Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale

by BronySonicFan

61. When Light and Darkness Collide

The first Cyberspace portal in Kronos Island started to shine bright.

Soon, Sonic was sent by launch out of the portal, and he rolled a bit in the grass before stopping, with his face now smashed into the floor.

"Ugh..." Sonic groaned, before slowly standing up while shaking his head. Then, he started to look around confused. "Uh... Tails? Sunny?! Zipp!"

"Mortal," A robotic voice spoke suddenly.

"Yow!" Sonic exclaimed, turning around to find... nothing. However, he heard a voice coming from the sky, so he looked up to face the sky. "Hello?"

"You have done the impossible," The voice replied. "You have escaped Cyber Space through your own power. You... are the key."

"'Key', huh? Sure beats being called a rodent," Sonic said with a bored expression. "Are you saying I can rescue my friends?" He questioned with his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"Find the Chaos Emeralds," The voice replied. "Destroy the titans," they instructed, while Sonic moved his index finger desperately. "Tear down the walls between dimensions."

"Yeah––okay––sure..." Sonic replied with a bored expression. "How about a little context?" He requested, but surprisingly, the voice didn't said anything. "Hello?"

With no response coming, Sonic deadpanned and shook his head in both annoyance and frustration, not noticing that a mysterious human-like figure was watching him on the skies.

"Oh well," Sonic said as he shrugged, then he tapped the tip of his right shoe on the ground, preparing for running a bit. "Some direction is better than none. Here we go!"

"Wait just a second!" Shadow's voice suddenly interrupted...

Back in reality, in the Brighthouse's living room, Sonic blinked a few times confused.

But then, he deadpanned when he realized that Shadow cut him off, so he looked at him with an annoyed expression.

Sonic was apparently re-telling all the events of the Starfall Islands, since Misty, Amy and Team Dark didn't had the chance to hear the whole story because once everyone arrived from there, they stood just three or four days and then left on their separate ways for 6 months, but now it was time for them to know...

That is, of course, if anyone lets Sonic tell the story and doesn't interrupts him.

"Yes, Shadow?" Sonic asked with a bored expression, also raising an eyebrow.

"You heard a strange and creepy voice coming out of nowhere and didn't questioned it?" Shadow deadpanned.

"Didn't Black Doom showed up in front of you, told you some gibberish, then left, and you decided to collect the Chaos Emeralds because of that?" Sonic countered, still with a bored expression.

Shadow raised a finger to reply, but seeing where Sonic was going with the question, he regret it and shut up.

"That's what I thought. Now stay quiet and let me narrate in peace," Sonic said with a frown, while Shadow rolled his eyed annoyed. "As I was saying, I ran across Kronos Island..."

"Just then, I found Sunny encaged!" Sonic narrated.

Sonic approached the capsule were Sunny was trapped, which broke after a few seconds, while the energy of it entered on Sonic's left arm, which he was using to cover himself from the capsule's sudden explosion.

Sunny looked around confused, then slowly landed on the grass. However, something was wrong with her: She was on a digitalized state, meaning that she was here, but not at the same time.

Sunny looked around a bit confused. She could recognize that this was Kronos Island, since she read about the place before, and also saw some pictures; but she didn't get how she ended up here in the first place.

Sonic lifted up his sight and looked at Sunny, both happy but also half concerned. He technically saved her from the capsule, but her current state was a clear sign that she still needed help.

"Hey there, Sunny-bunny!" Sonic greeted with a mocking tone, with his left hand still absorbing the energy of Sunny's capsule, having a glitchy aspect and a red with black color.

"Sonic!" Sunny said with a small smile, that vanished when she saw Sonic's arm. "Are you alright?!"

"Me?" Sonic said with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile. "You're the one who's only half here!"

Sunny looked at herself, wondering why she was on such a weird state, but still worried about Sonic. "I feel fine. But that energy that was holding me prisoner went into you!"

"Eh, I've been infused with weird zappy stuff before," Sonic pointed out calmly. "Besides, I feel like it gave me some kind of boost!"

