//------------------------------// // 1: A Little Robot // Story: Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy // by Dragonfan101 //------------------------------// It had been a couple weeks since Ratchet found Spike and said he'd help Spike get home much to Spike's gratefulness, Spike had felt a little depressed in not being able to at least contact twilight through a letter because he's to far away for the magic to reach her, Ratchet had been surprised to know that Spike was a dragon to his surprise as he thought they didn't exist, and that interested him on what Spike's planet is like. Spike and Ratchet were putting the finishing touches on the spaceship, it looked like it would help them. "Pass me that wrench over there please" Ratchet asks as Spike and he does so "So how much longer till it's finally done?" Spike asked as he had been taught a lot in the last couple weeks about the Solana Galaxy and what important stuff he should know "Just a few more touches and we'll finally be off this rock!" Ratchet said happily as he was making the last few tweaks. "Aaand done! Finally!" Ratchet said excitedly as spike looked happy the ship was finally powering on. "Ship requires an onboard robot intelligence system, " The ai voice says "Crap, completely forgot that ships require at least one robot..." Ratchet said sadly and Spike looked depressed. "I'm sorry spike, looks like we both aren't leaving" Ratchet said depressed as he puts a hand on Spike's shoulder. "So we're both stuck here?" Spike asked sadly and ratchet nodded and they both felt defeated They're sadness is interrupted when they see something crash off in the distance much to their surprise. "What was that?" Spike asked shocked "I don't know, lets go check it out" Ratchet said as they both made they're ways to it. Ratchet had given Spike a thing called a " Omni Wrench" which was used for fixing tools but also for attacking some enemy's thanks to its extending feature, and a "Bomb Glove" which only shot out bombs but Spike found it really cool as they don't have stuff like this back home, Ratchet and Spike had to fight off some of the small wild life but it wasn't much of a difficult challenge, it's when they got near the crash sight however things got a little interesting. There were some large robots that had attacked them much to their surprise but was able to defeat them because they have their bombs. "Why would those robots be near this crash sight?" Spike asked " I don't know, it must be important if they came out here" ratchet said as they arrived at the crater and found something in it. "It looks like a small robot" Spike said as they looked at it "Let's take it back to the shop and see if we can activate it" Ratchet suggested as they picked it up and took it back. We cut back to the shop as Spike was working with Ratchet on the ship to try to get it to work, the robot came on and walked behind them both looking at the ship. "Interesting" The robot said surprising the both of them and they fell off the box they were on "What the?!" Spike said surprised the robot had activated. "You two are quite handy with those wrenches" the robot told them and they looked at each other shocked for a moment "Yeah i just got this recently but i've gotten the hang of some stuff with it" Spike said as he held his out "Yeah you bet, we built this ship with it" Ratchet said pointing at it, and the robot looked back at him "Currently i have been in search of someone who could be in assistance of saving the solar system" He said as they both looked confused "What?" they both asked confused. "Do you know where i might find that fellow?" he asked pointing at a poster on Ratchet's wall "Well he's on the radio every week, better then that no" Ratchet answered "I have no idea if he can even help as he probably will be to busy with stuff" Spike suggested and Ratchet nods "Hey what's with all the save the solar system stuff anyway?" Ratchet asked "Yeah what is it about?" Spike asked wanting to know as well. Another robot had came out and had showed them what he's talking about, someone by the name of Drek was talking to the citizens of the planet called "Novalis" and said that they're own home planet is uninhabitable now ,was building a large planet but had been forcefully taking recourses from other planets in order to make it his own, they got all the information they needed as the robot soon finished the video. "Are we still on? turn it off you idiot! Drek ordered a person off screen as the screen fades to black "Corporation greed..." Spike said annoyed as he figures what kind of person he is. "Yeah it's really obvious on how that planet died" ratchet said agreeing. "the people on that planet are done for, well good luck getting Captain Qwark too help ya" Ratchet said to him "Actually you two could help me, we could use your ship to take us to the coordinates indated in this Info Bot, i might be able to gather further information there " he said and they looked at each other. "This could be our chance to get you home!" Ratchet told Spike "Yeah! he could be the help we need, we just need to take care of this Drek guy first " Spike said agreeing as they looked back on him. "We'll help you, we just need a robotic ignition system in order to get it flying" Ratchet said to him "I believe that's why we couldn't get it working before that" Spike said as he looked at the ship, the robot looked at the ship and scanned it. "Yes, you both need a robotic ignition system in order to get it working, and i just so happened to be equipped with the latest robotic ignition systems, they allow me to start any ship i chose" he explained to them. " so we agree to help take you to this where ever it is, and you get our ship up and going?" Ratchet asked "That is what i am purposing" He said, just then two large ships appeared into the sky and they both were getting nervous. "We'll help you lets get going now!" Spike said as he Ratchet and the robot got on the ship. Like he said the ship was activated almost immediately and it finally took off. Their ship was being seen from orbit and Drek saw it flying off "This could be a problem" he said as a large figure stood behind him "Take care of it" He orders the figure and he walks off. We cut to them flying through space and they both were amazed at the beauty of it, Spike was sitting next to clank as there was only two seats but Spike was looking out the left side amazed by what he was seeing. "This is amazing..." Spike said in awe as he looked at it was shaken by the ship by ratchet's flying "Woah this is great so that's where we've been stuck this whole time!" Ratchet said in excitement as he looked back at the planet as they got further away from it. "You sure you can fly this thing?" Spike asked nervously with the robot agreeing. "Please regain your attention to the steering mechanisms sir." the robot said a little worried. "oh sorry" Ratchet said putting his hands back on the controls "By the way you can stop calling us "Sirs" the name's ratchet, this is Spike" Ratchet introduced himself and Spike nodded "Nice to meet you" spike said with a smile. "Pleased to meet your acquaintances sirs" he said making them chuckle. "So you got a name?" Ratchet asked "Yeah do you have one?" Spike asked. "My serial number is XP B5426" he is cut off as Ratchet almost his a rock and he fell over making a clank sound. "We'll just call you Clank for short! Ratchet suggested "Yeah i like that name, nice to meet you Clank" Spike said with a smile "Alright we're approaching the planet now, hang on guys!" Ratchet said as they saw the planet " Novalis" getting bigger. "Twilight i hope you are doing okay" Spike said worried as they entered the planet.