Midnight Station - Part 01: Twilight faces the Dark Martial March

by Khampostel

Between harmony and order II (P11)

Mannah, Morrigan, Ceridwen, and Taranis watched in silence the dramatic event that was about to unfold.

Under the attentive gaze of their comrades, Balor's true body entered a massive orb filled with pure magic. Around him and between his wings, six custom-designed crystals orbited. The emblems engraved on each of the crystals sparkled like stars around their sun. Then, Balor, clenching his claws as if trying to crush an invisible balloon, compressed the magic around him, causing all the crystals to merge into one.

The war room was flooded with a unique and powerful light that enveloped everyone.

Mannah, with solemn voice, declared, "Let justice be served!"

A column of black light rose into the sky of the Grand Barrier, darkening the already scarce light and releasing an unsettling glow in different places within the dome.

Twilight-Dash was not oblivious to these signals and headed towards their source.

At the same time, in the war room in front of the Knights of the Order, the most crucial phase of their operation had begun. The unit's crest, a magical amulet that had been used in the pivotal battles of the Knights, had been assembled. It had always been employed against powerful enemies of their nation who had breached their defenses. Today, however, it was only the second time in history that it was being used outside the realm.

Inside the Grand Barrier, where Badwhiz's real body was located, the purple armor he wore began to darken until it became as black as pure tar. All wounds or signs of weakness disappeared from Badwhiz's body. An immense amount of magic completely filled the pony's body, giving it a ghostly halo. This transfiguration was the result of the fusion of the magic of the five Knights of the Order and Badwhiz into one. However, it was an imperfect union. Danu, representing the element of loyalty, was not present. Nevertheless, the power that Balor had gained at that moment was sufficient to face the approaching adversary.

Twilight-Dash reached the origin of the column of black light.

The transfiguration had ended. A cloud of dust erupted.

Both the sky and the inside of the Grand Barrier returned to how they were before.

But everything had changed. Tension filled the air. It was the brief pause before the storm.

Twilight-Dash watched in dismay at her opponent on top of a hill. The immense power she felt in front of her was impossible to ignore. It was like standing in front of an erupting volcano.

The dust cloud that enveloped the area dissipated in an instant.

Balor, now fully possessing Badwhiz's body and wielding the power of six different individuals, presented herself to Twilight-Dash by spreading her black wings. She smiled at her opponent, but it wasn't a mocking or arrogant smile; it was one of accomplishment. All her forecasts and deductions had led her to this point. Now, within the confines of her own machinations, only the completion of the task she had set out to do remained.

However, she must not lose her composure or order.

With a sigh, she reviewed the progress made:

Convince her comrades to join her cause and isolate Danu. Done.
Capture her main target and secure them. Done.
Complete preparations to neutralize the lord of chaos. Done.
Prepare the means to destroy Equestria in case everything failed. Done.
Finally, capture the irrelevant main bearers of the Tree of Friendship's magic. Pending.
Balor exhaled once more. Out of the six bearers she needed to capture, she already had four under her power. The remaining two were in front of her, now fused into a single entity.

"Great minds think alike... Don't you think so, princess?" Balor taunted, breaking the silence between them.

Twilight-Dash, confused, began to recall where she had heard the new voice that now emanated from Badwhiz. Then, the memory came, and she finally understood.

"Balor!" exclaimed Twilight-Dash. In Twilight's independent mind, the pieces of the puzzle began to fit. In Dash's independent mind, the pegasus boasted to herself. "Great minds... ha."

"Surprised? Didn't I warn you that we would finish our mission?" Balor replied coldly.

"Please, we don't have to go this far, there are other..." said Twilight-Dash, attempting to engage in a dialogue with Balor.

"'Other things more important than home'?" rebuked Balor, interrupting Twilight-Dash's words.

These were the same words that Twilight had used to lecture Ceridwen when she had been defeated in Canterlot. That memory she had seen in her friend's mind had only elicited revulsion in her.

"What 'things' do you mean, princess?" Balor continued. "In my home are my friends, my family, my love, my purpose, my story, my nation..."

A cold wind blew between the two contenders. In an atmosphere laden with a heavy silence, Balor descended towards Twilight-Dash under the wings of anger that she had been holding back for too long. Until that moment, she had kept her calm, but no longer.

"Answer me, princess... WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT?!" Balor finally exploded with all her rage, simultaneously shattering the rock beneath her. Twilight-Dash did not respond.

"I had thought of preserving you, to maintain peace in this realm... but now that I am more aware of your capabilities, that would be a terrible mistake. I WON'T GIVE YOU ANY PITY, DAMNED ONE! DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO ASK FOR IT!"

Faced with that display of pure and sincere rage that she couldn't comprehend, Twilight-Dash stepped back. Twilight's independent mind was disturbed: "Had I made a mistake? Where did this hatred come from? Was there something I didn't know?" Twilight's spirit began to doubt, but Dash's independent mind quickly shook her. "It's not time to think about that, Twilight! These guys are wrong, and you know it. We're fighting to save our friends and Equestria; that's all that matters!"

Encouraged by Dash's words, Twilight-Dash regained her composure and advanced toward Balor.

"I won't let you harm my friends or the inhabitants of Equestria! You can stop this now! It's not too late!" pleaded Twilight-Dash.

Balor paused for a moment. She closed her eyes and opened them again. There was no trace of anger or rage; only sadness remained.

"Unfortunate princess... midnight has already fallen upon us. It is too late for everyone," Balor said before launching into her first attack.

The dialogue had ended. There was no point in understanding or wasting time on an exchange of words. Balor initiated her offensive with the sole interest of ending her opponent. Unfortunately, Twilight-Dash had no choice but to accept it and fight.

Balor charged directly at Twilight-Dash, without using spells or tricks. Her attack was aimed at causing the maximum physical damage possible, relying on surprising her opponent, who likely expected some prior spell. She also had the Starheart gem around her neck. With this in her favor, an immediate magical counterattack would not be possible.

