The Warden: Part 3, Dream of the Warden

by FortressLegacy

Chapter 13: Sins Of The Father

When the dreamscape cleared, Luna could see that they were indoors, looking as if they were in a home of some kind, a living room in particular.  It was well furnished, and it was decorated in a manner that told of high class origins but also of a practical nature.

The room itself was modestly sized, with a fireplace, dark wooden walls, a wooden floor, several decorative rugs, multiple plush chairs, and a small table or two.

All told, it had the appearance of a sitting room in an urban home, leading Luna to conclude that they were still in Halterburg.

In one of the chairs, Casemate was sitting, quietly reading a novel, his eyes analyzing the pages before him.

Luna glanced around the peaceful scene, wondering what would transpire. If this was an important event, then something would happen…

Sure enough, before long, Edelweiss strode through a doorway, seeming to be looking for something.

Luna and The Warden watched his wife walk about the room, looking up and down for something.

As her hoofsteps fell on the wooden floor, Casemate's gaze hardened a little as his focus began to waver.

But Edelweiss continued, looking up, down, and around.

Finally, Casemate blinked and broke his gaze, looking up at Edelweiss.

“Edel? What are you looking for?” He asked, a bit of irritation in his tone.

Edelweiss turned to face him, looking dead serious.

“For my Warden.” She said plainly, not breaking her serious demeanor.

Casemate tilted his head, his snout scrunching in slight confusion.

But then, a small smile crept across Edelweiss’ face, and she stepped to her husband’s side, kneeling down and kissing him on the cheek quickly.

“Found him.” She declared, and Casemate looked up at her as she drew back. His brow remained lowered in an attempt to look irritated at the interruption, but an uncontrollable smile played across his lips as a quiet scoff left his mouth.

“Dang it, Edel.” He mumbled, shaking his head but still smiling. “Get back here, I can't let that stand.”

Edelweiss simply smiled, and knelt back down, allowing Casemate to plant a kiss on her lips for a moment, before pulling back.

Luna smiled, feeling some happiness welling up within upon seeing the two act as a couple. Despite clearly having the annoyances that come with living together, their love prevailed.

She also felt similar emotions from the Warden, overcoming the sense of anger that he had been feeling earlier.

But there was also a sense of anticipation coming from him as well, and Luna began to feel the same way. She couldn't quite tell how long it had been since the marriage, but it must have been at least a few months.

The image of Bastion gazing down upon the marriage ceremony from the castle walls stuck out in Luna's mind. His very presence there radiated uncertainty that penetrated Luna's heart.

Would she find out what he was doing, spying upon his son from afar? Were his reasons purely out of love for his son, or was there an ulterior motive?

On a similar note, would she find out why he felt remorse when he saw his father?

Her train of thought was interrupted by a peculiar whirring sound coming from the fireplace, which was not currently burning. The princess blinked, her full attention turning to the source of the sound.

What in the world was that?

Casemate's intact ear bolted upright in an instant, and he stood up, dropping the book to the floor as his green eyes adopted a sharp gleam, fixed on the fireplace.

Edelweiss' romantic expression also immediately faded, and her eyes widened in uncertainty as the sound grew more distinct.

“What is that?” She asked, her uncertainty clear to be heard.

Casemate placed a hoof on her chest, gently pushing her behind him as he placed himself between her and the sound.

“I’ve heard it before…” He murmured, his full attention still on the sound. “I can't quite-”

Then, to Luna's surprise, a small metal blur darted out of the fireplace, like some sort of mechanical hummingbird, whirring and darting about.

Edelweiss took a step back, adopting a defensive stance, having never seen such a thing before. But as the thing came to a halt, Casemate lowered his defense, and his gaze narrowed.

As he examined the odd contraption, Luna did the same. It took the appearance of a small metal sphere, with four arms jutting out, each with an upwards facing propeller holding it up in the air. A small camera lens protruded from the spherical body, looking at Casemate.

Sudden realization shot through Luna. She recalled Celestia and Twilight telling her about a small device that came to them bearing a message from the Warden, on that fateful day when he first returned!

Could it be the same thing?

The small mechanical drone gave a few excited chirps, almost like that of a bird. Casemate's mouth opened, and a look of shock came over his face.

