Spike And The Ninja Turtles

by Dragonfan101

55: Clash of the Mutanimals

We open to a shot of the docks at night where two heavily armed men are seen coming up to the place, they heard a tiger growl and saw Tiger claw walk up to them.
"The Falchi Twins, punctual as ever." Tigerclaw greeted.
"Tiger claw." One of them responded.
"I believe that belongs to me." Tiger claw pointing at the suitcase.

"You aint getting our merchandise without forking over our loot." The guy responded, Tiger claw put a case on the ground and pushed it over to them both and the man tossed him the case.
"This had better be worth the price, You don't want to disappoint him." Tiger claw threatened until something landed down and they saw Slash tower over them.

"The infamous Slash, not very stealthy, for a ninja." Tiger claw mocked.
"When i lack in stealth, i make up for in friends! Meet the Mighty Mutanimals!" Slash said as Leatherhead and the others landed behind him.
"More freaks! Blast them!" The twins shouted as they fired at all of them. Leatherhead went to take them down while Slash was fighting against Tiger claw.
"Hold still you sneaky little.. agh!" Slash shouted with pain as a smoke bomb was thrown to his face before he was kicked back. Rockwell tried using his powers to hit Tiger claw, but hit Pigeon Pete instead, Tiger claw fired his gun at Rockwell and restrained him with his ice blasters.

"Get in the car!" One of the twins shouted as he started to escape.
"Get this thing moving! Go, go go!" The other shouted as they were barely avoiding Leatherhead who roared at them both. Tiger claw shot a rope at Slash which restrained and electrocuted him.
"Feel the feathered wrath of Pigeon Pete!" Pete shouted as he tried attacking him, but he was grabbed by the neck and slammed against the shipping containers and held him up.
"I could use a snack." Tiger claw said menacingly before he saw Leatherhead trying to attack him. Tiger claw threw Pete on his head and knocked him down.

"One more step, and we find out if all monkeys go to heaven." Tiger claw threatened holding up Rockwell. A van suddenly drove right nearby Leatherhead and ran right into him which knocked him into the water with Pete being knocked down too.
"Secure the beast, you will be of great use to him!" Tiger claw said as he made an evil laugh while the van drove off with Slash and Rockwell being taken prisoner..

Spike and the others were in the lair once again, Psiona had gotten a hang of living here with them as her little spot on the stairs was enough for her, Jaqueline got a spare room they had in the lair so they all had a place to sleep, Mikey was watching more of that Crognard show and this episode had Crognard trying to free his friends from being mind controlled.
"Hey guys, you ever notice how the cartoons we watch are kinda just like our missions?" Mikey asked curiously.
"Seriously? Your leading way to much into a cartoon Mikey." Leo replied not convinced.
"I don't know, the past shows we've watched all tied into what we did for our missions, my best are Someones gonna get controlled here at one point, but who?" Spike asked rubbing his chin with his snake hand.
"Definitely not me, my mind is far to strong to be taken over by anything." Psiona answered landing down from her spot.

"Speaking of missions, i know what our next one should be, Shredder." Raph said as he was punching the dummy with rage again.
"Why don't we take him down.. once.. and. for. all?!" Raph asked with anger as he punched the dummy across the room which impressed Psiona.
"Because of that impulsive over emotional state right there." Leo joked before Raph came up to him more furious.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING IMPULSIVE AND OVER EMOTIONAL?!" Raph shouted right in his ear which annoyed him.

"Honestly, i'd go more with hot headed.." Mikey joked before Raph screamed with rage and attacked him.
"This is entertaining honestly." Psiona said as she was having popcorn with Leo and Spike.
"Tell me about it, how many times has Raph acted this way again?" Leo asked taking some as well.
"Hmm.. i'd say around 20." Spike said as Mikey was screaming with fear.

Donnie and Jaqueline were working in the lab in order to fix the Shellraiser after it got wrecked badly.
"Is he at it again?" Jaqueline asked as they could hear Raph from the other room.
"Yep, he's going off again. I think it's best we stay in the lab for a while, Just a little more and.. there!" Donnie said as he made the last touches.
"That should do it right?" Jaqueline asked brushing off some sweat.
"Yes, the Shellraiser should finally be fixed." Donnie said confidently before a loud sound caught they're attention.

