//------------------------------// // Ch 21 My Talent // Story: Alwas Appreciate What is Right in Front of You // by coolpony01 //------------------------------// My mom and I are going to the music shop because about five months ago I discovered I have a musical talent and I find playing musical instruments to be very enjoyable. My favorite one is the violin. They are however about forty-five bits in Ponyville and we had to save up before we could get it. When we got in, I picked out a simple looking one with simple white swirling designs on it. I’ll be able to easily play it since I am much bigger than I used to be, and I have claws rather than hooves.  I choose to practice at the park. I already have some skills at playing thanks to some lessons from Octavia. I continued to play my piece of music feeling at peace with my mind. I saw some ponies listening to me play. They all saw my talent and applauded. I smiled at that.  I then saw Sweetie Belle approach me “Wow Spike you have a gift.” My friend complimented. I smiled at her, “Thank you Sweetie Belle if you want, I can play for you.” I offered. She had the cutest expression “You’d really do that for me.” She said with a smile. “Of course, you’re my friend, why wouldn’t I.” I said with genuine care for my friend. She then sat down, and I began to play. I began to play Octava Del Nova, one of my favorite songs. It has a free fast tone and is very beautiful. Sweetie Belle listened with awe. I got to my favorite part of the song with a great speed and beauty to it. She looked in awe at my talent. I then finished. “Well, I wasn’t wrong Spike you truly do have a gift.” Sweetie Belle said in awe. I smiled at the appraisal. “Why thank you.” I spoke. I then looked at my close friend with care. “You know Sweetie Belle; we can always do this again.” I spoke. She looked at me with a smile. “Yeah, I’d like that.” She said,