//------------------------------// // Things Just...Happen // Story: The Shy of My Life // by PonyXS //------------------------------// The First sunlight is appearing in the beautiful morning; showing a great day ahead, and the first creature to awake was Spike… “*YAAAAWN* Mmmff…oh…that was a real sleep, after all, I still sleeping in that tiny bed for small animals, you know what? I need to buy a normal size for a tall dragon, how could Twilight think I’m still flexible? He, how hilarious was-” before he can say another word, he remember was happened the last night and…after open his lazy eyelids, was still embracing Fluttershy; no more reaction than an intense blush. (Oh my! this isn’t true RIGHT?! No I can think in a bad way, after all, she was who take a decision and, a good friend can’t deny that, but…now I remember; I need to return to the library and faster!). Spike slowly forces the Fluttershy’s hoofs to move to each side and get free, very carefully, and more with the injured one. “Stay calm…it’s already done…” and a bad movement cause Fluttershy to move, but for the sake of Spike, she didn’t awake. “Uff…that was close, now…” he gets off from the bed and walks slowly to the door; open it with extreme careful to not do a noise with the old door. Finally, close the door, but not without see one more time Fluttershy in the bed sleeping like a beautiful angel with the sun light covering her making a sparkle effect. (Oh no, no that thoughts again) But without more distractions, he go downstairs and before leaving, was already thinking if it’s a good idea to leave like this; a great idea! He go to the kitchen, find the eggs (She already knows that the eggs in the market are different to the other ones, so she is calm about that and not to think she was eating…well, you know), bread and some oranges. “Fried eggs, check, toasts, check, fresh orange juice, check, and now, this note: -Fluttershy, this is for you, I’m leaving to the library, sorry to leave you alone but Twilight can arrive in any second and you know how she is…intense. Sorry, instead, have this special breakfast that I made for you. Well, I’m leaving now. See you later!-” He left the note in a side of the table and go through the Entrance door to outside, a fresh morning, and no more distractions to go to the library. “Alright, I need to move on and faster!” In a flash, he was already running head to the town. Meanwhile in the Carrousel Boutique The same light get pass through Rarity’s curtains, awaking a new mare for today with a smile, but today isn’t her day, no actions will get free for the problems that come in time. “*Yawn*” Open her eyelids see the solitaire state of her room, if something is missing… “Mmm, maybe Sweetiebell wake up soon and go with the Crusaders at the 5 AM again… that girl will never change…well, I need to be beautiful today~” Like a cinematic scenes, she first put some music to do everything more entertainment, then starts making her bed, then walk into the bathroom and closing the door; a shower sound appears and disappears after 7 minutes, a dry sound make its appearance while she hums the song with simples la-la-la; then the teeth brushing sound, the water, and with a slowly hair brushing sound, she get out of the bathroom and with a whip of her hair, she get ready for today. “Oh, who’s that mare over there? Of course, is Rarity! The most beautiful creature in all Equestria” She while was talking with her mirror and put her make-up, when she hear some footsteps in the street, she finished and take a look outside, a beautiful day of course but, turn look down and see Spike running like a maniac, only to reach soon the library. “Spike?!” and she…remembered the whole problem of yesterday. Nothing that she was trying to do was useless because Spike wasn’t in the library (Because he was with Fluttershy) and she never noticed that. Now, with knowing where he is going, she gets the opportunity to apologize for…the love problem. “Perfect, now I can say him before, well, he try to do something more stupid”. Then she grabs her bag and goes outside. While she was walking, the sun was just perfect today and no more than a great time to walk appreciating all the wonders of the nature. Back to Spike “*Gasp* faster…I need to get…*GASP* soon!” The poor dragon was running with all of his strength and finally arrives to the library. “*GASP* finally…ugh…ejem, uff, now I can take some shower and get ready when Twilight arrives”. When he passes through the door he saw nothing more than a great mess when he didn’t clean up yesterday. “Dear Celestia…this can’t be…I’m pretty fast, so this isn’t going to take much longer” In a few minutes Spike already had clean up the most of the mess, but without any idea of could be receive a visitor in that moment. And he didn’t lock the door, so… “Spiiiiike~ are you here-” Spike haven’t pay attention at her words and finally…the “Other” mess happened. *THUD* When Spike was recovering the consciousness, while at the same time with a blur and double vision, get noticed that have in front no other pony than Rarity! And, when finally, he gain more strength, can now say…“¿What? Rarity, ¿why you are here? Err, I mean, what happened, you just enter the library like nothing and well, you don’t see what I was doing? Running like a crazy pon-dragon or whatever, and the only thing that you think, with no offense, is standing in front of the door and just call me? …Ah…now is your turn” Rarity was in a trance with no return for the impressively reaction of Spike against their crash; and with some snap with the fingers of Spike, Rarity was able to speak again returning from her trance. “Oh Spike! I…come to apologize you for yesterday, I tried to say the best things to you, and only I get to an innocent dragon, pain in his emotions, Spike, I don’t want to say this but, darling, I don’t feel anything for you; and I only can see other ponies to love, no other kind of creatures. Sorry but I can’t feel the same as you to me; that love than isn’t for me or I can get. Sorry Spike” Rarity was starting sobbing, she knows how him can react about this, his truly and very helpful friend and, starting how he can think about, that “something more”, would get him in a bad way, but, instead of that… “I accept your apologies Rarity, I know now I can’t love you. So you want to say another thing to me?” And with an expression of a great relief she finally response heading to the entrance “No, nothing more Spike. So, when Twilight will arrive?” Spike with a new expression on his face; spoke the last words before close immediately the door in front of Rarity “Oh for Celestia! SHE WILL BE RIGHT HERE IN ANY MOMENT! Sorry but I can’t stand here without doing nothing, see you later!” And with a great breeze produced by the door getting closed by a great strength, Rarity finally feel now very relieved about his answer. Then with a tiny smile in her face, she walks now to her house to do more dressmaker job to end the day. Back with Spike inside the Library The adolescent dragon was now lost in that mess “So, where I was…oh right!” Now, he continues with the –Clean Up Plan- before Twilight arriving in Ponyville soon. Back with Fluttershy The gentle sun woke up the sleepy pony, with a kind and lovely stare, she slowly open her eyelids and remember what happened. “Oh…Spike…” her face turn now in a sad expression, she will be happy with Spike at her side, smiling at her too…but Fluttershy didn’t get that perfect morning. She now gets up from the waist to the head and see how alone was the room, without Spike; and a peaceful bunny gets inside to say hello. “Oh…I was almost forgetting your breakfast Angel. Mama will be downstairs in a moment” Fluttershy with sobbing, go downstairs and when she arrive to the kitchen, she start to get amazed and; with cleaning her eyes from tears, she starts to smile and blushing a lot. “He cares about me! *Sniff* he really cares…” And Fluttershy, finishing serving Angel’s food, she sit, and read the message to her. At the end of the reading, she says very softly: “Oh Spike…so that’s why you did this to me…well, this would be the best breakfast made to me” And it was the perfect and delicious meal to her, and she still thinking him for a while for that, to make a delicious meal than her loves, in the shower too and while she was chosen clothes; remember him every second of that time, she can’t stop think about him. And that would be just another reason to increase her secret from him…