//------------------------------// // A New Ranger? Thunderstorm Megazord, Rumble! // Story: MLP: The Hime-Rangers // by lolnewsPegasus //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash took out the Pink and Blue Harmony Orbs from her pockets. “I have to return them to Pinkie and Flutters,” she said in a slightly pleading tone. “You can’t!” Luna said. “You haven’t fully recovered, at least wait for Shining Armor and Cadenza to--” “Please…” Rainbow pleaded. “I want to set things right myself…” She then put back the Pink and Blue Harmony Orbs in her pockets, and took out the Thunderstorm Orb, which now glowed a navy blue hue, its thundering interior starting to stir. “It’s coming back,” Gilda said in a disembodied voice. “You’ll need a Morpher, Dash.” The Thunderstorm Orb sent some power into Rainbow Dash’s wrist. The area then crackled with lightning, the Morpher materializing on it. “Hey, can you also head to an open place?” the Zord girl asked. Rainbow looked to the princess, asking wordlessly. “The garden might do,” Luna said, taking the lead. “Come.” The rainbow-haired girl followed the princess to the garden, a section with less of the decorative shrubs. “I'd rather not have a fire start, lest my sister wakes up and I get an earful,” she said with a chuckle. Rainbow looked around, and approached a spot that’s the farthest from any plant life. “Right here, Princess,” said the former Shadowbolt. “This spot will do.” “You must be careful,” Luna said as she stood observant near Rainbow. “This is only based on a wild guess, after all.” “You think I don’t know that?” Rainbow said. “All the other Shadowbolts are dead because of me--” “That was Ziz-” “And Ziz was me!” the girl with the rough prismatic hair shouted. “If it weren’t for Gilda, I wouldn’t be here talking to anyone right now, most likely still under Chrysalis’ yoke. Most good I can offer is inside information on how Chrysalis and Sombra operate. And even then I suspect Leviathan’s gotten everything rearranged…” “You done beating yourself up?” Gilda said through the Thunderstorm Orb. “You gotta pull yourself together, Dash. I may be the Gryphonzord, but thanks to Leviathan, I was separated from the Thunderstorm Orb. Anything you as Ziz experienced is solely within you.” Rainbow Dash growled in anger and kicked the nearby tree, sending pain through her body. “Remember, Dash. It’s the biggest and best way you can atone and help,” Gilda said. “I… Can’t…” Rainbow Dash said, clutching her head. “After we got into that ambush, and I saw Chrysalis herself, that’s it. Everything between that and the girls bringing me back, it’s a hazy mess. All I’m sure of, is I was the last of the Hell Generals to be made…” “Could the other two Hell Generals also be converted Shadowbolts?” Luna asked.  Rainbow sighed. “In short, I have no concrete clues. Only conjecture, and applies solely to Leviathan.” She looked on towards the northwest, towards the school. “I think she’s my troop’s captain, Lightning Dust. As for Behemoth, I have no clue.” She then massaged her arm, trying to soothe the pain. “But let’s cross that bridge when we get there, it’s Behemoth we need to get out of the way before Leviathan even considers stepping in.” She raised the Thunderstorm Orb up to the sky, slightly wincing. The clouds started swirling into a vortex, with bolts striking at where Rainbow Dash is standing. Luna, despite warnings, stayed nearby. “Princess, wh-” “You forget that the Orbs were utilized by me and my sister ages ago!” Luna retorted.  “Dammit…” Rainbow muttered in her thoughts. The storm raged harder and more intensely, imbuing the Thunderstorm Orb, and Rainbow Dash’s arm, with unspeakable energy. Suddenly, a massive lightning bolt engulfed Rainbow Dash, transforming her into the Thunderstorm Ranger, after which she bent her knees and knelt in fatigue. Her suit, while looking similar to the other Ranger suits, has several differences. The sides of the helmet has claws on it, similar to Ziz. Her torso also has the Nimbus Armor, made from the energy of thunderclouds. “Gilda…” Rainbow Dash said, panting in exhaustion. “Do I have to do this every time I Morph?”  “Nah,” Gilda said through the Thunderstorm Morpher. “This whole song and dance was partly for me re-syncing with the Orb, and also to get back at you for forcing me to retreat.” “What a jerk you are…” Rainbow Dash said jokingly, despite her physical struggle. “Can’t feel my limbs, ‘cause of the tingling sensation.” “Are you going to head to where the girls are?” Luna asked. “This was in order to help them, I presume?” “Yep, to the school,” Rainbow Dash said. She raised her right hand into a fist up into the air. “Dammit Pinkie, this video game thing you told me before better work--” Suddenly, there was a flash of light. A bolt of lightning hit the Thunderstorm Ranger, engulfing her fully. Luna covered her eyes to avoid getting blinded. The moment she opened her eyes again, Rainbow Dash was gone. Rainbow Dash found herself in the middle of the school field. “It worked??” She then pushed on her Morpher to call the Princess. “Princess! It worked!” “Yep,” Gilda said through the Morpher. “Now get your butt going!” "I don't need to repeat what she said," Luna added. "Time is of the essence!" Rainbow nodded, running towards the school’s main building. She summoned her Lightning Katana as she ran, cutting through the changelings as she ran past. She checked each room in case someone was still trapped, freeing a few teachers and students. They were cleared a path to the school field, where the Thunderstorm Ranger told them to stay within the football area. “Woohoo! A new Ranger!” a student cheered. “The Princesses bless you, kind lady,” said a teacher, her eyes tearing up slightly. “Oh right, there were three girls trying to run Changelings over with a cleaning cart!” Another student added.  “And the party-girl, what’s her name? Pinkie? She was blasting her party cannon!” A third chimed in. “You got it! I’ll head for the three girls first!” Rainbow said with a thumbs up. “Head for the track field, all clear over there!” And with a flash of lightning, she was off. After several hallway searches, she found the cart in question. A girl with red hair tied in a bow, another with curled long light lavender and pink hair, and a third with short magenta hair, screaming in an attempt to scare off the changeling troops. Rainbow Dash let out a chuckle, whispering below her breath, “Heh, they sure haven’t changed.” She then threw her weapon to the opposite end of the hall, and teleported to its location. She snapped her fingers, and all the changelings in the hall collapsed. “Okay, squirts,” Rainbow said. “Go on to the school field, there are teachers and other students waiting there!” The three girls nodded and scurried on to the exit. “Now for Pinkie… Maybe she knows where Flutters is…” Rainbow said to herself, blasting past more corridors of changelings. In a stroke of varying luck, she encountered the party girl in question. But it was through almost being hit by a party cannon blast. The speedster then backtracked to where the cannon fire came from, and sure enough, Pinkie was there, blasting her party cannon like it was another of her celebrations. “Helmet off!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Heyo Pinkie, got something for you!” She tossed a blue orb towards Pinkie, who caught it with a cheer, Morphing into the Blue Ranger. “About time, Dashie! Now hurry up, Fluttershy is in the stable, trying to get Smarty Pants to leave!” “Twi’s old mule’s still kicking? And still the school masc-- Hang on, don’t call me Dashie!”, the daredevil retorted. “Oooh right, only Flutters can do that huh?” Pinkie teased, to which the newly-minted Ranger blushed. “Whatever, you’re sure you got this? Backing up the folks in the field?” Rainbow asked. The hyperactive girl gave her a nod, and whacked her party cannon again, sending more changelings flying. “Taking that as a yes… Helmet on!” Rainbow said, and zapped on towards the stable. The path from the main building to the stable took Rainbow to the opposite end from the school field, same as where the gardens and greenhouse were located. She immediately spotted the horse named Smarty Pants, however, trotting away with no Fluttershy nearby. Her chest froze. “No!” She screamed, bolting towards the stable. She found a swarm of changelings gathered around a crouched girl with long pink hair, and then halted right next to them, causing a shockwave that knocked all of the changelings away, and stunning Fluttershy. “Helmet off!” Rainbow said frantically. She then took the girl in her arms, and shook her gently. “Crap... come on, Flutters. Come on…” Rainbow whispered. The timid girl stirred awake, as Rainbow sprinkled some water on her face. “Hunh-- Dashie?” “It’s me, Flutters,” Rainbow replied, giving her an embrace.  “Oh, Dashie!” Fluttershy exclaimed, hugging her back. The two girls enjoyed their warm hug, until Rainbow pulled back. What the speedster did surprised Fluttershy to no end. She gave her a light peck on the lips. “Uhm-uhh-Da-Das--” the shy girl stammered. “Also look at your wrist.” Rainbow said, avoiding eye contact. “I-uhh, let’s talk about it later…” Fluttershy looked at her Morpher. The Pink Orb was back. “Oh Dashie, I--” “Let’s go save the school,” Rainbow smiled. “Together.” Fluttershy smiled back, and steeled herself to prepare. “Morph, In!” “Helmet, on!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Let’s go!” After fighting off the Changelings, reuniting with Pinkie, and having to get Smarty Pants back, the school was mostly cleared of changeling forces.  “I’ve called Princess Luna,” Pinkie said, “she’s ordered the police to send a squad for the teachers and student body,” after suddenly falling on her back. “I want some cake…” Rainbow chuckled at seeing Pinkie’s sugar-crash, and said, “Gotta say, honesty is Yellow’s thing, but it’s good to see you again.”  “Same here, Thunder,” Pinkie said with a growl of her stomach. “Short for Thunderstorm… I love it!” Rainbow said, offering a thumbs up. Fluttershy wrapped her arm behind Rainbow’s waist, pulling her close to her side. The younger students saw it happen, and reacted teasingly.  “Ooooh, Thunder and Pink!” one said. “They’re so cute together!” another added. “Excuse me, students!” a teacher interrupted. “That’s no way to act to our heroes!” The sudden attention spooked Fluttershy, letting go of her hold on Rainbow and promptly hiding behind her.  “Come on, guys!” Rainbow said, chuckling. “We just haven’t seen each other in a while, that’s all!” The three Rangers and the group of students shared some chuckles, until the ground started to quake. “Uh oh,” Pinkie said. “Look!” From the distance, they could see three giant creatures arise, one was the monster that Twilight’s group was sent to fight, and the other two were basically giant versions of changelings, with more vibrant wings. "Looks like we need to join in, back em up!" Rainbow said. "But where's the police? We can't just--" Rainbow was interrupted by a megaphone siren. Two girls close to their age arrived, wearing trainee police outfits. "Trainee officers Flitter and Cloudchaser, reporting, whoo!" one of them said, catching her breath. "I told you we shouldn't have ran for it," the other added. "It's fine, there's Corporal Biceps trying to catch up…" the first girl replied. "Dammit, you two," the larger officer said. "Detective Rainbow Blaze isn't gonna like this…" "Crap…" Rainbow thought. "My brother's gonna be here…" she then let out a nervous chuckle, and approached the officer, shaking his hand. "Officer, I think your squad got this, so we gotta go and deal with those giant things, alright? Bye!" She said quickly and darted off, taking Pinkie and Fluttershy with her. "Wait, we still need to--" Biceps said as he watched the three color-coded warriors speed off. "...Question you…" "Wait wait, Rainbow!" Pinkie said. "Why'd you leave?" "Pinkie…" Fluttershy jumped in. "The squad is led by a Rainbow Blaze… Dashie's older brother…" "No lies get past the Rainbow Family…" Rainbow added. "If there's any secret, the entire family will know. But they'll also help to keep it, so there's that… I just don't wanna have to explain the whole thing to my brother, the Hell General thing is a big enough issue on its own…" "Good point," Pinkie said with a sigh. "I still have no idea how to explain the Blue Ranger thing to my folks! And I didn't hide it!" "Girls, I think we need to--" As the three of them talked, the battle turned against the Harmony Striker Megazord. The two winged Changelings managed to grab hold of the Megazord while the serpentine monster landed a few punches. "Aw crap! Pinkie, Flutters, let's do this!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Gryphon!" "Windicorn" "Phoenix!" "Descend and combine!" The sky turned dark, and a storm brewed. Lightning bolts and thunderclaps littered the battlefield the Harmony Striker Megazord was fighting in. The Gryphon Zord, flanked by the Windicorn and Phoenix Zords, formed into their respective Megazord components, and attached together. With the power of the Thunderstorms rightfully with Gilda, the Thunderstorm Megazord is formed. “Thunderstorm Megazord, Rumble!” Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie shouted in unison, finding themselves within the control room. “This looks different,” Pinkie wondered. “From what the one Twi has?” Rainbow asked. “‘Cause this looks way better than when the darkness took control…” “Gilda redecorated?” Fluttershy mused. “Thanks, girls,” Gilda said. “And from what you said, Dash? Chrysalis’ evil must’ve taken a number on this, and I only saw what it looked like when Ziz was almost defeated.” “How bad was it?” Fluttershy asked.  Rainbow tapped her head, and then answered, “Looked like the lab of a scientist who wanted to revive a stitched corpse.” “Spooky.” Pinkie quipped. “Now let’s back up team Twi before it’s too late!” Rainbow exclaimed. The Thunderstorm Megazord then flew towards the main monster, gaining speed. Once the battle was in view, it gave a high speed flying right hook.  “And that’s what you call an entrance!” Rainbow and Pinkie cheered. “Storm Lance!” the three exclaimed, summoning the Storm Lance and striking at one of the giant changelings, destroying it. “Hey gals, can we call those things Winglings?” Pinkie asked. “Because they got wings?” Fluttershy added. “Basically, yeah.” Pinkie nodded. “Winglings it is, then.” Fluttershy and Rainbow said at the same time, surprising both of them. They all then broke out into mild laughter. “Hey, you’ve got your powers back!” Twilight said through the Morphers. “And look who’s back up and joined the club!” Applejack added. “I want to see your suit, Rainbow!” Rarity chimed in. “Heheh, please don’t add ribbons to it, Rarity,” Rainbow said back. “Did you know some students think Pink and Thundy are a thing now?” Pinkie asked. “Eep!” Fluttershy said, flustered. “Don’t call me that, Blue!” Rainbow retorted. “Girls, girls!” Rarity said. “Let’s take care of these lumbering oafs!” “Alright, before they get up again!” Rainbow said. “I wanna try something! Hey Gilda, could you let Ursa know?” “Already told him,” Gilda answered. “You ready, Ursa?” “Very, big sister.” Ursa responded. “Ready!” all six Rangers exclaimed. The two Megazords then moved back from each other. The Thunderstorm Megazord produced a ball of lightning, and threw it at the Harmony Striker Megazord. “Penalty!”  The Striker Megazord then spun and kicked the ball towards the two enemies. “Comeback!” The impact then exploded, destroying the Wingling and the snakelike monster. “Goal!” The six Rangers then cheered, securing victory.