//------------------------------// // Ch 2 Being Treated Differently // Story: Love can Appear in many forms // by coolpony01 //------------------------------// Scootaloo is walking to school. There are royal guards stationed in Ponyville and any other settlement due to precautions after the changeling terrorist attack. Since she is part changeling they view her as a threat. She knows this isn’t right but there’s nothing she can do about that. She went inside and sat down by her best friend Dinky. They have been close ever since they moved to Ponyville. An earth pony then walked in it was their teacher Miss Cheerlie. “Good morning Miss Cheerilee.” The class spoke. “Good morning students.” The teacher began with a warm cheerful tone. “Today we are going to learn about the age of darkness.” Miss Cheerlie said. “Please open your textbooks to chapter 5.”Miss Cheerlie spoke. Scootaloo used her changeling magic to turn the page over to chapter 5. “Over a thousand years ago the Crystal Empire was a thriving place. Creatures of all sorts lived in peace and harmony. This included many sorts, crystal ponies obviously but it also included donkeys, yaks, griffons, dragons, and changelings.” Cheerliee said. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon snickered at the idea. “That’s quite enough.” Miss Cheerlie said firmly.  “Well anyways it was ruled by a fair hearted ruler by the name of Crystal Heart she was an alcoholic friend of the royal sisters. One day a unicorn with a heart as black as night took over the crystal empire his name was King Sombra. He began to practice dark magic since it gave him power but dark magic corrupts the poy who practices it that is why Princess Celestia banned it. He killed Crystal Heart and declared himself king of the Crystal Empire. He took the princesses' creation known as the crystal heart and hid it away.  Then king Sombra enslaved the crystal ponies mostly and put them to hard labor. During this time he began to grow his army to try and take over Equestria. We will be learning that next class.” The teacher spoke. Scootaloo wrote down all the notes but she already knew this lesson all too well the king would end up being banished but he already would have caused the empire to banish into thin air. Then it would remerge a thousand years later and her mother would have found the crystal heart and saved everyone. The young filly would have some homework to finish on the subject later but she had other classes to finish first. The next thing they did was math but the equations were very simple for the young filly especially since she has her mother a talented pony for a tutor. After that the class did some english and took a vocabulary quiz. She got her answers all right along with her brother since they have their mother to thank. After that they had art class where they would be painting a picture of starry night by Pincent Van Gogh in their own way.  After that it was time for recess and Scootaloo and Dnky went to the swings where they usually hang out. “So how have you been doing Scootaloo?” Dinky asked. Scootaloo let out a sigh. “It’s just ever since those changeling terrorists attacked ponies have been treating changelings differently, they see us as a threat even the princess sees us as a threat.” Scootaloo said with disdain on the subject.  “Well not all ponies are like that. My mother and I know better  and it won’t last long. Everyone will soon realize that this is stupid.” Dinky said  The two then saw two fillies their age walk their way; it was Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. “Hey monster’s like you don’t belong in school.” Diamond Tiara said. “Oh I am no monster.” Scootaloo said, narrowing her eyes. “That is not true, my mother says to stay away from you.” Diamond Tiara said. “Why I’m no threat.” Scootaloo said. “After what your kind did in Canterlot I think so.” Diamond Tiara said. “That was a group of changelings; plenty of groups of ponies do bad things too.” Scootaloo said. “She’s right, you know.” Dinky said standing up for her friend. “Hey that’s just because they had experiences to make them do those things changelings are just born bad.” Silver Spoon said in fear. “Well that’s just stupid people aren’t born bad, they're created that way and you’re one to talk after you went and black mailed the whole school to write gossip newspapers.''Scootaloo shouted. “Well at least we don’t have urges to feed off love.” Diamond Tiara spoke. “Changelings don’t have urges to feed off love pee brain.” Scootaloo retorted.  “Get away from my foal you beast.” They turned to see Diamond Tiara’s mother Spoiled Rich begin to approach them. Miss Cheerilee walked out. “I hope you do something about Twilight’s beasts. One of them just harassed my daughter.” Miss Rich spoke with her usual snobbish tone. “It looks more like your daughter was the one harassing her. I don't discriminate students for any reason and especially if it is just over their species.” Miss Cheerilee said firmly. “Then you’ll be hearing from me.” Miss Rich spoke and then walked off. “I’m sorry about how she treated you.” Miss Cheerliee said in concern. “Nah it’s okay, I’m used to it.” Scootaloo spoke in her useful tomboy accent. And you shouldn’t be.