"Still... I doubt that you should be absorbing that energy," Sunny pointed out, still worried.

"It's okay, Sunny. As long as I can get you out of this state, I don't mind," Sonic assured with a smile.

"Well... in that case, we need to get moving," Sunny stated, now a bit more relaxed. "If I was trapped, I'm pretty sure Tails and Zipp are too!"

"Good call," Sonic told her. "This place has the Chaos Emeralds capsuled, so if you could give me a hand to find them, it would be great! As for Tails and Zipp, I'll scout around to look after them and find you later. Deal?" He added, boosting away from her.

"Deal!" Sunny shouted. "Be careful!"

Sonic came out of nowhere from behind her and stopped in front of her, turning around with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Careful? Where's the fun in that?"

Montage time!

Now we see Sonic freeing Hitch, Sparky and the critters from their Cyber Cage, while Sunny wrapped Hitch into a hug, while the cage's Cyber Energy entered into Sonic's body and affected him.

Next, we see Sonic running across different Cyberspace stages, successfully getting out of every stage with the keys to unlock the Chaos Emeralds and collect them.

I don't care what you're thinking
As you turn to me
'Cause what I have in my two hands
Is enough to set me free (set me free)

Now, we see Sonic grabbing the Red Chaos Emerald after getting out of one of the stages.

But as he ran away towards the next Chaos Emerald, a Titan appeared in front of him and blocked the way. Even weirder, a human-like girl was floating next to the titanic creature.

Still, Sonic shrugged it off and tried to keep going. The Titan looked directly at Sonic, and raised a leg to stomp once again. Sonic smirked, confident that he'll dodge the attack again, but then, the Titan stomped in the ground, which make it broke and flew in the air. Sonic tried to stop, but then he went flying as well, as he screamed in the air.

He managed to gain composure, and used his Homing Attack against some rocks to get close to the Titan's head. Then, he started to use his Homing Attack several times on the Titan. However, he stopped for a second when he noticed that the Titan was moving his right hand... but got no time to react when it grabbed him.

Sonic grunted in pain, trying to get free of the Titan's grip, but the creature then threw Sonic strong enough towards some pillars, until Sonic crashed on his back against a wall.

"Ouch..." Sonic muttered, before rolling down on the mountain, until he landed on a metallic platform and fell unconscious.

I could fight the feeling
To resist it over time
But when it's just too much to take
You sneak up from behind

Once Sonic woke up, he decided to take this task seriously.

So, he ran over a canyon, before jumping ahead and then run towards the Titan, named Giganto.

Sonic then used the blue rings around his body to be boosted in the air, and once he reached the head, he grabbed the last Chaos Emerald he was missing, before transforming into Super Sonic and boost in the air, now facing Giganto with a confident smirk.

Is it me, you say, you're looking for

Soon, Sonic started to fly around Giganto like a mosquito, while the Titan roared in rage and tried to hit him with its arms, even making appear some spikes that throw lasers on his back at some point.

And yet, Sonic was doing nothing but fooling the Titan, because he then started to fly towards him at top speed, while the Titan raised his fist and prepared to strike back at Sonic. However, Sonic smirked and raised his fist as well, and then the two of them launched their fists at each other, crashing and fighting to win dominance over the other one.

Let me show you who I am and what I'm here for... (here for)

Then, Sonic moved away and charged on his place, before boost through Giganto's chest, making the Titan open his mouth and roar in pain, before turning into a red and digital ball that became smaller and smaller, until it exploded and destroyed the Titan entirely.

Try to reach inside of me, try to drain my energy

In the next island, Ares Island, Sonic found and rescued Knuckles and Izzy from Cyberspace.

He also discovered some stuff about his ancestors, obtained the Chaos Emeralds after loosing them again, and even had a small encounter with the Island's Titan that ended up better than with Giganto. And he also got some temporal memory loss after getting into Cyberspace, but again, it was temporal, nothing to call home about.

Speaking of the Island's Titan, Wyvern, Sonic was right now being boosted to the air, ready to collect the last Emerald that was on the Titan's head.

