//------------------------------// // Picking Daisies For a Friend // Story: Picking Daisies For a Friend // by TheDorkside99 //------------------------------// It was a day that the sun shone so brightly even the hermits of Ponyville could not resist its welcoming invitation. Young foals galloped across the lush meadows and lovers napped happily underneath tender shadows. Twilight Sparkle and Rarity spent the glorious day helping Fluttershy pick daisies for her basket. "Isn't this just the most gorgeous day?" asked Twilight. "Celestia really outdid herself." "I couldn't agree more," added Rarity. "You'd have to be crazy to wallow away the hours of such a beautiful morning indoors." Fluttershy appeared with a basket filled with white daisies. "Thank you so much for your help. These daisies are perfect." "Oh, it was nothing darling. We're always happy to lend a hoof." Rarity stared at her dirty hoof and grinned nervously. Twilight looked into Fluttershy's basket. "These are quite a few daisies you got here. Are you decorating your house or something?" "Oh no, Twilight," she replied. "I'm actually collecting them for somepony." Rarity jumped. "Oh my. Is it a stallion? A big, strong, hunk of a workhorse perhaps?" "Um, well, it's for..." "I highly doubt it's for a stallion, Rarity," said Twilight. "Well, actually, it is..." "I don't see why a mare can't give a stallion flowers. We are in the 21st century after all." Rarity flipped a lock of her mane off her eyes. "...for a stallion." The unicorns stared unbelievingly at the shying pegasus. Twilight spoke. "Wow, didn't see that coming." "I knew it! Oh Fluttershy darling, don't leave us in suspense. We need details. Details!" Fluttershy blushed. "Oh, well, it's nothing like that. They're actually for a very special stallion in my life." Rarity rolled her eyes. "Well, of course they are sweetie. Now tell us who the lucky stallion is. Big Mac? Soren?" "Rarity!" Twilight scolded. "Actually, it's not what you think. If you'd like, you can follow me so you can meet him." Rarity stood dumbfounded. "Really?" Twilight asked. "I mean, we'd love to but don't feel you have to do this just so you can satisfy our curiosities." Fluttershy smiled. "Oh it's no trouble at all. I'd love to introduce my friends to the first love of my life." Suddenly, Fluttershy felt her hooves being lifted off the ground. Rarity tore across the grass with a helpless pegasus on her back. "Well, don't just lie there darling, tell me where the stallion who stole your heart is!" * * * "We're almost there, girls." Fluttershy said. The three ponies trotted across the meadows and into the outer fringe of the Everfree Forest. Tall, dark trees lined the dusty road. A few moments later, they came to a towering fence made of rusting steel. "He's in here." Fluttershy said. They walked through the fence and into a cemetery. Rarity squeaked. "Um, Fluttershy darling, are you sure this is the right place?" "Of course, why wouldn't it be?" Twilight spoke. "I think what Rarity means is that a cemetery is a bit of an odd place to meet somepony. Does this stallion live here?" "I suppose you could say that," Fluttershy said bowing her head. "I'm sorry sweetie," said Rarity. "I didn't mean to offend you. The love of your life has the right to choose wherever he lives. Even if it is a cemetery." Fluttershy smiled. "Thanks, Rarity." The three mares trotted deeper into the cemetery. Each passing plaque crumbled with age. Some displayed flowers and portraits left by loved ones left behind. "Is he like a historian or something?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean?" returned Fluttershy. "Well, why else would anypony live in a cemetery? It seems like he has instant access to so many ponies here and their mementos." "Oh, maybe he's quite the intellectual," chimed Rarity. "Or a strong undertaker with bulging muscles! So mysterious, just the thought makes me flush." "Actually, he's neither of those things," sobbed Fluttershy. The two unicorns turned from their discussion and saw Fluttershy knelt on all fours in front of a plaque. They stepped closer to view the inscription. "Private Braveheart." read Twilight. "You mean he's a soldier?" asked Rarity. "Was." said Fluttershy. She picked up a picture frame lying on its back next to the stone plaque. She passed it to Rarity. "This was taken three days before he left." "For war?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded. Rarity placed a hoof on her cheek. "He was such a handsome stallion." The photograph beamed with a perfectly postured specimen with soft blue eyes and a comforting smile. Twilight pulled the photo out of Rarity's magic. "Wait a second." "Excuse me Twilight, I was enjoying the view?" "Look at his badge," Twilight said, pointing to the deceased soldier's chest. "It says 'Semper Fidelis Solis'." Rarity scrunched her muzzle. "And?" "Well, it means 'Always faithful to the sun'. I find it strange because these badges were changed ever since Princess Luna returned." "You mean they now say 'Always faithful to the sun and moon'?" "Precisely," responded Twilight. "According to my studies on war history, the last time these badges were used was during the Invasion from the North." "But we were only fillies then, were we not?" asked Rarity. "According to my calculations, that would make Private Braveheart at least fifteen years older than Fluttershy given the age limit of eighteen for deputation." "He was twenty when I was born," Fluttershy said as she placed the basket of daisies on the right side of the plaque. Rarity knelt next to Fluttershy and placed a hoof around her. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry for your loss, truly I am. But, wasn't he a tad old for you? To be your first love that is." "What do you mean?" Fluttershy stood to her hooves and faced the white unicorn. Rarity stepped back. "Oh no sweetie, I didn't mean it that way. It's just, well, he's a whole generation older than you. Talk about rocking the cradle, right? He can practically be your father." As soon as Rarity finished speaking, the sky began to rain down on the three mares. Fluttershy gave the white unicorn a silent stare, and then tears made their way down her cheek. Her lips quivered like an autumn leaf on a windy day. Rarity gasped. "No. You mean." "Wait a minute," Twilight said. "Those soft blue eyes. That smile. He looks so much like..." Twilight was cut off by Rarity's soft sobs. She shifted her eyes to Fluttershy whose mane stuck against her cheeks as the rain pelted harder. "My father was my first love, Rarity." * * * The next morning was as glorious as the one before it, but this time Fluttershy was in her kitchen prepping tea for Twilight's visit. She decided to forget yesterday's spoiled encounter with her father's grave. She stirred two teaspoons of wildflower honey into each cup when she heard a knock on her oak door. "Guess who?" came a voice from outside. "Coming, Twilight!" Fluttershy wiped her hooves on her apron and rushed to the door. She gave the door a pull and gasped at the sight of Twilight and Rarity standing side by side. "Hay Fluttershy," said Twilight. "Mind if I brought a friend?" "What is she doing here?" murmured Fluttershy. Rarity stepped forward. "Fluttershy please. Allow me to say a few words." "Okay." Fluttershy stared at the floor. Rarity let out a sigh and began. "Sweetheart, your father was more than just an excellent soldier. He was a wonderful parent. Only a stallion of his caliber could raise such a strong and gentle flower like you." Fluttershy began to sniffle. Rarity continued with soft sobs. "If my father were even half the stallion yours was, then perhaps I wouldn't have been such an insensitive slob as I was yesterday. Please Fluttershy, forgive me." Her sobs grew into a heartfelt cry. Twilight began to cry as well. Fluttershy lifted her head and walked towards Rarity, lifting the unicorn's repentant countenance with her caring hooves. She wiped her friend's tears and flashed a warm smile. "It's okay, Rarity. You are beautiful, inside and out. And I do forgive you." Rarity laughed and wrapped her hooves around the pink maned pegasus. Twilight couldn't resist as she threw her hooves around both her friends. After a few moments, they all stepped back and wiped their eyes. "So, who wants some yummy sweet tea?" asked Fluttershy. "So let me get this straight. You actually thought it a good idea to place a toy wagon in front of your parent's bedroom?" asked Rarity. The three friends sat at a table in Flutterhy's front yard. A woven parasol blocked the bright sun from their faces as they enjoyed hot sweetened tea with graham crackers. "Well, I was so young. I just wanted to see what would happen when my daddy stepped out his door without noticing it." Fluttershy sipped her tea and continued. "Then, while I was coloring downstairs, I heard a big thump from above, and then I heard a deep 'Fluttershy'. I knew I was in pretty big trouble!" The three mares giggled at the amusing story. "Well, I guess you could say you were putting the cart before the horse, right fillies?" Twilight snorted. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Oh Twilight, you're simply killing us with your puns." Fluttershy grinned. Twilight bit off a piece of graham cracker. "So, I wanted to know Fluttershy." She paused to swallow. "Why did you put daisies on your dad's grave." "Well, daisies were his favorite flower. We used to pick daisies early in the morning before breakfast and place them next to mommy before she woke up." "How sweet!" said Rarity. "In fact, my daddy wanted to name me Daisy, but my mother insisted that Fluttershy was a much more 'higher' name." Twilight snorted. "I guess you could say that your name came straight from the horse's m-." Rarity shoved a graham cracker into Twilight before she finished. Then she gasped. "Oh my, I almost forgot." Rarity galloped off into the horizon. Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other with scrunched brows. When Rarity returned, she held a white box in her magic which she placed in front of Fluttershy. "Darling, this is for you. I hope you like it." "Oh I'm sure I..." Fluttershy stopped as soon as the top came off. Her eyes widened as she pulled out a long dress stitched entirely of imitation white daisies on a green silk fabric. She quickly put it on and twirled to her friends' amazement. "Oh my," Twilight exclaimed. "You look so pretty!" Fluttershy stopped to look at Rarity, who tried hard not to cry. The pegasus threw her hooves around her fashionable friend. "Thank you so much Rarity. It's absolutely fabulous." "It was my pleasure darling," she whispered. Fluttershy couldn't help but continue to waltz across her front lawn like a little filly. Soon her animal friends joined in the celebration of the new beautiful dress. The unicorns sat and watched their pegasus friend enjoy her moment in the sun. "That must've have taken you hours, Rarity. You must've worked so hard." "Actually," Rarity said softly. "It was like picking daisies for a friend."