//------------------------------// // Ziz, the Sky Lord! Dark Gryphon, Arise! // Story: MLP: The Hime-Rangers // by lolnewsPegasus //------------------------------// In the Canterlot Castle, Queen Chrysalis sat idly on Princess Celestia’s throne. She was about to close her eyes due to being sleepy from boredom until the doors to the throne room flung open, with Behemoth basically being thrown into the room through the portal which Leviathan and Ziz also came from. “Don’t tell me you had your hides handed to you by the Rangers…” Chrysalis sighed. “You’re already disturbing my nap.” “Hehehe, wasn’t us for sure, but Behemoth sure got knocked down a few rungs.” Leviathan said with a smirk. “He thought he could handle the Megazord as is.” “You buffoons.” Chrysalis hissed. “You know that you three have cores unlike the others? I made you from those cores, which serve as your strength AND a potential weakness!” “Cores…” Ziz wondered to herself in thought. She then proceeded to head for the exit, opening another portal. “And where are you headed, Ziz?” Leviathan mused. “These… Rangers… Interest me…” Ziz said, pausing on purpose. “Do not get in my way.” “Cut! Cut! Snip!” screamed a slender monster whose body is a barber pole, and its fingers are replaced with scissors and knives. “Time for Haberdasher to style you up!” In response, the Rangers scrambled to arrive at the scene. Pinkie and Fluttershy guided civilians out of the premises, while Rarity and Applejack fended off the monster’s sharp blades with their weapons. Twilight fired her Star Blaster at the monster, punching holes through the barber pole glass. Applejack signaled Rarity to disengage, leaving the yellow-clad axe wielder to use her strength to toss the monster into the air. “Star Blaster, full power!” Twilight shouted, aiming at the monster. “Orion Arrow!” She fired the blast, but the monster managed to turn itself away from the shot and land itself. “The Blaster’s out, crap!” Twilight said, putting it away. She then ran towards Rarity and Applejack, as the latter two nodded at her, signaling for her to rest and switch with Pinkie. However, the monster managed to turn the battle around, and summoned half-scissor spikes from the ground to try and impale the present Rangers.  “Not a chance!” Applejack shouted, slamming her axe head onto the ground. The shockwave and tremors destroyed the field of scissors instantly. She then tagged out with Pinkie, who approached the monsters with her fans. “Saw this in a game, so I thought, time to fight like an Outworld princess!” “Out.. what?” Luna asked Twilight through the Morpher. “Mmm,” Twilight answered with a shrug, defeated in trying to understand anything Pinkie references. Luna brushed off the nonsensical topic in annoyance, and continued. “You know what? Doesn’t matter, I’m supposed to let you know that after the attempt at combining all five Zords, they will need time to recover.” “The Zords need time to rest, so they’ll be able to fight their best!” said a woman, who sounded like she’s standing beside Luna. “The woman you just heard is Zecora,” Luna said. “Think of her as a doctor for the Zords.” “Nice to hear you, Zecora,” Twilight replied. “I’ll let the other girls know!” “Remember it, one in red, keep it available in your head.” Zecora added.  The bookworm then set her Morpher to contact the others, and gave them a call. “Girls, Luna just called me, and apparently the Zords need to rest, we can’t afford to get these enemies growing!” “Rangers, remember what I say,” Zecora chimed in. “They must rest, to fight another day!” “Alright, we’ll make sure they don’t get all big on us!” Applejack said. “Got that, girls?” “Mhm!” Pinkie said, while Rarity and Fluttershy nodded silently. “Blue, Black! On me!” Applejack said, brandishing her axe.  