“RAD?” He asked, stunned.

The small drone tweeted excitedly, and did a somersault, making it clear that it knew Casemate.

Edelweiss blinked and tilted her head, one of her ears flopping down as she dropped her defensive stance. Luna could see that her curiosity was piqued, likely because she perceived that her husband didn't treat it as a threat. She stepped out from behind Casemate, staring at the drone.

“Y-you know it?” She asked after a momentary hesitation.

Casemate smiled slightly, nodding excitedly. “Yes. Yes I do!”

He strode closer to the drone, holding a hoof out. As if by command, the drone buzzed and landed on his hoof, giving a content chirp.

“RAD’s one of my grandfather's creations.” He explained, holding it out for Edelweiss to see. “He’s harmless, see?”

Edelweiss paused, her ears lowering slightly in uncertainty for a second or two. But her trust in her husband was stronger than her fear, and she stepped closer, putting her face close to the drone, which beeped in salutation.

“He says hi.” Casemate translated.

Upon hearing this, Edelweiss visibly relaxed, smiling as the drone’s cute behavior began to win her over.

“Um… Hi, uh, RAD. I'm Edelweiss.” She said simply, looking the drone over.

After a moment, the drone looked at Casemate, and chirped.

“I’m happy to see you too.” Casemate replied lightheartedly. But then, his expression shifted from happiness to curiosity. “But… Why are you here?”

RAD tweeted in reply, and with a whir, it took to the air, hovering a few feet off the floor.

Casemate’s entire mood shifted in moments, now no longer appearing happy at all. Rather, his expression darkened, and his mouth curled downwards in an angry frown.

“Oh. He did, did he?” Casemate responded, his tone lowered as his body visibly tensed.

Edelweiss looked concerned, and Luna began to feel the same way. What did the little drone say to anger Casemate?

“What is it?” Edelweiss asked, walking up beside him.

Casemate blinked, and glanced at his wife. His eyes softened upon seeing her concern, but he didn’t respond. Whatever it was, he seemed to be focused on trying to reach a decision.

Then, he looked back at the hovering drone, a steely glint in his eyes.

“Very well, I’ll listen. Play it.” He ordered firmly, and the drone chirped in response. It darted over to the nearest wall, and a bright light began to shine from its camera ‘eye’, projecting an image on the wall.

Once the projection cleared, Luna was shocked to see an image of Bastion!

Her mind raced. What was he doing? Why was he revealing himself? Would this explain why he appeared at Casemate’s wedding, a few months prior?

While Luna grappled with the onslaught of questions, she saw Casemate’s anger visibly arise as he set his jaw, the very sight of his father igniting a deep seated rage within him.

Luna understood why he felt such anger, having seen how Bastion had mistreated him as a colt.

Yet… Bastion looked different than before…

Luna paused to analyze his expression and demeanor. He looked drastically different than before, and it wasn’t just age.

He looked less disheveled than he did back at the cottage, all those sequences ago. He still looked tired though, although that may have been due in part to his more advanced age, and the additional lines on his face.

It wasn’t just that, though. His posture was more limp, his expression was softer too, if not downcast.

Come to think of it, he didn’t look angry or disappointed at all, unlike before. Instead, he just looked… Sad.

Luna felt a cautious hope arising within her. She knew the feelings behind such an expression all too well. Genuine remorse and sorrow.

However, the question still remained: What was the purpose of this?

Before long, the projection of Bastion began to move and speak.

“My son…” He began, blinking and looking downwards for a moment. “I have… I have tried coming up with the courage to send this message for days now. If you are hearing this, then it means that I have finally done so…”

Edelweiss’ eyes widened and her ears perked upright, realizing who this was. She looked away for a moment, gazing at her husband and then back at the projection, as if confirming that she was indeed witnessing his father for the first time.

Casemate merely blinked, still looking at the projection with his jaw set and his ear pinned back.

Bastion continued. “First off, I want to congratulate you on all that you have done, son.” He said, looking back up and smiling slightly. “Your marriage especially. I know that you saw me watching.” He admitted, sighing and looking uncomfortable, as if he were about to admit to even more. “You may not know it, but that was the first time I let you notice me. I actually have been watching you for years, watching you grow and develop a beautiful relationship.”

