of the cheese really blended in with the hay…it was simply divine.

Anon looked up to see Derpy eating silently and he frowned, he had to somehow break the tense ice. “How's your meal?” He asked, finally.

“Really good.” Deroy said with a small smile, still looking down, but then looked up at him. “What about you?”

“Fantastic,” Anon said. “The cheese really melts in your mouth, and with the bread and hay in there, it's simply awesome.” He said to her.

“Wow,” They both heard some noises and laughter and turned their attention towards two female earth ponies, who were snickering at them. “Look at that, the Muffin clutz, on a date.” she said.

“I know right?” The other female said. “I feel so bad for the stallion, a cutie like him with a clutz like Derpy? Give me a break.”

Anon glared at the two hard, he came here just to be with Derpy, not hear any rude comments about her. These Ponies should just leave if they are jealous of him. This is the kind of stuff he was dealing with back when he lived in Canterlot, and he was not too thrilled. 

He then noticed Derpy was shrinking a bit, as her lip was quivering and got concerned. “Derps,” He said, getting her attention. “Don't pay them any attention.” He said to her, “You are here with me and only me, ok?” He said in a gentle tone.

Derpy, while still feeling a bit upset, looked to see his genuine smile and smile a bit. “Ok…” she said meekly, almost in a shy tone like Fluttershy. As she said Thai, the two then began to resume eating their meals, and as they ate, Depy still felt the insults going on in her head and got nervous, but she was willing to make it through since Aon was here with her.


Everypony gasped a bit and Anon jumped back in shock over what happened. What happened you ask? Well, Derpy was splashed with a lot of water, the liquid dripping all over her body and getting all over her meal, ruining it.

Derpy was still for a moment, as her eyes winded, and her breathing got a bit heavy. Anon turned to see the culprits were none other than the two earth ponies, both of them carrying glasses of water with their mouths.

The ponies dropped the glasses out of their mouths and smirked smugly. “Oops, looks like we got the clutz covered in water.” One of them said,

“Mmhmm, sorry clutz.” She said as she then looked at Anon while batting her eyelashes eyes. “Hey stud, why don't you ditch her and come with us?” She asked, with the other one giving him the bedroom eyes as well.

Derpy was shaking…her mane and coat were wet, her dinner was ruined and now, two mares were trying to steal the stallion she had grown to have feelings for. Her whole night was ruined….and now she just wanted to leave.

Anon saw her shaking and got concerned. “Derpy?” He asked in a gentle tone. But Derpy just fluttered her wings and then began to take off, tears going down her face. “Derpy!”

“Leave me alone!” She cried as she then took off, leaving the cafe with everypony watching her leave. 

“Der- '' but Anon was soon stopped by the two Earth ponies who stood in front of him, smiling at him. 

“Ahh, don't leave.”

“Yea, we aren’t clumsy like her, we can be your marefriends, and much bett-” 

“GET LOST!!” Anon shouted at them, with both of them reeling back in fright at his anger. “Who do you think you are to tell me who I can and do not like?” He asked in anger. “You are exactly like all the other stuck-up snobs I met back in Canterlot! Always going on and on about how you're better…WELL, YOU AREN’T!” He shouted.

He then took a breath and spoke with a calm, yet angry tone.“Yes, Derpy might be clumsy, but that's what makes her unique, and she never stops trying to do her best. She is wonderful, kind, and makes the tastiest muffins in all of Ponyville!” Anon said as he turned his attention to the other diner goers. “I will not stand by and have anypony insult the mare I love!” He said. He finally said it, making everypony gasp a bit. “That’s right, I love Derpy Hooves! And if anypony has a problem with it, I’ll buck them so hard they’ll go flying all the way to Yakyakistan!” He exclaimed as he slammed his hoof down and was about to leave, but not before taking some bits out of his saddle back and putting them on the table for the waiter, and turning to the diner goers. “Tell the waiter I said thanks for the food and it was delicious, please.” He said more calmly as he then ran off to chase down Derpy.

