//------------------------------// // What if…Fluttershy became a mom // Story: What If // by Zack Catcher //------------------------------// After we got free from the hive we said thank you to throax and the other,s before we left. As we left the hive and walked back to ponyville Rarity one of my close friends decided to let us pick a dress from the shop to have it for free. Me and Rainbow Dash looked at each other with smiles, I knew Rainbow had her eyes on a blue dress that Rarity had made, but Rainbow could never afford it. We nodded our heads as we followed Rarity to her store, “Darling feel free to look at all the dresses before making your choice” me and rainbow nodded before looking around the store  ‘Daring, those colours just don’t match”, Rarity said. “Well, it’s just a difference," Rainbow Dash said. “I personally think that both of them look lovely”, I said. “Fluttershy dear, I suppose it is just preferences”, Rarity said. It was a normal day today, Rarity and Rainbow Dash spent the whole afternoon together shopping for one of Rarity’s new clotheslines. It was tiresome in some parts as having to carry all that was giving me pain in my back but we had a great time.  We were walking back to Rarity’s so we could drop off her things. Once we dropped off her loads of bags, we said goodbye to each other and I headed home. I tried to get home as fast as I could because it was almost dinner time and I didn't want any of my animal friends to get hungry. Once I got home, I saw that most of the animals were looking at something. Angel then came up to me and told me what was going on.  “A big egg thing came through the window and almost hit some of us”, Angel told me. I then had a look and saw that one of my windows was broken. “Oh my that’s bad”, I said. I then turned around and saw the egg that they were talking about. It was a greyish egg with a little black around it and it was glowing red. “This is new, I don't think I’ve ever seen this egg before”, I said. I then picked up the egg as I was taking a closer look at it when it started to shake a little. When I looked, I saw that it now had a red, glowing crack on it. “That wasn’t there before. It must be hatching”, I said. I then placed it down on the ground and saw that it wasn't moving again. I figured that this kind of egg would take some time to hatch. I then went on to feed my animals as they now were starving. I then feed them like on any other day as usual.  After every animal was fed, I saw that the egg now had glowing red cracks all over it. I just couldn't wait any longer so I then went over to the egg and it was shaking much more rapidly. I walked closer to it not wanting to miss it when it hatched.  The egg started to break apart as I placed it down on the ground and the shell fell apart to reveal the creature. “Hello there little creature”, I said as I then examined the creature. It was a bit hard to tell what it was as I hadn’t seen it before. Just then, I noticed it had holes in its legs and I then knew what it was. I leaped back in shock as I started to panic a little. “A… a ch.. ch…ch… Changeling”, I said as I tried to get away from the changeling. The changeling did nothing then as it was just sleeping there.  After some time, I very slowly made my way to the changeling as it was still sleeping peacefully. I wasn’t sure what to do. Should I message Twilight and the others about this, should I let the changeling be, or should I kick him out? I couldn't do that as a baby. I really didn’t know. I looked at the changeling for some time as it was still sleeping through all of this when his eyes started to open. The changeling then awoke with a yawn that sounded so cute to me. “Aww, you're a cute Changeling”, I said. I then noticed that the changeling was looking at me for a little while. I figured that he was just wondering where he was so I just stood there. After a few seconds, I saw that this changeling was different from the ones that I had seen. Instead of blueish eyes and wings, this changeling had more red eyes and wings. I had never seen this before and it got me invested. Just then when I wasn't expecting it. The changeling spoke. “Mama”, the changeling said. I was a bit shocked when he said this as I didn't know what to do. “What...I’m not your…mama”, I said.  The changeling then started to crawl out of the egg and towards me. I did try to get away from it but he caught up to me. He then crawled up to me as it was a bit hard to tell but I think he was hugging my hoof. “Mama”, the changeling said again to me. I really wasn’t sure what to do here as it seemed like the changeling really thought I was his mother. I was not sure how to feel about this as I knew what changelings could do and I thought this one would follow that. “I think I should return to you now”, I said. The changeling still didn’t want to let go of my hoof as it took quite some time to place him in one of my bags so that other ponies wouldn't suspect anything and we took off.  