//------------------------------// // Time to go // Story: Way to a New Home // by La_mug //------------------------------// The next morning Trimmel woke early and did what every ling does in the morning and went to the library to recollect his thoughts and try to reason with whatever he was going to do and gathered the necessities which are needed to prepare for the long voyage like this. "What am I doing running away from this war which I myself planned and believed in, I'm better of dead leading my army in one last stand then flee a coward too a far away isolated island where I will spend the rest of my life." Trimmel bashfully kept saying to himself. "Like I said Trimmel a losing battle and a lost cause is not a cause worth fighting for, this is a losing battle and a lost cause, there is no reason to keep fighting this fight for whatever reason you can ever make up." Ocellus jumped in trying to calm Trimmel. "But don't you see! Hundreds of thousands of lings are fighting this fight with full belief in victory and full belief in me somehow pulling off a miracle and I was the one that led them to this predicament and know I'm running to let them clean up!" Trimmel yelled "First of all keep your voice down save it for later, our friends are still resting and they are going to need every minute of it, and it wasn't you Hivesmarschall Trimmel that led into this you simply followed Chrysalis she is the one to blame for this mess" Ocellus responded "That is Queen Chrysalis to you Corporal" Spat Trimmel as Ocellus rolled her eyes "Fine but you are still getting out of here one way or another, speaking of which its almost time we should probably wake up our friends up, we have to leave in a couple hours and we have a extremely longs day so best they get ready npw." Ocellus said Trimmel only responded with a "Fine *sigh*." The duo made there way from the library through the halls and then to the rooms Queen Helvia generously gave to the guests for them to rest for the night . "So what are you planning gonna do when you finally reach Griffonia or Greneclyf if you want to be more specific?" Ocellus said trying to strike a small conversation with Trimmel. "Nothing major perhaps serve in Greneclyf army as a officer if they have one in the first place, or perhaps go on to the mainland and try to take over some under developed land and turn it to my personal kingdom, or just live the rest of my days in Greneclyf and tell my very own lings the stories I have in peace" Trimmel told "What about you surely you have a plan?" "I can't get any fancy nor high ranking occupation since I am only a corporal in the Heer, I was thinking open up a shop and just make and honest business away from many problems and be a well respected ling and just live in peace with my mate and my own lings and make my mark on the community" Ocellus answered. "You have a mate I never knew?" Trimmel asked confused and shocked. "Oh of course not if I did you would've met him by now but I was thinking on finding one in Greneclyf and live my life in peace" Ocellus said as she let out an amused chuckle. "Oh" Trimmel's ears drooped clearly disappointed "Whats wrong Trimmel what did I say to up set you?" Ocellus asked concerned for her friend well being. "O-Oh nothing honey, WAIT I mean nothing Ocellus absolutely nothing that you should concern yourself about" Trimmel stammered obviously lying. You dumb dog why did you say that she is obviously going to suspect us for holding these feelings, just wait the time will show it self his inner self said to him Ocellus not convinced just let it go "Very well Trimmel whatever you say." As the duo kept silent for the rest of the walk Trimmel knocked the door to Silver Sheckels Room. The door opened and Silver's head popped out looking drowsy. "You got a couple hours so get ready Silver Sheckels" "Oh! shoot I didn't see the time, thanks Trimmel" Silver Sheckels responded nervously. "No problem see you in a bit" Ocellus knocked on Pharynx's door but he didn't respond so Ocellus opened the door to see what was up but instead she saw Pharynx's limp body with foam from his mouth from the suicide pill he consumed. "Shoot Pharynx is gone he killed himself" Ocellus said a bit shocked "Let's get going it doesn't matter to us" Trimmel said simply. "Oh dear" Silver Sheckels gasped. Trimmel knocked on Queen Yaria's room. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Yaria spat Trimmel taken aback simply said "remember we got to go in a couple hours" "Oh yeah, sorry I was having a bad dream where all my ministers betrayed me except it wasn't a dream! MY SUBJECTS BETRAYED ME ME SISTER SOLD MY LIFES WORK AND NOW THAT BRUTE BJORNLING HOLD MY HIVE IN HIS PAW!!" Yaria yelled proceeding to sob. Both Trimmel and Ocellus rolled there eyes knowing what she was referring to. "I'm up and ready!" Vect exclaimed enthusiastically surprising the duo. "It's a pleasure to see you all wide awake my friends, follow me to the dining room my servants spent plenty of time and made some breakfast so you can be ready for your long voyage" Her Majesty Queen Helvia said. The group nodded as they followed her. "By the way didn't you wake Pharynx up he should be up by now where is he?" Helvia asked. "Unfortunately I had seen his dead body with foam from his mouth, he committed suicide" Ocellus responded sheepishly. "Unfortunate indeed, but oh well we just have to make do without him" Helvia said disappointed. As they walked through the halls, a question crept up to Trimmel's mind. "What are you going to do after the war your majesty surely you are coming with us right, it makes sense the UPA will get you and put you on trial?" Trimmel asked "No I cannot my friends because I have more lings to save from that terrible fate I will flee though when the last ship flees but my sister Recina will be joining you for this voyage" Helvia answered "And drop the titles, after all we are friends." "Whatever you say" Trimmel said still curious. As the group followed Helvia to the dining room they saw plenty of Royal Jelly on the large table one of the most expensive food's mostly due to it being 99% pure love making it very hard to make. "Alright eat up you are going to need to eat each drop because the subs have enough to barely keep a ling alive" Helvia said with a smile. The group nodded and sat down on the chairs provided and proceeded to eat up the Royal Jelly like there was no tomorrow, all except for Trimmel eating at a snail's pace savoring the unique flavor it has. "What's wrong Trimmel?" Ocellus asked concerned for her friend. "Nothing just reliving my life." Trimmel said with a wide smile. "Okay tastes that good huh." Ocellus said with a smirk Trimmel responded with a nod and continued to consume the pure love The group ate up and are now gathered to listen to Helvia's instructions on what to do now. "Alright my friends the time is now we have a very thin window of time to get out till it closes, which is the bomber raids, we will use it as cover because the MP will be to busy maintaining order in the streets and the average lings distracted, the UPA navy is a formidable force but I assure you my submarines are very advanced so we will pass through them and once we do all of that it is just smooth sailing after." Helvia explained "A-Are you sure they c-can't detect us" Silver said very worried of the alternative outcomes. "I assure you it is perfectly safe, and now here is our plan on how we will reach to docks, we will split up into pairs as to draw less attention, I will give you a map to show which route each of you will take I also will give you dockyard worker uniforms as to draw even less attention, all of you will proceed to the submarine yards on which the crew is informed of their duty, the longer you stay the higher chance VOPS will find us so if you do not reach the submarine yards by 1600 sharp we will have to go with out you, once you reach the yards the crew will instruct you of the rest and they will do the rest of the work, so put faith in them." Helvia said Guess I have no choice, I made it this far might as well go the rest of the length to this promised land