//------------------------------// // Ch 2 Dealing with the Nobles // Story: Alwas Appreciate What is Right in Front of You // by coolpony01 //------------------------------// Today nobles are going to visit to discuss how the business market in Canterlot is doing. I hate it when the nobles visit, they are always so stuck up and rude. They are also quite racist towards non ponies saying we should noy be allowed to have a higher education and that we should only get low class jobs. Things I find to be stupid no one should be denied basic opportunities over their race alone. Four of them came; they were all unicorns. “It is good to see you have arrived Mr. and Ms. Diamond and Mr. and Ms. Scroll. We can now begin the meeting. My assistant will bring your luggage to your rooms.” Twilight spoke in a very formal tone. I carried the luggage to their rooms when I was doing that I saw Mrs. Scroll raising an eyebrow at me. I then began to tidy up the two rooms since I know the nobles are very clean people. It took me two hours to finish the job. I left some expensive grapes from Applelosa since many of the nobles love them. I put all their items away because the last time I made the mistake of leaving their things in their bags a noble family yelled at me. They said that it was typical of a dragon to not have any class or manors which was very hurtful. After I was done I walked out of the room. When I got out I saw the two noble families. “Your rooms are ready.” I said in formality I heard the Diamond family talking about me, “Aren’t you afraid that thing will try to attack us.” the mare spoke. I felt hurt at the realization they were talking about me. “There are guards everywhere, surely they will put that beast down if it dares to attack.” the stallion said. I then ran to my room crying while I went up on my bed snuggling next to the bear stuffed animal Fluttershy got me for my eight birthday. “How could they say something like that Celestia hasn’t allowed an execution in over 200 years? It would take more than an attack to do so which I would never do anyway so why do they judge me for being a dragon.” I said to myself.