//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: Meeting of Two Worlds // by JediWyrm //------------------------------// Sunset leaned back against her girlfriend's bed, upon which said lover was longing upon working on some dress designs. In her hands lay the length of pink scarf she was working on. Looking at the instructions and at the recent work she did on it, she noted the place she messed up before nodding and going back to adding more length. She made sure to do the end that had the three balloons on it as that was the more complicated side. "So why aren't you fixing the mistakes as you go along?" Rarity asked. Sunset turned her head to look at the ivory girl and answered, "I'm using this one to learn, and it's for Pinkie. The more unique it is the better. Don't worry, I plan on making all the others more carefully, especially the one for you." As she made the scarf she was also carefully weaving a single red and gold thread throughout so that it would be hidden. The two girls quietly hung out working on their own projects simply enjoying each other's presence. One the pink scarf was done, Sunset picked up a ball of yellow and pink yarn as well as the three butterflies she had previously made. "So I get that the scarves are going to be a present for each of us, but what's the occasion?" The other girl wondered. "Well, part of it is a surprise, but it's also to thank all of you for standing up for me during the Memory Stone stuff. Just want to make something for you all to show how much I appreciate your friendship." The red haired girl replied as she slowly made the first chain for the second scarf. Continuing to work on their projects the two girls switched to chatting about the latest gossip. A couple weeks later found seven girls sitting in a booth at the Sugarcube Corner, Six of them had packages sitting in front of them with the last smiling as they all opened their gifts. Sunset watched as a couple of the girls were shredding the wrapping paper while others were meticulously peeling the tape and unfolding it. Once they had all pulled their scarves out, she pulled her own out of a bag and put it on. "I partially explained this to Rarity already, but these scarves are a thank you for being my friends." She started but got interrupted by all the girls. Speaking over each other they state that thanks weren't really necessary but that they were happy to accept the gifts. Holding up a hand, She continued, "I also wanted to mention that I've been chatting with Princess Twilight and we've arranged for her and her friends, the Equestrian versions of you all, to come visit for a short time. This Saturday at noon is when they'll be coming through." While Pinkie Pie immediately started babbling about all the fun stuff and parties she can do with her other self, it took the other girls a few seconds to fully process. They had all talked to Sunset about what their alternates were doing, and their curiousness about them. "Well, it'll been nice to meet another person who appreciates apples the same as ah do." Applejack stated. Fluttershy timidly said "I hope the other me is nice." "Finally someone as awesome as me to challenge." Rainbow remarked. Rarity was scrolling through outfits on her phone as she mumbled, "What should I wear to make a good impression. Definitely something I made myself, but should I go fancy, casual, business, or classy?" Twilight just watched alongside Sunset having been the only person who has meet her Equestrian counterpart. A short while later the group parted to go prepare for the weekend. Sunset giving Rarity a ride home. As she dropped her girlfriend off, She requested, "Rares, can you get the girls to all wear their scarves. It'll help identify who is who while we are meeting the others." The purple haired girl thought for a moment before answering, "Of course Darling. Wouldn't do to get any of us confused and end up with someone in the wrong world. Though with the portal able to be open whenever it's at least an easy fix."