Raph was shaking Mikey with rage again until Donnie and Jaqueline came out of the lab
"What was that?! Did Raph finally blow a Gasket? Because i got plenty of spares!" Donnie shouted pointing behind them.
"Leatherhead?" Jaqueline asked shocked as they saw him crawling into the lair looking really hurt.
"Turtles.. Spike.." Leatherhead said as he was breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked worried as Spike and Mikey checked on him.

"Can't you see he's terrible? Look at his adorable yet tortured gator face, aw..." Mikey said trying to comfort him.
"What happened to you Leatherhead?" Spike asked worried getting some medical supplies.
"No, i am not fine, i bring dire news. Slash and Rockwell have been captured, by Tiger claw." Leatherhead reported which surprised them.
"What? Why?" Leo asked with worry.
"Slash and Rockwell are in danger?" Jaqueline asked worried for this.
"Yes, and he said they could be of use to.. him." Leatherhead replied which worried them more.

"I'll give you one guess who him is." Raph said crossing his arms again and Psiona growled with anger.
"If they've been captured, it's bad news for us, they're up to something, probably relating to those chemicals that were stolen." Psiona said trying to help Leatherhead in, but they suddenly heard laughing and saw Pigeon Pete fly into the lair too.

"Aw not Pigeon Pete.." Raph said annoyed seeing him.
"Wow, now this is a secret lair!" Pete said amazed looking around the place.
"Anyone but Pigeon Pete." Raph continued as he went onto the tire.
"Wow! A tire swing! And is that a real Space Heroes pinball machine?! If you ask me the only place this lair is missing is some bread." Pete said amazed as he was near Psiona's bed.
"Hey get off of there, that's my spot!" Psiona said pushing him off of it.

"Sorry!" Pete apologized before Mikey caught his attention.
"We got something even better then bread, Pizza crust Brah!" Mikey announced showing him some, Pete screamed in joy and tackled him down and quickly pecked at the bread and having a look of amazement.
"Where have you been all my life?!" Pete asked amazed before flying around some more.

"Why couldn't Tiger claw take him instead?" Raph asked annoyed.
"Probably because he's not something that's interesting to him." Jaqueline answered still worried for this.
"Hey i'm not crazy about Slash, but the Mutanimals are our friends, and we're gonna rescue them." Leo said seriously.

We cut to Stockman's lab once again where Slash and Rockwell were restrained to some table's for testing. Shredder was looking at the cell Karai was trapped in as she was still out of control and violent now until Tiger claw landed next to him.
"You found the chemical?" Shredder asked turning to him.
"When have i failed you Shredder?" Tiger claw asked as he showed him the chemical as Stockman flew up to them.
"All is ready my master. This is the last ingredient i need to finish the formula. And you will be in complete control over her." Stockman explained looking at it.
"Before you use it on Karai, test it on the two mutants." Shredder ordered looking at their hostages.
"Brilliant sir! In case there are unexpected side affects." Stockman said flying over to the both of them.

"Prepare yourselves my willing subjects." Stockman said evilly as Slash tried escaping.
"What are you gonna do to us?!" Slash asked with anger as Stockman put the chemical in a device.
"I'd just like to clarify that we're not willing, not at all!" Rockwell said trying to escape as well.
"The serum must be directly administered to your brains, and your just the creatures to perform the test." Stockman said holding out something.
"Creatures?" They both asked shocked hearing this.

"Observe my little worm friends." Stockman said as he held out a jar with strange worm's in it, he inserted the chemical into the thing and they watched in shock as the chemical seemingly turned them into monster worms.
"Let us go! I mean it! Rah!!!!" Slash shouted with fury as Stockman brought one of them to him..

Spike and the others were just outside of Shredder's lair now and were coming up with a plan.
"What are you doing Raph?" Leo asked stopping him from going right away.
"Going in all blaze blazing, like we should've done weeks ago!" Raph said ready to fight already.
"We don't even know exactly where they are!" Leo countered.
"You need a recon fly boy? I'm the bird man for the job! Pigeon Pete to.. ah!!" Pete screamed as he fell of the roof much to their shock.
"He'll be fine, in 3, 2, 1.." Jaqueline counted down before Pete was seen flying to the building without any trouble.
"Nicely done." Spike said patting her shoulder before they heard a loud noise and saw Slash and Rockwell trying to escape.

