//------------------------------// // Chapter 28: Introductions // Story: Black as Sin // by BearstarSeraph //------------------------------// Chapter 28: Introductions   Official letters arrived at every embassy and noble house. There was going to be an announcement and meeting concerning the rumored dark mage and the delayed setting of the sun. Along with… “The being that is the origin of the rumored dark mage will be present remotely as he is conscious and stable but is still in critical condition in hospital. All may meet and question him. Only a maximum of two representatives of each noble house will be allowed into the throne room. We ask each embassy to limit themselves to two representatives and a maximum of three staff as space is finite. If any embassies would rather attend remotely, Princess Luna will personally come to the embassy to set up the magical links required, but the attendance limit will remain. If this is your wish, send word by 6:00 am. All Equestrian nobles must attend in pony. Arrive no later than 6:30 am.” Irmhild looked up from the scroll, “Does yours say the same thing?” “Yes, it is identical.” “What are your plans?” “I’m contacting all my supporters. A copy of the letter will be mass printed and distributed as a flier to prep the commoners. I am arranging to press the princesses and this mage to trip them up in front of the others. They have had absolutely no sleep while we have slept. We have an hour to respond. Then most likely another hour for preparations and everyone to arrive. More than enough time to get our scripts together to frame this how we need it. If you could send some griffons to the caves to check on your supplies while mine make sure our end is in order, we can proceed with the final steps. Everything else is ready.” “I’ve had communication with the emperor. Our archeological and scholarly efforts have put us in position to antagonize Princess Luna, but it was up to us to time its public reveal. I’ll contact our partners and we can pull a pincer move to break both princesses and provoke the dark mage together.” “Oh? Care to share so we can coordinate better?” came from the box on his desk. Irmhild pressed the button on his microphone, “No need. But let’s just say we rediscovered the origins of the six-foot long golden feathers on the sultan’s battle crown’s plume and other ceremonial items.”   On the other side of the city, Poppycock smirked and pressed the button on his microphone. “I can imagine, coming from you.” “I will see you sometime around 7,” came from the box on the pony’s desk. ~~***~~ Celestia and Cadence were in the correspondence teleportation room. They had locked out the servants. Celestia yawned, then guzzled more coffee. “Please don’t do that…” Cadence said, soon yawning herself. Luna came into the side room. “Fancy Pants and Fleur do not wish to participate. Twilight has passed out on her own, all but Lady Applejack are asleep. Seems even with the sun still high her body continues to wake on its own in what should be right before dawn. Discord understands why he should not be present. Vegeta is ready and is under spell.” Celestia looked at the clock. “It will be 6:30 or even 7 before we start.” “Yes, I’m sure Poppycock and his supporters will drag their arrival out as long as possible to deprive us of more sleep,” Luna said. “We have enough rebuke scrolls prepared?” “Fifty,” Cadence said. “If they are not in the throne room by 6:40, they are not getting in.” She looked to her right at the pile of flowers, “And we have flowers for all the sick excuses.” A scroll popped in on the runic altar. “It’s from the Wu embassy on behalf of the eastern nations, they wish to remain at their embassy for safety reasons. It is Pixiu’s choice whether to be in the throne room or to sleep in another room.” “We see they figured out what we are up to,” Luna said. Another scroll appeared. Cadence grabbed it. “Prince Rasheed said to give them twenty minutes before we teleport over there and put them to sleep. They are going over everything with staff to make it look like they are not involved while Mido hides before being introduced.”   A new scroll popped in. Celestia grabbed it. “And here’s the first noble asking it to be pushed back.” Celestia handed it off to Cadence, “Mark the seal and send the reply.” “Earl Jetset, of course,” she said, transferring the seal to send back. “Do you want to customize the letter slightly to respond to his comment about his wife’s health? He’s being very submissive and apologetic. Practically begging. She might actually be sick.” “Add condolences and say if his wife cannot attend, he may come alone.” “What side is this earl on?” Luna asked. “He’s a fair-weather suck up,” Celestia said, looking annoyed. Three new scrolls popped in. Celestia smiled reading the first one. “We will need to write a custom letter. Marchioness Pumpernickel is asking how early she can arrive. And that she’s coming by herself and alone.” Celestia opened the second, “And this is her son asking us to refuse his mother or at least have him come with her.” She opened the third, “And this is her again telling us to formally rebuke her son.” Celestia giggled. “Old Lady Pumpernickel is coming out of retirement. She was one of my favorite conversation partners despite her scandalous love life in her youth.” She sighed, “Then she stopped talking to me… That old battle axe will definitely be a wild card. She hasn’t been part of active society in thirty years. But her title is high enough to intimidate lower nobles and she was feared in her youth.” “What side is her son on?” Luna asked. “I don’t know.” “It would be safer to assume any publicly neutral factions have ties with Duke Poppycock.” “Duke Poppycock was one of the main reasons their house fell. If he was courting them…” Celestia paused, “That would be a major red flag. Cadence, give me a blank scroll. I need to check with Prince Blueblood.” A new scroll appeared. Celestia smiled. “This is a good sign. At least for the motives of the acting marquess. I believe the two will be unbiased on Vegeta.” “Why is that?” Luna walked over and peeked. “They are asking if one of her stillborn’s children can come as a compromise, in the guise of an attendant. A