by Partycannon_

(Ch 7) Runaway Train


The view was shaky and made it difficult to see. Celestia's sun was a deep orange as it slowly closed over the horizon. The audio receiver picked up the snapping of twigs underhoof. Your view presented a countless amount of tall trees reaching to the sky, many rocks and sticks littered the ground. There were no landmarks, nothing of interest, only the woods.

"Welcome back everypony to my, um. My Vlog," a tired, gravely voice echoed behind the sight. 

"Today we are joined by the outdoors and me of course," Dinky tried to laugh but the attempt quickly fizzled away. A short time passes as the view is brought deeper into the woods.

"So, I watched a lot of the um, survival shows. That's... I am doing that now," the movement stops and the view is brought to the sky leaking in through hundreds of leaves.




The scenery was the same but the daylight burned more and more dim. With that the luxury of sight becoming far more sparse.

"Hello everypony. Welcome back to Dinky's Vlog." A fake delighted tone said behind view and spoken as though practiced.

"I want to try to live... Like, the survival shows... GRAH!" Dinky let out an angered scream.



"Hello I am Dinky's Vlog and we, I mean." Dinky spoke quickly but tripped over her own tongue. The audio picked up an aggressive stomp into the dirt bellow.



"Welcome to um," sniff "D-Dinky's Vlog," the despair in her voice was apparent above all else. While the audio was working the video hardly showed anything in the darkness.

"WHY!?" She howled suddenly, her emotions getting the better of her. The sounds of birds scattering were picked up.

"Why?" she asked.

"I-I don't understand why this always happens," sniff "It never makes sense," despite the black void of the forest, Dinky continued moving through it.

"The world is evil and bad."



Finally the view was stationary. Dirt covered hooves turned on the vision before the pony connected to them retreated and sat a few feet away. You see the damp fur around her eyes, the bags of tiredness within the wet fur, and her tired pupils. She laid her back against a rusted metal sheet while a small light echoed from under the view.

Dinky was in thought as her pupils dragged against the ground. Her mouth remained mostly closed and she held her limbs around her barrel. Dinky seemed to come to a conclusion in her head and brought it to the view.

"Um, hello everypony. I-I'm safe, I'm in a train, thing. Like, where they hold stuff... I forgot a pillow and blanket. So, I'm going to sleep on the ground," she spoke with long pauses between thoughts. Dinky bit down on her bottom lip, still looking away.

"I don't really want to talk about Ponyville," she sighed.

"I-I... You guys probably think that I'm this really cool pony. Somepony who is awesome and great but... I'm just a loser. Nopony wants to be my friend and that will never change." Dinky physically cringed, her tired eyes filled with defeat.

"All I ever do is drive ponies away, even my dad doesn't want anything to do with me. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up with a cutie mark showing that nopony will evER BE AROUND ME ANYMORE!" Her shout echoed in the old train car as she retreaded within her hooves.

"I can't keep doing this anymore." Dinky held the hooves to her eyes as tears ran down them. She sat in this position for twenty minutes only opening her mouth to whimper. Finally she brought her head up and looked around, then her face dropped, she realized that no one was there to comfort her...