Star Trek: Equestrian Rescue

by Blake Skies

Chapter Three

Chapter Three:

First contact

Blaze sat at his desk within his ready room, his face resting within his hand. Sul’Vin and Gorear sitting across from him, Sul’Vin’s face was stoic and Vulcan but Gorear was meek. This was a rare moment aboard the Evans; rarely have Blaze ever been embarrassed over the actions of his crew. But when events like this do happen, it really got to him. However this event was probably the worst, they had inadvertently violated the Prime Directive, putting all of the careers of the crew at jeopardy.
Blaze took a deep sigh before lifting his head and looking at his first officer, “So let me get this straight; you failed to notice a butterfly….” After a quick and unamused chuckle at even the thought, Blaze continued, “Butterfly…any you failed to notice a…butterfly... you of all people!”
“Admiral it landed very softly, and my attention was…” Sul’Vin began.
“You’re Vulcan! That’s not supposed to happen to you!” Blaze snapped. Both Gorear and Sul’Vin didn’t move or change expressions. Blaze recomposed himself before continuing, “So that butterfly landed on you, a local noticed it, tapped your stealth suit and disengaged it. So she did the only natural thing and ran.”
“And before we realized it, we were…surrounded by citizens from the nearby town apparently called Ponyville.” Gorear finished, “One of them, a mint pony apparently named Lyra was quite happy to see us, if I might add, as was another Pink one who’s preparing to throw us a party.”
Once again Blaze rested his forehead in his hand, “And you proceeded to make first contact with this species.”
“An impromptu one but yes Admiral, it was the only logical conclusion as they saw through every one of our cover stories in an instant.” Sul’Vin answered.
“And so what does Logic expect me to do?” Blaze asked.
“Well Captain, it seems that the next step is unavoidable.” Sul’Vin answered.
Blaze sank in his chair. Once again he had made a stupid career move. All the other times these dumb moves have worked out in the end. This one however did not seem to have a good ending. Shaking his head, Blaze looked right back at Sul’Vin, “What am I going to do now go down there and formally introduce us to a species that is not supposed to know about us yet?!”
Just then his combag beeped.
Blaze tapped his combag, “Johnson here.”
“Admiral we’re getting a transmission from the surface. A Princess Celestia is wishing to speak with you at her Castle.” Seren came through.
Blaze looked at the two officers with fire burning from his eyes, “Tell me you did not leave a piece of technology on that planet?!”
Gorear shook his head, “No sir we recovered every piece of technology.”
“Sir, it’s an old form of communication, emanating from a section within the castle. It’s even sent us a series of beam in coordinates.” Seren answered.
“How…” Blaze started but then shook off his thoughts. Better to investigate than assume, “Okay I’m on my way.” He then looked back at his officers, “Well keep your fingers crossed we haven’t done irreparable damage.” Then the Admiral began moving towards the door.
“Would you like me to contact Starfleet?” Sul’Vin asked.
“You’re gonna do it anyway so why bother asking?” Gorear shot back.
“It’s standard procedure to inform the commanding…” Sul’Vin started.
But Blaze did not hear the rest of the conversation as he exited his ready room. As he walked through the bridge towards the turbolift, he motioned to Quells, “Quells you’re with me.”
“Yes sir.” Quells answered.
“Sir,” Thatok began, “I must request my presence on this mission. We do not know what these creatures may do upon our arrival.”
“They didn’t kill our away team nor have they fired upon the Evans yet Mr. Thatok,” Blaze answered, “So I highly doubt these ponies will try anything funny.”
“Ever still, I’d feel better if you were accompanied by a security team.” Thatok, “Even first contact procedures state that high ranking officers must be…”
“Don’t quote regulations Tha,” Viz started, “You know how mad the Admiral gets when he doesn’t get his way.”
“An interesting sarcastic statement,” Elal remarked.
Blaze sighed “Alright make that Quells, Thatok, and Lotar you’re with me. Sul’Vin you have the con.”
Sul’Vin and Gorear entered the room just as the order was given. Sul’Vin simply nodded as Blaze and his away team headed towards the Turbolift. Once the four were piled into the turbolift, Blaze ordered the futuristic elevator towards Transporter room four.
It wasn’t long before the quartet was standing within the transporter pad waiting to be beamed down towards the planet. Transporter Chief O’Malley plugged in the coordinates supplied from the Princess. “Okay Blaze if these are right this should put you just outside the throne room.”
“How far outside?” Lotar asked.
“You’ll just have to see for yourself.” The Chief answered.
Blaze nodded, “Okay let’s see what’s down there, energize.”
The chief nodded then began the transporting sequence. Within no time the away team found themselves within a large atrium within a castle. In front of them were large doors that opened onto a beautiful garden below. Behind them was a large flight of stairs leading to an upper level.
Within seconds Lotar had his tricorder out and began to scan. “Very well designed castle,” Lotar observed.
“I didn’t think you had an eye for architecture Lotar.” Quells smirked, “But I agree this is very nice.”
“Keep it down guys, we’re not here for site seeing.” Blaze commented.
Just then the sound of hooves walking on tile drew everyone’s attention to the upper level as an Earth pony covered in knights armor appeared. He looked down on the away team with suspicious eyes.
The jester was not offensive to any of the members, as it generally came with away missions that involved first contact. However the usual line of “We come in Peace,” had already been established. So the only thing left now was introductions. “I’m Admiral Blaze Johnson of the Starship Evans. We’re here to see the Princess. We represent the United Federation…”
“Ah you’re the guests we’re expecting. Follow me; the Princess is eager to meet you.” The guard greeted before trotting off.
After looking at each other, the away team ascended the stairs and followed the guard. It certainly took awhile for them to reach the throne room, if that was where the guard was actually taking them. However the time was not important to the away team, as the guard lead them through some very lavish hallways. Quells did stop a few times to sightsee but Lotar quickly pulled her back into the group.
Thatok however did make a passing comment to Blaze, “Admiral, I’ve noticed the extremely lack of guards within this castle. If this is indeed the capital of these lands, they are not doing a good job of protecting it.”
“Maybe that’s how they do things here Tha,” Blaze told his chief of security, “Besides we don’t greet guests with our security guards.”
“At Least not anymore,” Lotar murmured.
Finally the pony led them to a set of large doors. When the doors opened, the sight that bestowed the quartet was indescribable.