"Rockwell! We gotta move!" Slash shouted as they ran through the streets.
"They escaped on they're own?" Donnie asked shocked on this.
"They need our help, come on!" Spike shouted as he started going after them. Slash and Rockwell were being perused by Foot bots and were cornered in an alley, but Spike and the others showed up just in time and took down all of them quickly.

"Slash are you okay?!" Raph asked worried running up to him.
"What happened to you?" Spike asked worried as well.
"Ugh.. Raphael.. Spike.." Slash said weakly as he was hurt bad.
"What did Shredder do to you?" Leatherhead asked worried for him.
"They don't look so good, we gotta get em back to the lair guys." Donnie said seriously as they quickly helped them and headed back.

Spike and the others were in the lair now and were waiting for the news on what happened.
"So what do you think happened to them?" Jaqueline asked worried on this.
"I don't know, but i'm sensing something bad, we gotta be careful.." Spike said coiling around himself again.

"Your escape was very fortuitous, Shredder is not one easily eluted." Splinter said handing them some food.
"Well we're just glad you guys are okay." Raph said a little relieved.
"Are you sure? Something seems off about you two.." Mikey said as he saw them upside down, Psiona flipped him over and steadied his head.
"That better?" Psiona asked looking down at him.
"Ah yeah, that's better." Mikey replied having a funny smile.

"They did do something to us, yes.. it's all coming back now. We were being experimented on by Shredder. " Rockwell said as his head hurt.
"Experimented on?" Donnie asked worried on that.
"He had these.. and then.. and then.." Slash said as he clutched his head in pain.
"Dude don't leave us hanging!" Mikey said worried for him as Slash groaned in pain.
"Hmm.. let me get you some water." Splinter said about to leave until Slash's eyes were pure white.

"Slash?" Psiona asked worried as her senses were going off, meaning something was wrong. Slash roared with rage and hit Splinter really hard with his mace.
"Splinter!" Raph shouted with horror as Slash roared at them.
"Something's wrong with him!" Jaqueline shouted as she dodged another slash at her.

"This can't be happening!" Leatherhead said in horror as Psiona was holding him back.
"How could you Slash?!" Raph asked feeling really betrayed.
"Splinter must be.. destroyed!" Slash said with rage as Psiona knocked him back with telekinesis.
"You'll never hurt sensei again!" Leo said with rage while Psiona and Spike were knocking him down, Spike coiled around his waste and tried knocking his weapon away.
"Leo! Check up on Splinter!" Raph shouted holding him down.

Rockwell groaned with pain before his eyes opened revealing them to be pure white as well.
"Sensei?" Leo asked worried before they were lifted up by Rockwell's powers and thrown down.
"Rockwell's gone crazy too!" Donnie said in fear as Rockwell made monkey noises again. Leatherhead tackled Slash down and tried stopping him.
"Don't make me hurt you Slash!" Leatherhead threatened holding him down.
"Don't make me laugh!" Slash countered before he bit down on his arm which made him be freed. Slash grabbed his mace and began swiping at Leatherhead through the place. Psiona was holding down Rockwell with her own powers as she was stronger with the mind then he is.
"Snap out of it Rockwell!" Jaqueline shouted trying to knock him out.

"Rockwell why are you doing this?!" Leo asked with anger as Raph threw more stars at him before they were caught in mid air.
"It is the will of the master.." Rockwell said in a controlled voice.
"He's mind controlled!" Donnie shouted in realization as they all tried avoiding more stuff being thrown at them. Psiona turned her arm into a blade again and sliced apart them.

"Shredder desires one of the turtles." Slash said menacingly.
"I'd volunteer to go kick his butt, right after i kick yours!" Raph announced charging to them.
"If he's picking a fight, he's getting me as well!" Jaqueline shouted as she held out her hammer again, but Slash held out a smoke bomb and threw it in their faces which made them cough roughly before passing out.
"Rockwell, fall back!" Slash ordered picking them up. They quickly went into Donnie's lab and closed the door.
"Raph!" Leo shouted with worry as they tried opening it.
"Jaqueline!!" Spike shouted in horror as he tried saving her too. Leatherhead and Psiona roared with rage and they tried bashing down the door with their strength.

