Spike And The Ninja Turtles

by Dragonfan101

71: War For Dimension X

We open to a shot within Dimension X, we see two familiar Salamandrians talking with Kraang Sub Prime, they were trying to convince them to work with them in order to stop the Triceritons, but the Kraang didn't wanna go anywhere near that group.

"We share a familiar enemy. The Triceritons are formidable. But if we could combine our forces, we could eradicate them from the galaxy." Throkka offered as he and Mona were in a middle of a talk.
"Your find it valuable to have great warriors like the Salamandrians on your side." Mona said joining in on this while Sub Prime was not interested.
"What? Are you people crazy?! We Kraang invade planets for one reason.. to get away from the Triceritons! Not fight em!" Sub Prime said floating around them.
"By avoiding this fight, you bring dishonor to your species." Mona said pulling out her plasma sword.
"Cause that's the Kraang's main concern, honor! Please! Have you seen those Triceritons? Those guys are huge! My advice sister, get away from as far away from them as possible! And find a nice planet to mutate!" Sub prime mocked floating away from them which irritated her.

"You disgust me you soft pink coward!" Mona insulted gripping her blade.
"Hmm.. I wonder if I can live with that.. Why yes! Yes I can!" Sub prime mocked not taking that at all.
"Come Y' Gythgba, we'll find others." Throkka said ready to go.
"Perhaps we can ally ourselves with Spike, The Bringer of Death and the Turtles again." Mona suggested which got his attention.
"What?! An ally of a Turtle or Cyborg Dragon or snake dragon is an enemy of Kraang Sub Prime!" Sub prime shouted with rage which made all the droids around the two aim they're weapons at them, they wanted to fight back, but there were too many for them to fight.
"So i have this place you guys can all hang out and talk about honor and courage and stuff! It's called.. my dungeon!" Sub Prime mocked while he made another evil laugh to the two Salamandrians.

Meanwhile with Spike and the others, it's been a few more weeks since they got the black hole piece, while Spike's head still hurts after losing his mind again, he's still confident they can fight, so they're gonna be going for the info on where the next pieces are next, and the only way to do that.. was to go back to Dimension X..

Spike and the gang got into the stealth ship with Psiona as they were just departing from they're own.
"Okay okay focus Mikey, this is basic stuff." Donnie said trying to explain black holes to Mikey which was just laughable to think about.
"How is explaining a black hole to someone like Mikey basic? You do realize who your talking too right?" Spike hissed while his mother was uneasy about this.
"Hey come on I can do science stuff, I'm great at dancing the robot!" Mikey said in defense which made him roll his eyes.
"The robot dance isn't science." Leo corrected not really interested in this.
"It is when i do it!" Mikey said before he proceeded to make a robotic dance to have some fun which made Psiona chuckle a little.
"Speaking as a robot.. that's actually pretty good!" Honeycutt complimented happy about that.

Spike could see Psiona was looking uneasy from where they're going, and wanted to make sure she's alright.
"You okay mom?" Spike asked worried for her while she was a bit tense.
"I'm.. alright.. To think we're having to go to meet the Utrom's again.. it's just been so long since I last saw them." Psiona said looking into the void of space.
"You knew Bishop right? What did you do with him during your time fighting against the Kraang? If your known by the Utroms, there's a lot you must've done right?" Spike asked slithering up to her while she didn't know how to respond.
"That's best for when we meet them Spike.. we'll explain everything when we do okay?" Psiona asked needing time to think on this.
"Alright mom, take your time." Spike said patting her shoulder which made her smile a bit.

"All right guys let's focus, we need to find the next piece of the Black Hole Device before the Triceritons do." Leo said getting back on track.
"So Fugitoid? Why do you think the Utrom can help us?" Raph asked a bit unsure of this.
"Because, the Utrom are the ones who broke the black hole device into pieces and scattered them across the universe to keep them safe." Honeycutt explained which Psiona knew was a true fact.
"The Utrom have some more advanced tech then even the Kraang have, they will know where to find them." Psiona added with a serious look.

"I still feel bad about having to leave, April, Casey and Jaqueline back on the ship to guard the other fragment, they seemed pretty mad." Donnie said worried at the thought.
"I think mad would be an understatement to say the least." Spike said as we see what they're thoughts are on the ship, Casey was smacking his stick on the floor with rage while April was really upset and tried reading a space newspaper about RoboHealth, and Jaqueline was just passed out on the couch to pass the time.
"I'm sure they're over it by now." Mikey said brushing it off without a second thought.
"Projecting the portal!" Honeycutt shouted before he shot a beam from the stealth ship, this opened a large portal that opened a rift between space and time, and everyone was really worried as the ship jumped to lightspeed and moved through it.