Her assumption proved correct. Twilight-Dash, surprised, could only raise a magical barrier with great effort and take the charge with her hooves open.

The collision between them caused the explosion of the surrounding rocks. There was a brief struggle between the two opponents, although it lasted only a few seconds, it seemed like time stood still for both. One pushed the other, with a purple barrier resisting and a magenta meteor trying to break through. Both forces oscillated until finally all the magical energy accumulated around them was released in a second explosion that swept the place where they were.

The new shockwave made all the rocks that remained from the previous collision disappear. A large dust cloud dispersed in all directions, covering half of the great barrier where they were trapped.

The body of Badwhiz, possessed by Balor, shot out from one end of the cloud.

However, Balor did not lose consciousness. Still in the air, she made an agile move, spinning around herself and stopping her fall with the force of her artificial alicorn wings. Without wasting a second, she rose even higher in the air and searched for her opponent among the remains of the explosion.

She clicked her tongue.

Below her was Twilight-Dash, looking at her with a cold gaze. There were traces of having been pushed as well, but they were just scratches, just like the ones Balor had now.

"Well... we're in the same boat," Balor thought to herself. The previous attack, though not very elegant, had given her the information she needed to continue her strategy. It was clear to her now that they were physically on equal terms. Even if she reinforced her armor or added more equipment, fighting head to head would only result in a draw. "If that's the case... then magic is the key."

Balor brought her front hooves together and entered a meditation stance as she ventured into the dust cloud from the explosion. The darkness of the dust cloud enveloped her. She knew that inside there, she would be an easy target and immediately teleported without making any further movement.

In an instant, she reappeared at one end of the barrier. Again, she tracked Twilight-Dash and, as she had supposed, she was circling within the dust cloud where she had previously been.

"You don't know tracking spells, do you?" Balor had studied it before, but it still surprised her how confusing Equestrian magic was. Despite her advances in many areas of magic, ponies had significant gaps in subjects like security and control.

"Too much time living in peace..." Balor murmured as she unleashed her spell. The ground began to shake, and columns of water shot up into the sky. Soon, much of the terrain was filled with water geysers that started to flood the plain. The freshly formed crater from the previous explosion began to fill up, taking the shape of a lake.

Balor's sensitive senses issued a warning. Someone was heading towards her at full speed. It was obvious who it was.

"That's it... come, stupid, come," Balor thought as she prepared her next spells. Three columns of water shot up on her sides, rising to the height where she floated. The water began to accumulate in three large bubbles that quickly grew in size.

A surprising flash, almost like a rainbow lightning, approached her. In less than a blink, Twilight-Dash appeared in front of her with an extended hoof, intending to hit her directly. It almost seemed like she had teleported, however, Balor had not blinked nor was surprised.

Twilight-Dash's attack landed directly on Balor's face, but the possessed pony's body was not damaged at all. All that powerful impact was dissipated by a translucent magical air cover around Balor. The black-armored pony stepped back impassively. Without paying attention to her opponent's surprise at her defense, Balor launched her counterattack. The water bubbles around her compressed, and three continuous shots of high-pressure water shot at Twilight-Dash at a frightening speed. Almost grazing some of her feathers, Twilight-Dash gracefully dodged all the shots. Balor had to admit, she did it too well.

Another spell was released, and from where Balor was, several air tornadoes shot out at almost hypersonic speed towards Twilight-Dash. Seeing her flanks being attacked, Twilight-Dash descended to the ground, allowing the air projectiles to impact on it. More smaller explosions emerged in the plain in the path left behind by Twilight-Dash's flight.

Balor continued her attack. The three water bubbles merged and formed an even larger one. Suddenly, the new bubble froze and began to grow in size. Increasingly larger, the ice ball covered the sky of the barrier they were in. Below, Twilight-Dash finished dodging the remaining air projectiles and looked up. A frozen planetoid was above her. With a simple hoof movement, Balor threw it.

If the Twilight-Dash fusion only had Rainbow Dash's consciousness to respond to that attack, it would have pierced the giant ice ball in a useless and arrogant display of strength and power. On the other hand, if only Twilight's consciousness were present, she would have decided to move away from the impact site of that slow and predictable projectile and then analyzed Balor's intentions in making such an obvious attack.

However, Twilight-Dash was more than just the conceptual union of two ponies. She was amazing and accurate, even more, she was EXCEPTIONAL.

With a speed more impressive than it took to plan her next moves, Twilight-Dash soared into the sky. She flew over the surface of the gigantic ice ball plummeting forcefully and continued her flight to reach Balor, attacking her in the same way she had done before. Once again, the attack was repelled, pushing Balor backward. However, this time, Balor received an unexpected attack. Before Balor noticed the absence of her opponent in front of her, a pull of pain shook her entire body from below. The world spun around her. Caught in a push at a completely irrational speed, the body possessed by Balor was dragged through the skies.

Consternated, Balor looked down, discovering that it was Twilight-Dash who was biting her tail and pulling it to throw her to the ground. In a reflex of anger at this insolence, Balor unleashed a lightning bolt towards Twilight-Dash, who stubbornly resisted for several seconds before letting go.

But it was already too late. In a futile attempt to change her trajectory, Balor spread her wings just moments before crashing into the ground. Balor's possessed body bounced repeatedly until it finally came to a sudden stop.

"Damn you...!" Balor didn't have enough time to finish expressing her anger. Exactly above her, the huge ice ball that she had thrown was just a few meters away from hitting the ground. Twilight-Dash had pushed her exactly to ground zero of that terrible impact.

"BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" resonated throughout the barrier. Once again, the landscape was changing. Hundreds of ice and rock fragments rose into the sky and then fell like meteors, and a large cloud of dust and steam darkened the entire trapped atmosphere, making it almost impossible to breathe. At one end of the barrier, where a bit of light could still be distinguished, a breathless Twilight-Dash watched the cataclysmic impact.