"Sensei, me and Donnie will stay with you." Mikey said as he tried helping him up.
"I will survive, you must save your brother and Jaqueline, go!" Splinter ordered while he was breathing heavily.
"We need this door open now!" Leo shouted from the distance.
"Just one more and.." Psiona shouted as they finally burst it down and saw Rockwell in the party wagon before driving off.

"They stole the party wagon!" Mikey said in horror as they were left alone.
"The Shellraiser's fully operational, let's go!" Donnie shouted as they quickly went into it and drove through the tunnels into the streets.
"Donnie! Slow em down!" Leo ordered as he was driving the thing.
"Don't let them get away!" Spike shouted holding onto a bar as he couldn't drive now.

"Taking out the trash!" Donnie replied as he shot multiple garbage balls at the van but Rockwell moved the van around them.
"Deploying battering ram!" Leo announced as he turned the front of the vehicle into a ram to stop them hopefully.
"Ugh, that's close enough turtles." Rockwell said as he activated another feature.
"Oil slick! Oil slick!" Donnie shouted in fear as the car was caught into the slick and was knocked over roughly. Spike and the others groaned with pain as they tried getting up.

"They got away with Raph.." Mikey said trying to get off from Leatherhead.
"And Jaqueline.." Spike said with worry helping his mother up.
"We'll get her back son i promise." Psiona swore holding him close as Donnie and Leo got out.
"At least we know where they're going." Donnie said looking out to the streets.
"Looks like we're doing what Raph wanted after all, take the fight to Shredder." Leo said seriously as they had no choice now..

Jaqueline groaned with pain as she finally woke up from being knocked out, she heard Raph groan to as she saw him restrained to a table next to her.
"Raph? What happened?" Jaqueline asked worried trying to escape.
"Jaqueline? Where are we?! Slash, Rockwell, snap out of it!" Raph shouted trying to save them.

"It's no use, with my mind control serum coursing through their brains, resistance is futile!" Stockman said holding out another worm to use on them.
"I'm really lousy in taking orders, ask Leo!" Raph countered trying to escape.
"Ugh, when Spike sees this, he's gonna make sure that head of yours is squashed, and i'll be sure to give you the worst nightmares you can imagine!" Jaqueline threatened with rage.
"We will see about that, Dream Beaver.." Stockman said chuckling to himself as he held out more worms for them both.
"No, let us go, no! no!!" Jaqueline screamed in fear as it was brought closer to them..

Spike and the others quickly made it back to Shredder's lair to save them both.
"I just realized we don't have a strategy, um.. do we have a plan?" Donnie asked worried on this.
"Forget the plan, Leatherhead, Psiona, get ready to make a door." Leo ordered turning to them.
"With pleasure!" Psiona said with a grin turning her arm into a cannon while Leatherhead roared in response.

Raph and Jaqueline were dropped into another room near the dungeon of the area, they groaned weakly as they tried getting up.
"My head.." Jaqueline said in pain as she tried removing this thing.
"Where are we?" Raph asked confused as they saw someone rise up before them and it was the Shredder again.
"Your new home mutant, and Dream Beaver." Shredder answered as he didn't even look at them.
"Shredder, finally, i've been waiting for this!" Raph shouted as he charged at them. Jaqueline got out her hammer and got ready.
"You'll pay for this Shredder!" Jaqueline screamed as she and Raph tried attacking them.

"Stop." Shredder ordered which made they're bodies halt suddenly.
"What?!" Jaqueline asked shocked as she tried moving.
"Now, bow to me." Shredder ordered turning to them.
"No.. no!" Jaqueline said in pain as her mind was taken over alongside Raph's, they both dropped they're weapons and bowed to him.
"Attack me!" Shredder ordered again, Raph and Jaqueline lunged at him while Shredder drew out his blades.
"Harder! Without mercy!" Shredder shouted as they both were fighting him.

Some foot bots were guarding the throne room until Psiona landed down and tore them apart with her blade arm, Spike and the other's landed down all ready to fight as well.
"Come on!" Spike whispered as he slithered ahead with the others. They quickly moved they're way to the dungeons in the room and took down any bots that were there, they suddenly heard grunting and quickly went to see what it is.

Raph kicked Shredder into the air and Jaqueline used her hammer to slam him onto the ground, they were both about to finish him off until Shredder stopped them once again.
"Enough!" Shredder ordered which made they're bodies stop again. The door slammed open and Leatherhead and Psiona roared with rage as the others charged in.
"It's Raph and Jaqueline!" Mikey shouted pointing to them.
"Raph, Jaqueline, do it! end this!" Leo shouted as they're bodies were freezing up.
"What are they waiting for?!" Donnie asked shocked as they're bodies turned to them, revealing they're pale white eyes.