public display like this would normally be the biggest news in the gossip papers, if it wasn’t for Vegeta.” “They are turning this into a political maneuver. Or perhaps a distraction,” Cadence said. “I doubt Lord Balmont would do that. As close as he was to his older brother, her three youngest sons are all from various love affairs with prominent stallions and can only inherit the titles she inherited from her maiden house. Publicly recognizing her oldest son she had prior to the marriage and his children would cost his brothers everything. Cadence, give me another blank scroll. I need to tell them I accept.” Suddenly at least thirty more scrolls landed, many rolling off the altar and onto the floor. Celestia began opening them. “Duke Poppycock is asking for an extension. Same with Marquess Blarney,” she looked at the two held in her magic. She levitated and opened three more. Then she put the duke and marquess’ down on the table and opened another three more. “These are all identical. Exact same wording… Luna, write all these names down on a list. These must be his allies.” She picked up all the scrolls off the altar and placed them on the floor in front of Luna. “We would think they would pace them out more,” Luna said, taking up paper and quill, “A thousand years hast dumbed down our subjects.” “An unused blade is never sharpened. It is the price of peace,” Celestia said. Another scroll landed. “Oh… Lord Fire Whirl is asking to represent the Council of Magic as First Wizard while his children act independently as representatives of his house. I completely forgot about the council.” “We’ll write that letter,” Luna took it from her magic. “We can’t allow the members to gang up on Vegeta if they all choose to represent their houses to get in.” “Ok…” Celestia rubbed her temples, “Is there anything we could be forgetting or overlooking?” “We don’t think so,” Luna said. “Princess Twilight has been coached to keep her mouth shut. Vegeta has a basic understanding of history and politics. He was there when Pixiu gave us a history of Starswirl and the mirror we did not know previously. He wants to lean into this being a first contact situation, that he is an immigrant to Earth, and the tribe he married into is on the opposite side of the planet and has very little knowledge of the tribes and cultures over there to explain his supreme ignorance of Buddhism and the mirror. “And we know from our end, the mirror never had a stable outlet and originally would jump around up to 100 miles and decades in time displacement between uses before abandoning it in Teabit to our knowledge. We discovered it in his lab and were surprised it still existed, as the last time either of us saw it was when we were fillies and kept it as one of many mementos. “Pixiu tells us the mirror suddenly stabilized on his visit and he lost control, unable to turn it off again. He left it there for further study and continued on his journey. It was open for 160 years, fostering major cities on both sides before it suddenly shut, trapping many on the other side. Starswirl was contacted to fix it which is why we found it in his possession after his disappearance.” “I still think we’re forgetting something…” “Most likely nerves. Vegeta sees things in a fundamentally different way, so his reactions are unpredictable to an extent. But we have explanations on the mirror. Pixiu, the ambassadors, and Vegeta will have explanations on ki and black powder based on their own experiences.” Celestia sighed. “Alright… Just need to trust Vegeta… trust Vegeta… trust Vegeta…” ~~***~~ While Luna was jumping around embassies, ponies began to arrive. Celestia went to greet the early comers, and her eyes widened seeing the marchioness. Then she smiled melancholically. “Hello, Marchioness Pumpernickel. It has been too long.” “Yes it has. My children are far too protective... And don’t look at me like that,” she said harshly, “I know that look. My head is still on straight and sharp as a knife.” “I am glad to see that, and so is your tongue I see.” She looked behind her, “So, who is this lovely pony pushing your wheelchair?” “Oh, you know exactly who she is.” Lady Pumpernickel waved her wrinkled hoof, “You’re the one who got her father into the country as a foal. And don’t worry about condolences. I know how things work. It’s unfortunate hippogriffs age faster than they should.” Celestia smiled and met the pegasis’ eyes. “Greetings Robin Song. I must comment that your feathers are absolutely exquisite.” Robin was a pink pegasus with red hair and tail. Her wings were longer than usual and her wing feathers were tipped with red. She also had thick red feathers down her neck and over her chest. “Most ponies consider me a freak,” she said, cringing at the compliment. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Lady Pumpernickel scolded. “Princess Celestia, help find this silly filly a husband, will you? She’s 64 and hasn’t even had one date.” “Marchioness?!” Robin said, shocked. The handful of nobles that had also come early gawked. Celestia giggled. “I’ve missed this. Tell your sons to start inviting me out to the country estate if he considers you too weak to travel.” Lady Pumpernickel’s face hardened. “My sons have been lying to my face about you declining my invites, haven’t they?” Celestia’s face also turned grim, “I have also been declined.” “I see,” she smiled. “Well,” she tapped her hooves together. “I’m so glad you’ve finally gotten over A la Mode’s passing. You must have your new ‘favorite’ chef cook for us while we discuss inheritance matters.” Celestia couldn’t hide the look on her face. The old pony’s face fell, “Oh, princess. I’m so sorry. I—” Celestia made everyone gasp again as she raised her wing around her chair in an act of familiarity. “No need. It was recent. But I’ll make sure to ask the staff of his restaurant if they would be willing to cook his specialties for our catch-up luncheon.”      