Cybertron Girls

by SonicSpeedster97

Beast Wars

It had been a while since the Rainbooms could really get in some quality band practice since they’d gotten involved with the Autobots, but when they wrapped up a jam session at CHS today, they were on a serious high of happiness as their Ponied-Up features disappeared. “Great work today, girls.” Sunset smiled as she set her guitar down.
“I hope the next planet we go to has a music competition because we would totally rock it!” Rainbow smiled with a powerful cord on her guitar.
“Eh, I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high, kid.” a familiar voice remarked from the corner of the room. Spike looked around and suddenly saw a very familiar rat near Rarity’s backpack.
“Rattrap? What are you doing here?” he asked.
“And I think more importantly, why were you in my backpack?” Rarity asked.
“Heh. Eh, I was lookin’ for somethin’ to snack on while I waited for ya.” Rattrap shrugged. “But that don’t matter now; we got work to do. Prime needs us at the Ark.”
“Another mission already?” asked Twilight.
“S’pose it had to come sooner or later.” Applejack shrugged. “Best get rollin’.”
“Ooh! Before we go, we should have a team name.” Pinkie smiled.
“Huh?” asked Sunset.
“No, she’s right.” Rainbow smiled. “The Autobots and Decepticons all have different teams with squad names, so I say we should have one of our own. And I vote Rainbots.”
“Mm… Nah.” Applejack shrugged. “Don’t quite roll off the tongue.”
“Um… how about Harmonibots?” suggested Fluttershy.
“I like that.” Twilight smiled.
“Alright then. Harmonibots, let’s roll out.” Sunset smiled as they packed up. The team moved out to the parking lot and activated their vehicle forms, with Rattrap jumping into Rarity’s car – which she found thoroughly disagreeable – before they rode off to the Ark.
When they arrived, they were surprised by what they saw; the Dinobots and Maximals were all getting prepped along with Optimus, Elita, Hot Rod, Ironhide, Chromia, Pyra Magna, and Windblade. And there was one more surprising face when they transformed. “Tigatron?” Spike seemed surprised.
“Mm. Been a long time, little pup.” Tigatron smiled.
“This mission must be important if we called him in.” Rainbow smiled. “Where’re we going?”
“Home.” Cheetor smiled as he prepped his blaster. “The next Galaxy Key’s on Eukaris.”
“Why are you packin’ so much heat then?” asked Applejack.
“Well, things on Eukaris aren’t exactly copacetic.” Rhinox shrugged. “Autobots have their war; Maximals probably have ours by now.”
“What does that mean?” asked Sunset.
“Before Alpha Trion asked us to safeguard the Omega Lock and the AllSpark, Eukaris was dealing with its own political turmoil,” Airazor explained. “Tension between the tribes and all that; we’d split our alignments down the middle between us Maximals and a faction called the Predacons.”
“Heh. Yeah, and with our luck, the Preds have probably gone on the warpath by now.” Rattrap rolled his optics.
“Well, if that’s the case, then let’s go change that luck,” Rainbow smirked as she checked her Gatling guns and deployed her missiles, accidentally crushing something on the console.
“Rainbow Dash, I needed that!” Ratchet barked angrily.
“Sorry.” Rainbow shrugged nervously, quickly collapsing her missiles back into her arms. “But seriously, say the word and I’m ready to go.”
“That remains to be seen.” Lifeline countered. “Magic repair and Combiner Core reformat aside, you’re still on thin ice, medically speaking. You’re staying here until we’re sure you’re in peak condition.”
“So who goes to Eukaris then?” asked Sunset.
“Um… I’d be willing to go. I-If that’s okay, Optimus.” Fluttershy shrugged.
“I wanna go too. As an ambassador for Earth.” Twilight smiled.
“They haven’t gotten in the way yet.” Ironhide shrugged.
“Very well. Prepare yourselves.” Optimus ordered simply.
Twilight and Fluttershy walked over to the armory section and saw Wheeljack and Springer standing ready near a bank of guns. “Alright, alright; let’s get you ladies kitted for a real gunfight.” the engineer smiled.
“I feel like I’m set,” Twilight smirked as she looked over the readout of her jet-mode’s weapons systems and glanced down at Spike.
“Yeah, for a dogfight.” Springer countered. “But if you get caught on the ground, you won’t be able to count on Spike all the time. And in those cases, you need guns.” He glanced over at the engineer. “Weapon ports; let’s see ‘em.”
Twilight and Fluttershy were confused about what the Wrecker meant by that but shrugged as they tried to focus… and ended up extending weapons from their wrists and into their hands; Twilight had a strange rifle with a bulb at the muzzle and Fluttershy had a large electric ray. Springer appeared impressed. “Not bad. Concussion cannon and Energon infusion emitter. Those oughtta come in handy.”