So, Wyvern launched a bunch of missiles against Sonic, but the Hedgehog used the missiles to his advantage and jumped over them, before using a Homing Attack to get over Wyvern's head and then collect the Chaos Emerald, once again turning into Super Sonic.

Let me show you just what I'm made of

Once as Super Sonic, the Golden Blur chased Wyvern all across Ares Island, while the Titan tried to get away from him.

However, at some point, Sonic not only caught him, but he also grabbed him from his tail, and then started to twirl him around, until he launched the Titan against one of the mountains of the island.

At this, the Titan roared in rage, before shooting a bunch of missiles against Sonic, who managed to dodge all the Attacks and even grab one of them, as he made a sick transition on camera.

Simple curiosity tries to take a bite of me

This transition transported Super Sonic to Chaos Island now.

So, the missile was launched instead against Knight, the Titan of this place, who used its shield to protect itself.

In Chaos Island, Sonic free'd Tails, Zipp and Pipp from Cyberspace, his memory loss got worse, his body started to hurt because of all the Cyber Energy it absorbed from the Cyber Cages his friends were trapped in, he found out more about his ancestors, and he collected the Chaos Emeralds after loosing them... again...

Oh yeah, he also met Sage, Eggman's AI program that Cyberspace transformed into the girl that made Giganto attack him back in Kronos Island. It seems that Sage wanted to desperately protect Eggman from a mysterious entity that destroyed the Ancients, a civilization that inhabited the Islands alongside Sonic's ancestors long time ago.

Back into the battle, Sonic dodged all the missiles that Knight was launching at him, before making a sick loop in the air and then hit Knight right in the face.

To this, Knight raised the sword and prepared to split Sonic in two, but Sonic grabbed the sword in time and smirked.

However, Knight wasn't done there, and it jumped in the air, then landed and spin the sword around, before crashing it against a wall. Sonic was struggling a bit to hold the sword, but he managed to push it and then he kicked it, making Knight spin around and stand in a defensive pose, willing to keep fighting.

Let me show you just what I'm made of now...

Sonic got tired of games, and he charged up Chaos Energy around his body before boosting towards Knight.

Knight raised the sword and prepared to attack again, but Sonic flew around the sword and the Titan's arm, then he punched Knight in the face hard enough, to the point Knight raised its hand and let go the sword by mistake.

The sword landed in the volcano, and Sonic used the Cyloop around it. Then, the sword started to separate from the ground and it elevated on the air, but here's the thing: Knight didn't took the sword, Sonic did. After that, he raised the sword and split Knight in half with a warrior cry.

The Titan split, and one of the half's began to descend slowly, making the entire Titan's body explode. Knight turned into another one of those giant spheres that reduced little to little, until it exploded completely, leaving no trail of what the Titan once was.

You can take another life long try
You can take another try...

In Rhea Island, things escalated a little too quickly.

There, Sonic saw visions from the Ancients and his ancestors. However, this is also the place where he deactivated some towers that free'd his friends, while the Cyber Energy in his body finally reached its limit and corrupted him, trapping his mind in Cyberspace, but leaving his body in the real world.

This also made the voice that was guiding him all along reveal who they truly was: The entity that wiped out the Ancients planet and made them travel to Equis, called The End.

This same entity took control over Sonic's body and transformed into Cyber Sonic, who had a merciless fight with the Mane 5, Tails and Knuckles.

In the end, when Cyber Sonic was too weak to keep fighting and wobbling in pain, Tails and Knuckles came by and used their watches to create a lasso with their electrical powers to keep Cyber Sonic still by tying his arms, and Hitch helped as well using his earth pony magic to create some vines that grabbed his feet.

"Everyone: NOW!" both Tails and Knuckles shouted.

In a flash, the Mane 5 appeared around Cyber Sonic, and they made their Cutie Marks shine. Then, their Cutie Marks blasted five colorful lasers towards him, and he started to groan in pain and struggled to get free, but it was useless at the end.

Finally, the lasers sent Cyber Sonic towards the floor, and even thought he tried to stand up and fight back, a white glove trapped in Cyber Space grabbed his hand. He got startled and turned to literally face himself. Or, well, to face Sonic, trapped on Cyber Space like the rest were on the other Starfall Islands.