Lady Pumpernickel smiled, “I look forward to the gossip. Come on, Robin. Push me in and let’s meet this scary monster from the newspapers.” “Marchioness, who was A la Mode?” she whispered, pushing her away. “The family chef the castle poached after my marriage to the marquess,” Celestia heard her whisper back. “She really loved what he had to offer,” she giggled. Celestia went on to greet more nobles, then she spotted some ponies she did not want to see. While being on the council required the abdication of a noble title, the technically five-member council had consolidated across several families: Marquesses Pyro, Counts Hospitaler, Earls Boltz, Viscounts Auster, Counts Piedmont, and Marquesses Metis. While Viscounts Aquarius were originally members, their lack of skilled mages in recent generations had isolated them from socializing in these important circles. “Lord Fire Whirl,” she smiled. “I see you’ve come with your children and the children of the rest of the council.” “Yes, your sister’s letter was quite explicit. She seems to want to protect the dark mage from the only ponies who actually know the deep ins and outs of magic outside the princesses. But don’t worry, my colleagues have not skimped on the education of their children. There will be twice as many skilled examiners present than there would be otherwise. Let’s see if this dark mage is truly harmless or if your compassion and past successes have made you overconfident and blind.” He lifted his nose and walked in, and the sons and daughters followed without any greetings to the princess in a very public snub. ~~***~~ After the first arrivals had run out, she went to the dining hall to meet the 23 ponies that had shown up so far. “I would think the tea would help wake you up,” a noble said. Another yawned. “Yes, these entrées seem to be making it worse.” Lord Fire Whirl and the adult children all had tea cups and various cookies suspended in their magic. “Hmm…” the Countess of Hospitaler said after examining a cup of tea and a cookie in her magic. “These are all things meant to relax and tire a pony out instead of waking them up.”   The others all nodded. “I believe this meeting will be a massive mind spell cast by Princess Luna,” the Marquess of Metis said. “It would explain why she is the one visiting the embassies instead of the lesser princesses or a high ranking official. Delivering speaking stones does not take one of the diarchs.” “Can one be cast that large?” the Marquess of Pyro asked. “There will be at least 200 ponies, and then the invited ambassadors.” “Son, this is the princess of the night we are talking about,” Lord Fire Whirl said, “My concern is that it has been stated in the rumors and papers that his dark magic can reach out and have physical effects on ponies within dream spells.” “Do you really think it is possible for dark magic to heal?” the Viscount of Auster asked. “Perhaps a twisted version of necromancy that can be done on living flesh, based on the horrid job described in the papers by the doctor present. Regenerative spells aimed at corpses don’t need to be surgically precise.” “Still, a weapons coating that can swart normal healing magic is a massive development,” Count of Piedmont said. “A bowling pin tender would not be able to do that with just any pebble off the street.” “Didn’t you hear?” the countess said. “Bocce is the nephew of the Coneys. They and the Oranges are the only survivors of a poisoned banquet Princess Celestia teleported into to stop. Mother was told it was a magic immune poison from her hospital in Manehattan that the princess was desperate to suppress the existence of. I also heard that Lady Applejack is a niece of the Oranges.” “Bocce is also the son of Kingpin from Las Pegasus,” the Marquess of Pyro said. “He and his ex-wife were murdered today. Two huge explosions rocked her mansion and his skyscraper. Princess Celestia is said to have been there as well. One of my students can’t figure out what explosion spell was used and asked me to come today to consult.” “Rarity was with Lady Aquafina all day,” one of the wives said. “There was a brown stallion with her levitating dozens of shopping bags at once. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed the gossip.” “I thought she was with Duke Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee?” Earless Boltz said. “Though there was also a brown stallion with them. There was some slight gossip that he could have been Rarity’s new lover, as no pony recognized him.” “The suspect named in the papers was described to be a brown stallion with a special talent in levitation. He is also a native of Ponyville, the home town for most of the Bearers. He’s not some pony off the streets, that’s for sure…” Lord Fire Whirl said. “And then there was the battle and the arrests of the Aquariuses today with Marquess Blaney appointed as their defender by his uncle-in-law, Judge Blackstone.” “I… don’t like where this is going,” a husband said. “In either possibility.” “Neither do I,” Lord Fire Whirl said, “BUT, that is not why we are here. The council has always been a neutral body and family ties have always been a major disqualifier for the posts. We are here as impartial investigators to find the truth of the dark mage and the accusation made by the doctor that Lady Pinkie Pie has become a practitioner. What the various political factions do with that knowledge is not our problem.” Celestia sighed. “Starswirl would strangle all of you if he heard that…” she thought. She went to speak with other nobles. “I… think the princess heard you,” one of the wives said. “She just sighed and changed direction.” “Good,” Lord Fire Whirl said. “Now she knows we will not bow to her propaganda.” “Umm, Countess Hospitaller,” one of the wives leans in, “Do you know what's wrong with that poor pegasis, the pink one.” “Oh, nothings wrong with her,” Lord Fire Whirl said. “Her father was a hippogriff. Dreikernebrot, I think his name was. It’s rare in Equestria, but over in Eulope where intermarriage is more common, you’ll see ponies with feather blotches, as they are called. Weird things happen when races mix. On my magical sojourn for my philosopher’s degree in my 90s, I saw an earth pony with back feathers and rooster-like quills instead of a proper tail walking next to a pinto coated horse, but instead of solid brown it was zebra striped. Silliest thing I ever saw.” “Wow, I feel sorry for their children,” she said. While the group laughed. Robin Song spun the seething marchioness around and pushed her away as fast as possible. Celestia sipped out of her tea cup. “Maybe instead of giving her one of the family’s lower titles, I should just make her and her siblings all dukes and appoint them over their families?” she mused. “See them laugh then.” She took another sip. “At least Luna isn’t back yet. Don’t need her and Pumpernickel teaming up and causing a major incident with the council.”    ~~***~~ A guard came up to Celestia and whispered in her ear. “I have been told more beings have arrived,” she said to her conversation companions, “Excuse me.” Celestia returned to the staircase. She greeted the Trottish and Prench ambassadors, two earth ponies. “I’m surprised you both came alone,” she said. “I allowed up to three staff.” “I believe your nobles will be ripping this dark mage apart more thoroughly than we can,” the Prench ambassador said. He looked at his counterpart, “Our main concern is why you’ve broken your magical contract and not set the sun. While modern clocks have alleviated the exact timing for sunrise in industry and white-collar work, there will be economic impacts, especially in agriculture and forestry.” “Not to mention increased costs for artificial lighting in the cities,” the Trottish ambassador chimed in. “Once all the costs are totaled, I will warn you, you will find yourself very busy in the near future.” “Thank you for the warning,” Celestia said stiffly. “Please enter the dining hall just ahead. We will all enter the throne room once Princess Luna returns.” Celestia made her way through the line of ambassadors. Muskox, Zebras, Okapis, Horses, Elephas, Garuda, Emus, Ostrich, Shetlands, Caribou, Minotaur, Water Buffalo, even a Bison warrior with Applejack’s cousin. “Princess Celestia,” the Bison nodded. Braeburn took his hat off. “Good day, princess, ma’am,” he said nervously. “So, what brought you to the capital?” Celestia asked, surprised.     “The elders felt a huge swing with the spirits during a sweat lodge three days ago. We came to Appleoosa, and I was selected to relay the warning. We were already on the train when the sun stood still. As it was the moon refusing to set that cursed your sister, I can say with confidence the whole tribe is very concerned even without contact.” Celestia smiled, “Well, I’m glad the guards accidently let you pass without an invitation. Have either of you read the newspapers by any chance?” “No, ma’am. Princess Celestia, umm ma’am.” “Well, Applejack is awake. I think it’s best you hear what’s been happening from her. If you two could go into that room with everyone else for a moment until I’m done here, I’ll get a guard to take you to Applejack.” The bison nodded and walked into the room with Braeburn hurrying after him. “You invited the bison, I’m glad to see you are putting your hoof where your mouth is.” Celestia turned back and saw the Nordic, Gotalandic, and Laplandic ambassadors; a hippogriff, a griffon, and a reindeer. “Now the next time the imperialists complain,” the reindeer continued, “They cannot use you as a role model.” He looked knowingly at the others. “If you keep wanting our help to fight off Muskovy,” the griffon said, “Just keep smiling.” The hippogriff sighed, “Our apologies, Princess Celestia.” “Of course, Prince Eric Haraldsson. How are your parents?” “As well as my father can be now that his home province is under HRE occupation.” “When did this happen?” “I just got word a few days ago. The griffons in the local parliaments voted for independence and immediately opened the southern gates for the waiting HRE army.  They have not moved past the southern provinces into northern Jutland yet. I suppose the Trottish ambassador did not mention a thing?” “How are they involved?” “Because Jutland’s pony population comes from the ones who left willingly when you banished the Danelaw. They have offered citizenship back, but only to those who can prove not having a griffon or hippogriff in the family tree even by marriage for four generations back to the founding of the Danelaw.” “Your grandmother should have more compassion,” Celestia said firmly. “I’m also the only one of her grandsons who never bled to death as a foal. That’s not helping the anti-pony propaganda. Trust me, mom and I are dead to them.” “It’s not propaganda if it’s true.” “Margrave Olov,” Prince Eric said frustrated. “We are allowing every pony and hippogriff that washes up on our shores in without a second thought while your parents have shut down travel between your northern and southern territories to keep the pony population high enough to stop another vote. Where do your parents think the emperor is currently getting his main courses from?” “All right,” the reindeer said, “That’s enough now. All of our nations are feeling pressure from the ambition across the straits.” “Thank you, Friherre Eetu,” Prince Eric said.    Celestia leaned in slightly. “Enough public posturing,” she whispered. “I know you all are Ogres & Oubliettes buddies. What do all of you want?” Prince Eric had a wide-eyed, shocked look on his face. Margrave Olov did not miss a beat. “While the HRE has won over many of the commoners, the nobles are sympathetic to you. We all hope this dark mage is everything the papers say he is, because dreams won’t be enough this time.” Celestia raised her head with a disdained look on her face. “Go in. Keep the bickering to a minimum. When I’m done, I will gladly introduce you to the others. One at a time.” Friherre Eetu bowed, “I look forward to it.” He walked through the door, and the two others followed. “How did she know that?” Celestia heard Prince Eric whisper as they entered. “I’ll show it to you later,” Margrave Olov whispered back. Celestia thought back to the last time she dragged Joe to Canterlot’s biggest nerd convention for her little sin. It was the first visit with him post-changeling invasion, and she had noticed three ponies had triggered the warning spell in her earrings. A clandestine spell singled them out, and she left Joe in her wake as she abruptly changed directions. She found them. An archer, a wizard wearing fantasy jeweler’s glasses, and a druid. She recognized the spell as amulet based and spent the rest of the day trying to trip them up. Walking by the