“Whoa! Do we all have those?” Rainbow asked in surprise at the weapons.
“Where do you think I keep my stingers?” Bumblebee smiled as he flipped his own weapon out of his wrist, before he glanced over at Twilight. “Good luck, guys.”
“Thanks, we might need it.” Twilight was still surprised she and Fluttershy were so armed, but they retracted their weapons and walked to the SpaceBridge with Optimus and the others as Red Alert activated it.
“Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” Optimus ordered, prompting his team to transform and race through the SpaceBridge.

On the other side of the vortex on Eukaris, Megatron and Starscream had arrived at the Predacon temple where they found Hydrax and his followers waiting. “As requested, Hydrax; we have returned,” Megatron said simply. “Now if you please, the Galaxy Key.”
“First I wish to truly test your mettle, to see if you are worthy of the knowledge.” Hydrax countered, his two extra heads snapping and snarling.
Megatron sneered; he’d known this was coming at some point. “If you truly wish to test yourself against the Champion of the Pits of Kaon, then be my guest Hydrax,” he said as he raised his sword and shield. “But you may find the outcome most… disagreeable.”
“We will see about that. Hydrax, Terrorize!” the dragon snarled and transformed, hefting his axe as he leaped at Megatron, his smaller heads blasting fire at the Decepticon. But when the axe cleaved the flame, Hydrax appeared stunned as Megatron was nowhere to be seen. “What?!”
Suddenly the smaller head on his left shoulder snapped, prompting Hydrax to turn… just in time to see Megatron swing his blade at the Predacon leader’s main neck and stop short just as the edge drew Energon. “Impressive. So this is the combat training on Cybertron.”
“No training; simply gladiatorial survival instincts pushed to their greatest extent,” Megatron assured as he returned his sword and shield to his back, earning a small but meaningful round of applause from the other Predacons… though Starscream saw what looked like uncertainty on Fangwolf’s face as Hydrax locked his axe onto his back.
“With training such as this combined with the might of the AllSpark, you may indeed become invincible. And a most worthy ally.” the dragon-bot smirked.
“Your might is already impressive, Hydrax.” Megatron nodded.
Hydrax laughed as he slapped the Decepticon warlord on the shoulder. “Good answer!”
Megatron couldn’t help but chuckle. “As much as I may enjoy sparring with a warrior such as you further, Hydrax, I don’t have all day. The Key.”
Hydrax was about to speak before Terrorsaur swooped into the temple. “Lord Hydrax! Another Maximal siege team is on the way! It looks like nearly all of them this time!” he crowed.
“They will be met with the same destruction as all their past attempts.” Hydrax scowled as he drew his axe. “Predacons, Terrorize!” The Predacons all snarled and transformed, firing their weapons out into the jungle.
In the jungle, a large black widow spider hissed as it climbed a tree. “Raptorknight and I told you this was foolish, Fangwing.” the spider growled in a feminine voice.

The target of her snarling – a wolf with forelegs, wings, and a tail that looked more in place on an eagle – snapped up at her. “Be honest, my little spider; foolish is fun!”

“Not when it gets us pinned down like this!” the spider screeched back. “You should’ve known Terrorsaur would see us coming a mile away.”
“Cool your circuits, Blackarachnia; we’re only here to remind ol’ Hydrax we’re still a threat.” an armadillo assured, quickly turning to a large black bison. “Hornbash, let ‘em have it!”