"Rainbow Dash, that was..." began to say Twilight's independent mind.

"Incredible... I know, I've never maintained that speed for so long! We should do this more often!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash's independent mind excitedly.

"No! That was too dangerous! She could have counterattacked at the last moment and left us under that mountain of ice!" claimed Twilight's independent mind.

"Oh, come on, we just teleport, right!"

"We can't teleport, Rainbow!"

"Oh, right, the stone... Well, I'll keep that in mind for next time!" confident Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight's independent mind didn't retort. It made no sense to scold Dash further for her reckless actions. But still, she worried that Dash might not be sufficiently focused to continue with the fusion. Both needed to be on the same page; otherwise, the fusion could fail in the midst of battle. If Rainbow Dash's personality began to predominate over hers, she could temporarily lose her magic at the end of the fusion. It wasn't common for that to happen, certainly it never happened in the advanced magic classes she had with Celestia. But there was that possibility, and she couldn't risk it happening, even when the enemy hadn't shown all their cards...

"Okay, I understand... I'll be more careful. I wouldn't want us to fail because of something like that," replied Rainbow Dash, surprising Twilight's independent mind.

"Wait, did you hear everything I thought?" responded Twilight's independent mind surprised.

"I can hear everything you think. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?"

"Well, yes, but... I thought I had closed my mind."

"I think it's you who's getting a bit unfocused."

Immediately, Twilight entered a state of mental isolation. Rainbow Dash was right. She had been lowering her own concentration in the middle of the battle, inadvertently letting Rainbow's mind make the decisions. After a sigh, her focus returned, and the fusion stabilized once again.

"I'm sorry. I'm not used to fighting like you. Not in this way..."

"Don't worry, Twilight. Just trust my experience. Traveling around the world gave me a loooot of that."

"Alright, I..."

"Up!" Twilight-Dash automatically said, perceiving a light at the highest part of the barrier.

High above the barrier, Balor was suspended in the air like a small fuchsia and black lantern. Badwhiz's possessed body had only scratches or other insignificant injuries. However, Balor's spirit was extremely agitated.

"Ahh... Ahh... Curse it..." Balor panted with sweat falling from her forehead. It was no wonder; moments ago, she had managed to teleport in the last millisecond before the ice planetoid she had created fell on her head. Everything would have ended at that moment, and she would have had to take more extreme measures to end the battle.

Balor looked down again and once more found herself locking eyes with Twilight-Dash.

"Alright! That was... very dangerous... Doesn't matter, everything is ready now," said Balor to herself as she observed the changes in the landscape. She took a deep breath again and descended slowly towards Twilight-Dash. Balor was already mentally preparing the final moves to end that battle.

Twilight-Dash watched her opponent descend until she reached the ground. She was only a few meters away. However, Twilight-Dash's senses were on alert. She could feel that Balor was relaxed and unharmed. That was bad; the confidence reflected by her opponent revealed that everything was going according to plan. So, it was likely that the situation would soon worsen for her.

Those premonitions were answered by an abrupt whistle on the horizon. Where the giant ice ball had fallen, now a thick white smoke was rising, beginning to swamp the ground inside the barrier. The smoke, which had a milky and almost liquid appearance, advanced accompanied by an extreme cold that reminded Rainbow Dash's independent mind of the icy plains of the Arctic.

"Cold... too cold," Twilight-Dash thought to herself. Inside, the independent thought of both ponies began to worry.

A stream of super-chilled air swept between the two opponents. Twilight-Dash shivered. Balor observed the weakness of her opponent but did not boast in the slightest. She had no interest in doing so at that moment, she wouldn't do it against an opponent like her. The horn of the armor equipped on Badwhiz's possessed body lit up, and immediately a new spell was set in motion. Icy winds accompanied by thunder began to unleash within the barrier, announcing the terrible snow and ice blizzard that would soon be unleashed. Balor knew well the weakness ponies had for the cold and was going to use that advantage against her opponent. Igniting a golden fire on the body she controlled, Balor prepared for the head-to-head battle that was about to come.

Twilight-Dash frowned. She was definitely going to have a tough time.

In the distance, amid the burgeoning blizzard, a faint pink butterfly observed the outside from one of the derailed train cars.

In the war room of the Knights of the Order, everyone observed the scene reflected in the enchanted pond. None had words to describe the ferocity of the raw confrontation happening at that moment.

Blurry due to the blizzard, the images showed Twilight-Dash constantly striking Balor. Her attacks caused fire explosions that consumed everything around: trees, rocks, and even the water itself were engulfed in flames. Still, Twilight-Dash continued her assault with headbutts and kicks. But Balor was not passive. Each attack was accompanied by an ice counterattack that slowed down her opponent, followed by lightning bolts that seemed like genuine streams of light.

All this was happening amid an extreme freezing ice storm with almost no visibility.

Then, Taranis lifted his head and looked at the rest of his companions, who hadn't looked away from the pond.

"Balor has truly changed..." he muttered to himself.

He had known Balor for a long time. The first of his missions abroad was with her, and he remembered well how cold and distant her company had been. The mission was a success, but he had hoped that 'the master' would have more charisma.

In subsequent missions, he concluded that Balor was not the kind of person who would sacrifice herself for others but a calculating individual who would abandon a mission if too many risks were present.

That had been in those days, but now...

Balor had behaved differently over the course of the current mission. She had made jokes with Ceridwen, with Mannah, the subleader, and even seemed to get along with Morrigan.

Was it because of the change in leadership, as Danu was no longer the leader?


Taranis, bearer of the element of pride, turned his gaze back to the pond. With his own eyes, he could see how Balor was giving her all in battle, like a true warrior spirit putting her life on the line. He felt envy. Perhaps his companions felt it too.

"When we finish the mission and return home, I will tell the new recruits about..." Taranis thought.