fish stalls after dragging them around without food did it as the wizard slapped the hungry archer upside his head. They stopped to eat. She, the archer and the druid had hayburgers. The wizard ate nothing. So at least the archer was omnivorous, while the druid was an herbivore. Joe found the group in the food court and was not happy about being abandoned. “Don’t run off like that,” Joe said as he sat down, “Made me think there was an emergency.” He then stole her burger right from her magic and took a bite. The wizard freaked out. “What the hay do you think you’re doing?!” he said, the spell not completely able to hide the squawk. “Punishing my wife,” he said, taking another bite. The wizard began fiddling with the glasses, flipping through the half dozen or so colored lenses… “Oh buck…” Celestia suddenly said loudly as the next group climbed the steps, causing the whole room to come to a stop and look at her. ~~***~~ Not long later, Luna returned and joined her sister at the steps. “Everything is taken care of, sister,” she whispered. “They are already waiting in the dream copy of the throne room, except for two in the side room. Pixiu wants to make an entrance. He’s hiding with Feiyu and waiting for the griffons to make a scene.” “Good,” she whispered back. Luna turned to look down the steps and saw two ponies walk in. “Oh, stars, she really is sick.” Luna spread her wings and glided down, startling everyone. She landed in front of the duo. “Princess Luna,” Jetset bowed as his wife wobbled. “We wrote that you could come alone without penalty, Earl Jetset.” “This is going to be the biggest event all year, I simply must come,” Uppercrust said firmly. Luna sighed, “Alright. If you insist. But let’s get you two directly into the throne room and resting. Would you like to have some tea?” “Forgive me, but I haven’t been able to keep anything down since this afternoon,” Uppercrust apologized. Luna smiled understandingly. “That is quite alright. Now let’s get you ready in the throne room. We’ll go down a side hall to avoid the other nobles in the dining hall. Follow me.” Celestia saw Luna take the two through a side door down below. Then there was a commotion at the door. Duke Poppycock came in, closely followed by almost ninety other ponies. Celestia scanned the faces. “There’s more houses here than the 32 letters,” she thought. “They are not hiding anything anymore. This is a public power play.” “Duke Poppycock, welcome to the palace.” “Princess,” he bowed. “I see you came with your relatives. Greetings, Marquess Blarney and Judge Blackstone.” “Princess,” Judge Blackstone bowed. Blarney did not bow, just grinned. Celestia gave a noble smile, “Please head towards the dining hall. We have snacks and tea to help ponies get ready for the meeting. Many beings have already arrived, so you have a plethora of conversation partners to choose from while you wait.” “Wait? It’s clearly the cut off time.” “The Griffon Imperial representatives have not arrived yet. We are giving them a few more minutes out of courtesy. But if they don’t arrive soon, then they will simply have to hear everything secondhand. Now if you could please head to the dining hall. There is a large line of high-ranking nobles and government officials behind you.” Poppycock looked behind him. “Yes, all the important ponies who truly run this country are behind me.” He looked at his nephew, “Come on, Marquess Blarney, let’s see who has come to the event.” The two walked off. Celestia hid her emotions and greeted a disturbing amount of her government’s high-ranking officials and those who physically ran the capital city. Then she spotted a pony. “Lord Rye, welcome.” “It is good to see you, princess.” “Lord Rye, while I thank you for coming, your mother is already here with a plus one.” “My mother? Lord Belmont was supposed to come for House Derby.” “Well, your mother won that argument, she is here with an attendant to help with her wheelchair.” “But only members of a noble house can enter. The invite denied us servants.” “You are correct. Only members of House Derby are here.” Lord Rye took a sharp breath, realizing the statement’s implications. “I’m here as the head of House Panera,” he asserted. “Which won’t exist as a separate entity until your mother’s passing, no matter how much Marquess Blarney introduces you as Viscount Panera.” Celestia smiled, “Yes, I know all about that. Just because the recent crises have kept me from socializing, doesn’t mean I’m not on top of the trends. While I am overjoyed you and your siblings are climbing the social circles, this time I must insist. You’re not the first to try and get in here using a lesser title and I cannot play favorites, as much as I dearly want to in your case.” She touched him with her wing, “You all know how precious you all are to me. This is only the first of many meetings. You will have plenty of opportunities to socialize with our guest of honor in the weeks to come.” “You intend to have the dark mage join in on the season?” he said surprised. He said it loud enough it echoed through the room, bringing everyone to a stop. “If he is well enough. He should recover from his injuries in time for the last few events. Now, to save face, we do have a lounge set up and there are already ponies there.” “Are you sure I cannot partake in the morning entrée and simply not attend the meeting in the throne room?” “I’m sorry. I cannot. But like I said, the lounge is full and we also have food and drink waiting. Why don’t I guide you there myself to ease the sting.” “That… would be acceptable.” Celestia nodded and the two walked off. Guards took their place at the top of the stairs to prevent ponies from sneaking in. In the room, Duke Poppycock was quickly told the news. “I see. Blarney, you and the younger lords start spreading what she said about the season around. I need to see the marchioness and fill her in on the way things are now after thirty years.” ~~***~~ Celestia was still making her way through the long line when the griffons finally arrived. Irmhild and Ermendrud were there, and they had brought double the allotted staff. Celestia frowned. “Pardon me, my little ponies.” She opened her wings and flew down. “Ambassador Irmhild. Legatus