The Rift appears within Dimension X once again, and Spike and the other's carefully fly through the familiar place with caution.
"I always hate coming back to this place.." Psiona said with a growl while the ship landed down on a nearby platform.
"It's alright mom, we're at least gonna be seeing some old friends of yours." Spike said slithering besides her again.
"You sure you should be with us on this Spike? The last time this happened you almost lost your mind completely." Leo asked concerned for him.
"I've.. gotten my head together by now, it's still pretty weak.. but I still can handle this, trust me guys." Spike said holding his head while the group was still worried.
"Just take it easy Spike, your snake form is a lot more vulnerable now." Donnie said patting his shoulder while they heard a familiar monster roar, they looked behind them and saw another giant Kraang worm once again.

"Hey there giant Kraang worm!" Mikey greeted casually while Psiona took aim at the monster and shot it down.
"Ugh, I cannot believe I spend decades here." Psiona said in disgust looking around the place.
"Tell me about it! I hate Dimension X just as much as I hate space!" Raph shouted agreeing to this.
"The sooner we find the Utrom, the sooner we leave. Do you or Psiona know where to find them professor?" Donnie asked turning to the two.
"My memory's a bit blurry on where the base is, but I think I know where to find them.." Psiona said looking around for any familiar sights she's been too.
"I'm having a tough time finding the base because Dimension X is messing with my scanners." Honeycutt said feeling a bit strange which irritated them.

"Oh great, now what?" Leo asked frustrated at they're robot's malfunction.
"I got the answer right here dog!" Mikey shouted before he threw another smoke bomb down and suddenly appeared in his Savage Mikey outfit again, somehow changing out of his suit and everything in less then a second.
"Calm down Raph, you knew it was coming.. calm down.." Raph told himself holding back his rage.
"How do you change so fast?" Spike asked really surprised with his speed.
"Follow me guys, I've got this!" Mikey shouted with confidence before he took off with a grapple, the other's looked at eachother and shrugged they're shoulder's before deciding to catch up with him, but while they began running, A Kraang drone had spotted the group and began to track them as they moved through the area.

Spike and the others flipped through the area with low gravity, Spike landed on his tail while Psiona just flew through the air, looking around for the Utrom base.
"You getting anything mom?" Spike asked looking up at her while she landed next to him.
"I think we're close.." Psiona said looking ahead of them while Mikey stopped suddenly too.
"She's right dudes, we're here." Mikey said looking at nothing but an empty area.
"What? I don't see anything!" Raph shouted annoyed at this.
"That's because they don't want to be found out." Psiona said before she threw a rock at the open space which revealed to be a trick.
"A cloaking dome! Incredible!" Honeycutt said amazed as they could see a huge base in front of them.
"You ready to do this mom?" Spike asked while they stood on the edge.
"Let's do this.." Psiona said before she and Mikey jumped through themselves, the others all took a moment before they finally jumped into it themselves.

Spike and the other's landed on the ground and tried to get they're bearings, Psiona looked at the large base ahead of them with awe as it doesn't look any different then the last time she came here.
"Whoa, now that's a headquarters!" Donnie said amazed at the sight of it. But they didn't have much time to admire the view before some familiar droids suddenly appeared next to them with they're weapons drawn, including Bishop.
"Who are you? How did you find our base.. and why did you throw a rock at my head?!" Bishop asked holding a rocket launcher with his arm.
"Bishop please stand down! It's me! Psiona! You remember me right?" Psiona asked holding her hands in the air, Bishop took a good look at her and soon recognized who she is.
"Psiona! It really is you! Your alright!" Bishop said in relief which made the other Utrom lower they're weapons knowing she's an ally.
"I could say the same with you." Psiona replied while Honeycutt walked up to him too.
"Bishop! It is good to see you my friend! Forgive our intrusion." Honeycutt greeted coming to him, Bishop and Honeycutt did a little greeting with they're hands before he recognized him too.

"Professor Honeycutt, it's good to see you too! Despite your.. robotic body and your very large head." Bishop greeted seeing Honeycutt as a robot.
"Thank you.. I think.." Honeycutt replied a bit unsure of that.
"Bishop, I know this is short notice, but I'd like you to get the rest of the council together, there's a lot we need to talk about." Psiona asked looking over the Utrom.
"Anything for my friends, especially you Psiona. This way." Bishop replied moving ahead to the base.
"Wow, you and him must have the history together huh?" Spike asked coming up to her again who sighed at this sight.
"We do, after all, he was the one who found me alone in this Dimension, and tried helping me find my way home." Psiona said going over the memory's she's had here.