Casemate’s eyes widened at this claim, shock now coming over his face as his father continued.

“I was even watching during the fight in which you earned your cutie mark.” The older stallion said quietly. “I- A part of me wonders if I should have intervened and acted like the father I should have been, but seeing you sacrifice so much for your friend and earn your mark… Well, it made me wonder if my involvement would have simply made things worse…”

Casemate glanced downwards, clearly thinking about this statement as his father continued after a pause.

“But, in any case, I guess I wanted to tell you first that- That I am proud of you, Casemate. You have grown up so much and overcome what I had done to you…” Bastion said, a new level of earnestness and remorse in his eyes. “You became what I could not make you into: a Warden.”

There was a momentary pause, and these words sank in for Luna.

This was a massive revelation, to say the least. Bastion was admitting openly to mistreating Casemate! Not only that, but he also said that he was proud of his achievements!

The skeptical side of Luna questioned whether or not Bastion was telling the truth. But his expression, his demeanor, and his admissions felt genuine.

Uncannily so.

Within Luna, a flicker of hope for Casemate’s relationship with his father began to burn. Were things going to be made right after all this time?

A skeptical huff from Casemate dampened Luna’s hopes, though. Clearly, he wasn’t so easily convinced, which was understandable.

“Now, that brings me to my primary reason why I am making myself known to you now.” Bastion resumed, recapturing Luna’s full attention. “I… Had an experience recently. I cannot go into detail, but it made me realize just how badly I had failed you, my son.”

Bastion sighed, rubbing his eyelids with one of his hooves.

“I’m sorry. For trying to force you to become something you were never meant to be, and for punishing you when you didn’t adhere to my warped perception of what I felt like you should become.”

When he uttered those words, Casemate let out a quiet breath, and Luna felt her heart jump a little. 

He had actually apologized!

He was actually trying to set things right after all…

But would Casemate be understanding?

Luna gauged Casemate’s reaction, but he still appeared silently angered. Her heart fell a little more. It didn’t seem as if he was being receptive.

In addition to this, Luna's attention was briefly drawn to the Warden, as she felt his emotions arise within him. Yet again, that unfamiliar mixture of anger and remorse from before was present, sending his heart into tumult. He wasn’t showing many visual indicators, but Luna felt it all the same, and it only caused her craving for answers to arise.

Why did he feel this way?

In the meantime, Bastion continued his message.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I have come to the conclusion that not only have I wronged you, but I am also no longer worthy of the title of Warden.”

Luna saw Casemate’s ear perk up as this admission struck. Was this going in the direction that she thought it was?

Bastion’s blue eyes gained an earnest glint as he seemed to peer through the projection at his son on the other side.

“Son, I do not ask for your forgiveness, since I am unworthy of it. But I do ask that you fulfill your purpose, and take up the mantle of Warden from me.” He said, the weight of his words ever so clear in his tone. “You are more worthy than I could ever dream of being, especially after what I have done. You have come of age, and you also have the chance to be a true Warden, and protect Equestria in the way that we were always meant to.”

Bastion gave a deep breath, his voice subsiding before he continued.

“Please, Casemate. I know I have wronged you, but it is your purpose to be the Warden, and my time is drawing to a close. Don’t leave the ponies of Equestria without a defender…”

Casemate’s expression began to shift. His eyes glanced downwards, and his jaw relaxed somewhat.

He was weighing his options. Luna realized the importance of this moment now. Here, he was faced with the choice of either remaining in Halterburg, or becoming the Warden, taking the mantle from his father and fulfilling his purpose as a selfless defender of all ponies…

A weighty choice indeed.

Luna’s attention also went to Edelweiss for a moment, pondering her reaction to all this. Her eyes were wide and focused, watching Bastion as her ears stood erect, listening to every word.

This had to be a profound experience for her. First, she saw her father in law for the very first time, and second, she was watching her husband come to a crossroads that would impact both of their lives.

Then, Bastion spoke one last time…

“You know where to find me, and I will leave RAD with you. Please, think carefully, and make the right choice. I know you can.”