Ermendrud. Welcome to the castle.” She looked behind them, “I’m sorry. But you will need to select half of your retinue and we will escort the other half to comfortable accommodations while they wait.” “What? Why? We are all here. We all clearly need to go in. What hospitality is this?!” “It is not a matter of hospitality. It is an issue of the limits of—” “The throne room can clearly hold over one thousand beings!” “— the communication spell being used. There is a hard maximum and quality diminishes the more beings there are regardless. This is for everyone’s ease and comfort.” “What poor quality spell causes this level of limitations? Is this the limit of the resources the royal sisters can muster? I—” Irmhild felt the ground tremble. He heard his guards shout and he turned around. A huge bipedal towering higher than even the princesses ducked though the doors. It was wearing robes and a hood and had black fur and bear-like paws. “Monk Pixiu,” Celestia walked over. “You had us worried. Welcome.” It put its paws together and bowed, “Sorry I was late.” The griffons felt the air shake in their chests. Feiyu flew up next. He was wearing a sash with a medal bearing the dotted swastika. “And Lord Feiyu, welcome to Equestria,” she nodded to the cloud. The cloud bounced and twisted in the air. “He says it is his pleasure,” Pixiu said. He looked at the griffons. “Princess, would you mind introductions?” “No, of course not.” She turned, “Monk Pixiu, Lord Feiyu, these are the Holy Gryphon Empire’s ambassador Irmhild and his son Ermendrud. This is Lord Feiyu of the Kintu’on and his fellow ambassador and translator, Monk Pixiu.” “A pleasure,” Pixiu said. “Excuse me, but I see more griffons here than the message allowed.” “Griffons never skip on security,” Celestia said, looking at them with a knowing smile. “Now that they are safe in the palace, the extra guards will be waiting outside while being treated by staff for their troubles. Isn’t that right, Ambassador Irmhild? “Yes…” he said after a pause. “We were just about to separate.” “I see. I apologize for the misunderstanding,” Pixiu said. “I would hate for our nations to get off on the wrong foot.” “Yes, I would hate that as well,” Irmhild said, craning his neck to look up at his darkened face under the hood. “Well, I’m glad you three finally met,” Celestia said. Then she cast a spell and a path on the floor glowed. “Please follow me.” “I see. Again, I apologize for breaking your stone floors last time I was here.” “Nothing to apologize for. Accidents happen.” She looked at Irmhild. “Sorry, Irmhild. But I must escort them personally for obvious reasons.” “Monk Pixiu? And Lord Feiyu! Welcome.” Luna trotted over. “Luna, perfect timing. Can you help Ambassador Irmhild? He was about to separate his extra guards so the rest can attend the meeting.” “I would love to,” Luna trotted over to the griffons. “If all of you would follow me this way, we can get everyone not coming comfortable before the rest head to the throne room. We are running a little late.” “Alright,” Irmhild said carefully. “Come on everyone.” Luna led them away and Celestia took them up the steps. “That use of ki would be quite frightening if I didn’t know what was happening. I felt the pressure in my chest.” “I do feel bad for the deception, but Vegeta was correct, it did make quite an introduction to the griffons.” Feiyu twisted. “Feiyu found it funny,” Pixiu said. He twisted again. “He said his sash idea also seems to have solved the misunderstanding he suffered from Princess Twilight.” “Yes,” Celestia said. “Or at least it is giving ponies pause with all the other races here.” They came to the dining hall. The room went silent as the imposing being ducked to enter the room. “A Kintu’on!” Lord Nanda shouted, surprised. He and his scarred guard ran over and immediately bowed. But what really left every being’s jaws on the floor were the ambassadors from the Golden Herd galloping over then kneeling on their front knees. “Rise,” the large robed being said and the group immediately began speaking in other languages. The two Garudas flapped into the air to see, then immediately went over and bowed themselves. They were invited by the large being into the conversation. “Do you know what a Kintu’on is, Olov?” Prince Eric asked. “No, I don’t,” he said. “But he seems to be familiar and highly respected to the Asian nations. The Golden Herd refuses to bow to no one but the Great Khan himself, and they ran and immediately hit their knees.” “Princess Celestia is with him, perhaps we can contact the palace later for a formal introduction?” “I’m glad you’re finally remembering proper protocol, since you’ve been gawking at that feathered mare since we entered the room.” “You can’t think she’s not pretty.” “She’s a very stunning false pegasus, but she is also clearly a servant. That is the issue. You need to learn to ignore individuals like that.” Eetu tapped them, “Speaking of which, they are coming over.” “(Good day, gentle beaks,)” Lady Pumpernickel said in perfect griffon. “(I keep seeing you looking in my direction.)” The three looked surprised. “(My apologies for my junior’s wayward glances.)” “(Oh, don’t be. My granddaughter is beautiful, isn’t she?)” “Marchioness!” Robin Song said shocked. She immediately bowed. “(My father was illegitimate. We are all servants.)” “(Then you’re the wealthiest and most spoiled damned servants in the country,)” Lady Pumpernickel turned back to them. “(Equestria can be backwards and awful in the worst ways possible. Please young stallion, tell this silly mare how beautiful she is. Oh, before things escalate too far, there’s no Gotaland ambassadors in your direct ancestry, is there?)” “(No, I am from the United Kingdom of Norway and Jutland.) “(Oh good. I had a fling with a Gotaland griffon in Prance back when I was young. Just needed to check, you understand.)” Olov’s jaw dropped. “Lady Pumpernickel of House Panera?” “(I’m Marchioness of House Derby now, but are you related to Gunther?)” “(My great grandfather, he had many love letters and a locket with a picture of a pony with that name engraved among his possessions when he passed.)” “(Ah, how sweet of him. It was only that spring and summer season.)” He looked