"No.." Spike said in horror as he knew what this meant.
"Raphael and Jaqueline are mine now, as are your other mutant friends." Shredder said menacingly as the doors were shut and Slash and Rockwell came in and growled at them all.
"No escape for you reptiles." Tiger claw said as Raph went over and got some blades that were like Shredder's.
"Raph?" Mikey asked worried as he stood by Shredder's side.
"Now, let us welcome you properly." Shredder said as all the mutants stood besides him..

Spike's mind was overflowing with rage once again, his mind felt like it was losing itself again and Spike's hands were making more hisses once again.
"What did you do to my girlfriend?!" Spike shouted with fury as he made loud hisses again.
"Tamed her mind, like you will be too." Shredder replied as he laughed evilly again. Spike breathed heavily with rage again before he snapped once more and made a loud shriek of rage again and charged at him.
"get him!!" Psiona shouted with fury as they all engaged in battle.

Spike tried attacking Shredder before Jaqueline blocked his attack.
"It's no use Spike! You can't beat him!" Jaqueline said with rage as Spike hissed at her again, Spike breathed another stream of fire at her while Leo was fighting Raph.
"Let us see what my new servants can do." Shredder said as he sat down and a circle of fire surrounded him with the other's charging at them too. Psiona roared with rage as she was dodging more blasts from Tiger claw, Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and shot a blast at him again which barely hit him. Spike coiled around Jaqueline again and threw her to the wall while Spike was completely berserk again.

"Get off of me bug boy!" Pete shouted as Stockman was chasing after him and they literally started slapping eachother like kids.
"Hey! Watch the mandibles! You jerk!" Stockman said annoyed as they were pushing eachother around.
"Your pathetic ninjutsu is no match for the power of my mind." Rockwell said as he threw more weapons at them. Psiona grabbed a spear that was thrown at her and used it as a new weapon. She and Mikey were fighting Tiger claw up on the higher ledge as he was shooting ice blasts at them.
"No fair with the ice gun!" Mikey shouted as he and Psiona dodged more shots. Psiona breathed a fire blast at the ice blasts which melted them easily and she roared with rage and slashed her spear at him.

Leo and Raph were fighting eachother still, Raph disarmed Leo's weapons from him and tried slashing at him before Leo landed on a higher ledge.
"Raph, you gotta break Shredder's control, this isn't you! Where's that crazy temper?!" Leo asked taking up some more weapons again.
"Don't be a fool, there's nothing you can say Leonardo." Raph said right before Leo threw the weapons at him and pushed him back.
"Break free you jerk!" Leo shouted as that made Raph flinch a moment before they proceeded to fight again.

Shredder watched as Leo and the other turtles were beginning to be overwhelmed by the strength of his own forces, Spike had coiled around Jaqueline and squeezed her body tightly while he made more hisses.
"Let go of me snake freak!" Jaqueline said with rage as she tried breaking free, Leo and Raph were still fighting the best they could as they were equally matched.

"I think i finally get it, you can't feel emotion, because your Shredder's puppet! As a matter of fact, i bet you like doing whatever Shredder tells you!" Leo mocked which made Raph even more furious.
"You probably love it!" Leo taunted as he slashed his trident at Raph again, Raph screamed with rage and almost attacked him before his stomach suddenly hurt badly. Raph gagged for a few moments until he coughed out the worm and breathed heavily.
"Raph?" Leo asked worried helping him out.
"Ugh how's it going? Brother?" Raph asked as he was back in control of himself.

"Stockman, what is going on?!" Shredder asked upset with him.
"I don't know sir!" Stockman shouted before Pete kicked him down while Donnie was being held by Rockwell who made him slap himself over and over again.

"Leo, your a genius! Ow! Ow! Something your not Rockwell, making me slap myself, Ow! If you had a brain with your powers! Ow! You might actually be smarter then a gibbering baboon!" Donnie insulted as he was hitting himself again.
"What?! How dare you?! A reptilian brain is a revolutionary throwback! For.." Rockwell said before his stomach grumbled again which made him spit out the worm too.
"Sorry about the insults Rockwell." Donnie apologized walking up to him.
"No, they were necessary, although complete fabrications." Rockwell said dismissively.
"Agree to disagree, now blast that brain worm out of Slash and Jaqueline!" Donnie shouted pointing to them. Rockwell fired a psychic blast at them both and they screamed in pain before they coughed out the brain worms too.