But then, a great sorrow returned to the warrior's heart. The battle had made him forget.

He bit his tongue and returned his focus to the battle. The tragedy that had happened the midnight before should not cloud his spirit.

There was no longer a home to return to.

The terrible ice and snowstorm that had battered the interior of the barrier in which Twilight and her friends were trapped was finally beginning to calm. About ten minutes of continuous combat had passed between the two opponents, and now they were exhausted, observing each other.

Under the pale sunlight filtering into the large barrier, the figures of both adversaries were revealed.

At one end was Balor, possessing the body of Badwhiz, which was severely battered. The armor that had recently protected him from almost all of his opponent's attacks now showed evident cracks and significant damage. There wasn't much Balor could do about it; he could heal the wounds of the pony's body with magic, but that would deplete his own reserves and, therefore, decrease his chances of success. Besides, it was almost over.

Facing Balor, Twilight-Dash wasn't any better. She also had bruises and other visible damages on her skin. But above all, the damages that had developed on her wings were noticeable. A large part of them were burned or frozen due to Balor's continuous attacks and the relentless fury of the blizzard she had to endure. Twilight-Dash didn't think she had lost the ability to fly, but she had probably lost a significant portion of her speed, and that, undoubtedly, was what her opponent was counting on.

Balor relaxed more. She smiled. She knew it was premature, and the princess could reveal some spell to try to heal herself, but that no longer mattered. Even without the wounds on her wings, everything was already consummated for the success of her final attack.

"You seem happy, Balor. Have you already won?" challenged Twilight-Dash to Balor.

"Hehehe, no, not yet, princess of naivety, but we're very close to finishing this unpleasant encounter," Balor responded mockingly before disappearing in a magic glow.

She had teleported.

"Darn," grumbled Twilight-Dash. She had spent much of her physical strength trying to bring down Balor in the storm, but none of her attacks had proven to be enough. Again and again, Balor had endured or skillfully evaded her charges using spells and tricks. However, Twilight-Dash still had an advantage. Her magic source was still intact. Because the Starheart gem blocked the use of spells, she now had a complete reserve of magical energy that gave her the confidence to withstand whatever Balor sent her way, even if it consumed all her magic. She would surprise Balor with a charge of pure power at the moment she thought she had already won.

"But still..."

"Twilight, it's all or nothing. We'll make it!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash's independent mind internally.

"Yes, together!" responded Twilight's independent mind confidently.

In the distance, atop a barren hill, Balor observed the frozen landscape.

The stage was set.

The water had awakened.
The wind had awakened.
The earth had awakened.

Only the final act remained.

Balor took a deep breath. A green light, almost radiant, began to manifest in the hooves of the pony she used as a puppet: Badwhiz Starheart, the earth pony Balor had used as a guinea pig for her experiments and from whom she had learned so much about the history of ponies and the magic they had discovered, as well as the magic they had not yet uncovered.

"Eternal Garden! Haaaa!" Balor exclaimed loudly, raising her front hooves and forcefully striking the ground. For Balor, performing this act wasn't necessary, as accumulating magic and maintaining concentration were sufficient to release the spell. However, given the current circumstances, such theatrics helped reinforce her confidence and set a rhythm in the fight.

This was the beginning of the end of the battle.

Balor felt her internal magic source begin to drain. It wasn't a fatal loss, but it was noticeable. This spell was a very costly trump card that she had kept secret for a long time. Neither her mentors, nor the grand patriarch, nor anyone in Cunabula knew that she had mastered that magic. Even the other Knights of the Order had only a vague idea of the spell Balor would use to defeat the princess.

Mental fatigue suddenly struck Balor, who staggered slightly in her real body. In the oval-shaped room where her other companions were, an atmosphere of concern prevailed.

"You don't need to push yourself so hard. If you need us to transfer some of our strength to you, you can ask," Mannah said, observing the growing fatigue in Balor.

"Silence, Mannah. Keep watch and let me finish this task," replied the Draco-Dragon coldly.

This was the last stretch. This was the plan she had imposed on her companions. Despite her fatigue and exhaustion, Balor had the duty and enough magic to continue.


A creaking sound spread throughout the Grand Barrier, and slowly the signs of an imminent earthquake began to manifest.

Twilight-Dash immediately ascended into the air. Her wings didn't seem to have suffered as much damage as she had thought. Still, she remained cautious about the opponent's next attack.

Would she finally confront Danu, leader of the Knights of the Order? Deep within herself, Twilight no longer felt so sure about having the strength to face a dialogue with him.

Cracks began to open in the ground, and the wind began to blow forcefully.

As she observed the desolate landscape below her, Twilight could say with absolute certainty that she was not born to be a warrior...

"Well, so now it's that empty-headed lion-pony's turn. What's he going to do now? Try to trap us with a giant stone or something?" Rainbow Dash's independent mind asked Twilight mockingly.

"I don't think so; he already threw a giant ice block at us recently. It's very likely that his attack will be very different this time."

"Whatever it is, I just hope it's the last thing they try so we can free our friends."

Twilight didn't respond. Analyzing the rhythm of that battle, everything indicated that this was the end of that fight. After that...

The entire ground within the Grand Barrier shook from violent seismic waves. The layers of ice that had formed previously from the previous blizzard exploded like blocks of crushed cookies. A new white mist of vapor rose, obscuring the ground, although this time it was lighter and more diffuse, allowing one to see how the ground cracked and burst into pieces.

Twilight-Dash rose a bit higher to avoid being caught in that mist.

After a few minutes of tumultuous noise and shaking, the commotion on the ground finally ceased. Gradually, the mist dissipated, revealing the new landscape.

Twilight-Dash blinked and then blinked again. She rubbed her eyes and looked back down at the ground beneath her.

"Well... this wasn't expected," Twilight-Dash said aloud to herself.