Then, Cyber Sonic's body began to squirm in pain, and a bright red light was launched towards the sky. Sonic smirked again, and then he entered to his own body. The wall between Cyber Space and the real world got closed by the red light that came out of Cyber Sonic, and he stopped being controlled by the enemy.

His body stopped shining, his quills got back to normal and he shook his head as his entire body was restored completely. No amnesia, no Cyber Energy, no headache, no pain. Sonic was finally back.

Now that Sonic was back, Eggman and Sage decided to join forces with him to stop The End.

After this, the whole group went to Ouranos Island, where one last Titan awaited: Supreme. Thanks to Sage accessing Cyberspace instead of Sonic, collecting the Chaos Emeralds was 10 times faster.

Now, with all the Emeralds gathered, and Eggman appearing at the last minute to give Sonic the final Emerald, the Blue Blur turned into Super Sonic again and went to fight against Supreme, since this last Titan was being controlled by The End.

Try to reach inside of me, try to drain my energy

At some point during the fight, Supreme punched Sonic away, but really, really far away, since Sonic was now flying over the ocean, far from Ouranos Island.

He recovered quickly and boosted back to the island, but then Supreme took out its sniper and pointed at Sonic, the shoot a massive and potent golden laser to him, that flew across the sky at super sonic speed. However, Sonic dodged the attack like if it was nothing, and then boosted towards Supreme, punching the Titan on its face again.

Then, Sonic used Cyclone Kick on the Titan's face, followed by Homing Shot. That seemed to leave Supreme stunned, since it started to wobble on its place, and so, Sonic decided to use this as and advantage to punch the Titan one last time on its face.

Let me show you just what I'm made of

However, this made The End abandon Supreme's body and go towards space to regain her final form.

Decided to not let The End get away with this, as well as to protect her father from the entity, Sage decided to take control over Supreme, and so, both Super Sonic and her boosted towards the space, ready for the final showdown against The End.

Simple curiosity tries to take a bite of me

In space, The End at first took the form of a Moon...

However, after Supreme (controlled by Sage) shoot light and dark matter lasers against the enemy for a while, The End's form changed to something far worse than a purple moon: He transformed into a creature with the long body of a purple snake, but his head was resembling a dragon with purple eyes and teeth, with three glowing pink scales on his forehead and three more on his parietal bone. Also, twelve long pink tails came out if his head, working as some kind of hair. The End turned into a monster, ready to destroy Equis once and for all.

So, Sonic and Sage went down to business and started to fight The End's new form with everything they had.

At some point during the battle, Supreme grabbed The End from his abdomen and head, while The End fought to get free from Supreme's grip. Sonic then charged up his Spindash and began to attack The End several times at super sonic speed.

But eventually, The End got tired of games, and it slapped Sonic away with his tail, leaving the hedgehog unconscious for a couple of minutes.

In that little time, The End got free from Supreme's grip, and he even bitted the left arm of the Titan, ripping it off entirely and causing a lot of damage to it. The End also launched another massive laser towards Supreme, damaging more the Titan, sending it backwards and shooting it down for a few minutes.

Let me show you just what I'm made of now...

Then, The End launch a massive laser towards Sonic, who placed his arms together to try and protect himself. But the attack was so powerful that Sonic was struggling, and despite having the power of the Chaos Emeralds all over his body, he could feel how his skin began to burn because of the laser.

Still, Supreme's remaining hand came by and helped out by protecting Sonic, returning the laser to The End.

"Now or never!" Sonic stated with a determinate look.

Then, Supreme grabbed Sonic with the remaining hand, and then, the Titan launched him at super sonic speed against The End's open mouth. Sonic literally passed from The End's face to destroy his tail as he came out of that zone... but when Sonic turned around, he felt terrified when he saw that The End was about to explode, probably planning to launch itself against Equis and destroy along with this form.

When Sage saw this, she shouted "NO!", and then launched herself and Supreme against The End.

