Spike And The Ninja Turtles

by Dragonfan101

41: Secrets Discovered

It was another day at the farmhouse, the place was in need of cleaning so everyone decided to play a little game by using they're ninja skills to clean the place up.

"Everyone ready?" April asked seriously.
"Casey Jones was born ready!" Casey said putting on his mask.
"Let's do this!" Raph said twirling around some cleaners.
"This is gonna be sweet." Spike said with a smug twirling a broom around with his tail.

All of them screamed with rage as they were cleaning the house like it was an enemy attacking. Raph screamed with anger as he lunged into the fireplace and swept up any cobwebs, Spike put the broom in a bucket and twirled it around like Donnie with his staff, his body was able to move a lot better now thanks to time healing his body. Spike sweeped the floors of the stairs while slithering around at fast speeds. Mikey threw a bucket up to Donnie who caught it with his staff and mopped the top floors as well. Mikey latched his chain on another part of the house and hung upside down in order to clean the Chandelier

"Window cleaner on, window cleaner off." Leo told himself as he cleaned up the windows and repeated those words.
"Do we have to take cleaning the house so seriously guys?" Spike asked as he finished up his part and went over to Leo.
"It's a way that motivates us to clean Spike, makes things more fun you know?" Leo asked casually.
"I can understand that, never hurts to have fun while doing chores i guess." Spike said in agreement.

April was cleaning the walls in the bathroom until Casey walked in.
"Looking good red, keep up all the hard work." Casey said as he was hanging in the tub much to her annoyance.
"Real funny jones, now stop goofing off and help out." April said throwing the sponge in his face.

"Anything for you mon cherry." Casey teased which Donnie heard.
"It's pronounced mon cherie. I can help you April." Donnie said as he got Casey out of the tub and pushed him out of the room with his staff.

"Uh huh, put your dust wag on it, whoo!" Mikey cheered as he was cleaning the walls on a stool until Casey bumped into him.
"Ahh!" Mikey screamed as he fell of the stool and was slamming down the stairs.
"You gotta be kidding me!" Raph said annoyed as Mikey slid down into him and Leo, Spike rolled out of the way just in time to see Mikey crash into Raph and make the bucket land on his face.

"Oh Mikey i just vacuumed!" Leo said annoyed.
"I just cleaned those floors too!" Spike said upset as well making another hiss.
"Yeah? Well i'm about to mop the floor with him!" Raph said throwing the bucket to the ground.

Mikey groaned in pain until he saw something on the ground.
"Whoa guys.. check it out!" Mikey said amazed as they saw a door on the floor.
"A trap door? I didn't even know we had a basement." April said shocked at this.
"What do you suppose is down there?" Leo asked curiously.
"Only one way to find out, come on guys." Spike said as he opened the hatch with his tail they looked down at the darkness as ominous music played.

"Uh, who's going first?" Donnie asked nervously.
"Not it!" Spike and the others shouted before Leo could and he groaned in annoyance realizing it.

They slowly walked down inside the place and looked around and saw nothing but really old stuff, Raph moved his flashlight around until it landed on something familiar which made them all gasp.
"No way.." Spike said in fear seeing it.
"The kraang!" Leo said seriously as it was revealed to be a really old Stealth ship...

"Whoa.." Mikey said in awe as they looked at it.
"It looks.. old.. really old.." Spike said as he saw all the dirt and dust on it.
"What the heck is a Kraang ship doing underneath my house?" April asked worried. The ship seemed to activate suddenly and it opened a door leading inside.
"Only one way to find out, come on." Leo said as he went inside along with the others.

They moved they're flashlight around the place and saw how old and abandoned this was, Raph looked around some more and found something.
"Guys.. look!" Raph said looking at a strange case holding something inside.
"Is that a person in there?" Casey asked confused as Donnie leaned down to check on it.

"Okay don't touch anything, i repeat: Do not touch.. anything!" Donnie said to Mikey specifically, he chuckled nervously and accidently hit a switch near the back.
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as the ship powered up.
"Oops.. i promise not to touch anything starting.. now?" Mikey said nervously.
"To be fair Donnie, your caused this." Spike pointed out as the ship came online.

