Cider Run

by Mystery1

Cider For One?

“And you’re sure you won’t be going out for cider tonight, right…?” Soarin asked while in the process of yawning.

“Of course I won’t, I know it’s dangerous to fly back home alone.” Rainbow Dash responded, flashing an innocent smile.

“Well, the last time you said you wouldn’t, you ended up breaking the window trying to get back inside the house.” Soarin replied, frowning at Dash.

“I won’t go out for cider…I’m going to bed right now.” Dash persuaded as they walked towards their bedroom.

“Alright, goodnight,” Soarin whispered as they both made their way into bed.

Time to wait until Soarin falls asleep, which shouldn’t take too long. Then all I have to do is carefully walk outside and be on my way to a delicious cider! Dash thought to herself, grinning excitedly at her plan.

She was right, as Soarin fell asleep within minutes. As Rainbow Dash positioned herself on the edge of the bed to quickly leave the room, she felt her hind legs get tugged and pulled.

“Horseapples…” Dash whispered to herself, blushing as the warmth seeped deep into her legs.

Soarin had wrapped his legs around hers, a way of comfort for the two while sleeping. Only this had stunted her chances at enjoying a cider-filled night. How was she supposed to leave now?

Slowly, Rainbow Dash wiggled out of his tight bounds, carefully stepping out of bed. She managed to make it out of the room and out the front door without making a sound, all the while Soarin was snoring in bed. She smirked to herself as she made her descent on the bar in Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash did it; she managed to sneak out and escape Soarin’s trap. Now she could finally enjoy some cider in one of her favorite bars.

She took her time, sitting down nonchalantly and ordered her usual pint of cider, fresh from Apple Acres. As she settled in, she observed her surroundings whilst sipping on her cold beverage. Taking in the amount of patrons in the small building, she quickly realized there were far more than expected at such an odd time. Nevertheless, she continued to drink her cider until she finished it. She didn’t really recognize anyone around her, apart from a few ponies whom she knew from friends.

Rainbow was about to ask for another cider, when the bartender placed one infront of her.

“How’d you know I wanted another cider?” Dash asked inquisitively.

“I didn’t, it’s from him.” The bartender responded, pointing towards a light blue stallion across the bar.

Rainbow Dash followed the bartender’s forehoof, landing her eyes on the pegasus in question.

“Oh horseapples…” Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath.

There he was, staring directly at her. She knew that look, and she instantly avoided eye contact. That was his “try me” face. She blushed lightly, having been caught, but she questioned if she really had seen Soarin. After all, he had been sleeping when she’d left…right…?

When she angled her head upwards to look at where Soarin was sitting, he was gone. Her mouth fell agape, realizing that he might be ready to scold her. She practically chugged the cider, not wanting to let the delicious liquid go to waste, before jumping out of her stool to leave. If only it was that simple, though.

“Leaving so soon?” Soarin said, standing between her and the exit.

She stopped and stared down at the ground, feeling guilty like a filly who had just broken a window.

“I thought you were…hic...sleeping, I’m…hic…sorry…” Dash said defeatedly, avoiding Soarin’s strong gaze.

“Well, are you finished drinking, or are you still going? You can be honest with me, I’m not mad or anything.” Soarin questioned, putting on a playful smile.

“I-well….I guess I can go for one more, the drinks are pretty strong…” Rainbow replied, mustering enough courage to look at Soarin. She smiled as she realized he was okay with her drinking.

Soarin followed Dash back to the stool she’d been sitting on, placing a wing on her back.

She called the bartender over, asking for another strong cider. As the bartender left, Dash immediately turned to Soarin.

“You aren’t ordering one?” She inquired.

“No, because I need to be sober enough to fly you home.” He answered plainly.

“Wait…how did you know I was here in the…hic…first place?”

“Well, I wasn’t asleep. I heard you leave and I followed you to the bar. I can’t just let you enjoy a night out without some form of protection.

“Thanks for looking out for me Soarin…I’m sorry for…hic…sneaking out.”

“Don’t be, I would’ve done the same thing if I were you.” Soarin chuckled.

She smiled at Soarin as the bartender returned with the cider. She took a large sip of cider before leaning closer to Soarin. He didn’t hesitate to lean into her as well, wrapping his forehoof and wing around her. She giggled at the warmth of his embrace, occasional hiccups spurting out of her.

As she finished her last sip of cider, she hugged soarin tightly with her forehooves, her wings sprawling out uncontrollably.

“Finished?” he asked.

“Mhm…..” she grunted, a hint of fatigue in her tone.

He paid for the rest of her drinks, before quickly swiping up the mare he’d come to keep safe.

Soarin wasted no time carrying her outside and into the cool night breeze. She hugged Soarin tightly as he took off into the sky, back in the direction of their cloud house.

Soarin landed on the porch, carefully placing Rainbow on her hooves.

Dash was beyond grateful for having someone like Soarin as a friend, but she couldn’t help but feel burdening for not giving him something in return for his constant care. She smirked and blushed, looking down to avoid looking at Soarin as a thought crossed her mind.

Soarin, taking notice, turned to face Rainbow Dash, who was now turning away from him, still blushing heavily.

“Are you okay Rainb-“ is all he was able to muster as she suddenly turned, pecking Soarin right on his muzzle. It lasted merely seconds but the message was delivered.

“I love you, Soarin.” She said, hugging him tightly.

“I love you too, Dashie.” He responded, opening the door which allowed them to walk up to their room for some well deserved rest.

Soarin was the first to fall asleep, a giggle belonging to Dash escaping from her when she noticed. Gently, she wrapped her forehooves and legs around him. She was happy to receive a wing-cuddle, as Soarin draped his wings over her in response. Now both of them were asleep, happy and safe in the embrace of each other. Soarin had her, and Rainbow Dash had him.

Cider would never taste the same again; it would be heavenly with Soarin by her side.