The three girls charged at the monster, with Rarity summoning a bunch of large gems from the ground with her Terra Baton, and Pinkie funneling the scissor projectiles away with a vortex from her Alpine Fans. “Time for one good ol’ swing!” Applejack said, her axe head closing in on the monster’s barber pole of a body. However, a flash of lightning blasted the three girls away. The monster didn’t emerge unscathed, suffering damage from the sudden attack. “Hey, what gi--” the monster snapped, but then silenced itself upon seeing the figure responsible. “Oh no… You’re--” “Leave.” the figure said, to which the monster obliged fearfully. “What in--” Applejack grunted. “It can’t be--” Rarity added. “Big Birdie!” Pinkie Pie concluded. The figure, after the smoke cleared out, was revealed to be Ziz, holding her bladed gurdy, with one hand holding the crank. “Rangers… None of the other forces remain but me… And you five…” “Whaddya want?” Applejack asked. “The girl with white hair…” Ziz began to ask. “What is she to you?” “Wouldn’t you like to kno--”  The avian turned the crank, and played a tune on her musical instrument. The sound then interfered with the helmets of the five Rangers, opening the visors momentarily. The moment was enough for Ziz to catch a glimpse of the girls’ eyes, halting her playing. “You…” Ziz whispered. “This is…” She then turned around and left, surprising the five girls. “She just left…” Twilight said in wonder. “That was weirder than a drunk Rainbow hitting on all of us,” Applejack said with a light chuckle. “Speaking of which,” Fluttershy added. “Easy on the cider, Pinkie.” “Why?” Pinkie asked. “Knowing you,” Rarity said with a groan, “you’d throw her a party once she comes back.” “Now if that didn’t point to the Hell Generals being people,” Gilda chimed in through the Morphers. “I really don’t know what will… Though out of all three, Ziz is the most autonomous, so there’s that.” “Head back, you five.” Luna added. “This development is something peculiar and I want to discuss it.” The five girls summoned their Speeders and headed back to the manor, telling Luna about the entire event. The Princess then dismissed the girls, saying that they need to rest first and foremost. “Well, see you next week, Fluttershy!” said Tree Hugger, closing up the veterinary clinic. Fluttershy waved her goodbye and walked onwards to go home. “Hmm, it’s late…” she wondered. “I know it’s not ideal, but…” Phoenix chimed in through the Morpher. “You could use the Steed Speeder to get home faster.” “Oh no,” Fluttershy said back. “What if Ursa or Princess--” “I’ll handle it, don’t worry…” Phoenix interrupted, her voice warmer than usual. “Morph In!” With the command, Phoenix activated Fluttershy’s transformation into the Pink Ranger. “Oh dear,” Fluttershy said with a slight gulp. “Steed Speeder, activate!” With the Steed Speeder summoned, she got on and rode it home. “I better de-Morph without my parents seeing,” she thought to herself. “Dad would probably faint upon finding out that I have to fight off the invasion…” She then took a left turn to the road that heads to near the Everfree forest, where her home is. However, upon seeing what stood in her way, she screeched the Speeder to a halt. “Oh no…” Fluttershy said. “You’re--” “Pleased to meet you, Pink Ranger.” the avian spoke, holding her palm up to dismiss the Hivelings behind her. “I am the Hell General of the Sky…” She said, trailing off as she brought the raised hand forward and downward, bringing herself to a bow towards the Ranger facing opposite. “Commander of her calamities, a walking storm, so to speak. Secundus Hell General, Ziz.” “Why are you here?” asked the girl in pink, brandishing her Burning Staff. She then fired forth multiple pink fireballs, in an attempt to overwhelm the avian swordswoman. “I only seek your Harmony Orb, harming you is not on my agenda…” Ziz said, as she evaded the fireballs spewed forth by Fluttershy’s staff. “Why do you want them?” Fluttershy asked, as she continued her attacks. “Why the Orbs?” “I’m sorry,” Ziz said. “I am afraid I cannot tell. Not yet.” The battle lasted long enough for the sky to turn red-orange, from the sun setting, however, despite Fluttershy’s efforts, Ziz managed to get the upper hand. With the side of her wing blade, Ziz knocked the Pink Ranger out. “I only require the Harmony Orb.” Ziz said, taking the Pink Orb. “The other Hell Generals would have done away with a defeated Ranger, but--” The avian got cut off, seeing the Ranger suit dissipate. Upon seeing the sight of the girl behind the Ranger visage, Ziz felt shock. She then instinctively rushed to catch the now unconscious girl, her long pink hair flowing right over the general’s face. The general clutched her head, experiencing a sudden rush of visions