Everyone followed Bishop through the base, and had been given some breathing devices to help them move around here better.
"Dudes, those neck breathing things you got are cool." Mikey complimented as he didn't have one unlike them.
"Shh Mikey." Donnie shushed as they all were coming into an open area.
"Professor, Turtles, Spike and Psiona. Allow me to present to you the sacred high council of the Utrom.. Pawn, Rook, King.. Knight.. and Queen." Bishop introduced motioning to one bot who had a fancy mustache on it, one that looked strangely familiar to Sub Prime's disguise body, and one that looked like Mrs. Campbell from the Kraang, King had a special jewel on his head, and Knight held a double bladed axe behind him.. Psiona had a look of shame being in front of her friends after being gone for so long, but she needed to talk with them for this.
"It's.. nice to see you all." Psiona greeted while all of them were shocked to see Psiona was here.
"It is a relief to know you are okay Psiona." King greeted glad to see she is here.
"Especially after so long old friend." Knight greeted as well which made her smile a little.
"The council of the Utrom acknowledges the Professor, Turtles, Psiona and her son." Queen replied looking at the group.

"Utrom, these Turtles, Spike and Psiona are protectors of Earth. They have fought the Kraang, and you know Psiona is worthy of your help." Honeycutt said respectfully as some chairs appeared behind them for them to sit on.
"The Utrom are already aware of the Turtles, and all they've done for the planet Earth. Psiona on the other hand, is a completely different story." Queen said respectfully too while she kept a straight face.
"So why didn't you help us before?" Raph asked upset at they're lack of help.
"Because Earthlings cannot always be trusted. Your species is irrational, for Psiona's son Spike, that is the moment we would've broken our vow if you hadn't shown up when he was captured by the Kraang." Rook said adjusting her glasses a bit.

"So you knew about my capture? How did you even find out about me?" Spike asked curious with this.
"We've kept security on you within Equestria, you may have never noticed it Spike, but we've been watching you since the whole Eternal Night incident. Nightmare Moon's threat may have been something to worry about if your friends didn't stop it. Since you are the son of a long time friend of ours, we were doing what we could to keep an eye on you. But the Kraang were able to slip past our drones eyes, and they were able to capture you and take you away from your home." Queen explained before she had a hologram that showed some drones that were actually well hidden within certain events Spike had back in Equestria, from Nightmare Moon, to when he went to the Dragon Migration, and even when the incident with Sombra happened. Everyone was in complete shock to know this and it may explain the files Spike was able to get back on Earth a while back.
"If.. you knew about my mom.. why didn't you try and talk with me sooner about this? Or even Celestia and Luna, or the mane 6? They're just as family as she is?" Spike asked a bit upset to know this., Psiona sighed being asked that and turned to him.
"Because they were too busy searching for me by the time they were monitoring you. I'd been missing for quite a long time at that point, and they needed to keep focus on one thing." Psiona said looking over the council.
"We were planning to rescue you when you were captured by the Kraang, we were one day away from striking at that base you were held at, but fortunately for us, the Turtles had rescued you and took you in, which sent you down the path you have been on for 3 years at this point." King explained turning to him too while everyone was shocked to hear this.

"I.. I still don't understand, what did my mom do with you? How did she end up a part of the council?" Spike asked again wanting these answers finally.
"Allow us to show you." Queen said as the hologram changed to give them the history of what happened.
"For millions of Nextons, the Utroms have all had individual personalities. But one Nexton, and Utrom named Kraang, discovered the mutagen of the Kraathatrogon worm. Kraang Prime was born, becoming deranged in the process. He uses his terrible psychic powers to turn millions of Utrom into slave copies of himself, and thus.. the Kraang were born.." Knight explained showing them the history which amazed them all.
"And that's where I came in son.." Psiona said before the footage changed to her within her armor, fighting alongside Bishop and the Utrom.

"The Kraang had captured me because of my own powers, which were similar to Kraang Prime's, but I had some level of control of it, after I was.. tortured and turned into.. this.." Psiona said with sadness looking at her cyborg body which worried the others, before she went back to explaining.
"I had escaped the Kraang's horrible base, and had fought within this dimension for decades, trying to find my way home. But one day.. I came upon a battle between the Utrom and the Kraang, I sensed something were different about the Utrom, and I assisted them and helped take them down, after that, Bishop helped explain to me on what was going on, and who they were. While they did offer to get me back home.. so I could find you.. I knew these monster's needed to be stopped, and for years .. I fought alongside the Utrom, and used my powers to free any Kraang that I could, my powers were just as strong, if not stronger then Kraang Prime's. And I was known as a fierce warrior of the Utrom, one that could potentially destroy the Kraang for good." Psiona explained seriously while they all saw the footage of her freeing Kraang from Prime's control.

"So that explains why those droids helped us back in New York." Leo said surprised while he recalled the droids turning against Sub Prime.
"That's exactly why, I fought alongside the Utrom for a really long time, all the while I hoped i could find my way back to you. But one day, during a certain mission, we were all overwhelmed by a huge number of Kraang." Psiona explained as the footage changes to a battle that looked extremely tough.
"Bishop and I were separated during the fight, and I was making my way to a portal to prevent them from sending forces to Earth. But there were too many for me to face on my own, so.. as a last ditch effort. I used my psychic powers to my fullest form, and unleashed a powerful blast that completely freed all the Kraang from they're control.." Psiona explained as we see Psiona in the form when she's at full power, her eyes were glowing pure white and they see her make a loud roar which sends a shockwave across the island, and that frees what could be hundreds of Kraang droids as a result.