"Spike?" Jaqueline asked shocked as Spike was still berserk.
"Spike! Snap out of it! I'm fine now!!" Jaqueline said as she screamed in pain with her body being crushed, Spike hissed at her again before groaning in pain as his mind returned to normal again.
"Jaqueline? Are.. you okay?" Spike asked worried quickly letting her go and helping her up.
"I'm fine.. thankfully.." Jaqueline said giving him a hug which Spike returned gladly.

Shredder had enough of this and stood up from the circle of fire he was in.
"It is time i end this experiment." Shredder said drawing out his blades.
"Gladly!" Psiona said with fury as all of them surrounded Shredder and were ready to fight.

"Turtles, Mutanimals, get him!" Leo shouted with rage. Spike and all the others charged at Shredder with rage, Spike tried tail whipping him but Shredder grabbed it and threw him into Leatherhead, Mikey jumped above him and threw multiple ninja stars at him which Shredder blocked. Rockwell shot a mind blast at him which stunned him for a moment, Leo tried attacking him one more time before he grabbed Leo's arm and threw him into Jaqueline and the others were thrown to the wall. Slash and Leatherhead tried attacking him one more time before Shredder slashed them both down.

"I've had enough of you!!" Psiona screamed with fury as she turned her arm into a blade again, Shredder turned to her and slashed at her body, but his blades shattered on impact with her metal arm which shocked him greatly, she sliced off the rest of his arm blades making things worse for him.
"What?!" Shredder asked shocked before Psiona punched him into the air, she grabbed his legs and slammed him onto the ground multiple times, she held him up with her arms before slamming her knee onto his back making him scream in pain, Psiona threw him down to the statue and roared at him. Shredder tried getting up before a roar was heard and he saw the statue coming down on top of him, Psiona quickly rolled out of the way just as the statue fell onto him with Slash brushing off his hands.
"Nicely done Slash." Psiona said impressed high fiving him.
"You did really good yourself." Slash replied with a smile.

"Is it over?" Spike asked as he was breathing heavily.
"Don't count on it.." Jaqueline said seriously as the gates opened up behind them and they saw even more bots with Tiger claw getting up again.
"Another time!" Leo shouted as all of them threw down smoke bombs and disappeared when the smoke cleared. Tiger claw and the mutants pushed over the statue to help Shredder out who was hiding in the circle that lowered down. Shredder roared with rage as they all had escaped once again..

Splinter was still in the lair still in pain from Slash's attack, Slash held up some food for him and had a look of regret.
"I am.. sorry.. Master Splinter.. when i attacked i could see everything, but i couldn't control my actions.. Please forgive me.." Slash said with regret.
"There is nothing to forgive my friend, this was Shredder's doing, not your own.." Splinter assured.
"Ugh.. my head still hurts from being controlled like that?" Jaqueline said in pain rubbing her head.
"Don't worry, it'll get better.." Spike assured as he still felt bad for going berserk like that again.
"And we need to get a better hang on your mind son, you lost yourself again, we need to make sure you don't lose yourself like Karai warned us." Psiona said kneeling down to him.
"I hope we can.." Spike said still worried on all of this..

"Those worms must have programmed you two like sleeper agents." Donnie suggested.
"Indeed, it was totally dreadful, my thanks to all of you for saving us." Rockwell said gratefully.
"All i know is that those worms were nasty, and it's awesome to have you guys back." Mikey said putting his arm over Raph's shoulder.
"Good to be back.." Jaqueline said hugging Spike again to calm him down.
"Hey, we wouldn't have done it without Leo." Raph said turning to him with a smile.

"Well what would we do without you? Every team needs an impulsive loud mouth, super violent pot head right?" Leo joked which made Raph growl with rage. Raph growled at him again before he suddenly picked him up and hugged him.
"Your the best bro." Raph said gratefully.
"Now that's something i didn't expect." Psiona said a little surprised on this.
"Okay alright.. alright.." Leo said nervously as all of them looked on glad that this was over..