It went pretty smoothly at first as the changeling was quiet throughout most of the trip to the hive. At a few points he wanted to hug me again and again and it was a bit awkward so I put him out of the bag and onto my back and he stayed quiet for the rest of the trip, after a while we both made it to the hive. We walked in and saw that it was peaceful there with all of the reformed changelings having a good time. I then noticed Thorax as he was talking to some other changelings when he noticed me. “Oh hey, there Fluttershy”. “Hay Thorax”, I replied. “Just the pony I wanted to see, We started planting some flowers and other plants and the animals are coming back but we don’t know how to communicate with them”, Thorax said. “Well I can gladly help you with that if you can help me with something”, I said. “Oh, well, what did you need help with?”, Thorax said, looking at me curiously. “This changeling crashed through my cottage while he was still an egg and he kept calling me his mother so I thought I would bring him here ”, Thorax walked up to the changeling that was still on my back, “That’s not a normal changeling”, Thorax said. “What do you mean he is not a normal changeling”, thorax answered saying, “I remember before I came to the Crystal Empire that Chrysalis was planning on using this Changeling as her greatest wep-”, Thorax abruptly stopped as he turned to me. “And what”, I said, a little confused. Thorax replied saying, “Did…did you say that he hatched in your cottage”. “Yes”, “And you were the very first creature that he saw”. “I believe so”, I said looking at him  “Oh”, Thorax said in a quiet voice.  “Is that bad”, I said as I stepped back. “I don’t think you're going to like this”, Thorax said as he came forward. “What are you talking about”,  “You see, these types of changelings, I don’t know about but the one thing I know about them is that they have a very special type of bond”, Thorax said nuzzling the changeling on my back “What kind of bond”, I said as I got more interested. “When they hatch, the very first creature they see, they will do anything to protect them, I believe. I have never seen it in action before so I can’t say for sure what is going to happen but he has to stay with you. Even if you drop him off here, he will find a way to come back to you”, Thorax said with quietness in his voice. “So I have to keep him with me? I have to be a mother to him”, I said in complete shock.  “Unfortunately, yes. I don’t know if there’s a way to undo it but for the time being, happy parenting Fluttershy”, Thorax said. “I can’t do that Thorax. I’m not a mother”, I said in protest. “You're already a mother to your animal friends, why not him”, Thorax said as he went back to his throne. I didn’t know how to respond to that as I was not a mother and now I had to be one ‌. I couldn't do that. I couldn't find it in myself to be a mother. I kind of felt like I was dreaming. Was I about to wake up?  I knew the answer well and it was clear enough. I thanked Thorax for this information and I headed back home. I felt like the walk back home felt a lot longer than it was to get to the hive. A million thoughts might have had something to do with it as I kept thinking about what I had done. I really should have looked away or hidden or something. Instead, I had to be a mother the second he looked at me. I was so not ready for what I knew was going to happen.  The second I got home, my life as I knew it was going to change forever. This was no battle against anypony, Instead, it was parenting. I got home as it was getting very late and all of the animals were sleeping. I opened the door very quickly and quietly so as to not wake any of them up. I didn’t have a place for the changeling to sleep and it seemed like he didn’t want to sleep with the animals just yet so I took him upstairs to my bedroom and I placed him down on the ground. The changeling looked up at me as I grabbed some blankets for him before I got into my bed, A few minutes passed and I woke to something against my chest when I opened my eyes I saw the changeling sleeping peacefully against my chest, I smiled as I thought to myself, maybe I can be his mother.  I then awoke the next day to see that the changeling was still sleeping against my chest. It looked like he hadn't moved a muscle since last night. I started to get up for the day, the changeling was still sleeping and still was touching my chest. After last night, I gave it a lot of thought and I was sure I was up for the task of being a mother. I could see it inside of me now and I was ready for whatever this was going to throw at me. I then slowly got off the bed trying my best not to wake him. I then tucked him in with some of my blankets to keep him warm as I went downstairs. yu I then made myself some breakfast as I started to think about what I would need to take care of the changeling, starting with a name. I then thought for a while about what the name should be for the Changeling like black marrone, red gory, then it struck me. “I know, how about Crimson Blush”, I said to myself. I thought it was the perfect name for the changeling. I then thought of what else I would need to take care of the changeling. I knew I would need some baby food, a crib and a bunch of other things . I then decided to get a baby book to help with this whole parenting thing. I then left for a little while and came back with what I was looking for. As I was looking through the book and seeing what it contained, I felt something on me. I then noticed that the changeling or Crimson was behind me trying to do something but I couldn't tell. Just then, I flipped to a page where they talked about breastfeeding. I then noticed that Crimson was then trying to reach for me but in a very private area.  