Meeting of Two Worlds

by JediWyrm

Rainbow Dashes

Sunset walked up to the two girls with rainbow hair. One slightly taller, with more defined muscles than the other and wearing a version of military fatigues and boots. The other was wearing leggings, athletic shoes, a tight fitting top with a light jacket bearing the school's sports team logos on it.

"Rainbows." Sunset greeted as she reached them.

"Hey Sunny. Other me was just saying she's part of the Wondercolts. Funny how it's the same name as our teams here." The shorter Rainbow stated.

Smiling the red haired explained "In Equestria the Wondercolts are an elite aerial unit. Think the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds here. They handle extreme weather and dangerous aerial attacks. Stunt shows are also common when they don't have much else to do."

Looking over to said military person she continued "Quite the achievement to join them so young. Must be a hell of a flyer."

"Yeah. Caught their attention with a rainboom, then kept it by being awesome." Rainbow Boasted.

This world's Rainbow asked "What's a rainboom?"

"It's where I go so fast, break the sound barrier causing a wave of my magic to burst out in a giant rainbow."

Staring at her taller version she said "That's so cool. I wonder if I can do something similar with my magic."

"You said your team was also called the Wondercolts. What kind of team is it?" Requested the Equestrian Rainbow.

The sporty girl replied, "Well, nearly all the sports, though soccer is my specialty."

"What's soccer?"

"WHAT'S SOCCER?!" Exclaimed Rainbow before she dove into a lengthy explanation of the sport.

Sunset shook her head as she turned around to head over to a different pair.