Across the entire ground within the Grand Barrier, where there had once been a wasteland of destruction, now lay a celestial forest that extended throughout the area. Tall silver trees with celestial leaves rose towards the sky like giant pines covered in a sparkling dew. There were no signs of darkness in this forest, and it bore no trace of corruption or malice. On the contrary, it appeared as a healthy, magical, and even sacred forest.

Among the trees, there were circular clearings revealing a lush green ground. In the midst of these clearings, large golden flowers shaped like tulips were arranged as if part of a beautiful giant floral display.

Twilight-Dash was perplexed. This was a "pretty" forest, but it didn't give her the impression of being threatening or hiding any danger. She circled around the Grand Barrier, expecting some attack, but nothing happened. After several minutes of fruitless searching for Balor, she finally halted her flight near the remains of the still visible train.

"I don't understand. Is she expecting us to be foolish enough to descend and get trapped? Or are these flowers some kind of trick?" Twilight-Dash said aloud to herself.

The golden flowers seemed harmless, but something about their glow and perfect circular arrangement made them look unnatural. Something didn't add up in this scene, but Twilight-Dash couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

"...I hope they're not an apology. Because if they are, I'm not going to accept it," Twilight-Dash continued in soliloquy.

"No princess, these are flowers to adorn your tomb," a voice suddenly responded.

Twilight-Dash immediately turned her gaze. Several meters behind her, Balor observed her with a sinister smile.

"Do you like them?" Balor continued mockingly.

"They are very beautiful, but they don't seem appropriate for a funeral," Twilight-Dash replied, instantly raising a magical barrier around herself.

As she observed her opponent's magical bubble, Balor scoffed even more.

"Really, naive princess? Even knowing that I have this powerful amulet, do you think you can use magic?" Balor declared mockingly.

Twilight-Dash didn't respond and remained on alert, ready for any move from Balor.

"Let me guess, I suppose that by not using any of your magic in the fight, you hoped to accumulate enough power for a counterattack at the moment I reached fatigue or showed some weakness," Balor continued without making any hostile move.

"You've maintained the shared mental possession for too long. I know that it's an ability that causes great mental fatigue, and one who abuses it may end up losing their ability to perform magic."

"How considerate of you to remind me of these dangers! But don't think I'll change my intentions because of that," Balor boasted sarcastically.

"If that's the case, then..." said Twilight-Dash but interrupted her words. The magical bubble she had created to protect herself had vanished.

Seeing that, Twilight-Dash quickly stepped back and raised the bubble again. However, it vanished once more. She tried again, but the result was the same. In the distance, Balor stopped smiling and simply watched her.

A cold sweat ran down Twilight-Dash's forehead. Balor hadn't approached, and yet, magic was failing. Slowly, a feeling of heaviness began to invade her body. Her wings, in which she had relied so much until now, fluttered awkwardly in an attempt to keep her in the air. Growing panic began to overwhelm her.

"You know, it's curious. I was quite surprised to find plants in Equestria capable of dispelling the mind-control magic of my companion Morrigan. In Cunabula, we also have similar plants, some capable of dispelling magic in general..." Balor spoke, taking a reflective posture.

Twilight-Dash glared angrily at Balor as she lost altitude. What he had said might well be a lie. Right there, Balor floated with magic, contradicting his own words.

"You!" Twilight-Dash tried to respond, but it was already too late. Her wings and the rest of her body lost balance, and she began to tilt sideways, like a wounded bird. After a erratic flight, her body finally started to fall freely onto the sparkling celestial forest.

She was falling. She was losing everything.

A shiver ran down Twilight-Dash's spine as magic began to churn within her. At first, the sensation was merely numbness, but now it was genuine torture.

Every strand of magical energy burst inside her as if short-circuiting with her own nerves, leaving an agonizing pain in its wake. It was as if a fundamental part of herself was being severed by thousands of invisible cuts.

As she descended, panic gripped her more and more. Her mind struggled against the terrifying idea of losing what she tacitly considered part of her very essence. She tightly shut her eyes, as if by doing so, she could contain the gravity that pushed her inexorably toward the ground.

"No... it can't be happening," she whispered, but the words were barely audible over the ominous hum of the wind and the magic being strangled within her.

She opened her eyes again. The surface below her, filled with celestial trees, was getting closer and closer.

Her heart beat with fury, as if trying to compensate for the imminent loss. Although physically unharmed, Twilight-Dash felt torn apart from within. How could she face Balor without her magic?

Losing her wings was regrettable. Losing her magic was losing everything.

In the rarefied air, she desperately sought the lost connection, trying to reattach to any thread of magic that might remain. But it was in vain. The feeling of helplessness enveloped her, and as she fell, a stab of anguish pierced through her chest.

"No... not like this, not yet," she murmured, her eyes filled with tears as she accepted the cruel reality: she was defenseless, and Balor knew it.

Her strategy had failed, and now she was just one step away from the end.

Then, her body sank into the lush canopies of the celestial trees. Twilight-Dash finally crashed into the ground.

"Twilight, this is serious!" exclaimed the independent mind of Rainbow Dash.

"I know!" responded the independent mind of Twilight.


"I KNOW, RAINBOW DASH! I KNOW!" her friend replied vehemently.

Twilight-Dash rushed through the dense celestial forest, flapping her wings, but they stubbornly resisted lifting her. Her body felt strangely clumsy, distorted; the stabs inside her had disappeared, yet each breath was now an exhausting effort.

The alicorn stumbled and fell into a puddle of mud surrounded by red tulips. A wave of nausea invaded her as she got up, but she managed to keep it under control.

What was this place? Why did everything seem so unnatural? Twilight-Dash scrutinized her surroundings, desperate to find some answer that could shed light on this strange forest. She had no idea what kind of magic was being used against her. Despite Twilight and Rainbow Dash's vast experience, they had never faced anything like this. The only situation that resembled the sense of helplessness she was experiencing now was when Twilight traveled to a magicless world through a mirror, but even then, the discomfort of being unable to use magic was akin to having a stuffy nose.

