//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Refuge // by Fuzzee //------------------------------// It'd been months since she'd escaped the farm. She knew he would come looking for her soon, her hooves bled, colouring the snow a reddish pink. But she had to keep going until she found another safe village. ---------------------❄-------------------- "NO." he yelled. She covered her ears and closed her eyes. She reopened them in time to see something, a rock, fly at her face. But she couldn't dodge it in time. The rock hit her face, creating a scar across her face that was at least two inches. "I-i thought it would make you happy, i just wanted to make you smile.." Tears welled up in her eyes as her voice quavered. "HAPPY? SMILE?" He yelled at an even higher volume this time. "THIS, this is why you are a worthless, useless pile of skin and bones." At this point, she was crying. ---------------------❄-------------------- She tried not to think about the reason she fled home in the first place. She looked ahead to see a village, with beautiful decorations that went very well with the snow. She galloped towards the village, but suddenly collapsed. She woke up in what seemed to be, quite literally, a tree house. "Are we keeping her?" Said what sounded to be a young boy's voice. "Spike, she might need our help." Said another voice. It was a girl's voice. As her eyes fluttered open, she saw a lavender unicorn with an indigo mane, streaks of pink and purple coursing through her hair. She had big, beautiful violet eyes, full of compassion. Beside her was a baby dragon, with a purple body, green spikes, and green eyes. "Uh, hi! My name is Twilight Sparkle, this is Spike!" As she rose up from the bed she was laying in, her eyes were filled with confusion. Twilight and Spike looked at each other and back. "What's your name?" Twilight asked. She scratched the back of her neck and thought for a second. "I-i.." She paused. "I dunno." Twilight thought for a moment, then had an idea. "How about I name you?" She had no objections, and just shrugged. "Hm.. How about.." Twilight never took so long to think of something. She's pink... Twilight thought to herself. "What's your favorite dessert?" Twilight asked. "Pies?" "Perfect! Your new name is Pinkie Pie!. Twilight concluded.