//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: My Little Kingdom Hearts: Hearts Are Power // by Ultimauser50 //------------------------------// In the castle grounds Twilight, Pinkie Pie, AppleJack, Fluttershy, and Rarity are lying in the grass looking at the stars in the sky. “Wow, it sure is beautiful.” said Pinkie Pie in a trance. “It sure is.” replies Everypony. “So, Twi.” “Yes AppleJack?” “What do ya think Princess Celestia’s Mark of Mastery Test is gonna be like?” “I’m not sure, but we’ll have to rest up. Who knows what Celestia will have in store for us tomorrow.” “Aw what are you guys so worried about?!” asks Pinkie Pie rolling onto her tummy. “Were gonna do great! We’ve trained hard for this right?” “RIGHT!” shouts everypony. “And we’re gonna give the test our all right?” “RIGHT!” “And we’re gonna pass with flying colors right?!” “RIGHT!” “Exactly!” shouted Pinkie Pie as she rolled onto her back with a huge smile. “So we’ve got nothing to worry about.” “Pinkie’s right.” said Rarity. “We’ll do just fine.” “Thanks Pinkie.” said Fluttershy with a smile. “For what?” “The confidence boost… I was a little nervous at first, but thanks to you I think I can do it.” “Glad to help.” “Hey, I have an idea.” said Twilight standing up and pulling out her keyblade Spell Caster. “Let’s spar before we head home. It’d be a great way to get us fired up for tomorrow’s test.” “Ah couldn’t agree more.” said AppleJack as she pulled out her keyblade Cider Buster and took her battle stance. Pinkie quickly shot up with her keyblade Party Palooza in hand. “Woohoo! This is gonna be fun!” Rarity casually stood up with her keyblade Generous Gift in hand. “Yes, well let’s not take too long with this. We don’t want to be ‘too’ tired for tomorrow.” Fluttershy slowly get up and pulls out her keyblade Butterfly Kiss. “Um, g-guys…could you pl-please go easy one m-me?” “Sorry Fluttershy, but Princess Celestia isn’t gonna go easy on you tomorrow, so you’re gonna have to give it your all like the rest of us.” said Twilight. “Uh, o-okay.” “Let’s begin!!” shouted Pinkie Pie as she charged out at AppleJack and attempted to strike at her face. AppleJack easily knocked her keyblade to the side attempted to strike at Pinkie Pie’s stomach. Twilight quickly knocked AppleJack’s keyblade up and swings at her, Rarity charges at AppleJack but she quickly ducks causing Twilight’s keyblade to swing at Rarity which she barely blocks Twilight’s keyblade swing. Fluttershy just stands on the side lines watching the battle rage on until Pinkie Pie gently pokes her on the shoulder with her keyblade getting her attention. “Ready Fluttershy?” “Uh…Not really Pinkie.” “Here I come!” Pinkie Pie pulls her keyblade back and swings at Fluttershy. Fluttershy quickly ducks and runs away from Pinkie Pie. “Hey! Come back here!” shouted Pinkie Pie as she charges after Fluttershy. “Pinkie! Please! I don’t want to continue!” “You have to! It’s gonna be on the test!” Fluttershy’s eyes quickly went from scared to intense. “I. Said. NO!!” Fluttershy quickly hops back and swings at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie barely blocks it and even though her keyblade stopped the attack she was forced to the ground due to the force of Fluttershy’s swing. Fluttershy looked down at Pinkie Pie with an enraged face panting, after a few seconds Fluttershy gasps and helps Pinkie Pie up. “Oh Pinkie, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to-” “That was great! Keep that up and you’ll pass tomorrow for sure.” “Uh, r-right.” Back with the others Twilight, AppleJack, and Rarity are still trading keyblade swings. Rarity swings at Twilight but Twilight easily cancels out her attack with a fire spell, knocking Rarity’s swing back. AppleJack tries her luck and swings at Twilight, she barely blocks AppleJack’s attack and pushes her back. Twilight and Rarity then quickly go back at it trading swings with each other. AppleJack quickly re-joins the intense battle until the three jump away from each other, panting for air. “N-Not bad, you two.” Twilight said, still gasping for air. “I-I think we’re ready for tomorrow.” “Ah th-think so, too. So what do ya say Twi? Should we stop here and get some sleep?” asked AppleJack. “Yes, I think now’s a perfect time to pack it up. Hey, has anyone seen Pinkie or Fluttershy?” The three look around until they spot Fluttershy still running away from Pinkie Pie. “PINKIE!! PLEASE STOP CHASING ME!!” shouted Fluttershy running at top speed. “BUT WE HAVEN’T EVEN GOTTEN INTO IT YET!!” shouted Pinkie Pie running at top speed with keyblade in hand. Twilight, AppleJack, and Rarity couldn’t help but laugh there heads off at the spectacle. -In the castle thrown room- Princess Celestia is looking at the moon with concern in her eyes. “What troubles you sister?” asks Luna as she approaches her sister. “I sense, a storm coming.” “Is that why you decided to have the girl’s mark of mastery exam early?” “Yes, I need to see if they’re ready for anything. Tomorrow will tell me everything.” “Will you tell them the situation tomorrow?” “Only IF they pass the test.” -In the Maze Garden at Midnight- A figure in a black coat walks up to Discord's statue which had him in his petrified state and he places his hand on his leg and the stone which had encased him slowly disappeared until he was freed. “Ah! To be free and all powerful again!” said Discord stretching his arms. “And who are you?” The figure removed his hood and revealed himself to be young Xehanort. “My name is Xehanort. And you’re going to help me drown the worlds in darkness.” “Worlds?” asked Discord in actual shock. “You mean there are other worlds besides this one?” “Yes, and I require your assistance to guide them to the depths of darkness. Will you help?” asked Xehanort holding out his hand. Discord the let out a devilish smile and shook Xehanort’s hand “Of course child, any excuse to cause chaos is a good excuse.” “Good.” Then a black portal opens up and Vanitus walks out with an unconscious Luna on his back. “I brought her like you asked. She was a little bit of trouble, but I was able to take her down.” “Is she alive?” “Yes master, I was surprised, the enhancements you gave me actually gave me an edge. But I don’t know what you see in this loser. She was tough, but nothing to actually report.” Xehanort's no name keyblade appears in his hand and he aims his keyblade over her heart. “It’s not ‘her’ I want, it’s what exists inside her heart.” Xehanort then stabs Luna’s chest causing her to slightly yelp in pain as her heart begins to unleash darkness until the darkness takes shape into Nightmare Moon. “Dark creature from Luna’s heart, tell me, are you the creature the beings of this world refer to as ‘Nightmare Moon’?” “Yes, and I thank you for freeing me, now I’ll be on my way.” “Halt!” said Xehanort slightly raising his voice. “Hm? What is it?” “I did not free you from your prison just to watch you go, I require your assistance.” “Oh really? You already have that brain dead idiot helping you, what could you want from me?” “Well, ‘hello’ to you to Nightmare Moon.” said Discord crossing his arms in annoyance. “I need your help because I intend to drown the worlds in darkness. I need your help.” Xehanort then held out his hand. “Will you help me?” Nightmare Moon stared at Xehanort for a few seconds and looked at his hand and smiled. “Alright, if it means drowning worlds in darkness I’m in.” “Good, now let’s go. We need to meet the others.” “Others?” asked Discord and Nightmare Moon. “Yes, there are others that will assist in blackening the worlds. We will now go and meet them.” Xehanort raised his hands to the sky and the four disappeared in a flash of darkness.