“With pleasure. Hornbash, Maximize!” The bison bellowed and transformed, blasting a large explosive shell from his mouth up, which hit Tyranotron straight in the chest.

“Grr! Eviscerate them!” the T-Rex snarled, prompting Razorclaw’s team to charge down the stairs toward the Maximals.

“About time!” a large grizzly bear snarled. “Barbearian, Maximize!” He transformed and snarled, charging out to engage with Razorclaw directly.

“Whoa-whoa-whoa, hold it Barbearian!” the armadillo insisted as he jumped in the way. “Do not engage directly; just get ‘em pissed and lure them back to the traps. Blackarachnia, think you can hit Hydrax or his new friends from here?”
“Easily. Blackarachnia, Maximize!” the spider smirked and transformed into a surprisingly attractive female bot mode who leveled a blaster at the dragon bot and fired a large blade-like bolt. Quickly Megatron saw this bolt and jumped into the way, deflecting the blade with his shield before he fired back with his cannon, blasting the tree to splinters and sending Blackarachnia flying.

“Blackarachnia!” Quickly Fangwing took to the air and caught the spider bot in his paws, flying her toward safety. “We’ve done what we set out to do, my friends. Tactical retreat is in order!”
Barbearian and Hornbash appeared much less enthusiastic about this retreat than the others, but soon begrudgingly accepted as they retreated, leading Razorclaw and his team into the jungle… right into a large line that suddenly shot up from the dirt and clotheslined them right in the necks as the Maximals retreated into the jungle.
Razorclaw snarled and stood up. “Divebomb, get airborne; track them down!” he ordered.
“Waste of time; we flyers have scouted the jungle more times than I can count and we’ve never found the Maximal base.” Divebomb insisted. “This time will be no different.”
“Prove it; get up there! Now!” Razorclaw ordered.
“No!” Hydrax bellowed from the perimeter of the jungle. “Divebomb is right; the Maximals are little more than terrorists now who dare interfere with the natural order of Eukaris. Hunting them down is a waste of time when we can simply let them come to us and be terminated. Then Eukaris will truly belong to me.”
“Rebels such as this never know when to stop, Hydrax,” Megatron assured. “Simply destroying them on your doorstep is not enough. They must be taught the error of their ways… by vaporizing their home.”
“Yes… I like the way you think, Megatron.” Tyranotron smiled as he stood up and reverted to his dino mode. “Once the Maximals and their base are destroyed, our world will truly belong to us.”
“If you believe you are capable of ending this war for us, Megatron, then I will gladly allow you the chance to prove it.” Hydrax scowled. “And should you succeed, I may be willing to let you know where this Galaxy Key you seek is.”
“I suggest you keep your word on that, Hydrax. Or these Maximals will not be the only ones to feel my true wrath.” Megatron advised. “Starscream, come; time to go hunting.”
“With pleasure, Lord Megatron.” Starscream smiled as he readied his guns before marching into the jungle behind his master.

Far away in the jungle, the Autobots exited their SpaceBridge and found themselves in the jungle. “Wow. So this is Eukaris.” Twilight noted as she looked around; the jungles were truly massive with trees several times taller than Optimus and a dense canopy, storm clouds toiled high overhead seemingly constantly, and in the distance, massive volcanoes rumbled as if they could erupt at any second.
“Hmm. Grimlock not like this planet.” the Dinobot snarled. “Too much… green.”
“Well, it’s no Caminus… but I suppose it has its charm.” Pyra Magna remarked.
“Seems the jungles have gotten wilder in our absence,” Botanica remarked as she set her roots in the ground for a moment.
“No real signs of any conflict,” Airazor noted as she flew high above. “Maybe the war between the Maximals and the Predacons is over.”
“I wish I had your confidence in that, Airazor,” Rhinox said as he looked around.
Suddenly the ground shook and the group was on high alert. “What’s that?” Chromia said quickly as she raised her axe.
She got her answer in short order as the ground split open and a massive plant almost like a sunflower rose from the ground and started batting at the Autobots with large bulbs on tentacle-like stems. “Jumpin’ Gyros; a Helianthus Crusher. I hate these things!” Cheetor snarled.
“Then let’s take it down!” Ironhide roared as he raised his blaster, firing at the large plant as the others backed him up.
Grimlock roared as he charged the massive plant, eagerly tearing at it with his teeth. But it clearly didn’t do much before he was batted away by one of the arms easily, before it extended the same courtesy to Elita, knocking her into a tree. “Elita!” Optimus called in concern, right before the plant grabbed him by the ankle and swung him into the air.
“Alright, enough is enough. Maximize!” Cheetor called, prompting all the Maximals to transform and open fire on the large plant as well.
“How do we stop these things?” Hot Rod asked, firing bolts from his wrist cannons.
“We tear it out at the roots!” Rhinox ordered as his chain guns roared.
“Yeah, easier said than done, big guy.” Rattrap pointed out.
Then a powerful roar sounded across the valley. Everyone looked and was surprised to see a massive golden lion charging down a nearby cliff toward the plant, along with a large gorilla. “Mind if we lend a paw?” the gorilla bellowed.

