Alwas Appreciate What is Right in Front of You

by coolpony01

Ch 24 Hearts Warming

Today is Hearts Warming Eve and it means I get to have dinner at my grandparents' house. They’re names are Kind Heart my grandma and Brave Heart my grandpa. My aunt Golden Flower is also coming along with my uncle Vinyl Record and my cousin Velvet Flower. 
When I got inside, I hugged my grandparents because it was perfect for the heartwarming mood. When we sat down in the living room we began to talk. “So how has it been going for you Spike.” grandma asked.

“Oh, it’s been going great, I've made lots of friends.” I said in cheer.

“Oh, that’s wonderful Spike.” Grandma said with joy.

“Hey are those jerky colts still giving you trouble.” Velvet Flower asked with caution.

“Oh no, their parents found out and know they’re too scared to bully us anymore.” I spoke.

“That’s a good thing those guys really were jerks.” She started with a tone of disdain.

“Well, it’s over now and it’s Hearth's Warming Eve we might as well enjoy the moment.” I stated.

“Oh right, sorry.” She said in embarrassment.

“That’s alright how have you been doing.” I asked.

“Oh I’ve been doing nice, I'm finally old enough to help run the store.” Velvet Flower said with glee.

“Oh, that’s wonderful dear.” Grandma said with glee.

“So how are your violin lessons with Octavia doing Spike?” Grandpa asked.

“Oh great, soon I will be able to do the real advanced stuff.” I spoke.

“I thought you were already doing advanced stuff.” Grandpa jokes.

“Oh, I am but now I’ll be practicing songs with notes from the C above G when I said advanced, I meant advanced.” I spoke.

“Oh, I see.” Grandpa said with a smile.

We enjoyed talking together in the family room, strengthening our bond on this wonderful holiday. We then went to have some dinner. We’re having the most wonderful of Heart’s Warming meals: a salad, mashed potatoes, and steamed yam. My grandma is very good at cooking, and she always makes hearts warming so special.
Afterwards Velvet Heart and I helped to make grandma's chocolate pudding and we shared this with everyone. We all enjoyed our little sweet treat and spending time together.

We then opened presents. We open some the day early when we’re all together. I got the latest dragon warrior’s comic from Cousin Velvet Flower, a pair of dragon warrior pajamas from my grandparents, a movie about spider pony from my aunt which I love, and a dragon’s guide to comedy book from my mom. I'll probably read it tonight.

I enjoyed giving my presents in turn. It is nice to give to people. This Hearts Warming has been nice