//------------------------------// // Simple Pleasures // Story: Simple Pleasures // by Iron Sides //------------------------------// Simple Pleasures By Jack “Pick up the pace Shy!” the azure pony’s voice could be heard throughout the entire field as she and her friend, Fluttershy, trekked up a grassy meadow hill in preparation for something amazing. Celestia’s sun was low in the western horizon, marking that the day would soon be spent and Luna’s night was due to rule the sky above. Filling it with distant twinkling stars and beautiful shades of navy for all Equestria to gaze upon. Fluttershy was not usually one for late night ventures such as this, but persistent begging from her multi colored friend Rainbow Dash had finally swayed her into attending whatever event awaited them tonight. Rainbow gave no clues or explanations to her quiet friend, only promising this would be a night they’d “always treasure”. Fluttershy had known Rainbow Dash for years, and anything that got her this excited was usually very good, or very dangerous. She knew not what it might be, but steeled her nerves for the worst and prayed to Celestia for the best. “Alright, we’re here!” Rainbow declared, stopping in her tracks, nearly allowing Fluttershy to bump into her rear. Dash set the saddle bags she carried on the ground, and with barely controlled enthusiasm, began to remove items from them and place them all about. Soon a checkered picnic tablecloth laid between them covering the soft grass, atop it sat a few plates, cups, and some bowls. After a quick motion from Dash, Fluttershy was soon unloading her saddle bags of fresh food and a few other amenities; blankets, napkins, refreshing drinks, etc. With their midnight picnic all assembled, the two sat together and began a bit of idle discussion while they partook of the food and drink. “So, Rainbow, why are we out here again?” inquired Fluttershy, after swallowing a bite from a juicy Sweet Apple Acres apple. “Oh, no reason in particular.” was her only response, but her anxious tone and lack of eye contact may have meant more, reasoned Shy. “Hmm, okay…” Fluttershy conceded, even if there was no reason Rainbow was willing to share, it was still nice to enjoy her company for the night. They ate in silence for a time, but eventually gave conversation another attempt. “So, are your weather duties going fine?” ask Fluttershy in a generally interested tone. She really did love to hear Dash’s weather stories, they were always eventful and exciting, things she could probably never accomplish alone. “Oh yeah, they’re fine!” She said through a mouthful of muffin. After a brief pause to swallow she continued, “The new cloud kickers are gettin’ the methods down quicker than I thought, so that leaves me more free time I could’ve spent trainin’ ‘em!” “So, more late-afternoon naps?” came Shy’s humored response. A light blush spread across the Pegasus’ surprised face; easily visible against her cyan coat, “Uh, I-uh, well… yeah.” was her only response. Fluttershy gave a short giggle; she loved Rainbow like a sister, and knew her as well as one to boot, and she wasn’t immune from the occasional desire to poke fun at her friend. While Dash recovered from her little moment, Fluttershy took the time to admire the heavens above. The sun had set by now, and the moon began its heavenly ascent, guided by Luna’s will to bring the world peace and slumber. Fluttershy had noticed that the night sky was far more beautiful after Luna returned to her throne; the stars were brighter, the constellations shown with a new splendor, and even the depth of the sky itself was more refined than she had ever seen. Luna truly knew how to make the night sparkle; an art form she must have developed over the many years reigned before she fell to insecurities. Fluttershy liked Luna, even if she was a little over intimidating. She was kind, and she loved to enjoy others company, but had difficulty with the task, much like Fluttershy herself. She wondered if this beauty came naturally to the Princess of the Night’s task, or if she took delicate care to craft every nighttime sky, to please those she very nearly wronged. Fluttershy was roused from her ramblings when Dash cleared her throat rather briskly. “Huh? Wha…” asked a suddenly bemused Fluttershy. It was Dash’s turn to chuckle this time, “You okay there Shy? You were starin’ off into space there for a bit.” Her voice had a mocking tone, her expression condescending, but of obvious humor. “I’m fine, just a little thoughtful is all” was the yellow Pegasus’ response. “Well, you might want to think less, and look more.” Were Dash’s only words, a look of expectation and subdued affection coating her stare. Fluttershy didn’t really understand her friend’s advice for a time and only stared at her expectantly. But then, out of the darkness of night, something caught her eye: a light, nay, several suddenly sprang up from the grass, each tiny and jittery in their movements, flitting here and there spontaneously. They danced about clumsily for a few seconds before more and more joined the fray, only adding to the pool of light slowly developing. “Fireflies…” Fluttershy mumbled in hushed awe; she loved fireflies, they easily took first place in her eyes compared to any others insect, and even some larger mammals. She remembered when she first saw them as a filly, dancing and spinning together in the plains below Cloudsdale, she had mistaken them to be a forest fire, much to her parent’s amusement. The next evening they all went down to the ground and watched them, the memory forever being etched into her mind as one of the happiest moments of her life. The cloud of fireflies only continued to grow in size as more and more awakened to join their brothers and sisters in their own little festival. The accumulated amount of lightning bugs generated enough light to light up a good majority of the field, including Shy and Dash. Shy managed to tear her eyes away from the beautiful display long enough to stare at Rainbow Dash; she was focused on the fireflies at the moment, her eyes and multicolored mane shone and sparkled enchantingly in the mixture of darkness and yellow light. After a short time though, she spared a glance at Shy, who had yet to return to admiring the fireflies. “So, what do you think?” Dash’s voice was full of admiration and pride; she took great delight in sharing this moment with her closest friend. “This is… I can’t even… Oh Dash, how did you know?” came Fluttershy’s shaky response, her voice flushed with admiration and gratitude for her friend, her eyes near tearing up at the thought anyone would do this for her. “I found ‘em yesterday night while out from quick fly-by, I knew you’d wanna see it more than anypony, so, Ta-Da.” Dash gave a mock hoof gesture towards the fireflies for emphasis, giving Shy a flashy smile for kicks. Fluttershy couldn’t find words to express her happiness at the moment, so she settled for what she hoped to be her most affectionate smile and returned to watching the fireflies dance merrily about themselves. Dash watched Shy a little longer though, noting her friend’s every move; she was nearly crying from happiness, small tear drops forming at the brims of her beautiful teal eyes and hanging from her long lashes. A slightly goofy, yet adorable smile plastered across her cream-colored face. Fluttershy was a delicate mare, and she had to be treated as such, Dash knew this all too well, so she couldn’t really take her on all her daredevil stunts or adventures. But this, sitting and enjoying the beauties of nature, and each other; that she could more than manage. The two mares stayed there, enjoying the show until the fireflies once more went dormant with the falling of the moon, resting off for their next performance. The two mares stayed as long as they could into the night, and left long after they had finished their food and drink. As they made their ways back towards home, they promised they’d return; maybe even share this new treasure with others the next time they went to watch the fireflies. ~thank you for reading, may your life be filled with ease and fireflies~ Jack (Call-Me-Jack) Credit and thanks given to Eightup747 for proof and Iron Sides for encouraging me to write this.