//------------------------------// // Ch 6 // Story: A Change of Political Decisions For the Better // by coolpony01 //------------------------------// The date is February 15 2004 Starlight Sparkle has been trying to manage everything in Ponyville but it us very hard for her to do with everything the other members of Parliament have been doing. Parliament always puts too much taxes on their province they have to cut back but they’ve been able to manage There is still a lot of discrimination towards non ponies; the federal government gives them more taxes they also refuse to give them federal services which is illegal. They are also more likely to get arrested and it is also harder for non ponies to receive a trial. When they do get trials they are often biased even though that is not within the legal realm.  The guards also assault them or sometimes even kill them for not being ponies, which is very illegal but they are still not often punished. Starlight Sparkle along with others in Ponyville are trying to stop these sorts of things from happening but the other members of parliament currently have too much immunity from the law.  Starlight Sparkle is right now having a meeting with the other town officials to discuss the discrimination of their non pony citizens. “This has been going on for far too long the royal guard and parilament can no longer be allowed to oppress our citizens just for them not being ponies.” a bat pony mare spoke. “But how are going to do that? The royals haven’t responded to our claims.” an earth pony stallion said. “That’s because parliament keeps confiscating our letters.” a unicorn mare said. “Then maybe we shouldn’t trust a member of parliament.” a pegasus pony said pointing at Starlight Sparkle. “I’ve been trying to help Ponyville this entire time. Just because I’m a member of parliament does not mean I’m going to help them do their dirty work.” Starlight Sparkle said “Pointing hooves at each other is pointless we need to focus on what we can do in order to bring an end to the unlawful discrimination of our non pony citizens.” Mayor Golden Quill spoke. “The mayor is right we need to consider getting an audience with one of the royals to discuss with them the unlawfully unjust actions of the other members of parliament as well as the royal guard.” a male pegasus pony spoke. “But there are many ponies that have audiences with the royals it would take at least six months to get an audience.” a male unicorn pony said. “It may take some time but if we try this we will be able to inform the royals of the injustice that has been occurring in our province.” a male bat pony said. “This is a good idea. I will set up an audience with a member of royalty.” mayor Golden Quill said.