Soon enough, Supreme crashed against The End, and once the creature exploded, he and Sage were completely gone.

Try to reach inside of me (Let me show you what I'm made of)
Try to drain my energy (Let me show you what I'm made of)
Let me show you just what I'm made of

Back in reality, Sonic was panting heavily and sweating exhausted.

He spent the whole narration singing his lungs out, while also explaining everything that happened in the Starfall Islands the best and most understanding way possible.

Of course, after his whole explanation was done, only Misty, Amy and Team Dark had wide eyes and jaws dropped, while everyone else didn't interrupted him, because they knew precisely what happened since, well, they were all there.

"So... What you guys think?" Sonic asked after he finished explaining.

"...The Chao... Those little and adorable creatures nobody gave a damn about where they come from... THEY ARE EVOLVED ANCIENTS?!" Amy shouted, as she went to grab Sonic and shook him violently.

"Chaos is the closest to an Ancient we've ever seen..." Shadow said with an anxious look, looking at his hands with wide and panicked eyes. "All my life is a lie again..." He said, having huge PTSD of when Black Doom told him he was technically his son.

"The thing that was tormenting you for months was the same thing that possessed you and tried to destroy the planet?!" Rouge exclaimed.

"Error 706: Data not processed. Initiating reboot process..." Omega said, but in the last sentenced, his voice turned off along him, as he started to reboot himself.

"...I don't even understood half of what you just said because of the song..." Misty confessed, and Tails at her side looked at her a bit confused.

"Yeah, you guys are reacting the way I expected to," Sonic said with a smirk.

"Well, I gotta hand it to you, Blue Star: You definitely know hot to make a good narration!" Pipp congratulated him with a smile.

"Yeah! You start to speak and everyone pays attention to you without interrupting. Is impressive!" Knuckles admitted with a smirk.

"I do wonder, though... Is there something you don't like to narrate?" Zipp asked.

"What do you mean with that?" Sunny asked confused.

"I know where Zipp's going with this!" Sonic said with a confident smirk. "I like to talk about what happened in the Starfall Islands because it's a good experience! Even if I was tormented by The End as a consequence, and even though it still happens sometimes..."

A few nights ago, The End/Cyber Sonic appeared on the bedroom to mock Sonic up.

"I am inevitable... I cannot be denied..." The End/Cyber Sonic said with rage. "You are not brave, you are not victorious... No matter what form I take... The End comes for you all."

However, all Sonic did was yawn with a bored expression. "Dude, is 4 a.m. in the morning. Your appearances were scary for 6 months, but I can't take you serious anymore... So, if you're done with your edgy monologue, just go away and let me sleep..." He begged, now laying on his bed and immediately falling asleep.

Of course, The End/Cyber Sonic deadpanned, and so, he simply disappeared.

Back in reality, Sonic was deadpanning.

"Yeah, he was way scarier when he was a giant snake..." Sonic pointed out. "Still, I narrate those events with passion because I like to! Now... Who wants to hear me narrate about the deadly virus Tails saved us from?!"

"You mean the Metal Virus?" Tails asked confused.

"Yeah, that thing..." Sonic replied with a smirk.

In Maretime Bay, there were a bunch of Zombots across the town.

The young fox kicked the door of the workshop, just to witness how Opaline was blasting a powerful fire blast against Sunny and growling in rage, while Sunny tried to protect herself with her own magic, but the trick wasn't working...

"Hey!" Tails voice called out, and Opaline's ear twitched, before she stopped hitting Sunny and slowly turned around with a frown. "Leave her alone!"

He stepped closer and glared daggers at Opaline, who growled in rage and lightened her horn again, but this time, she aimed it at Tails. "You just don't know when to quit!"

"Yup! I'm stubborn like a mule!" Tails replied with a smirk, also wiping some blood coming out from his mouth.

Opaline growled more, and without further ado, she charged up her most powerful and devastating blast. Then, she let out a loud warrior cry and shot her blast against Tails, who didn't even flinched nor attempted to move away, even placing the jar with th cure in front of him with a frown.