"But.. because of such power.. I was weakened to a state where I couldn't keep moving.. and I fell through the portal that led me to Earth, separating me from the Utrom.. and my only way to finding you.. I ended up in those woods you all were in by the time I found you, but I was too weak to keep going, so using the last of my strength, I made my way to a secure cave, and placed whatever treasures and equipment down to help me recover, and I fell into a deep hibernation for what could've been decades, completely isolated from the rest of the world. And the only thing that could've awakened me.. was a similar psychic power source, which came from you and April.." Psiona explained some more as everyone sees the sad past she went through while the Utrom looked regretful.

"Mom.. I.. had no idea.. I knew you had a history and everything.. but this is.." Spike said trying to process what he's just learned.
"We searched everywhere for Psiona, we knew she had a child that she hid away in Equestria, so the Kraang couldn't capture you. But since you and Psiona share a similar Psychic energy, the Kraang were able to find you after stalking, and that's why they captured you. Psiona freed thousands of Utrom from Prime's control, and one of our main goals now was to find you both, and find a way to bring you back to Equestria." King finished while all the turtles and Honeycutt were shocked at this too.
"This is.. something else to know.. that's for sure.." Honeycutt said really shocked to know this news while Psiona held her son close.
"I spent so many years away from you.. without you.. I was afraid that you may have lost any care to meet me after all this time.. but to know you were still 12 by the time you were brought to Earth.. It was so much for me.. finding you was so important to me, I didn't want to think about anything else until I did.. and now.. I finally have you back.." Psiona said hugging him close while Spike held her too.
"It's okay mom.. what matters is we all know this now.. and we're here for you.." Spike assured holding her as well.

"We must say we're relieved you are okay Psiona. You have done so much for us. And we are willing to take in any favors if you need one, we have actually been getting close to finding a way to get you and Spike back home, and it may not be long until we finally do it." Queen said looking at the two who were really shocked to hear that, but they need to remember the one goal they have right now.
"I'd.. love that Queen, but that isn't just the reason we came here, we also need your help with something else.." Psiona said turning to the other's.
"What's happened to Psiona and your race is a huge tragedy, but we're trying to avoid another one." Honeycutt said moving onto their real topic.
"We found one of the Black hole generator pieces, and we need to find the others, it's the only way to save Earth." Donnie explained which shocked the whole council.

"You found one of the Black Hole pieces?!" Queen asked really shocked to hear this.
"No.. no n n n no! Bad!" Pawn said in a distorted tone before he fell down suddenly.
"How?!" Knight asked raising his axe while King was horrified to know this.
"You found a piece?!" King asked sounding upset at this too.
"No one should hide such power! We took a lot of work to hide them in the safest parts of the galaxy!" Rook said really upset to know this.
"Safest? the first piece corrupted the entire race of Aeons!" Leo argued which shocked all of them.
"What?!/ Impossible!/ No way!" They all said really shocked to hear this.
"Utrom. I have a plan to destroy the generator once and for all." Honeycutt announced standing up in front of them.
"Impossible! Zee heart of Darkness cannot be destroyed!" Pawn said finally recovering from the shock.
"Utrom. We must discuss this." Bishop said as all the Utrom stood up again.
"Give us a minute Psiona." King said as the group went to talk about this topic while the other's were concerned.

Spike and the other's waited around for a bit hoping they would agree until they finally turned to them.
"We have finished reaching a decision." Queen said turning to them.
"Great!" Leo said ready to hear it.
"We are officially opening the states of helping you, since Psiona is a long time friend of ours, we will get to this as soon as we can. We still have some stuff to handle, but it may take a while to get things going with what we're going through right now." Rook explained which upset Raph.
"What? But we need your help now!" Raph shouted which made Psiona slap him as a result.
"Show your respect to them Raph!" Psiona shouted annoyed with him .

"Utrom please, we've come from the future, the Triceritons find ALL the pieces and destroy Earth! We saw it happen!" Leo argued while all of them looked concerned before Mikey came to them.
"Oolong, that black hole thingy is the only thing that can help us! Please?" Mikey begged which made them look at eachother.
"Perhaps we can.." Queen said right before a familiar portal opened up followed by dozens more and they saw Kraang droids emerge from it.
"You got to be kidding me!" Knight said annoyed drawing his axe as Sub Prime marched through laughing evilly.
"So the long hidden Utrom base, revealed by none other then those miserable turtles and dragons. How awesome has Kraang Sub Prime's day become?!" Sub Prime asked as more portals began to open up.

