Twilight and Flash’s day out

by Mpatton17

Twilight and Flash’s day out

One day in Canterlot castle , Twilight sparkle was preparing herself. She had cleared time in her schedule so she and her coltfriend Flash Sentry could go on a date. She also decided to let him decide where they would go. She was currently styling her mane, the comb gliding through her locks as she gazed into the mirror. She sighed, as she dreamed of her day out with the colt she loved. She turned to the dress she planned to wear for her date. It was a fine yellow silk dress that could light up a whole room and offer a warm glow to anypony standing near her. This was one of her favorite dresses that Rarity made, it was made to reflect the princess that Twilight most related to in any fairy tale. Twilight absolutely adored it, because it was the same dress Belle wore when she danced with the beast. Though these sleeves were more poofy. 

Twilight magically put on the dress so to not mess up her mane as she put on some finishing touches, keeping her nerves in check as she put in a spritz of lavender scented perfume and put on a set of shoes that matched her dress on her rear hooves. 

Twilight turned towards a display case that held a set of tiaras that Celestia and Luna had before she was born. She picked up a gold colored tiara from the middle row and put it on her head. Nothing could dampen her mood. She and Flash have been going out for a while now, but have always been too busy to actually have an actual date. It had been a month since her coronation and she and her friends have had many lovely visits, even Celestia and Luna came to visit from time to time, Twilight was especially happy since she learned that she won’t outlive her friends or anypony she cared about, but it did add pressure on her to find a heir, but that was a long way from now. Now, she was young and was in love. 

Just then, the door to her room opened and Spike came in. 

“Hey Twilight, are you ready yet?” He asked 

“Almost Spike.” She said, putting on her gloves. She looked in the mirror and smiled at her beauty. 

“Good thing Flash doesn’t care about how you look or smell.” He said with a smile.  

“Yeah, he cares about me and genuinely loves me.” She said with a smile. Twilight then noticed something on her dresser, she picked it up and gently put it in her dress. Just then, a royal guard came into the room. 

“Princess Twilight, Flash Sentry has arrived.” He informed, bowing his head in respect. 

“Thank you sir, you may return to your post.” She said, the guard did just that. 

“Well, hope you two have fun.” Spike said. With that, he went back to his room. 

Twilight just sighed dreamily and went to go meet her coltfriend. Flash was waiting in the throne room. He was wearing his arctic blue suit with a lapis blue collar cuffs, his white buttons fastening his cuffs and collar to keep him looking professional. When Twilight came into the room, Flash bowed out of respect. 

“Hello, your highness.” Flash said, taking her gloved hoove and kissing it.

“Oh Flash, There’s no need for that.” She said, affectionately. Flash just smiled. 

“True, but it is good manners.” He replied. Flash put his hoove around Twilight’s.  

“Well, shall we get going?” Flash asked. 

“Of course.” Twilight replied. The couple made their way to Twilight’s chariot. Soon they had arrived at one of the best restaurants in Canterlot. Flash and Twilight were soon sitting at a table. They had already ordered and were now waiting for their food. 

“Oh Flash, you’re such a gentlecolt.” Twilight said affectionately. Flash just blushed. 

“Thank you Twilight.” Flash replied. The two stared into each other’s eyes for five minutes before the waiter arrived with their food. 

“Here you go, two plates of spaghetti for a lovely couple” The waiter said. Twilight and Flash just smiled and started eating. Later after eating their food, Twilight and Flash were on the outskirts of Canterlot. They decided to go flying for the rest of the day. 
“Well, this seems like a good spot.” Twilight said, looking around. 

“I agree, there’s no pony around.” Flash said. Twilight pulled out the thing from the dresser. It was a tube of bubble liquid. Twilight unscrewed the cap and took out the wand. She took a deep breath and blew into the wand. A massive bubble, big enough to carry a pony, came out. Twilight redipped the wand and blew another massive bubble. She then rescrewed the cap.  Twilight looked at Flash. 

“Well, shall we?” She asked. Flash just smiled. 

“Of course, my love.” He replied. Twilight and Flash put out their hooves towards the bubbles and soon they each were engulfed in them. Twilight then moved her bubble towards Flash’s and the bubbles merged into one. The bubble soon began to ascend with the couple inside. Twilight has enchanted the liquid so that the bubbles blown wouldn’t pop so easily. The bubble began to float in the direction of Ponyville. 

“My, this view is amazing.” Flash said. The couple were flying high enough for anypony to not notice them. 

“Indeed it is.” Twilight said.  The two leaned in and kissed. Later as the sun was setting, the bubble was flying towards Canterlot. The couple has flown around Ponyville, Rainbow Falls and Manehatten. Surprisingly no one had noticed them in the bubble. Twilight sighed as they neared the castle. She used her magic to open the windows to her room so they could fly in. 

“I hope to have another day out like this.” Twilight said. 

“Me too, well may I have this dance? Flash asked. Twilight just smiled. Soon the couple began to dance in their bubble. They waltzed across Twilight’s room. The bubble came down to the ground and popped. Twilight and Flash closed their eyes and kissed.