Twilight Sparkle stood in total shock in front of her mentor Princess Celestia. The news the princess had just informed her of had taken the lavender pony completely off guard. Well the news was just one of the many things that had ruined a perfectly awesome date with Trixie.
First the massive commotion that Applebloom and her friends had caused about aliens invading Ponyville had brought the dinner date to an abrupt end. Then there was Lyra who was dragging everyone in Ponyville towards the field to prove that the myth of Humans was real. Of course Twilight had got there after these so called Aliens had left so she never got a look. Because of this, Twilight had taken a completely skeptical view towards all of this. A view that she thought would’ve been supported by Princess Celestia.
That view took an immediate hit when Princess Celestia called her, just her, to report to Canterlot immediately. So the unicorn did, leaving Trixie and her five other friends plus Spike waiting back at the Library completely confused. Then when Twilight appeared within the Princess’s chambers, she gets told by Princess Celestia that Humans indeed exist and a group of them were about to appear very shortly.
All this put together had left the poor prodigy completely confused. “Uh pardon my bluntness Princess but come again?” Twilight asked tilting her head.
“You heard me right Twilight, they will be here shortly.” Princess Celestia answered, her face amused but serious.
“Seriously Lyra was right all this time? I mean I know of all the myths and legends but I never imagined that…” Twilight began.
“That four of them would appear on Equestria right out of the blue, and that another four are now coming here from their spaceship to talk with us?” Princess Celestia finished. Bemused Twilight nodded, to which Princess Celestia giggled, “To be honest neither did I. I remember my mother telling me the old stories myself. I never imagined I’d see them in my own life time, more or less communicating peacefully with them. Quite the interesting political situation we’re in eh Twilight?” To which the princess simply laughed.
Twilight couldn’t help but join in the laughter, “It is kinda funny when you think about it, I can only imagine what their leader is thinking about right now. So moving this along, what role would you have me play Princess?”
“Well Luna is a thousand years out of touch with our diplomatic protocols, and she’s also tied up with the missing ponies’ investigation along with Shinning Armor. So Twilight I would like you to serve as our Ambassador to these Humans.” Princess Celestia answered.
Twilight’s eyes widened for a moment before retracting and she bowed, “Thank you Princess I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t Twilight, now get ready, their almost here.” Princess Celestia said as the sounds of foot falls filled the chambers. Twilight raced over to the Princess’s side as the large doors opened.
In stepped a member of the Royal guardsmen and followed was the four guests.