The droids began to fire at all the heroes and they all had to engage in battle with them all, Spike whipped one of his snake hands at a droid and used it to rip it's head off while Knight sliced one apart with his axe, Psiona roared with rage and shot her arm cannon at multiple droids to destroy them. Sub Prime landed on the table and took aim at Queen trying to kill her, but Bishop jumped in and twisted the arm to more droids which fired back at them as a result. Bishop then ducked down and flipped over the table to face him.
"How I've waited for this day Sub Prime!" Bishop said while King drew some sickles to fight him too.
"You traitor!" King shouted twirling them around at fast speeds while Rook stood above him.
"You stole my body! Irma was my creation!" Rook shouted trying to attack him, but Sub Prime grabbed her by the face as a result.
"Aw.. my heart bleeds for ya!" Sub Prime mocked before Psiona came in and sliced off his arm to free her.

"Back off you monster!!" Psiona roared while Queen was trying to fight off the droids, but screamed in pain as she was shot and tazed badly.
"Queen!" King shouted with fear as they saw her brain come out.
"Your majesty!" Sub Prime mocked before grabbing one of her tentacles.
"Let me go Sub Prime!" Queen shouted trying to escape him.
"Queen!!" Bishop and King shouted with horror as a portal opened up.
"So long morons! I'll be taking a parting gift!" Sub Prime insulted before he ran through the portal with some more droids.
"No!!" Spike hissed before sliced off another droid with his plasma sword and met up with Mikey and Raph.
"Let's go dudes!" Mikey shouted before the three of them ran through the portal just as it closed.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted with fear as they were completely gone now.

The portal opens up within another Kraang base and Sub Prime marches through with some droids with Queen being a hostage.
"I think you'll like your accommodations Queen. And by like I mean.. you will totally hate!" Sub Prime shouted as Spike and his group emerged through the portal too. Mikey pushed them away so they couldn't be seen by the droids as they were marching off. Spike, Mikey and Raph peaked through the corner to make sure they weren't seen.
"Thanks bros, come on stay close." Raph said before they started running through the halls together.
"We have to save Queen!" Spike said seriously as they tried to find them, but they were already gone somehow.
"Aw! How did we lose her already?!" Raph asked frustrated not seeing them.
"How do they keep vanishing on us like this?" Spike asked hissing at this.

"I would know such fury anywhere.. Raphael and Spike!" Mona shouted from a cell which got they're attention, and Raph gasped with shock seeing her.
"Mona..?" Raph asked with hearts in his eyes.
"Oh boy here we go again.." Spike said shaking his head while they saw her in the cell.
"Dude, is that your girl..?" Mikey asked before shoved him aside and ran to her with Spike besides him.
"Let them go you stupid cell!" Spike hissed while he and Raph stabbed the door repeatedly.
"Dude calm down, they'll hear!" Mikey warned while the door buzzed and finally opened up.
"Mona! Your alright!" Spike said relieved to see she and Throkka are okay.
"What are you doing here? I never thought we'd see you again?" Raph asked taking heavy breaths, Mona simply smiled at him and picked Raph up with ease and kissed him which disgusted Mikey.

"Come on people no time for kissy face! We're on a mission to rescue Utrom Queen remember?" Mikey asked which confused Throkka a bit.
"Utrom Queen? The Utrom and Kraang are one and the same!" Throkka said towering over them while Spike didn't show fear.
"We thought they could be trusted, but we found out the hard way." Mona said upset at this too before Mikey suddenly shoved the group into the cell just as another group was marching past them.
"Kraang and Utrom are not the same commander, trust me on that." Mikey said looking through the window himself.
"They're the ones who my mother fought alongside, she knows them, they were gonna rescue me if the turtles hadn't shown up when I was being held captive by them." Spike hissed which concerned Mona hearing that.
"Why did we not hear of this much sooner.. brother?" Mona asked walking up to him, Spike sighed hearing that and looked at her.
"Because the Utrom like to stay hidden, they don't wanna be found out by the Kraang and put under they're control, my mother is the only one that was able to free them from control, sister." Spike explained looking at her.

"Good Kraang? You expect us to believe such a thing?" Throkka asked not believing this.
"We tried to trust the Kraang but it landed us in prison. How can we trust the Utrom?" Mona asked not sure of this.
"I was skeptical too Mona, but these Utrom, they helped us." Raph replied trying to help them understand.
"They are someone even my own mother trusts, she knows them all, and sees them as friends, and I know you can too if you give it a chance." Spike said hopefully, the two looked at eachother and had a look of concern being told this.

