"Sunset's" Crown: Through the eyes of Garble

by PsychoFluttershy1

Chapter 3

"Oh my goodness, what the?!" Was the first words that escaped Rarity's mouth when she saw the gym. It looked like a warzone.

"What in tarnation happened here?!" AppleJack asked in shock. Both girls looked at each other and at the gym. "Who would do such a thing?!"

"The gym...it's ruined!" Rarity gasped.

"We need to tell the Principal now," AppleJack said. They raced to the office but stopped when they saw Twilight on the floor, her arms around her knees. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey, Darling what's wrong?" Rarity asked.

"I-I got banned from running. Vice Principal Luna said t-that I trashed the gym but I didn't do it!" Twilight cried.

"But that's not true! You were with us all this whole time!" AppleJack said. "Someone is trying to set you up!"

Rainbow Dash came up. "Hey what's wrong, Twilight?"

"Someone framed Twilight for trashing the gym and now she's banned from running," Rarity explained.

"This is obviously Sunset's doing, guys. This is the kind of things she'll do."

"The dance is tomorrow, and I have no way to prove I'm innocent." Twilight said miserably. "I'm done for."

Rarity went over and gave Twilight a hug. "It's going to be alright, ok?"

"Yeah, we'll prove your innocence and we'll make whoever did it pay!" Rainbow added. Fluttershy came in holding an ice pack on one of her bruises. Rainbow saw Fluttershy and rushed towards her. "Fluttershy! Are you ok?"

"I'm o-ok," The timid girl said quietly. "J-just a little shaken up." She noticed how sad Twilight looked and asked what was wrong. AppleJack explained what happened which made her gasp.

"Yeah, it's awful but I'm not surprised Sunset would do this," Rainbow said.

"Is someone talking about me? I must be famous."

All girls turned around to see Sunset behind them with a sinister smile.

"You disgusting bitch!" Rainbow yelled.

"Oh come on, Rainbow. You know I had to do it. That crown is rightfully mine!" Sunset laughed.

"How dare you frame Twilight! You're sick!" Rarity shouted.

"Yeah, whatever. Why do you even care about her? That bitch has been here for only a couple days,"

Everyone was shocked by Sunset's cruel words until Fluttershy took everyone by surprise. She didn't know why but something inside of her clicked. "Be quiet!" She snapped.

Everyone fell silent, including Sunset

"Umm, what?" Sunset began to laugh. "What did you say to me, Flutterslut?"

"I said be quiet!" Fluttershy's voice was rising. It wasn't anything her friends were used to. "You don't talk about Twilight like that! She has been nothing but kind and you're just a selfish brat!" Everyone was shocked but Fluttershy was not done. "All you do is treat others horribly and act like you're some queen! You're awful, sick and just a big bully!"

Sunset only laughed. "Guys, get in here!" She shouted. Gilda, Trixie, Hoops, Dumbbell, and Score all entered the gym and Fluttershy's face initially turned white. "Fluttershy, I want you to say the exact same thing again. I dare you."

"Yeah, what did you say about Sunset?" Score asked with a sadistic grin.

"What's wrong, Fluttercunt? cat got your tongue?" Hoops chuckled

"I-I..." Fluttershy began to mumble.

"Speak up! Trixie can't hear you!" Trixie said.

"Come on, Fluttershy tell me again. Please for the love of God tell me how I'm a 'selfish brat'!" Sunset taunted.

"You called Sunset that?" Score angrily snapped at Fluttershy. "You DO NOT call her that ever, do you hear me?!" All of a sudden, Gilda attacked Fluttershy by tackling her to the ground and started to punch her all over her body. The poor girl tried to defend herself but Gilda was proving too strong.

"It was actually kind of cute seeing you try to stand up to me" Sunset laughed cruelly.

"You're a coward, Sunset!" AppleJack snarled.


"Isn't it obvious? You can't handle Fluttershy calling you out, so you need all your lapdogs to stand up for you!"

"Hey, guys what's going on?" Pinkie entered the gym. She took a look around and the answer was already there. "oh..."

Trixie snapped her fingers. "Let her up, Gilda," she ordered.

"But she-"

"Did Trixie stutter?" Trixie asked in a condescending tone. Gilda sighed and let Fluttershy go but not before she gave the animal lover a few bruises.

Rainbow Dash ran to Fluttershy's side and gave her a hug"

"I-I thought I could stand up to Sunset!" Fluttershy cried with tears leaking her cheeks.

"Hey, Flutters you did!" Rainbow said. "She's the real coward. She needed five others to get on you."

"You really think so?"

"Of course! That was awesome how you called her out!" Rainbow continued to hug Fluttershy.

"Trixie apologizes. Gilda is quite unhinged at times," Trixie said although she didn't really sound genuinely sorry. Sunset, Trixie and the other bullies left the gym leaving the six girls in disgust and sadness.

Right now, I'm currently alone because both my parents were still at work so I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon watching T.V until they got home.

*Bzzzzz!* my phone ranged

It's Sunset. I wonder what she wants? "Hey, Sunset what's up?"

"Garble I need you to do something for me.

"Yeah? what is it?"

"Kidnap Twilight for me."

I was little shocked by the request. "Umm I think that's a bit unneeded."

"Are you saying you don't care about my crown?!"

"Sunset, I didn't say that. I'm saying it's a bit unnecessary because I already got Twilight framed. She's not able to run so you're competition is already out of the picture."

"That's not enough, Garble! I can't take any chances. She somehow got the other girls back together and it seems like they might prove Twilight is innocent!"

"Well I really don't wanna drive somewhere far to kidnap her. I'm just planning on staying home tomorrow."

"What?! have you lost your mind?!" Sunset's voice was beginning to rise. "You promised everything would be perfect!"

"I did, Sunset and I've already gotten her out the race. What else do you want? I really don't want to drive far so why not ask Trixie or Gilda."

"Trixie got her licensee suspended and I can't trust Gilda to listen to any or my orders!"

"What about Hoops or them?"

"They're pretty much useless on they're own so that's why I'm telling you to do it! You know this crown is important to me, right?"

"Yes, Sunset. I know but-"

"Then you're doing as I say!" Sunset's tone sounded sharp. "Unless you want to visit the darkest pit of Tartarus!" She hung up and I put my face in the palm of my hands and groaned. I dial Trixie and began to tell her what we needed to do.