The tube containing the person began to thaw out and the glass case opened, April took a closer look at the person and gasped in shock, the woman groaned in pain as she finally opened her eyes.
"Mom?!" April asked in shock.
"Mom?" Casey and Spike asked at once. The woman groaned and weakly climbed out with Donnie and Raph catching her.

"Take it easy ma'am, hold on." Donnie said worried, she looked around and had a look of fear seeing the turtles.
"Ah! Mutants!" She screamed breaking free from Donnie trying to escape, she tripped over herself and Casey caught her.
"Oh uh don't worry Mrs O Neil, these are good mutants.. except Donnie." Casey said turning to him.
"Yeah.. hey!" Donnie said annoyed.

"Where am i? And how do you know my.." She asked before turning around and saw April.
"A.. April? But how.. just a few days ago you were only.. six years old..." She said before falling down still weak from waking up.
"Mom.. oh.." April said as she passed out from the shock as well with Spike catching her.
"Talk about a discovery.." Spike said in shock trying to process this.

We cut to the living room where Spike was getting drinks for her while she explained what's going on.
"Here you go mom, just relax." April assured giving her some tea.
"Your safe here ma'am." Spike assured slithering back to help her relax.

"Thank you, both of you, i know this is hard to believe but.. The Kraang ship has been here for years.." She explained as we see a memory of this places history, apparently April's great grandfather discovered this ship deep below the house and accidently awakened the Kraang that were inside. In return, they experimented on the family's bloodline, trying to perfect they're mutagen. When April was born, she and Kirby both knew she was important and that the Kraang would come for her. So in an attempt to escape, Kirby tried taking them away and escaping to New York, but she was captured and put into stasis..

Spike and the others looked on with regret as they felt bad hearing this story.
"I'm sorry ma'am. i know what it's like.. being taken away from someone close.." Spike said looking at his snake body once more.
"All these years, i never knew.. i couldn't think.. dad would never tell.." April said in shock from this.
"Now you know, and now we never have to be apart again, where is Kirby anyway?" She asked looking around.
"He's on a vacation in Puerto Rico, plus i don't think he'd react to this that well you know?" Spike asked still processing this.
"That is understandable. But i'm just so glad to have my April back.." She said giving April a hug.

Spike and the others watched on with smiles.. until Spikes senses went off again telling him something was wrong, and Mikey got suspicious too.
"Is it me, or is April's mom seeming a bit off?" Mikey asked Spike.
"Somethings wrong, but let's keep it to ourselves okay?" Spike whispered to him and he nodded in response.
"Glad to know your getting the same vibes too, i don't trust her.." Mikey said suspicious as they watched on..

April and her mom were now outside at night looking over the stars.
"Remember how we used to sit out here in the summertime and looked out at the stars?" April's mom asked looking at them.
"Like it was yesterday.. but.. so much has happened, so much time has passed.." April said still trying to process this.
"And that's what it is, the past, we're together again.." She assured giving April a hug with Mikey watching on.
"Somethings not right here.." Mikey said suspicious of this.

"We can start over, we can be a family again.." She assured.
"If only dad were here.." April said sadly, April's mom heard a twig snap and looked closely and thought something was hiding, Mikey had enough and ran up to them drawing his weapon.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he tried attacking her.

April's mom screamed in terror as April came in front.
"Mikey what are you doing?!" April asked pushing up back.
"Get away from April! I'm warning you!" Mikey threatened, she screamed in fear and ran back to the house, Mikey was gonna run after her until April pulled his mask back.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! Have you lost your mind?! you know what? Don't answer that!" April said angry at him running after her.
"April wait i can explain!" Mikey begged going after her
"Mom!" April shouted worried going inside.
"April hold on!" Mikey shouted about to go in, until Raph and Spike blocked his path and looked upset at him.

Mikey suddenly found himself tied up in the barn, Spike coiled around him to make sure he doesn't try anything, while Donnie towered over him looking furious with the others watching.

"Michelangelo.. you.. attacked.. April's.. MOTHER?!?!?!" Donnie shouted with fury making a lot of wind fly by him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Spike asked furious as well.
"Have you completely cracked your shell?" Raph asked mad as well.