Upon this, RAD’s light faded, and the image of Bastion on the wall faded away into nothing, the message having come to an end.

A deep silence ensued, and the ponies silently reflected on what they had just witnessed.

Luna dwelled particularly heavily on Bastion. For the most part, his expression was one of a troubled soul and of reflection. It struck Luna that he was perhaps in slight disbelief that he was making such admissions. She couldn’t blame him, though. For much of Casemate’s life, he had tried to mold him into a violent killer, instead of the valiant warrior that he had always been meant to be. He had wronged his own son, and such a realization had to be a painful one.

It couldn’t have been any easier to admit that he had failed as a Warden, too. His whole life, Bastion wanted to be a Warden like his legendary father, Hightower. But instead, he became an angry, bitter individual, who took out his own suffering on Casemate, and in turn, failed his family…

For the first time, Luna realized that she felt pity for Bastion.

Her gaze softened, as parallels between her and him began to arise. They both had committed wrongful acts in the past, and regretted it. They both also felt as if they were unworthy of forgiveness.

But most of all, they both wronged Casemate.

Luna sighed deeply, these parallels striking a little too close to her own heart.

Breaking the silence, Edelweiss spoke softly, placing a hoof on her husband’s shoulder.

“Casey? Are you okay?”

Casemate nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. He continued to look at the wall where the image of his father once was, contemplating. Then, he placed a hoof on Edelweiss’, and smiled slightly in gratitude for her concern.

“Yes. I just… Didn’t expect this.” He answered hesitantly. “Are you all right?”

“I am. Was- was that your father?”

“It was.” Casemate replied, his expression hardening as he glanced towards the wall. “It would seem that he finally realized what he did was wrong.”

Edelweiss began to look more concerned at his change in expression.

“So… What are you going to do?”

“I… I don’t know…” Casemate sighed deeply. “It’s my purpose to be a Warden, I know it. But I don’t want to drag you away from here to live a life of-”

“My home is wherever you are, Casey.” Edelweiss interrupted, looking determined and firm. “Where you go, I want to be.”

Casemate’s ear raised a little, and a look of worry appeared on his face.

“Are you sure? We’ll have to leave Halterburg behind and take up a life of danger and great responsibility.” He said quietly. “I cannot guarantee my safety, or yours. We will be isolated, and I will be a target of Princess Celestia, because of my grandfather’s exile… Are you sure you would be willing to lead such a life?”

Edelweiss paused, her eyes looking thoughtful for a second or two before tenderly placing a hoof on Casemate’s cheek.

“Don’t hold yourself back from your destiny, Casey. Mine is to be wherever you are, and to be there for you. Besides…” She chuckled softly. “I’ve already had a rough life. It’s not something I’m unfamiliar with…”

Casemate glanced into his wife’s eyes, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

“Very well. Then we are in agreement that I should pursue my purpose?” He asked, and Edelweiss nodded.

“We are. I would love nothing more than to see you doing what you were always meant to do.” She responded, smiling in return.

Then, she warmly wrapped her forelegs around him, embracing him warmly, letting him know that her mind was made up. Casemate hugged her back, and for half a minute, the two remained in each other's embrace before stepping back. The couple sighed deeply, allowing the happy feelings to remain for a few seconds more.

But a look of serious thought crossed Edelweiss’ face shortly afterwards, and Luna sensed that she was troubled.

“But… What are you going to do with your father?” She finally asked, ending the silence.

Casemate immediately looked away, his face hardening.

“What about him?” He asks, his tone growing darker.

Edelweiss’ concern visibly grew.

“It seems to me that he regrets what he did to you…”

“And?” Casemate asks, his tone sharpening slightly. “That doesn’t change anything.”

Luna felt a slight chill run down her backside when she heard him speak like this. Clearly he still held a great deal of resentment against Bastion.

“But-” Edelweiss said hesitantly, her voice trailing off as her ears drooped. She glanced around, visibly thinking of what to say. “Casey, I remember everything you told me about him and what he did, and it was despicable. But did you not see how sorry he looked?”

Casemate took a breath, shaking his head. “So what? He just appears a decade after putting me into a situation that required Princess Luna’s intervention, and now he’s sorry?” He asks, scoffing. “He put me through hell.”