"TAILS, NO!!!" Sunny shouted, and right at that moment, Zombot Hitch touched her back, which made the virus start to spread across her body.

As for Tails, he could feel time stopping around him for a second. He was staring at the blast, that was inches away from him and the cure for the virus.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on the energy of his body. He knew for a fact that his electrical powers had some Chaos Energy, so maybe he could focus on that and contact the Chaos Emerald to use their power. After all, they could make the job of defeating Opaline and spread the virus' cure a lot easier.

So, he focused, and focused, and focused, until time stopped moving for a moment, and the Chaos Emeralds surrounded him. They twirled around him for a few seconds, before entering his body and illuminate it entirely.

Soon, a light shone bright, and when time started to run normally again, Opaline's blast hit Tails and the jar with the cure.

"NO!" Sunny screamed, while her body was getting covered with the Metal Virus.

As for Opaline, she laughed like a maniac at her accomplishment... One that failed, actually.

We won't back down, we won't
(Yeah, yo)

Soon, the dust from Opaline's blast hitting Tails dissipated, and it showed that the young fox actually survived the hit, and was now glowing in a bright white color that covered his fur.

His eyes turned red as well, and all the cuts he got, as well as the bleeding mouth and the purple eye, healed thanks to the power of the Chaos Emeralds.

Yes, he went Super Tails, why aren't you clapping?

Tails opened his eyes and smirked, before making the jar with the cure float on his own, and then, he boosted towards Opaline, making her traverse a bunch of walls with one single punch, while the Fire Alicorn grunted in pain because of that single hit.

Will the whole world know your name
When we dance with destiny?

With Opaline down for the moment, Tails smirked and used the Chaos Emeralds' power to make the cure float out of the jar, and soon he pointed it to the sky, as he started to accumulate energy with his body.

I've been there, and I've seen it
I'm never gonna stop believing
You'll find your flame

Soon, Opaline shook her head and noticed what Tails was doing. "NO!" She shouted in rage and tried to fly towards him, but she got a blast that made her crash on her back against the wall and then fall to the ground.

"Not so fast!" Misty said with a frown, as her horn was lightened up and sparkling, while Sunny joined her, despite the virus still being infecting her.

(So take this as a lesson
Cause it's all that we know)

Opaline growled in anger and tried to stood up, but then, both Sunny and Misty shoot a powerful and combined blast against the Fire Alicorn, which made her yell in pain.

Will the whole world know your name
When we dance with destiny? (We won't back down)

Meanwhile, Tails was growling in pain as he extended the cure for the virus and made it so big that it was almost covering half of Equestria, but he started to feel the power of the Emeralds flickering, probably because he never used their power at all in the past.

I've been there, and I've seen it (We won't)
I'm never gonna stop believing (Back down)
You'll find your flame (We won't)

"You just got to find the courage to put your fears and doubts aside!"

Sonic's voice echoed on his mind, and his eyes widened, before he nodded to himself with a determinate look. He wasn't going to let fear take over himself when his friends needed him. He allowed it to happen when Infinite attacked, but he wouldn't fear today... Not anymore.

So, with a warrior cry, Tails focused all his energy and finally finished extending the cure, before releasing it over all the Zombots, and Sunny included.

Now here we go, it's the end of the show
Hear them, they're calling your name

Soon, the cure started to make its work, and it slowly began to cure all the infected ones, who at first shone bright once the cure made contact with them. Once the light was gone, all the infected ones where back to normal, and they started to look around confused.

With that done, Tails looked at Opaline, still being attacked by Misty and Sunny, the latter being cured as well from the virus.

With a determinate look, Tails boosted towards Opaline and punched her on the face, which made the Alicorn groan in pain, but before she could attack back, Tails grabbed her from her tail and twirled her around for a while, which made her have a huge Dejà vu, before Tails launched her far away, while Opaline screamed loudly in rage and fear.

"I'LL GET MY REVENGE, STUPID FOX!" Opaline shouted maniacally, getting lost in the distance.

Cause in the end
It's you and your friends
You'll find your flame (Oh, we can save the day)

With Opaline gone, Tails started to pant heavily exhausted, but he still smiled satisfied. He did it... He spread the cure... He defeated Opaline... He won...