"I don't trust her, she's all kinds of wrong, you guys gotta believe me, Spike's suspicious of this as well!" Mikey said in defense.
"Yeah but at least i don't make it that obvious!" Spike said making another hiss.
"Oh just like that time tiny elves stole your nunchuks and replaced them with mozzarella sticks." Leo said mockingly as Mikey imagined the image.
"Yes!" Mikey said in defense before Raph joined in.

"Or the time you and Ice cream kitty entered a break dance competition?" Raph added as he imagined that as well.
"Exactly!" Mikey said pointing at him before Spike came in his face.
"Or how about the time i called you when i was fighting foot bots, but you were searching for clothes at a freaking soup store!" Spike said with anger as the image came on screen.
"That was Donnie's fault, he didn't give me the right directions!" Mikey said in defense.

"Stop it Mikey, do you have any idea how much this means to April? If you ruin this for her.." Casey threatened.
"Fine, if you don't believe me, i'll prove it!" Mikey said getting away from Spike and walking off.
"It'll only make things worse Mikey!" Spike shouted as he left.

April's mother was out in the open and April came up to her.
"Mom? Are you okay?" April asked worried looking at her.
"I was just thinking about the time we'd picnic in the woods by the stream.." She said looking out.
"Those were some of my favorite memories.." April said giving her a hug.

" We should go somewhere April, just the two of us. Just drive off, leave these creatures behind. I don't trust them!" She said worried.
"I.. i can't do that.." April said concerned.
"Why not?" She asked worried.

"They're like family, they've always been there for me." April said not wanting to go.
"I'm your mother, i'm your family, not them. They're just a bunch of freaks." She said walking off leaving April alone, Spike saw her going off and had his suspicions but decided to lay low.

Mikey sighed sadly as he was in the kitchen.
"No one gets me. No one but you.." Mikey said looking at ice cream kitty and it made a meow.
"Aw see? Your so cute, i could just eat you up.." Mikey said playfully pouring a ton of whipped cream on his head. The cat saw something and made a hiss of anger and Mikey saw something out the window. Mikey did a closer check and saw April's mom walking out into the woods.

"What do you think ice cream kitty? Go after her?" Mikey asked suspicious, the cat made a menacing meow in response saying he should go.
"My thoughts exactly." Mikey said gladly before he went out after her.

"Mikey? Mikey? You in here?" Spike asked slithering into the dining room, he looked around and saw nothing but whipped cream cans on the table and ice cream kitty in a bowl.
"Hey, you seen Mikey go anywhere?" Spike asked coming up to him, the cat simply made a meow and pointed out the window, Spike sighed as he knew Mikey could've gone after April's mom.
"At least try and be safe Mikey.." Spike prayed as he had a can of whipped cream himself before slithering off.

Donnie was currently in the Kraang ship under the house trying to find more info on April's mother.
"What up D?"" Mikey suddenly announced which scarred him, he found Mikey standing near the wall with a suspicious smile.
"You scarred me Mikey. I'm just looking over the data from the Cryotube's computers. Some of these readouts don't make sense.." Donnie said concerned as April walked in.
"Donnie, have you seen mom?" April asked worried coming inside.
"No, what's up?" Donnie asked curious.

"Me and her had a little argument earlier and now she's gone, probably because Mikey freaked her out." April said annoyed.
"Don't worry April, i'm sure she's around, i'll be up in a minute to help look around for her." Mikey said with the same strange smile.
"No thanks Mikey, i don't need your help." April said annoyed walking off again, Donnie kept looking through the computers until he found something.

"No.. it. it can't be.. she.. she's not.. i gotta go tell the others.." Donnie said worried trying to go before she suddenly appeared in front of him.
"Hello, Donatello.." She said in in ominous voice.
"Ah.. what.. what happened to Mikey?" Donnie asked in fear before she smacked him down with incredible strength. She grabbed the computer and slammed it down multiple times before shattering it and throwing it to him.

Donnie screamed in fear as a large tentacle appeared from her and he backed up.
"I gotta warn the others!" Donnie said trying to escape, but the tentacle wrapped around Donnie's staff and knocked him to the ground, and another tentacle wrapped around Donnie's leg.
"Let me go! AHH!!!" Donnie screamed in horror as the monster attacked him.

Leo came into the ship looking for April's" Mother".
"Mrs O Neil.. uh.. mom?" Leo asked looking around until he found Donnie looking at the screen.
"Hey Donnie uh.. Where's mom ?" Leo asked curious.
"No ones here but me.." Donnie said strangely.
"I could have sworn i saw her come in here." Leo said looking around.

