A Grand Journey

by Reached


The Rookie awoke, his body protesting the discomfort of the chair he had slumbered upon. Groaning, he stretched his stiff limbs and yawned, eventually settling back into his makeshift bed. Through the cockpit window, he observed a world transitioning into the light of dawn, the sun casting its early rays upon the landscape. The river from the previous day flowed steadily, as beautiful as ever. While the air retained a chill, the fog on the windows indicated that his body heat had begun to warm the pelican's interior, making his surroundings more comfortable.

The dream he had experienced last night lingered in his thoughts, its strangeness leaving him in a state of uncertainty. It hadn't been unsettling or disconcerting, yet he couldn't quite decipher its meaning. The enigmatic being in his dream had evoked a sense of protection, but for now, he chose to dismiss it as nothing more than... just another dream.

The Rookie began his morning routine, taking time for hygiene before heading outside. He left his helmet behind; it was a relief to have a break from its cumbersome weight. His trusty rifle, which had already proven its worth in battle, was his sole companion on this morning walk or patrol, as he would come to see it.

The planet felt perfectly suited for humans. There was a sense of serenity as he ventured into the cool, refreshing breeze of the winter morning. As he strolled, the gentle wind swept through his surroundings, rustling the leaves and whispering the secrets of the land.

He meandered westward, retracing the path where the drone had ventured into the nearby town. This side of the river appeared untouched by the events of the previous day, and The Rookie couldn't help but appreciate the natural beauty that the planet offered. Soon, he came upon a hill that offered a promising vantage point to view the town. He climbed the incline cautiously.

At the top of the hill, he took a moment to catch his breath and enjoy the expansive view of the archaic town nestled below. The early hour left the settlement relatively still, its buildings basking in the gentle morning light. Eager to gather more information, The Rookie raised his rifle and adjusted the scope to his eye, which rested comfortably against the cool surface of the weapon.

As he observed the town, a sense of disbelief crept over him. The people moving about were unlike any humans he had ever seen. They appeared... short, and their bodies seemed almost equine in shape, it looked like... they were standing on all fours. Their colors were perplexing – various shades of blue, red, and even pink, every color imaginable. The combination of these peculiarities left him questioning the nature of what he was witnessing. It was as though he had stumbled upon a fantastical world, distinct from anything he had encountered before. Surely, just a trick of the morning light.

The Rookie continued to observe the village from his vantage point, his trained eyes carefully studying the people below. It was clear that he needed more information about them, and the only way to obtain it was by getting closer. However, the situation presented challenges. The distance to the village was far, and walking there would consume precious time. If things took a turn for the worse, he would find himself in an unfamiliar territory where the villagers held the advantage.

As he contemplated his approach, his attention was drawn back to the two large crates in his pelican. These crates had piqued his curiosity earlier, and they might contain items that could prove useful in his investigation. The lone wanderer decided to explore their contents, believing that they could hold the key to uncovering more about the villagers and their intentions.

Returning to his pelican, he faced the task of opening one of the crates. With a bit of effort and the sound of reinforced wood being dismantled, he managed to crack one of them open. Inside, he discovered a brand new, shiny all-terrain vehicle, a mongoose. The sight of the vehicle, gleaming and waiting for use, offered a glimmer of hope. He also noticed two canisters of gas, likely the fuel for the mongoose.

The Rookie considered the significance of this find. An ATV could be his ticket to a faster and less conspicuous approach to the village. It could allow him to observe and interact with the villagers without raising too much suspicion. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that these items were meant for him, a gift or a test of some kind.

The Rookie's curiosity was piqued as he turned his attention to the second crate. This one was tall and relatively narrow, and like the previous crate, it seemed to be quite securely sealed. With determination and a touch of frustration, he set out to dismantle it, layer by layer. After a considerable amount of effort, he finally managed to access the crate's contents.

To his surprise, he found yet another crate inside, leading him to believe that whatever was inside must be of significant importance. It took a total of five layers of crating to unveil the true treasure within, a small green box marked with the word "NOVA." The contents of this box remained a mystery, and the lone wanderer couldn't help but wonder about its purpose.

With gloved hands, he carefully unlatched the box and opened it, revealing a small core inside. Its appearance resembled that of a drive or chip, and a dark green radiance emanated from its center. As he observed it, a memory surfaced in his mind, a vague recollection of some sort of chip placement in the back of his helmet. The core before him now seemed to be related to that memory, leaving him to ponder its significance and potential use. Others, in units he had previously been in, would insert basic AI into their helmets. They claimed they were helpful. He himself had used one, when he fought on Earth. These AI were basic, enough for simple navigation, maybe able to change music on command.

The Rookie's gloved fingers closed around the chip. He lifted it, studying it briefly before attempting to insert it into the slot behind his helmet. Predictably, it didn't fit right on the first try. With a sigh, he reversed it and carefully slotted it in, hearing it click into place. He waited for a moment, perhaps a minute or two, but nothing happened. Disappointment welled up within him, as he had half-expected an AI companion to manifest.