Meanwhile with Queen, she was being held captive still and was strapped to a device by Sub Prime.
"You pathetic Utrom are so annoying to deal with because of that dragon Psiona, while we Kraang are totally awesome! Have I mentioned your Tiara is lame and not awesome? Because it is! How come King got a better crown then you?" Sub Prime mocked messing around with it.
"My forces are on their way as we speak, ready to rescue me and destroy your Sub Command Center!" Queen threatened not faced by his words.
""Ooh, you got words don't you? Got real serious there didn't ya? Whatever, it's not like we're scared of a few Utrom." Sub Prime said floating to a couple droids.
"You idiots stay on lookout." Sub Prime whispered not wanting her to hear it.
"Affirmative Sub Prime, that which is known as Lookout Kraang will stay." The droid said marching away before Sub Prime regained focus again.
"Now Queenie, your gonna spill all the Utrom's secrets, understand?!" Sub Prime asked in a threatening tone while Queen was a bit afraid herself.

Back at the Utrom Council, the Utrom's were all discussing on what to do to rescue Queen.
"I will move to instate, Parliamentary procedure 43 dash 296" Rook concluded which made Leo have enough.
"Guys! No more discussion we need action!" Leo said marching to them.
"That isn't a topic of discussion Leo." Psiona said already knowing what it is.
"Psiona is right, this is o discussion. Parliamentary procedure 43 dash 296 is an all out war. " Bishop explained which made Leo smile hearing that.
"Gather all our Utromdroids! now!" King ordered which made Knight move ahead down the halls, after a bit of waiting, they could see hundreds of Utrom that were freed from Kraang Prime's control moving down to them, with tons of highly advanced weapons.

"Whoa, now we're talking!" Leo said amazed that hey had an army of they're own with them on this.
"Thanks to Psiona, she was able to save hundreds of droids, and now we Utrom are wanting to return the favor, and help her now." Knight said taking out his plasma axe which made Psiona smile hearing that.
"Let's smash some Kraang guys." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade ready to go, but Honeycutt had one more question to ask.
"Now, I must ask do you know where the other Black Hole generators are located? Just in case.. you know.. something happens?" Honeycutt asked a bit worried on this.
"We will explain this once this siege is over." King said drawing his sickles ready to fight.

Back in the cell with Spike and his group, they were trying to discuss on what to do.
"So are you guys gonna help save the Queen or what?" Mikey asked while Throkka looked out the window.
"As I said, we will not aid the Kraang." Throkka said turning to him again.
"But they are not Kraang, you need to trust me on this Throkka." Spike said turning to the group too while holding his head as it was hurting again.
"Mona, we wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you know that." Raph said turning to her while she looked at the group.

"I've doubted them before commander, even when you insisted otherwise. But now i trust Spike and Raphael with my life. I believe them both." Mona said looking at them while Throkka sighed hearing that.
See? Even Mona agrees to this." Spike said turning to him for a moment.
"Yeah boy!.. ugh.." Mikey said turning from happy to annoyed as they saw Raph and Mona kissing eachother once again.
"What's with you two?" Mikey asked annoyed as they didn't respond at all while harp music was heard.
"Even Jaqueline and I aren't this lovey dubby.." Spike said annoyed while they all slapped they're faces.

Back with Queen, she was almost ready to be tortured while Sub Prime hovered over her.
"All right Queen, you will tell me everything you know about the Black Hole Generator!" Sub Prime threatened holding out his claw arm at her.
"Never! I will never tell!" Queen countered which made him growl in frustration.
"Then it's time for a little torture!" Sub Prime shouted about to do something, but Mikey made a savage yell and suddenly came behind him and kicked him down, Spike stabbed one droid through the chest with his plasma blade and Raph ripped another's head off while Throkka tore another down too.
"I can't believe I'm saving a Kraang." Throkka said annoyed at this.

"It's the 5 of us against you Sub Prime!" Raph shouted as he , Spike and Mona stood by eachother's side.
"Let the Queen go!" Spike hissed moving his snake hands around again.
"Ooh! I'm so scared! Look at me, I'm quivering!" Sub Prime mocked before he pressed a button on his wrist device. This opened a hatch that was within the lab itself, and they all watched with shock as a robotic dragon emerged from the hole and roared at them all.
"Not really! Cause I got a Dracotroid!" Sub Prime shouted as the monster roared at the group.

"Mona get down!" Spike shouted tackling her out of a lightning blast, everyone was flipping over the blast from the two robots while they tried to fight them off, Throkka landed on one of the heads and tried to rip it off, but was being tossed around from it's insane strength. Mikey came in and made a powerful yell which made the dragon screech in pain before Raph was thrown right to him.
"Mikey!" Raph shouted before he and Mikey were thrown to a wall together while Spike drew his blade again while the monster towered over them.
"I've always wanted to watch a Turtle get eaten by a Dracotroid.." Sub Prime mocked just before a powerful blast blew up the wall besides them and knocked them down.