at Robin, “(And you say this is his granddaughter?)” “(Yes, my son, bless him, died a few years ago at 153. But Robin and her siblings are all aging like ponies, so that was a relief for him and their mother.”) “(You must be over 200,)” Prince Eric said. Lady Pumpernickel laughed, “(Nothing of the sort, I was only 21 when Gunther swept me off my hooves under the promenade lights.)” “(He never mentioned a child.)” “(I was locked up the second my maids reported my bleeding lapsed,)” she spoke like it was the funniest story in the world. “(If it wasn’t for my mother intervening and sending me to a chateau in the countryside before my father found out, her father would not have been allowed to ever happen. When he found out, he demanded what orphanage she dropped him off at, or by the sun and moon he’d kill every hippogriff in the damn country. Then he shipped us both back to Equestria and never returned from Eulope even after his tenure ended. I was sold to my husband in lieu of my mother’s gambling debts. He was in his 140s and I wasn’t even thirty yet. He divorced his last wife after having their sixth daughter and brought me in. Then he had a lovely run-in with a teacup. I’m glad I can smell almonds. Anyway, it was also lucky I gave birth to a boy, so I only had to give her and her daughters two thirds of everything in the lawsuit, but that still left me one of the wealthiest mares in the country. If I had had a daughter, we would have been on the streets. Actually, I saw four of the sisters and their husbands chatting earlier. Why don’t I go over there and leave you and Robin to catch up.)” Lady Pumpernickel lit her horn, grabbed her wheels with her magic, and raced off. “Marchioness, Wait!” Robin Song galloped after her. “I think I just met my wife,” Prince Eric said in awe. The margrave slapped him upside his head. “Get your pecker back in its sheath. Eetu, babysit this lovesick cub for me.” He went after them. Before he caught up, he saw Poppycock intercept them. “Marchioness, it has been a long time. I’m surprised to see you in the capital. You’re usually at your country estate being tended by your eldest.” “I don’t know where you heard that,” Lady Pumpernickel smiled curtly, “but just because these old bones aren’t actively out and about during the season, doesn’t mean I’m not in the city enjoying the summer air. You’ve been talking to my second son a lot as of late judging by the tower of invites I found in the lord mansion’s office. Is the director of the city’s water management so interesting to you? Or do you have a secret love of spelunking no one knows about?” Poppycock smiled, “I haven’t spotted any of your sons here. Where are they?” “At home. I am the head of House Derby, as I’ve had to lecture my children lately. And an event this big requires the head of the house.” “Then who is your second?” Robin Song then caught up. “Oh, your featherbed’s daughter, of course.” “Excuse me,” Margrave Olov then arrived, “It may just be my hearing, but did you just call my cousin a featherbed?” Poppycock's eyes went wide, “Cousin?” “Yes, unlike Equestria, griffons make sure to care and cherish our accidents well.” He turned to the mares, “Thank you for bringing Robin Song to the event. Equestrian diplomatic practices give so little opportunity for proper meetings.” “It was my absolute pleasure to finally have you two meet face to face,” she said, picking up quickly. She looked at Poppycock. “But now that the nobility’s greatest gossiper knows the relationship, there may be opportunity for her openly being in your presence from now on without worrying about clandestine rumors.” “Yes, that is true. I could finally visit your son’s grave as well.” “A son?” “Yes, I know you met Dreikernebrot a few times. He died three years ago. You were always the one saying none of my children have the same father during events when you were younger, weren’t you? You were absolutely obsessed with the idea I spent so much time with a hippogriff. And here I thought you changed your opinion on matters since you have been trying to court support from my family.” “But you were only twenty years apart.” “And? Isn’t it normal for beings the same age to have relationships. Perhaps if noble lives were different, you would be a margravine instead of a marchioness.” “Thank you, margrave,” she put her hoof on his shoulder, “But then you and my lovely grandchildren wouldn’t be here.” “Marchioness, this is embarrassing,” Robin pleaded. “Don’t be.” She turned around. “Now that we have proof of the relationship from the margrave, I can get you three entitled. Maybe even with the ones I inherited from House Panera if my sons don’t shape up.” She wagged her hoof at her, “No more pretending to be servants for you. You’ll all be calling me grandma in public by the end of the month.” “Duke Poppycock, there you are,” Prince Blueblood walked over. “You barely made it in time. That’s surprising. I thought you’d be the first one here.” “There were circumstances, but they are settled.” “That’s good to hear, cousin.” He turned. “And Lady Pumpernickel, your reappearance is what everyone is talking about, except the obvious.” “Yes. I wasn’t about to miss this.” “And this must be one of the children of the manager of the Panera estate,” he smiled. “Don’t be like that, Prince Blueblood. You know exactly who she is. You pulled her tail and cut one of her pigtails out of her hair the one and only time I allowed you on my property, you rapscallion.” Prince Blueblood looked embarrassed. “To be fair… I didn’t have my cutie mark yet when that happened.” “Still haven’t received that apology letter yet.” “But my father said he’d… ah…” his face fell, “I’ll write another one later today.” “Good. And I’ll make sure she’s holding it in her official portrait.” “Wait, what?” Blueblood said surprised. “Yes, no thanks to my sons apparently.” She looked at the margrave, “I must thank the dark mage at some point privately.”   “You have assisted, Margrave Olov?” he quizzed. “I called out her unmarried name the second I saw her. My father’s mother’s father had many love letters and photographs of them together.” He looked at her. “I will personally head back to Gotaland to get them if needed.” “You’re related to the grandson of the late dowager?” Blueblood said surprised. “Marchioness, your power is about to increase greatly being related to the Gotaland royal family. Lord Belmont spoke privately of some old useless baron titles passed down through Derby he would be happy to gift if the opportunity arose, but now I fear even a viscounty and two earldoms may be too small for your grandchildren.” “Oh?” she looked at Olov. “My mother is the half-sister of the king by her second marriage. Apparently, she wasn’t too old to have another child. The king executed the entire doctor’s family for that blunder and made sure my mother’s parents were never alone together for another 10 years,” he chuckled. “Just to make sure there wasn’t a son next time.” “Well, if that’s the case then my three flights of fancy don’t need to worry about titles, do they.” “I believe everyone is counting their chickens before they hatch,” Poppycock said. “Creating a count or higher requires a vote in the house of lords. A viscounty is the highest the princesses can give on their own.” “Well, if this stalls there are always my family’s titles. My grandmother was an only child and my younger uncle will not be having children due to his… persuasion. They were going to be returned to me anyway. If needed, I know he would be happy to give them.” “Becoming foreign nobles would have great legal repercussions for them,” the duke said. “Which can all be worked out later. How about you two stay in the castle as my guests and we can discuss things with Aunt Celestia once things calm down in a couple days.” “That sounds wonderful. That would give us time to bring her brother and sister from the countryside. Oh, could you handle the invites. As a get around for the sons?” “I’d be happy to.” “Prince Blueblood, could I impose on you to take care of the marchioness and her granddaughter? I do need to get back to my ambassador’s duties.” “If Lady Pumpernickel agrees to it, I’d be happy to.” “Oh, alright. Since the stallions seem to make all the decisions anyway. Come on, Robin. Push me along.” He nodded, then turned to Poppycock. “I will see you later, cousin. Perhaps we can mingle with the marquess after this presentation?” “We will have to see,” he nodded a bow. “Right this way, ladies,” Prince Blueblood turned around and walked away. “Excuse me…” Robin said as she pushed Lady Pumpernickel away. As she did, Lady Pumpernickel turned around to look at Poppycock. Then she held her left front leg horizontal and sharply lifted her right hoof behind it. Robin raised her wing to hide it and scolded her. Poppycock pressed his lips together at getting the pony equivalent of the middle finger. “There you are,” Irmhild said as the griffons finally arrived. “You have been keeping secrets from me, Poppycock.” “You’re one to talk. Margrave Olov just said—” “Greetings everypony and honored beings,” Luna said, making a grand entrance to the room. “I hope you have had a wonderful time chit chatting while you waited. Now that we have confirmed everyone is present, it is time for us to enter the throne room. Follow me.” Celestia joined her sister and they led the group of over 400 individuals towards the throne room. ~~***~~ The right and left doors glowed with blue and gold magic and they swung wide, revealing the huge room full of mattresses and pillows. “What is this?!” Irmhild shouted. The princesses walked forward and turned around. “This meeting is going to take place in the dreamscape,” Luna said loudly. “The supposed dark mage, Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight, and many ambassadors are already waiting for us in the dream version of the throne room,” Celestia said. “If any of you are uncomfortable with this, you can return to the dining hall. Every being who is willing to continue, please enter and find a comfortable spot.” “Time in the dreamspace is accelerated,” Luna picked up, “We can spend hours in there talking, but awake to find only a few minutes have passed. This is the fastest way we can have these discussions under the circumstances. It has been a long, bright night. And it is in everyone’s best interest and health to get the moon up as soon as possible. I know the papers have told stories of an injury I suffered. It was an accident, and that issue has been resolved with much practice. Also, as the host of the dream, any deliberate attempt at injury would have to get through me first. All of you will be perfectly safe. You have the words of the diarchs of Equestria.” “Any questions before we enter?” Celestia asked. “Where are the sleeping ones now? You are clearly awake, Princess Luna.” “Good question, Lord Fire Whirl. They are in a dreamplane I handed off to Princess Cadence to host. Once I create a new one for all of us, I will contact hers and we will merge them together. Again, this has been practiced a great deal. And there is no danger.” “So you left the dark mage in the presence of the only pony immune to dark magic?” Marquess Metis asked. “The individual you are referring to is with both Princess Cadence and Twilight at the moment, correct.” “You are dancing around the subject. Is there or is there not a dark mage,” Lord Fire Whirl pressed. “Everything will be answered in the dreamplane,” Celestia intervened. “Everyone. Make your decision quickly and enter if you wish to participate.” Prince Blueblood entered immediately. Robin pushed Lady Pumpernickel in and he helped her find a place. The griffons entered next. Then Poppycock and Blarney. Lord Fire Whirl, his children, and the children of his councilmates entered next. Seeing so many prominent individuals enter without hesitation made everyone else file in. Celestia and Luna moved to the dais and they sat on their thrones and watched every single being come in. “We thank all of you for trusting us,” Celestia said. “Now find a comfortable position, and we will begin. And remember. This is still an official court session even though it is in the dreamplane. Protocol still applies; any disorder will not be tolerated and you will be removed. Any pony who awakens early will be removed by the guards to a side room to be lectured by us once the meeting ends.” They waited until everyone stopped moving. Luna lit her horn.