A Change of Political Decisions For the Better

by coolpony01

Ch 8

The date is October tenth, 2004. Mayor Golden Quill is having an audience with Prince Luna. It is happening today he can finally get help from a royal. He needs this parliament along with the royal guard have oppressed them for far too long. 

Mayor Golden Quill is trotting down the hallways it is very quite and dark here. Princess Luna is the princess of the night she raises the moon and brings forth the darkness of night. Therefore the mayor had to meet her at night.

There is a royal guard escorting him to the throne he is a bat pony he has bat pony ears, sharp fangs, a pair of bat like wings, a dark gray coat, a dark mane and tail, and dark blue armor he is a member of the night guard.

“I hope the princess well help if she doesn’t I won’t know what to do.” The mayor of Ponyville thought nervously.

They managed to arrive at a big majestic door 

“The Princess will see you know.” the guard spoke.

The mayor walked through the doors. The throne room is very beautiful, full of various colors. On a dark throne he can see a dark blue alicorn, with a flowing moderate sapphire blue mane and tail. Moderate cyan eyes, and a white crescent moon with black splotches around it for a cutie mark. 

“Princess I am honored that you have accepted my request for an audience with you.” The mayor spoke as he gave her the royal bow.

“We are pleased that we are finally able to talk to you Mayor Golden Quill, the oppression in Ponyville has been going on for far too long.” Princess Luna said.

“She knew.” he thought.

“We understand you are confused. See, after I have returned to Equestria I’ve been trying to stop the unlawful actions that have been going on. Unfotunally, parliament, my sister and her solar guard keep preventing me from doing so.” Princess Luna said.

“Princess Celestia has been a part of this oppression for how long and for what reasons was she doing this.” he thought.

“We can now discuss the oppression of Ponyville’s citizen and the abuse of power and bring it to the Lunar Criminal Justice Court.” Princess Luna stated.

“Yes Princess Luna there have been quite a deal of abuse of power and oppression that has been going on in Ponyville for far too long. Thank you for your service to us.” Mayor Golden Quill said in appreciation to the honest work of the lunar princess.

“You are most welcome and you are correct such absurd behavior can no longer be allowed in Equestria.” Princess Luna said.

“Alright then Ponyville thanks you for your help but I must be on my way know.” Mayor Golden Quill said. The mayor is over joyed thanks to the lunar Princesses' help he may know improve on things for his citizens. He smiled knowing that their hard times may soon come to an end.