“Great timing as always, big bot!” Cheetor smiled.
“Friends of yours, I assume?” Windblade asked as she deflected another stem with her sword.
“Good guess.” Airazor smiled.
Then the gorilla leaped from the cliff and started swinging from the trees before he landed next to Grimlock. “Optimus Primal, Maximize!” With a growl, he jumped up a bit and his legs spun around to reveal more mechanical legs as his chest flipped out for an armored chestplate, his ape-head flipping back for a robot head that greatly resembled Optimus’s.

Naturally, everyone was surprised by the ape’s choice of name, but it got better when the lion charged and slashed at the plant’s main stem with massive golden claws and ripped it up out of the ground a bit. With the opening, Primal flipped large double-barreled blasters out of his wrists and fired into the ground, blasting the plant out of the ground further which Slug took to charge in and rip the plant up with his horns, blasting fire from his mouth at the roots to burn the plant down. “Whoa. That was awesome!” Spike barked happily.
“You alright, Optimus?” Hot Rod asked as he helped the Prime up.
“I am fine, Hot Rod,” Optimus assured as he gripped his arm before he marched toward the new Maximals. “I believe I owe you a debt of gratitude.”
“Think nothing of it.” Primal smiled, cycling his blasters back into his wrists. “I’ve been wanting to meet you for a while anyway. Leobreaker’s told us a lot about you.”
“No points for guessing who Leobreaker is, I guess,” Windblade noted as she glanced at the lion, sheathing her sword.
“But, um… how does he know Optimus?” Fluttershy asked.
“A sound question.” Optimus nodded as he looked at Leobreaker. “Who are you?”
“I’ll show you. Leobreaker, Maximize!” With that roar, the lion’s entire upper torso rotated 90 degrees before he reared up on his hind legs which extended into more humanoid legs, its forepaws becoming fists as a robotic head deployed from the lion’s mane.

Everyone was surprised at that transformation, but Ironhide was particularly amazed as he walked up to the beast-bot. “I don’t believe this. Overhaul?” he asked almost breathlessly.
“Been a long time, ol’ buddy.” Leobreaker smiled.
“You know this guy, Ironhide?” Hot Rod asked.
“Well, I should hope so,” Ironhide remarked, setting his arm on Leobreaker’s shoulder. “He’s my little brother.”
“What?!” Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy asked at once.
Chromia was just as surprised as she approached. “By the Forge. What happened to you, Overhaul?” she asked. “The last any of us heard from you was that distress beacon from the SpaceBridge at K’th Kinsere.”
“Nice to see you too, Chromia.” Leobreaker smiled. “And to answer your question… that’s a long story.”
“Well, I think we’ve got time.” Cheetor shrugged. “Especially since I think we’ve all got some questions.”
“I expected you would.” Primal noted. “Come on, let’s get back to base and we’ll explain everything.” No one could argue with that, so once the Maximals all transformed back to their beast modes, they led the rest of the group through the jungle to safety… and the next stage of their race for the AllSpark.