"What?" Spike asked shocked before they all ran to the hole in the wall to see what's going on. To their surprise, they saw Psiona and the other Utrom with the Turtles all ready to help them.
"Need a little help?" Leo asked while more droids came besides him.
"Leo!" Spike said relieved to see him here.
"Utrom?" Throkka asked shocked to see them all here while Queen looked proud to see them.
"I knew my Utrom would come to free us!" Queen said glad to see they're all here.
"That's right, you can always count on a Turtle, Dragon, or an Utrom to help out!" Mikey said confidently while Sub Prime was getting back up.
"Dracotroid! Do what you do best!" Sub Prime ordered once again, the robot activated it's weapons and fired a powerful blast at the group which sent them all out of the building while the dragon flew out. Raph grabbed Mona and used his grapple to whip them to safety while Mikey used his to safely put Spike and Throkka back to the group.

"Son!!" Psiona said with relief quickly giving him another tight hug.
"It's good to see you too mom." Spike said glad she was here too while Throkka gave Queen to King.
"Are you okay Queen?" King asked worried for her.
"Now that your here, I couldn't be better." Queen said glad he was here too.
"Since we're all here now, let's take them down!" Knight shouted charging into the battle with rage while hundreds of droids were firing at them all, Spike hissed with rage and began tearing through them with his mom while Raph and Mona fought by eachother's side.
"Nice work Sal! Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted backflipping away while Throkka tore another one apart as laser fire was going off in the background.
"Booyakasha indeed Michelangelo!" Throkka shouted before they all continued to fight like it was a full on war.

"This has got to be the most pathetic sight ever.." Sub Prime mocked before something knocked him down from the building, Sub prime heard a battle cry and saw Bishop and King were coming down to fight.
"It pains me to see how far you've fallen!" Bishop mocked while running over one of his arms and flipping over.
"I knew i should've executed you when we had the chance! Especially for what you did to Psiona!" King shouted blocking more lasers with his sickles.
"You all mean nothing to me! I am now Kraang Sub Prime!" Sub prime mocked knocking Bishop of the ledge while laughing evilly.
"You really need to remember our worlds laws of physics traitor!" King shouted slicing another hand off.
"What?!" Sub Prime asked frustrated before Bishop emerged from the ledge and fired his rocket launcher at him and blew of the head.
"You idiots!!" Sub Prime shouted turning his arms into buzz saws before they all charged at eachother.

Meanwhile with Honeycutt and Rook, they were taking cover from blaster fire while he wanted to know the info.
"Uh.. I know now is not the best time, but about those black hole fragments?" Honeycutt asked while Psiona was shooting down multiple droids in the background and heard the talk.
"This may be our last stand. I will tell you professor.." Rook said before Psiona jumped in between them.
"No don't! Your head will explode if you do!" Psiona warned while they saw Spike breath fire on a large group in the background.
"Ugh right! Safety protocols! Sorry professor." Rook apologized which upset him.
"Ugh, that's always the way isn't it?!" Honeycutt asked frustrated at this.

Spike whipped his snake arms around the robots as they were surrounding them and made tons of snake hissed while fighting them off.
'Bring it on punks!!" Spike hissed before he made a large high jump which made him land on the Dracotroid just as it flew over, Spike quickly regained his ground on where he is and saw Raph and Mona were fighting against it.
"Want some help guys?" Spike shouted before he drew his blade and stabbed the robot in the back which made it roar in pain.
"Of course Spike, it's an honor to fight besides you!" Mona shouted before she drew her blade too and helped him out while Raph rode on one of the dragons heads.
"You two are perfect as siblings you know that?" Raph shouted before he stabbed his weapons on the wings to slow it down, but more flying droids came by the robots side and began firing at them once again.

Back with King and Bishop, they were holding they're own against Sub Prime while he tried fighting them off.
"You used to be our greatest hero! You were a true brother!" Bishop shouted as half his face was damaged from the fight.
"You tortured Psiona in ways that is unforgivable! I had every right to replace you with Knight! I should've replaced you long ago!" King shouted while he tore off one of his arms again.
"Oh for the love of Kraang! Everyone hates complete subservience to Kraang Prime, until they try it! And Psiona and her stupid son have been a target for long enough now!" Sub Prime shouted aiming his blaster at them.
"You are a traitor! Sub Prime!" Bishop shouted before he grabbed one of the crystals from this dimension and King sliced off the blaster with rage.
"You should've fallen long ago Sub Prime, and you will now!" King shouted as Bishop stabbed the crystal into one of his legs, King and Bishop quickly ran off while Sub Prime tried to escape, but the crystal made a powerful explosion which finally defeated him and Bishop put on his sunglasses.
"I've been wanting to ask you if you have a spare pair of those, they make you look.. cool." King asked seeing them.
"I have plenty of them King." Bishop replied as they looked at the rubble that was caused from it.