This time, the discomfort was immensely more intense, as if she were slowly drowning in a pool of burning tar, while all her senses were distorted.

"We still retain our magic inside us; that's important," pointed out the independent mind of Twilight, striving to stay calm and continue their trot.

The last remnants of the magic she had sensed convinced Twilight that magic was still within her. Although she had lost all ability to make direct contact with it, she knew it was still there; it must truly be, because if not...

"Okay, but we can't fly," lamented Rainbow Dash in response.

"We can't use spells or magical abilities," continued Twilight, vainly trying to ignite the horn of Twilight-Dash.


Twilight-Dash came to a sudden stop in a clearing surrounded by rocks. After remaining vigilant for several minutes and not sensing anyone approaching, she let out a slight sigh. A brief moment of calm, that's all she needed, and immediately her great mind began to work...

Twilight was sure that the pegasi's ability to fly was related to the elemental magic enveloping their wings. At that moment, Twilight-Dash's wings were in an acceptable state and filled with magic.

So, why couldn't they fly?

She observed the mystical forest around her. It was evident that it was to blame. In this place, every corner oozed magic that twisted reality itself...

Twilight-Dash squeezed her mind to the fullest to decipher the mystery. The forest was somehow interfering with her magic, and she needed to understand and counteract it soon, as Balor's attack could come at any moment.

"Arcane flows, magic channeling, catalysts..." Twilight-Dash muttered rapidly, hugging herself.

She delved deep into her memories: her basic lessons in magic school, her travels, even the tales told to her when she was little. She searched even among the most extravagant rumors she had heard.


Twilight-Dash focused more, almost seeming like smoke would come out of her head, applying more effort than she could really bear.

And then, she found something: a zebra.

"No magic, you say? Why do you repeat it to me?" that's how the eloquent Zecora had responded when Twilight asked her about how other creatures lived without magic in the world. Zecora had traveled to many places and knew of magicless realms. She had learned a lot about enchantments despite not having innate magical qualities.

"Unicorn magic is channeled from their horns, pegasus magic from their wings... from the inside out," muttered Twilight-Dash.

"And what about from the outside in?" the mocking memory of the zebra asked.

It didn't seem possible. Channeling magic from the environment always led to chaotic results. Amulets, talismans, and even living individuals were used as catalysts for that magic. A direct flow of such magic was akin to trying to catch a worm underground without getting dirty.

But Zecora had tried it and had obtained promising results. Under her guidance, Twilight had imitated her, but the results had been nil.

A bitterness crossed Twilight-Dash's face.

Twilight did not continue with her zebra teacher's lessons due to the frustration she felt at being unable to make progress. She knew the basics and meditation postures perfectly, but they never yielded results. She didn't share it with her friends either... she thought it wasn't important at that time. No, that was an excuse... in reality, she felt embarrassed to talk about it.

Another mistake; how many more things had she been neglecting?

"From the outside in... come on," Twilight-Dash said to herself, determined. She had a hunch; the magic had not been absorbed or stagnant, but she felt that it flowed in the wrong direction. But changing that flow wouldn't be easy.

The alicorn assumed a meditation posture and began to channel the magic within her. A numb sensation enveloped her as she could feel the magic flow... out of her.

"No!" exclaimed Twilight-Dash as she realized she was quickly losing part of the magic she had accumulated.

"Hey, shouldn't we find shelter first; this place is not safe," said the independent mind of Rainbow Dash, trying to be helpful.

"We don't have time, Rainbow!" frustratedly exclaimed the independent mind of Twilight. "Balor will catch up to us..."

Indeed, time had run out.

"Ayyyyyyyyyyy!" A powerful blow struck her head at that moment. Twilight-Dash screamed in pain and was sent flying through the air until she crashed into a tree that split in two.

Balor, who had come out of his invisibility, had no intentions of being kind. He summoned chains that shot towards Twilight-Dash. The alicorn, trying to recover from the previous attack, was enveloped by the thick chains, incapacitating her. Barely, she still had one of her front legs free. With great effort, she managed to move away to dodge a powerful thunder that struck where she was.

But it wasn't enough. A second thunder was launched at her and hit her, reducing her.

Twilight-Dash began to be dragged. Balor pulled the chains towards him, as a spider would with its prey.

"It's over, princess. Finish your fusion, and your friend's life will be spared," threatened Balor, holding Twilight-Dash under his hoof. Of course, it was clear that Balor was lying.

"NOT YET!" Twilight-Dash responded fiercely, making the chains creak and freeing a second front leg. Then she released a wave of concentrated dust around her, pushing him back.

A futile protest. Balor didn't flinch at all. The attack dissipated like smoke. Claws of dark magic emerged from Balor's sides and took hold of Twilight-Dash's body in the air.

"Then I will tear apart your soul, and what's left I will deliver to your friend before executing her!" roared Balor. The claws that imprisoned Twilight-Dash pulled her, and a mass of light began to emerge from her body. The expression of terror on Twilight-Dash's face said it all. It wasn't physical pain but spiritual. Desperately, Twilight-Dash tried to focus, but little by little, she felt her strength leaving her.

"Twilight, react, Twilight!" the independent mind of Rainbow Dash called out in anguish to her friend, who had stopped communicating. "Don't give up!"


But Twilight wasn't listening, and she hadn't given up either.

From the depths of her being, Twilight entered a state of deep meditation, immersing herself in a simulated space within her mind. This was her last card, the final move she could make to save her friends from defeat.

It was a virtual reality, an imaginary place where she could create possible scenarios based on all the knowledge she possessed. More than a magical ability, it was a mental discipline that only someone like her could have developed after so many years of study and dedication. Still, this exercise demanded a passive consumption of magic to be carried out; the fact that it worked at that moment was proof that magic still resided within her.

