We're Done

by TheKing2001

Chapter III


“So Spike,” Roseluck drew out the sentence as she and her sisters stared at me. I had gotten considerably close to the the three mares after I accidentally destroyed their flower stand during my whole rampaging dragon birthday incident and we started hanging out ever since I fixed the stand. “You doing okay?”

“Ever since Starlight and your friends screwed you over by forcing you in front of a crowd, making you afraid and uncomfortable,” Daisy added as Lily shot her a glare.


“It’s fine,” I sighed and swung my legs as Lily settled onto the couch next to me. They had a surprisingly nice house, looked smaller on the outside. “I do appreciate that she is the one who is quite blunt. Reminds me Sunset a little bit. She alternates.”

“That’s good,” Lily said and shot me a smile. “So you staying in the castle or something?”

“Nah. I wouldn’t kick Twilight out of her house even if she could live with Rainbow or AJ. That’d be rude of me.” The three mares looked at each other before Roseluck coughed.

“Well where are you staying then?” Roseluck asked and shifted on her chair. I gave a shrug and yawned.

“Haven’t thought about it. Maybe Bon Bon and Lyra, maybe Blossomforth. Or uh you girls if it isn’t too much?” I asked and gave a sheepish smile as the three mares faces lit up.

“We’d love for you to stay for a few days. We could certainly use the company!” Lily announced as she flung a hoof around me in a one hoofed hug. “If you want, you can help out around the garden or stand. We can pay you for your work, right girls?”

“Absolutely,” Daisy agreed and nodded her enthusiastically.

“That’s fine with me,” Roseluck admitted as she slid off her chair. “I’ll make you a bed in the spare room. This is gonna sound weird but we usually sleep together. We all three get really cold no matter how many blankets we got covering us.”

“I was just gonna sleep on the couch,” I admitted sheepishly as Roseluck stood on the stairs and tossed me a look back over her shoulder. “You don’t gotta do all this.”

“Nonsense! You’re our guest, no exceptions!” Roseluck said cheerfully in a manner that sounded more like Lyra than her.

I sighed and stretched out more on the couch. No point in trying to win a fight I’ve already lost.

“So I just cut here?” I asked as I nervously held some scissors in my claws. The three mares had been up for a few hours in the garden before Daisy had woken me up to see if I wanted to help out.

“Mhm!” Lily said as she tossed some flowers on the wagon they had parked nearby. “Just like that. Toss them on the wagon after you’re done.”

I nodded and complied, quickly adding them to the evergrowing pile. I raised an eyebrow as Daisy levitated some flower seeds.

“How can you do that? You’re an earth pony,” I pointed out and she blushed, moving her mane aside to reveal a small nub on her head.

“Mom was a unicorn. I’m the only one of my sisters who had this defect. It’s not a full horn, just some stupid disability if you wish to call it such. Always got made fun of for it so it isn’t advertised around town. And all my classmates who knew about it moved away so it’s a secret between us four now,” Daisy explained as she let her mane fall back into it’s usual style.

“That’s stupid,” I muttered under my breath as Roseluck raised an eyebrow. “Ponies making fun of her I mean, not the whole unicorn mom thing. My adopted mom is a unicorn.”

“The princess?” Roseluck asked curiously and I shook my head.

“Twilight Velvet, her mom. And her dad Nightlight. Nice ponies. A bit strange but nice. Shining Armor is incredibly strange but he’s pretty cool,” I admitted with a smile. “And then when Twilight was old enough, they gave me to her. Can’t really have a kid taking care of a baby, after all.”

“True,” Lily snickered as she approached the wagon. “Alright, I’ll be back. Just gonna take the wagon around back.”

I gave a nod and turned around to watch Daisy. I faintly listened to Lily pulling the wagon and the flapping off wings.

“Spike?” Rainbow asked and I turned around. The pegasus stood above the fence, hovering as she stared at me with wide eyes. “Oh Spike! Starlight is worried sick!”

She flew at me and tackled me as we went rolling and I slammed into the wall of the flower trios house.

“Get off me,” I grumbled as I pushed Rainbow. “I’m not in the mindset to see you or her right now.”

“But I-”

“He said get off,” Daisy snapped as she and Roseluck stood behind us with angry expressions. “And you’re trespassing on our property so leave before I call the Guards to take you away.”

“She’s right,” Roseluck chimed in coldly. “National hero or not, the laws still apply to you. Now get out of our garden.”

“Not without Spike,” Rainbow said adamantly as I slid out from under her. “We all want to talk to him so he’s coming with me.”

“Like Tartarus he is,” Lily chimed in as she came around from the house. “He’s our guest and if he doesn’t feel comfortable going with you, then he ain’t going nowhere with you.”

I gave her an appreciative look as Daisy bit down on Rainbows tail and dragged her towards the gate as Roseluck pushed it open.

“Get out!” Lily shouted as she pushed Rainbow from the front. Daisy dropped the tail out of her mouth and Rainbow quit fighting as the three stood out of the yard.

“You can’t do that to me either! It’s assault!” Rainbow snapped and flared her wings. Daisy and Lily hastily retreated back to the garden as a crowd formed.

“They technically can,” I said as Rainbow focused on me. “They told you to leave multiple times.”

“But Spike-”

“But nothing,” I interrupted her. “I want to be alone.”

I sighed and watched Rainbow fly off, shooting a glare at Lily and Daisy.

“Thanks for that,” I hugged the two mares as Roseluck hugged me from behind.

“No problem Spike,” Daisy said casually. “What are friends for?”

“Now come on,” Lily added and pushed me towards the side door. “Break time.”

I gave a slow nod as the three shoved me through the open door. Might as well take a break from any more unwanted visitors.