"Sorry Leo, haven't seen her." Donnie said again. Leo looked down and found the broken computer on the ground.
"Okay then.. I guess i was mistaken." Leo said suspicious trying to walk off, Donnie suddenly roared at him and shot a tentacle towards him which Leo saw, Leo drew his sword and cut it off but fell on the ground because he was still injured, Leo watched in horror as more tentacle's came out of the monsters back and it roared in anger.
"Gotta.. move.." Leo said trying to escape.

Ominous music played as Leo tried escaping but saw the monster coming after him and it roared again. Leo tried moving up the stairs until one of the boards snapped and he tripped over. Leo looked back in horror as the monster attacked him and he screamed in horror.

Spike was currently sitting with April and Casey talking about stuff.
"I just don't know how i'll handle being a mutant back in Equestria guys.. what if the retro mutagen doesn't work?" Spike asked worried looking at himself.
"Don't think that stuff Spike, if they're really your friends, they'll help you in anyway they can. Even as a snake." Casey assured patting him on the back.
"I know but.. all the stuff that's happened to me when i'm here, it's just a little.. overwhelming still." Spike said still concerned.
"I can understand that, my mom's wanting to leave tonight, and if i don't go with her.. she's going anyway.. She's too scarred of you guys" April said sadly.

"That's rough red. But i understand if you wanna go with her, she's your mom, it's just.." Casey said before they saw Raph running up to them.
"April! Casey, Spike!" Raph shouted coming up to them in fear breathing heavily.
"Raph? What's wrong?" Spike asked worried.
"It's April's mother, she's not.. Mikey was right, she really is some kind of creature! And she's done something to the others!" Raph said in fear.
"I knew my senses were warning me about something." Spike said in realization.

"April, i told you to pack your bags." April's mom suddenly said as she appeared near the door. Spikes senses went off again warning him they were in danger.
"Stay back! What did you do to my brothers?!" Raph asked drawing his weapons and Spike made a hiss of rage getting in a stance as well.
"April, now!" She demanded coming to them.
"I said stay back mom, thing!" Raph warned. Spike hissed with anger again and whipped her in the face with his tail.

"Spike! What is wrong with you?!" April asked checking on her.
"Mom.. are you okay.." April asked before her face was raveled to be a monsterous creature.

"What the heck, get away from here!" Casey shouted drawing his hockey stick, the monster roared at them and drew multiple tentacles from behind its back. The monster screeched as they watched it transform into a huge horrific monster.
"What in Celestia's name?!" Spike asked horrified as the monster grew more arms from its side.
"Oh my gosh.." April said horrified as well.
"I think i'm gonna puke.." Casey said in disgust.
"Move! To the barn! Come on!" Raph shouted as they all ran for it, Casey grabbed an axe and headed after them.

Spike and Raph closed the doors just as the monster reached them and it was banging on the walls hard. The creature roared again and continued to pound on the doors again until it stopped suddenly, Spike's senses went off again and he looked below .
"Look out!" Spike screamed as he dodged the monster breaking upwards into the barn. The monster split it's face apart which made things more horrific.

The monster lunged a tentacle at April and pushed her to the door, Spike sliced it in half and went to help her while Casey tried attacking the things head. The monster moved around like crazy trying to shake Casey off and threw him to the top, Raph screamed with anger and tried attacking the thing as it slashed at him over and over. Raph went forward and delivered multiple kicks to its face and pushed it back. The monster screeched again and now crawled up onto the walls and fired green sludge from its huge back.

Casey got up from the monsters last attack and jumped on a hook before slashing at the thing and knocked it down. The monster landed back down and roared in anger.
"There's no way to stop this thing!" Raph said in fear as Spike burned the tentacle holding April.
"She was frozen when we found her, maybe we can do it again!" April suggested.
"How are we gonna do that?!" Spike asked looking around for something.

"No! We fry it!" Casey said landing down and charging at it.
"Time for Casey Jones to play some offense!" Casey shouted sliding under it and went to the power generator.
"Goongala!" Casey shouted which got its attention, the monster roared in anger and lunged its tentacle at him, Casey jumped out of the way and the monster was electrocuted by the power generator.