Spike and Raph continued to fight on the back of the Dracotroid while more flying droids kept firing at them.
"There's so many of them!" Spike hissed slicing another in half once again, but Mona was beginning to struggle and was holding onto the Head of the monster.
"I can't.. hold on much longer!" Mona shouted which got Raph's attention.
"Mona! Spike you know what to do!" Raph shouted while Spike breathed fire on another droid and melted it.
"Got it!" Spike shouted before he took out his blade again and stabbed the creature in the back, the creature roared with pain and it began to spiral out of control and went directly into a large structure.
"Jump!!" Spike shouted which made all 3 of them jump off the monster just as it blew up from crashing into the structure, Raph grabbed Mona took out his grapple while Spike whipped his snake hands onto a ledge, Raph shot the grapple on the ledge too and they all went flying down to another platform which finally gave them room to breath.
"It's kinda sad April, Casey and Jaqueline wouldn't join us for this.." Spike said really sad that they missed out on it.
"It's alright Spike, at least it's over." Mona said breathing heavily as they took in this moment.

Bishop was holding his arm that was damaged while King put his own weapons away finally as Leo landed by their sides.
"You two alright?" Leo asked while Psiona landed down too.
"We're alright, at least Sub Prime is finally defeated." Bishop said relieved at this, but Psiona's senses went off and she could feel something coming again.
"Don't count on it.." Psiona said turning her arm into a cannon again, they could hear Sub Prime laughing once again and they saw him rising up on one of the Kraang ships from before.
"I may be a traitor, but at least I'm not a loser with a totally stupid face!" Sub Prime mocked which made Psiona growl with rage.

"I've had enough of you!!" Psiona roared before she charged up a powerful blast with her arm.
"Take cover!" King shouted tackling Leo and Bishop down, Psiona finished charging up her blast and made a loud roar while firing it directly at him which shocked him.
"Aw give me a Kraanging break!" Sub Prime shouted before the blast shot directly through the ship and sent it spiraling down into the base which finally did enough damage to defeat him.
"Kraang! Initiate that which is known as RETREAT!" A droid shouted while all the droids were finally leaving before Knight sliced one apart.
"Cowards!!" Knight shouted as they saw all the droids leave after finally finishing the fight which made all the Utrom cheer in victory.

Psiona sighed with relief and she could see Spike slithering up to her while holding his head again.
"You okay mom? You looked really mad back there?" Spike asked coming up to her while multiple droids were being taken away.
"I'm alright son, but what about you? Is your mind stable still?" Psiona asked worried for him.
"Ugh, it hurts a little, but it's not as bad as before, I just need to be careful with it.. so I don't lose my mind again.." Spike said with fear while looking at his body once again.
"It's okay son, we'll find a way to help you.." Psiona said with a smile which made him relax a little more while Throkka felt proud at this.

"I must admit, I was wrong about your species. There are indeed good Kraang in the ten dimensions." Throkka said looking at Queen and King who smiled at this.
"You mean Utrom bro." Mikey corrected before he zooming out which made him shake his head.
"Whatever." Throkka said brushing it off.
"And we have seen un parallel bravery today." Queen said looking up at him.
"Does this mean?" Honeycutt asked hoping they finally can get the info.
"Indeed. Bishop, could you please?" King asked turning to him, Bishop nodded and the group gathered around to find out where the other pieces are.

"You will find the second piece of the Black Hole Generator, in the Cosmic Ocean of Varuna, the final fragment is on the lost world of Magdomar, at the very edge of the known cosmos." Bishop explained showing them the locations they needed to go to.
"Thank you Utrom. We won't stop until this weapon is destroyed, once and for all." Leo said glad they finally got the info.
"I trust that you will, I am glad to know that you are friends with Psiona and her son, it makes me glad to see them finally together after so long." King said turning to the two who smiled hearing that.
"Hey, you've helped me for so long now King, I'm just glad to have finally seen you all after so long." Psiona said looking down at them.
"Same goes to you Psiona, it is an honor to have met your son, I wish you good luck on finding the pieces with him." King said as he and Psiona did a special handshake together.
"We will King. We will.." Psiona said really glad this is over.

Mona was back at her ship and was ready to leave right until Raph came up to talk with her.
"So um.. if we're ever on the same planet again, you wanna.. go out sometime?" Raph asked nervously rubbing his head.
"Go out where? To space?" Mona asked curious on what that meant.
"Uh.." Rap said nervously before she put her hand on his shoulder.
"I'll go out with you anywhere Raphael.." Mona said sweetly which made him smile hearing this while Leo was confused.

"I totally get mutants or Dream Beaver's like Karai and Jaqueline, but alien lizards?" Leo asked confused seeing this.
"Beauty is on the eye of the beholder bro." Donnie said patting his shoulder.
"What are you waiting for bro? Now's the time for kissy nose!" Mikey teased which irritated Raph, he was about come at him before Mona wrapped her tail around him, Raph was surprised before he was pulled into a kiss by her and he leaned into it while the other's were rolling they're eyes at this while Spike was chuckling a bit.
"Bow chicka bow wow!" Spike said chuckling at this sight while the other's were confused on this..