Twilight expanded her mental focus, and slowly reality began to take shape.

In the past, she had used it to visualize the possible future of her friends. This time, she would use it to conclude what she had left unfinished long ago.

Just like back then, when she trained with Zecora in the Everfree Forest. She stood on a pond, balancing her body on the water, with calm and steady breathing. She sensed all the magic around her with closed eyes.

Twilight felt the water. Twilight felt the wind. Twilight felt the earth.

But Twilight didn't feel the forest.

The Everfree Forest existed long before the founding of Equestria. It had a dark and scattered history: stories of evil creatures inhabiting it, stories of princesses strolling through its clearings, stories of unimaginable treasures and sinister secrets.

But Twilight still didn't feel the forest.

Why didn't she feel the forest? She perceived with her magic the movement of the wind, water, and earth, but not the forest. The forest was hidden. It didn't speak to her. It wasn't there...

Twilight opened her eyes again. She was failing. It was the same result she got when training with Zecora.

The simulated space in her mind began to darken.

She felt like a failure. She couldn't save her friends. The enemy had been right in front of her, and she didn't see it. After the confrontation with the Triple Alliance of Villains, she had promised everyone: "It won't happen again."

But it had happened again.

The simulated space in her mind darkened even more.

Twilight looked at her own reflection uncertainly in the water. Now she was a princess. In those practice days, she was simply a unicorn.

Everything was so simple in those days.
Wings and a horn. How extraordinary! Now they were useless against the threat that had cornered her. She also had hooves, but all ponies had them.

Twilight's thoughts faded even more...

"Applejack is more responsible with her farm than I am with Equestria," Twilight reflected aloud to herself. "She at least has backup seeds in case of disasters. I, on the other hand, only have escape plans..."

She remembered the moment when Applejack planted a new apple orchard after a storm. Applejack rejoiced, saying things like, "The new apple trees will be much better than the previous ones; I'd bet my hind left hoof it's true!"

Twilight smiled at the memory, although she never thought the new apples were better.

"Look at them grow, haha, I could spend all night waiting to see the first sprout," Applejack said. And she wasn't joking. Many times, Twilight caught her friend sleeping in the middle of the orchard.

"Oh, yes! Look at them grow! Just like in my parents' rock farm," confirmed Pinkie Pie.

"Rocks don't grow, Pinkie. They only emerge from the ground due to geological faults, even I know that," Rainbow Dash replied.

"But it would be nice if it were like that. If diamonds got bigger..." Rarity fantasized.

"A rock forest also gets bigger, and watching it grow is very nice; bears like to play there..." added Fluttershy, but no one paid attention to her.

No one except Twilight.

"... they make rock trees grow, bringing rocks from far away and stacking them on top of each other. That's how they give birth to a new rock tree, teach their cubs, and in the future, more bears come to play in it."

A lump formed in Twilight's throat.

The distant sight of her friends happily strolling through Applejack's farm made tears fall from her eyes. These were the memories she cherished the most.

And they were also the key to solving the mystery of the celestial forest.

Zecora had told her something like: "Feel the elements and nature. Listen to how they breathe, watch how they grow..."

Twilight closed her eyes. She cleared her thoughts and focused on one thing. She needed the magic to grow within her.

"From the outside in." A stone block took shape in Twilight's mind. A brown spot emerged in the darkness.

"From a seed in the earth." Another stone block took shape. Another brown spot emerged in the darkness.

"Grow towards the sky." Another stone block took shape. From the brown spot, a tiny green dot was revealed.

"And open its leaves toward the stars!" The green dot was now a sprout in the earth...

Twilight opened her eyes.

Waterfalls of sweat fell from her forehead and all over her body. She wasn't tired, but extremely tense. Then, she saw in front of her a small mound of stones.

She had done it. She had managed to feel a tiny part of the forest. She had experienced the process of growing a seed.

"This felt very different from how Zecora described it. Maybe I didn't understand her well because of her rhymes. Ha ha ha..." Twilight laughed; she wanted to jump in that very spot. But time was pressing.

The small mound of stones collapsed.

"The magical connection to nature must be different in each species... zebras have their way, ponies have another..." Twilight reflected.

But she had grasped the trick. Now it was a matter of replicating it over and over until she could finally grow a tree.

"I can do it!" she encouraged herself.

Twilight wouldn't give up.


Balor pulled again. Half of Twilight's soul had already been extracted from Twilight-Dash's body.

"Just a little more..." Balor told herself, calculating that in twelve more seconds the extraction would be complete. The fusion would collapse, and then it would all be over.

Twilight-Dash, on the other hand, struggled with all her might. Her wings were occupied holding the chains as she tried to delay Balor's pull, gathering Twilight's soul back with her front hooves. But it wasn't enough. The ghostly figure of her friend slipped through her hooves. She didn't have much time left.

"You won't take her away! Huuuuuuuu!" cried the independent mind of Rainbow Dash.

But the extraction was barely delayed, and Twilight-Dash's body grew increasingly numb.

"Five more seconds..." Balor pressed the remaining time. There was very little of Twilight's soul left to extract.

Suddenly, something changed.

"Humm?" Balor noticed perplexed that two seconds had passed, but there had been no progress.

She pulled again with more force. But she still couldn't extract Twilight's soul further.

No, it wasn't just that. Was Twilight's soul returning to her body?

"What?!" Balor exclaimed, unable to believe what her eyes were seeing. Twilight-Dash suddenly opened her eyes. She no longer seemed suffocated by the air or the chains. The color of her fur, which until a few seconds ago was deadly pale, regained its shine. Confidence returned to her face. Magic flowed within her again!

"BOOMMMM" Twilight-Dash landed firmly on the ground. Until then, she had been suspended in the air trapped in Balor's magic. But now she had regained her balance and stepped on the ground with strength.

Balor could barely contain the consternation that flooded her. How was it possible?