I then knew that I was reading what I needed to read. I looked through the book and I thought I was ready to do this. I then leaned down as Crimson grabbed onto me as he then touched my breast When he did I yelped in surprise as he sat beside me and put his mouth on one of my titles he then started to drink, and my eyes widened as he was doing this it was a very strange feeling but after some time he lifted his head then he layed down falling asleep again, I smiled as he fell asleep he looked so cute, I stroud up and grabbed a napkin wiping off some of the milk on his lips. Crimson seemed very calm as he fell asleep.  I was not expecting it but it did kinda feel nice to get a glimpse of what this whole parenting thing was going to be like. I then picked up the book and read the entire thing knowing what to do and what not to do. “I think this is going to be a good time”, I said as I put the book away and I headed upstairs to get ready for the evening.  A little while later I got ready for the ceremony for Throax, Trixe, Starlight and Discord for defeating Chrysalis. I then headed for Twilight’s castle for the evening It was pretty interesting especially when Discord said that Twilight had a surprise for Starlight, and after an hour or so Twilight grabbed a mic and said that Starlight was graduating, I was surprised by this and even more when starlight decided to stay. When I got back from the ceremony, I saw that Crimson was just waking up from his nap. When he saw me coming through the door, he got all excited. “Mama”, Crimson said as I saw that he started to walk over to me before he fell. “Oh my you took your first steps Crimson”, I said as I went over to Crimson and hugged him. I was so happy that I almost cried‌. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.  After this, I was feeling pretty worn out for the day and headed to bed. When I was going upstairs to my bedroom, Crimson followed me as he wanted to sleep with me like the last night. I knew that he couldn't sleep with me forever and I wanted to get him used to sleeping on his own. I then pulled out a few blankets for my slammer animals and made a little bed for Crimson where the other animals sleep. I showed this to Crimson as his new bed. He didn’t want to sleep in it though as he tried to get to my bedroom but after some time; he got tired and fell asleep where I put him in his bed, I smiled as I then went to my bedroom and fell asleep.  A little while later, however, a loud crack woke me up scarring me,  when I looked outside I saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds, “That's strange there is no storm scheduled for today” I said in confusion, I quickly shrugged it off as I headed down the stairs.  When I got downstairs, I saw that it was chaotic as the birds were flying all about in circles, the bunnies were hopping all around the room in a very fast motion and the squirrels were hiding in the small spaces in the room. “What is going on here”, I said as I tried to calm every creature down, Just then, Angel came up to me and told me what was going on. “This storm is driving me insane, I can’t sleep with all of this lightning and all the animals running around, unlike that creature that you bright in yesterday he hasn’t woke up since the storm started”, Angel said in a little bit of a panicked and pissed voice.  I then went to check on Crimson as he was still sleeping peacefully but he looked a bit on the uncomfortable side. I then put a blanket on him to try and calm him down but he then started to get more uncomfortable looking as the lighting outside was getting worse and worse. I then comforted all of the other animals to try and calm down and after a good amount of time, they were able to at least calm down and some headed back to sleep as well as they could. At this point, Crimson did not look happy as he was starting to shake a little as the lighting outside got louder. I thought he was having a nightmare but I didn’t want to wake him up from it. I then shook my head saying to myself “No you are his mother you are supposed to keep him safe”.  I started to walk over to him and I put my hoof on him slowly shaking him a little bit. At first, it didn’t really do anything but when I kept doing it, I could see that his eyes started to open up. “Crimson are you ok”, I said as Crimson went up to my hoof. “Mama, me has scawy dweam”, Crimson said as I could see tears in his eyes. Just then, I could hear the lighting outside start to calm down as Crimson was with me. I then continued to comfort Crimson more and when I did, the lighting storm outside began to calm down rapidly and eventually, it stopped altogether. I noticed this and I then thought to myself, was this one of the things that Throax didn’t know about? He didn’t know about this type of changeling, so was this something that they could do? I wasn’t sure but I knew I should inform Throax when I can, I thought. In the meantime, I figured I should let Crimson sleep next to me again as I was meant to protect him and all. As I was heading upstairs, Crimson followed me like before but this time, I didn’t send him downstairs. I went into my bedroom and he went where he was at yesterday and he then fell asleep. I was too tired to do anything else so I fell asleep pretty fast after what had just happened.