and memories. A camp, where she defended the girl, albeit much younger. A woodside field, with the two of them watching countless butterflies. In what seems to be that girl’s home, with her introducing a very hostile rabbit. “You…” She whispered, trying to avoid stirring Fluttershy awake. “You’re--all I know is you’re important to me…I can’t remember exactly why…” the general thought to herself. She carried the unconscious girl to safety, seeing a familiar looking house. She recalled a glimpse of a memory, her in the house, with the girl she was carrying, only much younger. “I really wish you’d be more careful,” she said. “I don’t like seeing you hurt…” She went to the porch and dropped the unconscious Fluttershy down gently, and knocked on the door before quickly getting away from eye and earshot. “Those people…” Ziz wondered, as she watched the nervous man and gentle woman frantically tend to the girl. “They also look familiar…” “You WHAT?” Rarity shrieked, her cucumbers almost falling off her eyes. “I tried fending off the Hell General Ziz,” Fluttershy said, even softer than she usually does due to Rarity’s reaction. “I woke up at home, with my parents thinking I was sick…I then noticed I lost my Orb…” “This isn’t good…” Rarity muttered. “A Hell General with a Harmony Orb?” “Why would she need one?” Twilight added as she read her book while Lotus, one of the spa owners, massaged her back. “Remember that they can grow to giant form as well, hence the fight with the Defender Megazord.” “I don’t know…” Fluttershy squeaked as she winced from the nail filing. “She just said she only wanted the Orb…” “Should we ask Princess Luna?” Twilight wondered. “You’re going to have to come forward with losing your Orb, Fluttershy…” Rarity added.   After their spa session, the three of them headed to the Princesses’ manor, finding that Applejack and Pinkie were already there. “Some spa date, huh?” Applejack said with a whistle. “You’re looking like a real catch, Rares!” “Oh please, Applejack…” Rarity said with a blush. “You flatter me!” “Now kiss!” Pinkie interjected, which meant it was Applejack’s turn to blush.  “Anyway…” the Princess said, with an expression of worry on her face. She gave Fluttershy a gentle pat on her shoulder. “We need to talk. Fluttershy, please, take the floor.” The shy girl gulped. “I have…” She put out her right wrist, showing her defunct Morpher, lacking a Harmony Orb. “The Hell General Ziz fought me one-on-one…” she added, tears welling in her eyes. “She said she only wanted the Orb…” The others did their best to help Fluttershy ease into telling them everything about the fight with Ziz.  “Relax, Fluttershy.” Luna said with a softer voice. “It’s not you losing your Orb that I’m thinking about. It’s that Ziz acted like a warrior that cherished honor. She didn’t catch you off guard, did what she said and fought you one-on-one, but didn’t harm a hair on you.” The princess wiped her glasses. “I have a feeling she even took you to your home.” “She… what?” Fluttershy asked in surprise. “What Gilda claimed sounds more true…” Luna continued. “That is, judging Ziz and her actions accordingly.” She turned to Fluttershy and said, “what I said about Ziz bringing you home is just a theory of mine, based on how she acted.” “Also, there is something else…” Fluttershy spoke up. “Ziz, the way she fought, felt familiar. I can’t describe it much more, but at times it was like she wasn’t fighting me, more like--” Suddenly, an alarm blared out. A sighting of the Hell Generals was located near the Pie quarry. “OH NO!” Pinkie screamed, immediately Morphing and speeding off. “Aw dangnabbit!” Applejack growled. She then Morphed and chased after Pinkie. “Huh?” Pinkie wondered, seeing her Morpher chime. She pressed on the Morpher until it made a chomping noise. “Pinkie,” Luna said. “You need to calm yourself. I contacted the Pies and it seems that Ziz is there asking for rocks.” “WHAT?” Pinkie shrieked, misunderstanding what Luna said. “She’s not gonna take control of my family’s rock farm!” “Don’t worry, Princess!” Applejack chimed in. “I’m catching up to her!” Luna then closed her end of the call. “Dang it, Pinkie!” Applejack said to Pinkie through the Morpher. “Can’t ya wait up?” “Nopey dopey lopey!” Pinkie answered, “Princess said Ziz’s at my family’s rock farm! Surely you’d understand, Applejackie!” “Also ya even heard what Princess said?” Applejack retorted. “Ziz ain’t attacking the quarry!” Pinkie wasn’t listening. She then sped on towards the Pie quarry, with Applejack tailing her. “What are Rangers doing here?” wondered a girl slightly younger than Pinkie in age. “Helmet off!” Pinkie shouted. “Limestone? Where’s mom and dad?” “They’re in the main building just talking to the Bird Lady--Pinkie? You’re a Ranger?” Limestone asked in surprise.  “No time! That bird lady’s dangerous!” Pinkie shouted. In the main building of the quarry, a noticeably singed Ziz was chatting with an older couple, accompanied by a girl with a seemingly bored facial expression. “I see…” Ziz said with a sigh. “So these Orbs are something mysterious indeed.” “Aye,” the man replied. “I even called other Pie relations to ask if they encountered such a bizarre rock.” “Not just bizarre,” the woman added. “Impossible. It’s perfectly round. There’s zero discrepancy in its radii, to the point that our Maud was asking if our calipers were broken. “You have one too, don’t you?” Maud asked.  Ziz produced another similar Orb. Unlike the one she got from defeating the Pink Ranger, this one was navy blue in color, but didn’t glow like the Pink Orb. Maud took a glance at it, and saw that whatever was inside the Orb was completely frozen in time, unlike the Pink Orb which contained a breathing flame. “This one’s as if it froze in time.” Maud said. “No hidden meanings, I simply lack the words to describe it. Such hidden meanings are more my sister’s wheelhouse.” Just then the door slammed open. “Leave my family alone!” Pinkie screamed. “Pinkamena Diane Pie!” the older man and woman snapped. “Can’t you see we’re handling an appraisal here?” “Pinkamena Diane--” Ziz whispered. She then stood up and approached Pinkie. “That is you, right? Why is such a name so familiar? It’s as if-- AAARHGG!” Ziz felt a bolt of pain surge in her head, to which she backed away from everyone, while clutching her temples. “Helmet on!” Pinkie shouted. She then ran out of the building, with Ziz giving chase. “Wait! Come back!” The Pies looked on in confusion, as a girl clad in yellow approached them while knocking on the already-open door. “Excuse me, y’all doing ok?” she asked. In the open area of the quarry, Pinkie and Ziz were facing off against one another. “Why are you here?” Pinkie asked with aggravation as she slashed her fans against the General. “Why my family?” “They are said to be experts in rocks,” Ziz replied, blocking Pinkie’s attacks. “I merely seek their knowledge.” “You’re here to hit us where it hurts!” Pinkie shrieked, not hearing any of it. “We heard what you did with Pink!” “I touched not a single hair on her head!” Ziz shouted back, the fact that the Pink Ranger being brought up was something the avian warrior did not like. “Don’t you punish her for a duel we both agreed on!” She then pushed the Blue Ranger with the side of her blade, and then prepared to strike. “Gale Drive!” Pinkie fanned multiple small twisters into existence to surround and overwhelm Ziz.  “Hnnng!” Ziz grunted as the twisters combined into one larger, tossing her up into the air. “Haah, haah, that would teach you a thing--” Pinkie said through pants, only for the ground to shake.  “Dark… Gryphon… Arise!” Ziz shouted. “Windicorn, descend!” Pinkie exclaimed. A giant portal opened within the chasm of the quarry, and an enormous gryphon mecha arose from it. It rivaled Red Ursa in size, but its energy was of a darker nature. It soared out and about, intercepting the Windicorn Zord. The pain that the Zord felt surged through the tired Blue Ranger, sending her to collapse. The Windicorn Zord then disappeared due to his partner Ranger being taken down. Her Ranger suit disappeared, revealing the girl within. Pink puffy hair, denim jacket and multiple party balloon badges stitched onto her jacket and jeans.  Ziz then tore off a piece of her cloak, and soaked it with some water. She then proceeded to wipe the unconscious girl’s face in order to stir her awake. “Huh…” Pinkie groggily moaned.  “I apologize…” Ziz said, refusing to look Pinkie in the eyes. “You…” Pinkie choked in shock, clutching her Morpher as she realized what happened.