//------------------------------// // ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 13 // Story: Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen // by Epic Fable //------------------------------// It was some time after the ordeal in the valley and cliff side cave adventure. While stressful it was also jovial as Rainbow and Hawkmon quickly formed a bond from it. They would share stories as the others listened in or chipped in. Now that three humans had a partner it made everyone wonder who they would be partnered with. As everyone walked on they would see a path would slowly form in the dirt before them. Odd footprints were seen, showing a path. “Footprints?” “Wait. Look how even the dirt is too. Grass isn’t growing here. Sweet molasses, I think this is a path!” “Maybe there is a town nearby? We could get supplies.” “With what money and carry it with what?” Spike commented as he looked up. “If I recall none of you had anything on you when we came here.” “Right…” “Well it couldn’t hurt to try!” Pinkie bounced up as she replied. “It is better than just doing nothing. We will need some rations for the trip to Bagu City.” Sunset thought out loud. The rest would nod as everyone pressed on. As the path became more clear and even a town was seen. It seemed to resemble a countryside south with cottages and shacks making up the architecture. What really stood out was rows and rows of gardens, farms and just overall variety of greenery.  “Wow, look at this place.” Flash commented as he and Liollmon looked around. Twilight turned with a bit of glee. “It’s like a page straight out of a history book!” “So many…plants?” Fluttershy squealed as she looked around. “Oh they are so adorable!” “Well we are in the middle of the Plant Kingdom so plant digimon would be the majority here.” Dracomon explained. The group walk into town and see a small market where all plant digimon came and went and even socialize. Spike walked next to Floramon. “I bet you feel really comfy with all these plants around huh?” “Oh I am! I have never met another plant digimon before!” “Wait.” Flash turned to the little one. “You never met another digimon like yourself before?” Hagurumon would smack him at the back of the head before explaining. “You all need to realize. We lived at the Sistermon church our whole lives. We were kept from the outside world. They hid us from something, but they were always vague. Just that the world was dangerous for us.” “Guess that’s out of the window now.” Patamon said grumpily. “So none of you met any of your own kind before? Or anyone?” Sunset asked. Dracomon would be the one to answer. “Actually only Patamon did.” “Wait, why just him?” “Patamon is part of the holy race. The sistermon were also of the holy race. Out of all of us he was the only one to meet one of his own kind. That’s probably why next to al of us he probably felt the most connection…probably was the hardest for him to leave too.” “Oh…” “Everyone look.” Applejack would point out some various digimon that look plantlike in nature as they were through the town. They seemed on edge and only a few. “They all look like cute little plants!” Fluttershy squealed. Floramon in particular would stare at the town in wonder and even the citizens. “Something ain’t right.” Applejack commented as she put her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow as she looked around. “Hey look!” Hawkmon pointed out to the distance a palanquin carried by numerous plant-like digimon towards a tree line. As Hawkmon flew closer he would see that they would go past trees and approach a large lake. He would fly back down and explain what he saw. “Now that is strange. Wonder what they are doing?” Twilight pondered. “OOOOOH Why not take a look?” Pinkie jumped, but the others weren’t so sure. They looked to one another, before Rainbow beamed. “We got to see!” “Why would we do that??” Flash asked in disbelief. Liollmon would give him a smirk before looking away when Flash looked at him. As the two would fool around, Floramon would walk in the direction of the lake. Rarity looked concerned as she followed. “Darling? Where are you going? Floramon!” “Wait Rarity! Wait for us!” “Oh crabapples…” The group would follow the pair to the lake, but also keep low to avoid detection. As the group got close enough to see the group of digimon. From the lake, water would rise and rise before being dispersed by a rising figure. A serpentine creature rose from the lake’s depth as it looked around. It was of teal color with red markings, blue eyes, fins and oddly enough wearing a yellow helmet. It bared its teeth as it saw the plant digimon at the dock. “They have a version of the lochness monster?” Flash asked in amazement and confusion before being shushed by everyone. Everyone would observe with amazement and fear as they saw the creature. All of the digivices shined as Rainbow looked at hers to try to cover the light before reading what was shown. “Seadramon: A champion level, aquatic digimon. A constrictor by method as well as favoring freezing its prey and enemies with its ice blast.” “What are they up to…?” Twilight tried to study the scene before her while Kamemon got nervous and even hid behind Pinkie’s leg. ‘You have brought the sacrifice?“ Seadramon asked. As the other digimon trembled and nodded as they opened the curtain of the palanquin only to show nothing. Seadramon’s face twisted in anger as he watched. “Is this a joke?!” “B-B-But she was here! I swear! J-Just give us some time an-” “ICE BLAST!” The large serpent let out a breath of frost at the little plant creature as he screamed. He froze all over before exploding into bits and fading into nothing. The other digimon trembled in fear as Seadramon rose above them. “You have until tomorrow. You know the deal. If I do not get my offering YOUR ENTIRE VILLAGE WILL BE ENCASED IN ICE.” He would then dive back into the depths of the lake as the digimon would scramble off the dock. Meanwhile the rainbooms and their friends would also be trembling. Sunset however was trembling with anger. “That SHIT!”