When Worlds Colide

by Muleicous

Seventh Entry: Night at the Club

Day 40: You know, maybe I’ve been focusing on Octavia too much lately, you guys might think that she’s all I think about... She isn’t. I’ve got a job, as most of you know, being the most crunk DJ pony in all of Equ- Whoops! I mean Earth (You guys still say that right? Crunk? It’s in a lot of the music they ask me to work with in these clubs, that and some really dull pop music). So yeah, let’s talk about music. I like music that you can dance to, you know like dubstep. I know a lot of humans and ponies don’t like the wubs, but I think the wubs are totally necessary for a good rave. Rock’s ok too, I like when they just go into a full on guitar rift... Hmmm, pop’s hit or miss for me. Country sucks, rap’s meh, classical’s... Classical is... Buck, I can’t even talk about music without her popping into my head. You’ld think a unicorn would be able to just magically push the thought of their ex-marefriend out of their head, but no ‘magic doesn't work that way’. Maybe I can get Pinks friend Sparkle to use a memory spell on me or something...
I know, I’ll tell you guys about my work. Let’s see, where do I start? Well, first off it’s a pretty sweet gig: I don’t have to get up early, I get free drinks, loads of mares and stallions try to get at me (not interested right now, but maybe in a month or so I’ll be up for a little ride ;) ), and of course I get to play great buckin’ music for ponies and people to dance to. I thought ponies had weird dance moves, but you humans take the cake. (Pinkie note: Mmmmm, cake.) What’s that grinding thing you do on a girl’s flank? Is that just a move, or it that like flirting and dancing at the same time? Anyway, I like to get the crowd pumped, and usually dubstep does that pretty well. If not I’ll pull out some house music. Sometimes, in the middle of a set, I’ll pull out something slow to get the couples closer together; unless I’m in a nightclub, then I just keep going with the wubs mixed with some pop and maybe a nice mash up I find on Youtube. Somewhere after that I put old Betty (my turn table) on autopilot and get a few drinks at the bar. I make it a point that all my drinks are free, and they usually are, but if the gig gives me a discount on booze I let it slide. Best thing to get is an Apple Jack Daniels, it’s like an appletini but much harder... So hard it almost reminds me of the hard cider Big Mac used to make after the normal cider got sold out. Damn that stuff was tasty, first cup always went to Berry Punch though (Dan’s note: Imagine that.) Speaking of the drunk mule, we found out that she’s one of our neighbors last week. She invited me out to her boat yesterday, here’s the pic for your guys.

Berry Punch and her ‘Party Barge’

Day 43: Omygoshomygoshohmygosh!!!!!You guys are never going to guess who came to the club last night... Give up? Octy! Well, I guess I better tell you what happened first ok? Well, me and Dan were getting worried about Vinny, so we offered to go to the club with her and carry her equipment and stuff and hang around with her. She said ok, so that night we all went to ‘The Red Room’ (it’s a nightclub in town that serves really good chocolate martini’s and it’s connected to a restaurant so if you want food you can go next door and get some food). The owner said it was ok to set up early, and that’s when Octy showed up. Apparently Vinny has a web site that some other human she knows set up for her, and she puts all the names of the clubs and parties she’s going to be at on the front page and it helps her out (but it also helps me out what she mentions that she’s going to be at my parties, because more ponies and people show up and that gives me more money and more people I can talk to and make smile), and so Octy found that the site was open on her computer for some reason. It turns out that Octy’s sister Lyra was visiting her, and she reads our blog so Lyra went online and looked up Vinny’s web site and left it open on Octy’s computer. Well, apparently Vinny updated her biography to say that she was never looking for a relationship again, because her heart belonged to another mare (Dan’s note: She’s not kidding, I looked the website up myself and that’s what it said. Who knew Vinyl was a poet?). So, Octy put two and two and two and two together and figured out that Vinny was talking about her, so she came down to the club to see if that was true. Then vinny did something so cuuuute and sad it almost made me cry, she just walked toward Octy and kissed her and held her and said ‘Eeeeyup.’ So yeah, Vinny left with Octy but she said that she’d be staying with us still since Octy said she wanted to start off slower this time around. Oh, and Fluttershy and Sheila were there too, we all had dinner together and it was fun.

Pinkie and Fluttershy having a drink at the restaurant next to ‘The Red Room’

Day 45: I’m buying new locks for the doors today... Here’s what happened: I getting up, minding my own business and not bothering anypony or human. I get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom to use the oval office. I open the door, when I hear a loud scream. I look over at the shower to see Rainbow Dash, Rainbow FRICKING Dash, taking a shower in my bathroom. When I asked her why (after getting us settled down), she said that her show wasn’t working and that Pinkie said she could use ours. I told Dash that she needs to call first, then I let her take her shower and leave. So yeah, changing the locks so that certain pegasi can’t get in. (Pinkie note: Don’t worry Dashie, I’ll get you a spare key.)