“But he was willing to make a genuine apology, and he even kept his distance, letting you grow as you needed, even though he could have snatched you back up at any time.” Edelweiss objected. “Surely this means that he understood that what he did was wrong, even without the apology, which he did make!”

Casemate snorted, flaring his nostrils angrily.

“Really? As if being sorry changes the end result…” He grumbled.

“It does!” Edelweiss protested. “Casey, you are angry at him, and I don’t blame you. But living with unresolved anger is just- Miserable!”

Her countenance fell, and her voice softened.

“I told you about what I underwent after my mother disappeared. I told you about how all that anger and hate I held against the world nearly killed me. Trust me, I know how bad it feels to hold onto anger and bitterness.” She sighed. “This isn’t just for him, Casey. It’s also for you… If you don’t forgive him, not only will he have to bear the unresolved burden of his past actions, but you will suffer and be angry until you die!”

Her speech caught Luna’s full attention. Yet again, the subject of forgiveness had arisen, and the parallels were uncanny.

Casemate was struggling to bring himself to forgive somepony who had wronged him dreadfully in the past.

Bastion was in a similar position to her, that much was certain.

In the meantime, Casemate responded. “But he didn’t ask for my forgiveness, did he? In fact, he said he didn’t want it.”

Edelweiss’ eyes widened, and a look of sadness appeared in them.

“I know he didn’t ask for it, but he did not say that he didn’t want it, either.” She countered. “Casey, this is a chance for you to put that anger to rest! I- I don’t want you to suffer like I did!”

At this, Casemate’s expression became less cold. It seemed his wife’s pleas had broken through his anger, or at least dampened it.

“Please, Casey…” Edelweiss murmured, her own ears drooping. “You don’t have to, but please just think about it, okay? I’m just- Worried that you would rather hold on to resentment than try to resolve it…”

Casemate sighed deeply, looking downwards yet again, visibly swayed by his wife’s words.

“Fine.” He said plainly. “I’ll think about it.”

Once he had said this, the scene faded away, and the sequence drew to a quiet close.

That was when she felt another murmur of remorse coming from the Warden.

Her attention shifted to him once again, as she picked up these unusual emotions.

“There it is again.” She thought silently. “Why does he feel that way?”

His guilt hadn’t arisen at all until he had seen his father in the previous sequence, and now he still seemed to feel that way.

It didn’t take much logic for Luna to conclude that there was a real possibility that it involved his father.

Was he regretting being angry towards him?

This was probable. Luna did notice that Bastion’s behavior and demeanor had shifted dramatically since the second sequence. He looked and sounded far less confrontational now, as well as apologetic.

Luna’s mind dwelled on Bastion for a few moments, as she wondered what she thought. He seemed to be genuinely sorry, at least.

The princess sighed. It seemed like Bastion and her shared much in common. They both were ashamed of how they once were, and were seeking to set things right if possible.

In the very least, Luna’s first conclusion was that she probably would have been less vindictive than Casemate was. Perhaps the Warden felt the same way now?

Or did his remorse have more to do with Edelweiss’ desire for him to forgive his father?

This possibility struck Luna like a blow to the face, and she felt her stomach twist anxiously. Did the Warden feel remorse because he didn’t forgive Bastion?


The Warden’s firm call suddenly snapped Luna out of her thoughts. The dark alicorn blinked several times, shook her head, and composed herself before turning to face him.

“Y-yes?” She asked nervously, hoping that she hadn’t spaced out.

The Warden glared at her for a moment, his eyes glinting in the darkness. Luna noted that the remorse faded away back into the same deep seated anger that he always seemed to hold against her.

“Are we going to the next sequence, or do you need more time?” He asked plainly, not breaking eye contact.

Luna struggled for a few seconds to put together a proper answer and gather her thoughts.

“I-I am. Apologies, I just…” Her voice trailed off, and she shook her head. “Never mind. We shall proceed.”

She put her questions away for the time being, shoving the worrying possibility that the Warden felt guilty because he didn’t forgive his father to the back of her mind. It was time to focus on the dream, not on the events of the past…