Saddle Lake

Anon looked all over Ponyville for Derpy, and there was no sign of her at all. At first, he thought she went home, but he doubted it, there was no way Derpy would want to see Dink as she was. He asked around and nopony had seen her, not Pinkie, Twilight, Spike, Bon Bon, etc, etc. And he was feeling worried.

But then he saw some broken things and assumed that Deroy was responsible, luckily he saw that the stuff led to a trial and he followed it. The trail took him outside Ponyville and it stopped right there, and he only assumed where she would be going next...Saddle Lake

Of course, he was just wondering, but something in his gut told him that he would find her there. After a few minutes, he heard some sobbing and he followed the noise. And much to his relief, he saw Deroy, sitting on her flank, head down, and crying.

The sight alone made his heartbreak and he went up to her, albeit slowly. Finally, he got there and he was right in front of her. “Derpy?” He asked, but Deryo was still sobbing, either ignoring him or not hearing him. Anon sighed a bit, he didn't want to leave her alone…not like this and he sat down next to her.

Derpy sniffled a bit before turning her attention to him. “Anon…I’m sorry.” She said through her tears.

“Now, why are you sorry? It’s not your fault.” He said to her,

*sniff* yes it is.” Derpy said as she wiped a tear away. “I always get comments about how much of a clumsy ditz I am. *sniff* And how a cross-eyed freak like me can be a mother, and raise Dinky.” She said through sniffs and she sobbed again. “I’m the worst pegasus ever!” She sobbed into her arms, everything coming on her crashing like a pile of bricks.

But then she felt something soft engulf her in a hug, making her gasp a bit. Anon was the one who hugged her, not caring at all if he got himself wet, he just wanted to be there for her. “You are not the worst.” Anon's voice said gently. “Every other pony might see that, but not me. At least I know you try your best and you don't let your cross-eyes or clumsiness stop you.” He said to her, making her stop crying for a brief moment. “You know what I think of you?” He then stopped hugging her and looked into her golden eyes. “I think you're kind, sweet, funny, and a hard worker and you make the tastiest muffins in all of Ponyville, even better than Pinkie Pie…don't tell her I said that.” He said.

Even though he did that small joke at the end, Derpy looked at him with shock as her face began to go red from his words. “Anon…” She said shakily. Anon then pressed his forehead into hers as he looked at her.

“You are not like the others in Canterlot. I dated a few of them, and they were all stuck up, arrogant. I couldn't deal with it anymore and I left because of it.” He said. “And when I moved to Ponyville, I was scared to enter a relationship because I was afraid that the same thing would happen…but the more I spent time with you and worked with you…I realized that you are not like the ones in Canterlot. Sweet, caring, caring for Dinky, and everypony else for their mail.” He said with a smile. “Derpy Hooves…this date made me realize that I have feelings for you, and I want to be with you…would you..well… want to be my marefriend?” He asked with some hesitation.

Derpy was even more shocked…was she just asked…to be somepony’s marefriend? That was when she began to cry again, but this time, it was not out of sadness. “YES!” she cried as she pressed her lips to his, shocking him for a second before he sighed into he kiss, he wrapped his hooves around her neck, and she pressed her hooves into his chest. The two lost in a love state, ignoring everything else around them.

After a good fve minutes, they broke the kiss and looked into each other, eyes staring deeply into one another. “To be honest Anon,” Derpy said. “I too had feelings for you as well. When you offered to work with me in the post office, you were so caring and helpful. And you don't mind my klutziness, I try so hard, but you never get mad at me or anything.” He frowned. “I was worried about that first because I didn't think you would have anything to do with me.”

Anon chuckled. “Nopony is perfect.” He said to her, “But that doesn't mean you are useless either. I don’t care about it either. You're sweet, and very beautiful.” He said with a derpy smile again with tears going down her eyes.

“Anon…” She said as she kissed him again and hugged him, they both looked up to see Celestia's sun going down and they smiled as they both snuggled up to each other to watch it go down. As they did that, Derpy looked at him. “I love you, my stallion…”

Anon looked at her with a smile of his own. “I love you too, my beautiful Muffin Mare.” He said as Derpy giggled in glee as the two watched the sun go down. Sure the date might not have turned out as they had hoped, but they could not deny that they were now happy for the first time in their lives..for they found each other.