Talk about a ruler… Blaze thought to himself as he laid eyes upon the Ruler of Equestria, or what he took was a ruler. The large pony was about the size of an average adult pony on Earth, but with a set of equally large wings and a magnificent horn. This pony, if she can be called that, had an ice white coat. Her mane and tail colors were a rainbow of green, pink, blue, and white that flowed as if they were being blown in the wind. She sat on a beautiful throne decked in gold and jewels.
On her flank was an over embellished image of the sun. The only tell-tale point to prove she was a ruler of some kind was her perfectly placed golden crown.
To the ruler’s right was a smaller, lavender pony with a mix of purple and violet mane. This small pony was awestruck at the sight of the away team. A sentiment that was shared by the away team at the sight of these two ponies, however the away team kept their emotions hidden. In fact Blaze’s expression was as stoic as a Vulcan.
Just then the large pony spoke, “Welcome to Equestria ambassadors of the Human race and Earth. I am Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of the lands of Equestria.”
“And I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Princess’s royal Student and Ambassador, Welcome.” The small pony introduced.
Blaze nodded. “I’m Vice Admiral Blaze Johnson of the U.S.S. Evans. These are my officers Commanders Thatok and Quells, and Lieutenant Commander Lotar.” He introduced pointing at the respective officer, “My apologies Princess but your information is incorrect. We do not represent just Earth, but the United Federation of Planets.”
The Princess seemed confused for a moment, “I’m afraid I was not aware Earth was part of a coalition of planets.”
It was now Blaze’s turn to be caught off guard, “Yes we are and have been for a decent amount of time.”
Princess Celestia nodded, and then removed her confused expression with a smile, “I’m sure you all have a lot of questions, because I have many for all of you. But I must speak with the Vice Admiral alone for a moment. Twilight can you show our guests around the castle?”
“Certainly Princess,” Twilight agreed before trotting out towards the Away team.
“Admiral?” Quells asked with a little bit of concern.
“Don’t worry I’ll be fine,” Blaze answered, “Enjoy the tour.”
Quells nodded before Twilight lead the three of them out of the room. Two royal guards closed the doors behind them. Once the doors were closed Blaze turned back to the Princess, who was now standing full erect, adding a few inches to her height. “I’m afraid you’ve caught me at a disadvantage here Princess, my usual first contact missions don’t involve the species actually knowing anything about us.” Blaze said.
“The disadvantage was mine, I was going off of the old stories of your planet I heard as a child. I must ask what brings you too Equestria, my parents had told me that Humans would not be out this far this soon.” Princess Celestia asked Blaze.
“Depends on what your definition of soon would be, but back in our galaxy we have discovered means to travel between the stars and galaxies now at speeds faster than light. The only reason why were here in this one is because it’s the closest. Why we are here is because your solar system is incorrect to the common held themes we know as science on Earth.” Blaze answered.
“Ah, you’re referring to the sun and moon revolving around Eques?” Princess Celestia answered.
“That’s the planets name?”
“It’s formal name, but most ponies know it simply as Equestria.” Princess Celestia answered now in front of Blaze.
Blaze nodded, “Makes sense, any who yes that is why we’re here. Me and my crew are explorers, as is the Arm of the Federation: Starfleet. Our job is to seek out new life and new civilization.”
“And I take it we fit that mold really well. Is your next step to put us within your Federation Protectorate?” The Princess smiled looking Blaze in the eye.
“My people have a strict policy of non-interference with any species, it is our prime directive. In fact we do not reveal ourselves to pre warp civilizations like this one. However if we were to, we would only convey our wishes through Diplomats and let the planets government decide.” Blaze answered not breaking the stair, “You however are probably the most relaxed diplomat and ruler I’ve met.”
“Well One thousand years of rule can mellow a pony out.” Princess Celestia asked.
Not bad looking for your age neither Blaze thought to himself, “Let me ask you a question now. How were you able to contact my ship, better yet how do you know of us?”
Princess Celestia nodded, “Fair question.” She then turned and trotted over to a window before opening it out onto the world below. “Over millennia ago, we ponies and others traveled with a species called the Preservers.”
Blaze was stunned, “You existed with the Preservers?”
“Yes, we ponies were their beasts of Burden. We helped populate many planets across the cosmos. Because of our labor many cultures would be ready to be born, as pension the Preservers gave us this planet to colonize as our own.” Celestia told Blaze, “Even gave us the ability to leave should things begin to die.”
Blaze’s jaw dropped at this story, “You have warp capability?”
“Capability yes, but where would warp drive take us except away from here.” Princess Celestia answered with a smile, “Those Spatial anomalies that exist around the planet are wells of magical energy that power the unicorns of this planet and allow me and Princess Luna to raise and low the sun and moon. The land is fertile for the Earth Ponies to grow vast amounts of crops. And the weather is controllable, able to be changed and moved at will by our illustrious Pegasi. Simply put Admiral, this planet is paradise.”
Blaze was completely shocked by what he was hearing. After taking a moment to recompose himself, he walked over to the window. He could see a garden below, with his away team looking it over. Quells spotted him and shouted, “Blaze this planet is amazing, have you ever seen the like?”
A small, relieved smile took Blaze’s face, “Princess I apologize for our intrusion.”
“Not necessary, we haven’t had guests in a long while.” Princess Celestia smiled, “I even think one pony is planning a massive party for you right now.”
Blaze looked at the Princess, “Princess Celestia, I believe we have more to talk about.”

Once back aboard the Evans, Blaze immediately headed to the bridge with a large smile on his face. But once he got the bridge, his expression did a one eighty when he saw Sul’Vin’s face. “Admiral, Fleet Admiral Janeway wishes to speak with you privately.” The Vulcan told him.
Blaze sighed, “Have the transmission my ready room.”
“I’m afraid that will not be necessary Admiral. I’m already here.” a voice said from the vicinity of Blaze’s ready room. Blaze closed his eyes and swore to himself. When he reopened he saw, standing the door way of his ready room the Fleet Admiral he admired most. She was the very same Admiral he personally reported to. The famous captain of the U.S.S. Voyager, Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway. And she was not happy to see Blaze.
Blaze returned her expression with a very long release of air, “Shit.”