Suddenly, his visor turned off. Frustration and self-doubt coursed through him as he contemplated whether he had accidentally malfunctioned his visor with some kind of strange virus. Just as he began to lose hope, something miraculous occurred. The visor lit up, outshining its previous state. It appeared cleaner, as if tailored specifically for him.

"Heya!" A voice reverberated within his head, seemingly originating from behind him. Startled, The Rookie reacted with an uncharacteristic gasp, whipping around and raising his weapon. His surroundings, the cargo hold, were eerily empty. Confusion marked his features as he hesitantly lowered his weapon, and the voice spoke once more.

It was a woman's voice, exuding smoothness and gentleness, yet demanding his attention. While he kept scanning his surroundings, trying to make sense of the situation, he finally vocalized his thoughts. "What are you?" His voice, raspy from disuse over the past two days, felt peculiar, like he was conversing with himself.

"Navigational, Operational, and Vector Analyzer, or NOVA," it spoke. "This is my first time being powered on. I'm very excited." Each second that passed saw alterations in his HUD, flickering and rearranging elements as NOVA seemingly took it upon herself to reorganize things without seeking his permission. The Rookie was left both fascinated and apprehensive about this unexpected development.

The Rookie remained silent, he had heard that AI could go rampant, crazy. This encounter marked his first interaction with such advanced technology, leaving him unsure of how to navigate the situation. Nova, the AI, seemed to sense his hesitancy and ceased her adjustments on his screen. The map of the area lay before him, a tableau of the unknown.

"Quite the quiet type, huh? Aha..." Nova chuckled awkwardly. "Don't worry. I'm not about to go rogue. Got self-deletion protocols and all, set to trigger seven years from now. Not that I know why-"

Ignoring her, the Rookie moved toward the front of his pelican, gazing at the stationary treeline beyond. The AI lapsed into silence, grappling with the uncertainty of their interaction. Soon, his visor was alive again with her manipulations, displaying a tidier arrangement, seemingly tailored to him.

"Now, about your name... I can't see it, so, since I've shared mine, maybe you should spill yours!" Nova's tone carried a hint of desperation, yearning for a response.

"I don't remember," he uttered, the quiet of the pelican intensifying his raspy voice.

"Fantastic! I guess I'll have to give you with a name, like... umm-"

"Rookie," he declared, taking the pilot's seat. Talking to an entity, even an artificial one, felt like a lifeline after days of solitude. Nova's casual demeanor offered a welcome reprieve, suggesting he might not be entirely isolated in this strange realm.

"Rookie it is! While you've been yapping away, I've checked out the data you collected." Nova's words held a hint of excitement as she prepared to guide them into the uncharted mysteries of this new world. "I can see that there's no UN outposts anywhere nearby and I can see that you haven't seen any bad guys yet. I've been looking over the footage your drone captured, and... it's very strange."

"How so?" The Rookie asked. He leaned back into his chair. "Well... the inhabitants are some sort of... weird alien we've never seen before. They're like horses, but cute." Nova replied to him. The Rookie felt his eyebrows furrow. "Horses, but cute?" The rookie whispered, dryly. Nova laughed again, awkwardly.

"Cute horses! Maybe-" Nova's awkward laughter filled the air, abruptly interrupted by the pelican's violent shake. The Rookie, reacting swiftly, armed himself and stood. He could sense Nova's tension, even if he couldn't see her.

"Insect... Insect aliens are surrounding your pelican. Almost ten of them. One of them is trying to open the back door. I wasn't finished integrating with your systems; I couldn't see them coming," Nova urgently relayed.

The Rookie, with his rifle, climbed out of the cockpit, crouching near the front of the pelican. The aliens had encircled the back, oblivious to the front.

"Open the door, Darkshade! She will be upset if we don't get what's inside. She's been looking for this metal bird for years!" One of the aliens spoke. The gruesome creatures resembled the cute horses Nova had mentioned earlier, but malnourished and ragged.

"A-Alien!" one of them cried out upon spotting The Rookie, triggering a chain reaction of alarmed gazes. A sudden darkness enveloped him, accompanied by the sounds of battle and an assault of war memories. His senses were overwhelmed, and the grip of the illusion tightened.

"It's... done some sort of... magic spell on you. I can't explain it. You have to fight back!" Nova's urgent voice cut through the mental haze. The Rookie, breaking free from the spell, raised his rifle, aimed, and fired. The illusion shattered, revealing an injured alien leader.

The wounded leader moaned in agony, its companions clamoring around it. Some fled, others lifted the injured leader with strange magic, enveloping it in green. They retreated, swift as they had attacked. The Rookie, shaken by the ordeal, chose not to pursue. He was in no position to do so.

"You could have killed them." Nova spoke, after a quiet moment of reflection. The Rookie lowered his rifle, and looked at the insect...horse creatures, running away.

"I know."