Back in reality, Sonic wrapped his arm around Tails' neck.

"You truly saved our butts there, little man!" Sonic told him with a smirk, also messing a bit with his hair.

Tails laughed and got off Sonic's grip, then adjusted his googled and fixed his hair. "It wasn't such a big deal. Sure, I spread the cure, but Zipp and Misty finished it, remember?"

"Oh, don't be so humble on yourself, Tails!" Knuckles said, softly patting his back with a hand. "You saved our butts big time, and that's something you don't have to be embarrassed of!"

"Right!" Zipp agreed, wrapping Tails with a wing and nuzzling with him, making the young fox blush. "You are the hero of this story, like it or not!"

"But you should definitely be proud of it!" Misty added with a smile.

"And regarding of your question, Zippster..." Sonic called out, now laying on Zipp's shoulder with a bored expression. "I do narrate some stuff with no emotion whatsoever."

"Stuff like?" Zipp asked while raising an eyebrow confused.

"My weird trip to that alternate human Equestria world from last week," Sonic replied, still with a bored expression. "Is just the typical 'alien and human roadtrip' adventure with the Chaos Emeralds being the important alien item to recover! Although, I do feel like it was also just a lazy rip-off of some movie, but I can't get behind which one quite yet..."

"I think we have more important stuff to worry about that copying movies and brake the fourth wall, Hedgehog..." Shadow pointed out with a frown.

"Like what, Mr. Ultimate Life Form?" Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow and a mocking smirk.

"Like Opaline and her plot with Dragon Fire?" Rouge replied instead of her teammate with a bored expression.

"Or like doctor Eggman and his 'next sinister plot that will be unbeatable', like he said..." Omega added, narrowing his eyes like if he were also making a bored expression.

Sonic rolled his eyes and shrugged their worries off. "Eh, if you guys are still worried for Opaline..."

Meanwhile, in Opaline's Castle, the Dragonstone was just 25% full of power.

To this, Opaline's eyes widened, and then she groaned in annoyance. "Ugh! I already used most of its power for the barrier around the castle! I can't go and capture that foolish Sparky again! Nor look for other dragons, either! I would have to leave the castle unprotected, which would make me come back and get ambushed, and––"

Then, she let out a massive groan of rage and blasted another wall of her castle with her magic, but then, her eyes widened after she realized her mistake, and she started to tear up, before bursting out crying and cover her face with her hooves.

"I have lost everything!" Opaline cried dramatically, while her makeup got ruined because of her tears.

"Her Dragonstone probably has little to no magic left," Sonic shrugged off, but now smiling. "As for Eggman, this isn't the first time he say he has a bigger plot. He fails anyways!"

"Even though he's been close to win many times..." Tails muttered while deadpanning.

"Chill out, Tails!" Sonic said with a smile. "All the damage he has done to us has gone into therapy sessions like the wind!" He reminded confidently, also wrapping an arm around his neck, but Tails rolled his eyes in annoyance and shook his head.

On his lab, Eggman was tapping over his computer at fast paste.

After his failures with the Ancient's technology, the Metal Virus, and stealing the Chaos Emeralds from the Brighthouse, the doctor decided that it was time for a change of strategy in his game.

He managed to reopen Sage and download her code. Once that was done, he moved forward to a capsule and placed the key with Sage's code on it. After a few minutes, the capsule opened to reveal some kind of life form... a pale child with white hear and black clothes.

Once Sage's code was uploaded to said body, the capsule removed the green liquid inside and opened, with the child almost falling to the ground... if it wasn't because of Eggman, who managed to catch her just in time.

Slowly, the girl opened her blue eyes and stared at the ground for a second, before gasping as she realized that she was looking at all. She slowly looked at her hand, not glitching like it used to in the Starfall Islands, and then she looked up to face up Eggman... her dad.

"F-Father?" Sage called out in surprise.

"Is good to see you again... dear daughter," Eggman replied with a warm smile. "We have a lot to talk about..."