//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Pegasus Uprising // by Stormy Cloud //------------------------------// This hearts warming would be the worst especially for the pegasi after a malfunction inside the Cloudsdale Weather Factory caused a major snowstorm, many ponies started to panic which made the stock market plummet, this ultimately lead to banks crashing and closing down which would lead to an economic depression. Due to the snowstorm causing severe damage to nation, many pegasi would be discriminated against and blamed for the incident. Many weather factory workers had been sacked as the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation could not afford to pay the workers. In response to this most pegasi went to the government for emergency aid, however due to many believing that this was the Pegasi’s fault, they were denied. This decision sparked outrage among the pegasi population and they started rioting. Princess Celestia immediately declared martial law and started to enforce a curfew that only applied to pegasus ponies. Because of this pegasi living in cloud cities signed a petition to make, the entire pegasus race along with cities dominated by pegasi fully independent. This would be denied by the Princess, which most ponies saw this as a violation of the treaty of Unity which was signed after the three pony tribes united. A part of the treaty stated that a tribe could leave the union providing that most of the tribe agrees to it. *** Inside of a basement below a pub in cloudsdale several pegasi were sat around a table, talking about the current economic climate. “This is not right. Pegasi are starving to death in the streets and our so called government are doing nothing about it” said a blue pegasus with a neon, yellow mane, his name was Blue Bolt. “Tell me about it, we should stand up against this oppression” said a yellow, pegasus mare, whose name was Sunny Rays. “We’ve tried everything even rioting didn’t work” a purple, rainbow maned stallion told her. His name was Rainbow Blitz. Sunny Rays asked Rainbow “doesn’t your niece know Princess Twilight?” Blitz’s face turned dark “yes and I’ve already asked her if she can talk to the princess. Our dear Princess told her that this was our fault and our mess and that we should get out of it ourselves instead if complaining” This made everypony bristle in anger he then added “Apparently everypony blames her for the storm because she is, or at least was the towns head weathermare until she also got the boot” Blue Bolt suddenly spoke up “Then if they won’t listen or try to help us or give us independence then we’ll have to take it forcefully!” He shouted slamming his hoof down on the table, making goblets rattle, their cider splashing on the beat, down table. “What are you suggesting?” Blitz asked with a concerned look on his face. “Im saying we should revolt and make our own army and our own government.” Blue exclaimed. Sunny agreed, nodding her head vigorously “yes if they want us to get out if this mess ourselves, then we shall but we’ll do it ourselves” Rainbow looked nervous quickly looking around before whispering “I dunno about this” “Don't worry alot of pegasi feel the same way, they’d be happy to join us” he told Blitz. “What if we fail?” Sunny told him “Oh stop being such a worry sports” Finally he relented and agreed to the plan and thus the Pegasus Liberation Army was born. The first thing they did was go on a recruitment drive. Asking anyone who wanted to join. Ultimately around five thousand pegasi from Cloudsdale signed up alone. Several pegasi were sent to other pegasi cities such as Las Pegasus and Cloudsburg to recruit. Where an additional ten thousand pegasi joined the rebellion, other pegasi from other cities such as Manehatten and Baltimare also joined. Their first plan was to sieze control of the government buildings in the cities of Cloudsdale, Las Pegasus and Cloudsburg. The Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus uprisings were successful however Cloudsburg had failed after the city had managed to send out a distress call to Canterlot before the city was fully taken. The Royal Guard had immediately swarmed the city and had either captured or killed the rebels. After taking Cloudsdale the PLA immediately cut of all weather to the rest of Equestria and had threatened to keep the weather from being given to the rest of the country if The pegasi weren’t granted full autonomy. However it instead if meeting their demands local unicorns were used instead to create the weather using magic which infuriated the pegasi who in response detonated a bomb outside Canterlot University causing multiple civilian casualties. After this the Equestrian government declared that the Pegasus Liberation Army was a terrorist organisation. After the attack innocent pegasi started to be accused of being PLA soldiers which lead to multiple innocent ponies being sent to prison. Celestia had created a new law which made it so that anypony suspected of being a PLA member could be arrested and sent to prison without a trial. In retaliation the PLA started to launch air raids against Canterlot however these air raids would be brutal as PLA bombers would have to deal with loyalist Pegasus defenders who were loyal to Celestia as well as anti air blasts from pegasi, this resulted in several losses after each raid. After this the PLA would launch their first ground assault into Ponyville by first launching air raids against the small town after the first wave most of the town had been destroyed after it was a simple task of troops marching into the small town and planting the flag of the PLA in the ruined square. The elements of harmony had been evacuated to Canterlot while PLA soldiers started to kidnap pegasus foals to be trained as soldiers, all other civilians were forced as prisoners in their own homes. *** “My name is Scootaloo and I am a Pegasus filly who lived in Ponyville, I was kidnapped and was forced to joining a military training camp, to turn me into a soldier, this is my story”