They all thought it was done for until the monster recovered and roared at them again.
"Okay that didn't work..." Raph said in fear as they backed up with the monster crawling to them.
"We just gotta hack it to pieces!" Casey shouted as he and Raph lunged to it.
"Raph! Casey don't!!" Spike shouted as they jumped in the air, the monster shot something out from it's large back and grabbed the two and pulled them to it.

"Get your slimy suckers off of me!" Raph shouted as they were being pulled down.
"Casey! Raph! No!" April shouted in horror as the two screamed and were brought inside.
"No!!!" Spike screamed in terror as he was breathing heavily.

"This is not happening, it's not! it's not!" April told herself clutching her head.
"April.. we can be together.. no more pain.. no more sorrow.." The monster said as the heads of their friends came from its bodies under its control.
"Join us.. become one.." The heads said as the monster lowered down to them.
"Get away from us!!" Spike screamed as they backed up.

"You are not my mother, no, no!" April shouted trying to escape, the monster shot the tentacle from it's back again and grabbed her.
"We can be a family again.. it's all we ever wanted.." The monster said pulling her to it.
"No.. no.. no!!" Spike shouted as he and April screamed in pain as a powerful blast came from they're heads. This created a powerful shockwave of psychic energy which made the monster scream in pain as a huge light covered the entire room and shot a huge shockwave from the barn and into the forest..

Everyone was groaning in pain as they got up and saw the monster was destroyed.
"Are you guys okay?" April asked worried as they all got up.
"Let me put it to you this way, i'm pretty sure i swallowed about 15 pounds of slime.." Donnie said weakly.
"I feel like if puke could puke.. it would be us.." Mikey said weakly before he puked himself.
"Thanks guys.." Leo said gratefully.
"No.. problem.." Spike said still clutching his head in pain.

We cut to the ship where Donnie was explaining what happened.
"So when i downloaded the data from the Kraang's ship, i discovered the creature wasn't really April's mom. It just had her memories." Donnie said turning to them.
"So what was it?" Raph asked curious.
"Some sort of early infiltration experiment that utilized a combination of of Mrs O Neil's DNA and Kraang DNA. But it was too dangerous." Donnie explained.

"So the Kraang put it in a deep freeze. It all makes sense.." Raph said in realization. Leo looked over and saw April was upset from all of this.
"Guys, do we have to talk about this right now?" Leo asked bringing them close to her.

Spike went up to April and sat down next to her.
"I'm sorry it was a monster April, i can only imagine what you could be feeling right now.." Spike said regretfully.
"Thanks but.. it just feels like i lost my family all over again.. even if it wasn't my mom. Maybe she really is gone forever.. but maybe.. she's still out there somewhere." April said sadly.
"It's okay, i'm sure that if she saw you now, she'd be proud of who you are, but no matter what, we're your family, that's for sure." Spike said giving her a hug.
"Thanks Spike.. truly..." April said gratefully as Spike looked concerned as well.

"At least you know more about her, i.. i don't know anything about her other then what info i got on this chip, it makes me wonder where she is.. and if she's still.. alive.." Spike said concerned as well.
"If she escaped the Kraang, she could still be out there, and we'll find her.. i promise.." April assured as well making Spike smile.

Spike's head suddenly hurt badly again and he clutched it in pain.
"What's wrong?" Leo asked worried for him.
"I.. i think that blast we caused made my head hurt badly again.. i just need to lie down.." Spike said weakly getting up.
"Come on, let's get you to bed Spike.." April said concerned helping him out with the others following looking concerned.

Unknown to them, that shockwave was more powerful then they thought, and it sent loud echo through the forest. Deep within the forest far away from the farmhouse, lied a cave within a cliffside, the camera zooms in and we see different types of objects, there was some objects that looked like one for a home, and even some gold and gems.. and even some Kraang tech. There was a massive pile in the middle of the cave and something seemed to be inside it. The shockwave went through the cave and echoes of Spike screaming could be heard from it.

This caused the pile to shake up roughly as something rose from it making a loud growl, sharp green spines came from the top as there were large claws emerging from it with purple scales and a robotic claw, and from that pile came a large emerald green eye looking in shock and concern..
"S.. Son?" The voice asked concerned as it felt a similar power to it..