The situation of the battle had changed again.

Now it was she who was in danger. She was within Twilight-Dash's attack range, and at that moment, the alicorn had more power than her. If Twilight-Dash used her extreme speed, she could charge and deliver a critical blow. Balor could teleport or raise her barrier to avoid it, but since she was using the chain and extracting Twilight-Dash's soul at the same time, the strain would delay her in escaping.

One second. That's what it would take. But at that moment, a second was too much.


Twilight-Dash smiled confidently. She knew that too.

Inside, Rainbow Dash was pure joy. "I don't know how you did it, but this is amazing! I can feel my wings again!"

"Don't celebrate too soon... I can barely sustain it... we don't have much time left," responded the exhausted independent mind of Twilight.

Twilight had spent hours practicing within her simulated mental space. There, time flowed much more slowly. But this wasn't solely due to her magic and experience in these exercises. Since she was in a very special fusion, Twilight could harness Twilight-Dash's agility to enhance her own mental space. Now, that training was bearing fruit.

However, despite the favorable space at her disposal, Twilight couldn't ignore the fatigue. Eventually, she grew tired and had to return her consciousness to the normal flow of thought with Twilight-Dash.

Twilight returned to Rainbow Dash prepared. She had achieved her goal of learning to create a bond with nature. While she couldn't comprehend the ancient magic surrounding the celestial forest, she knew it was a forest, and she could communicate with it. With this in mind, in a mental space, she allowed the magic of the environment to fill her and created within herself the seed of a celestial tree. Soon, the seed opened and became a young sprout. It was then that Twilight finally heard the voice of the enchanted forest that surrounded her.

In her lessons with Zecora, the zebra explained that trees would sometimes whisper to her or call her by name with soft and gentle voices.

Contrarily, the celestial forest had none of that.

A thunderous chant echoed all around. The celestial trees sang authentic hymns in a language unknown to her. Accompanied by a unique and harmonious symphony. Intense at times, softer at others, even the fallen leaves followed the same rhythm on the ground. All of this was a unique sensation that overwhelmed her considerably.

She also felt something else... anger. A dense and bitter anger.

The forest was upset with her. Its voice rose against her.

Twilight quickly deduced why and how to resolve it. She opened her mental space again, this time allowing the voice of the forest to reach the young celestial sprout she had created. Suddenly, a new voice emerged. This new voice joined the singing, and all the hostility she had felt until that moment vanished.

Now the forest allowed her to be among its own. She didn't feel they were friends... but at least they tolerated her.

If it weren't for the dramatic situation she was in, Twilight might cry with emotion.

"Wow! Did that happen? Fantasizing about planting a singing tree was the key... it makes sense," said Rainbow Dash's mind, sounding somewhat confused as it received her friend's memories.

"I'm very tired, Rainbow... I leave it to you," Twilight's weak voice faded again. She hadn't lost consciousness, but she was no longer able to speak with her friend while maintaining the mental space where the singing celestial tree sprout was.

Twilight was reaching her limits.

Now Rainbow Dash had to reach hers.

"Leave it to my hooves!" declared determinedly Twilight-Dash in Rainbow's voice. She spun around, and the chains tightened even more, the tension visibly increased on Balor's side.


The struggle continued, but Balor no longer had the initiative. If she retreated now, she would be quickly caught. She had spent a lot of magic in the Everlasting Forest, a trap that the princess was never supposed to overcome. But she did. How?

Balor had studied ponies in general and the circle of individuals around Twilight. There was no record of any pony who had awakened floral magic at any point in their history. There were ponies who could grow plants with spells, but this was due to their talent or the traditional use of the magic they knew. These were not the same methods used in Cunabula. There were no similar precedents in the nations allied with Equestria. Only in Cunabula did the ancient art of floral magic remain in its most essential form.

So, how had the princess managed to appease the forest of eternity? Had she discovered an unknown method in record time to communicate with it and subdue it?

Unheard of. Balor bit her lips inwardly.

Balor had invoked the forest with her magic. That's why the forest respected her, as it respected the summoner. Balor could delegate her honor to others, and the forest would also respect them. But Balor could not rule the forest. The forest had its own will and was magical; it would only obey someone who spoke its language and used its magic.

That person was in Cunabula at that moment. Did the princess also have a similar power?

Sweat was falling from Balor's forehead as she weighed the possibility and tightened the chains.

"No," Balor told herself. "The princess must have deceived the forest or given it an offering. If this forest already obeyed her, this fight would have already ended."

The forest was powerful. If it were Dana her adversary... ridiculous, it didn't even make sense to think about that.

Twilight-Dash began to loosen the grip of the chains. The dark claws that were pulling Twilight's soul were losing momentum. Balor had already lost half of her progress.

"What's happening? Why so quiet? Things aren't going as you wanted, huh?" Twilight-Dash mocked arrogantly. Now she had the initiative; her magic was intact, and Balor weakened with each passing moment. Soon, she would break free and initiate the counterattack.

Balor watched her with a mixture of anger and desperation.

Then she smiled triumphantly...

"Don't worry... I'm already used to it!" Balor replied. At that moment, the chains tightened again. Twilight-Dash felt pain and something more. As she looked to her sides, she saw cracks beginning to appear on her skin. The cracks glowed with their inner light, but it wasn't just light escaping—it was her magic!

"No! No! No!" Twilight-Dash repeated in desperation. The fusion had reached its limit. While Balor hadn't been able to extract Twilight's soul, she had kept it outside long enough to destabilize the bond she had with Rainbow Dash. The chains, designed to break magic, exacerbated the process.

Twilight-Dash was losing magic rapidly. She had to attack now if she wanted to succeed, but Balor was too far away. Time was running out.

Balor pressed harder. The chains were doing their job well. She just had to step back a little more and not release Twilight's soul. Time would take care of the rest.

On the brink of catastrophe. Only a miracle could save Twilight-Dash.