A Short Goodbye

by Hybridnecros

A Short Goodbye

“Are you sure you want to go?” asked the blond-colored mare as she and a younger, orange foal stood on the train platform.

“I’ve never been surer about anythin’ in my life.” replied the younger.

“You do know that there are opportunities here that you could not even dream about back in Ponyville, right?

“I know that. It’s just….well…. I’m grateful for letting me stay here and all the things ya’ll taught me, but a part of me feels like there’s somethin’ missing and I feel like I can find that somethin’ back in Ponyville.”

The older mare stared into the bright green eyes of the foal, causing her to shift uncomfortably under her gaze.


“You really are my sister’s child.” She said wistfully as a small smile crept on her face. “I see a lot of her in you, especially your eyes.”

“Huh?”, she replied, tilting her head slightly in confusion.

“Did you know that she was originally from Manehatten dear? Born in a hospital naught but a few blocks from this very station.”

The foal scratched the back of her head, still confused by the sudden change in topic. “Well I heard granny say before that mom wasn’t from Ponyville, but I never really thought about it before.”

“Oh yes. Both her and I spent our foalhood years living amongst the hustle and bustle of this city. I still remember the days when we would race eachother from our apartment to Hudson park.” closing her eyes and sighing at the fond memory.
“Then one day, she met your father while he was dropping off an order for a local market,fell head over hooves in love with him, and after a few months, decided to move to Ponyville and marry him. And now, after so many years, I find myself standing here having same conversation with her daughter that I had with her.” She said, moisture slowly forming on the corner of her eyes.

“Auntie.” The younger replied, feeling her own tears beginning to build. Upon seeing this, the older mare wiped the edge of her own eyes with her hoof before planting it firmly onto the platform, adopting a resolute posture.

“Now listen closely darling. I said some absolutely horrid things to her that day because I felt as though she abandoned her family, which I realize now, couldn't be farther from the truth. I refuse to make that same mistake again, so I will not stop you from returning. However, please promise me one thing dear: If you ever need anything, anything at all, please tell me without hesitation. I promised your mother that I would always take care of you and I am a mare of my word. So would you kindly do me this small favor?”

The foal nodded, fighting back her tears.

“Applejack darling, I know that you may not like it here, but there will always be place here for you. While our time together may have been a good deal shorter than what I wanted, I shall always think of you as my own daughter.”

As the last sentence escaped her lips, the older mare was brought in close as the younger mare's hooves held her neck in a loving embrace, the younger's tears dampening her fur. They clung to each other for what seemed like an eternity, until the mare felt another hoof touch her side.

“Honey, the train will be departing soon.” said a soft voice, underlying with a hint of gruffness and dignity.

The mare turned to face her husband, a mustard-colored stallion with a mint green mane and tail, who wore an sad expression across his muzzle. A quick glance to the station clock told her that he was correct and she softly loosened herself from the foals embrace. Once freed, she took a step backwards and cleared her throat and regained her dignified poise. “Jacqueline Samantha Apple!”

The foal quickly stood at attention, forgetting her tears in her practiced,sudden reaction. “Yes Madame Orange!”

“This shall be my final lesson to you as Headmistress of the Manehatten School for Developing Mares. While many say that first impressions are important to any meeting, how one departs from an event speaks volumes about one’s traits and personality. As you should know, a lady shall conduct herself with poise and dignity, no matter what circumstances she should find herself. Thus, if a lady should be forced to excuse herself from an event, she should do so with the utmost grace and composure. Should you find yourself in such a situation, you should seek out the host and inform him or her of you exit. Now repeat after me: I thank you for your hospitality, but I fear I must depart.”

The foal stood still for a moment before wiping the tears from her muzzle and dropping into a shallow curtsey. “Mr. Orange. Mrs. Orange. I thank you for your immense kindness and hospitality these last few months, but I fear I must leave you now. I pray that you both have a pleasant evening and wish you the best of health.”

The mare brought her hoof to her muzzle in slight surprise before curtseying herself “It was a pleasure, Jacqueline my dear. I wish you safe passage on your travels.”

“The pleasure was all mine, I assure you. Now I’d best make my way onto the train, lest they decide to depart without me. Ta ta for now, dearest Auntie. I shall try my hardest to keep in touch.” The foal replied, picking up her saddlebag and walking toward the train with all the poise she could muster. As she neared the door to the passenger cars, a sharp yell managed to reach her ears amidst the sounds from the train platform.

“Applejack darling!”

Applejack snapped to attention and turned to scan the platform for its’ source, recognizing it as her aunts. However, hearing her nickname in her Aunt’s voice was surprising to say the least. Ever since she came to live with her, both her aunt and uncle have always referred to her either Jacquline or Samantha, casting off the familiar moniker as a grotesque mutilation of her beautiful name. After a few seconds, she saw both her aunt and uncle waving at her from the platform. A smile escaped her lips as she brought her hoof up to return their wave. When her aunt saw that she had her attention, she brought her hoof to the side of her muzzle and shouted,

“You all come back now, you hear!”