//------------------------------// // Chapter Four: 20% Cooler // Story: Fluttershy the Transcolt // by Mintyluc //------------------------------// I looked down at my hooves and looked back up at her. I just had to say it, I already had once. I looked her in the eyes and the words just sort of came out. But this time, since I had already vented my feelings, there were fewer words than Rarity had to endure. "I....w-want to...be a colt." I whispered. Rainbow Dash cocked her head to the side and squinted her eyes. "Uh...come again?" She asked. I looked over at Rarity for comfort, not knowing what Rainbow Dash didn't understand. Rarity simply closed her eyes, smiled, and nodded. I looked back over at Rainbow Dash. Maybe she just hadn't heard me. "I-I...want to be a c-colt." Rainbow Dash's head popped up, her eyes wide. Oh gosh, here came the cloud messages. The screaming and hollering about how I felt to Ponyville was completely inevitable. This was so wrong, I shouldn't have told her... "Awesome!" she shouted, smiling. I lowered my head and blinked a few times out of sheer confusion. Rarity reacted differently than I thought she would, and now Rainbow Dash. I didn't understand what was going on. How could they accept me so simply when I thought I was a freak? All I knew was that this meant that my secret was safe from the rest of Ponyville for now, thankfully. "R-really?" I asked Rainbow Dash, breathing out slowly. Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded, "Totally! Did you know one of the Wonderbolts is a transcolt?" My head then perked up. I guess this meant I wasn't so alone. Maybe being a transcolt was a lot more normal than I'd initially thought. Something told me that I had a lot to learn about all of this and that this day was just the beginning. It was scary, but I knew I had at least two friends behind me, which made for a great confidence boost. "You know Soarin, right?" Rainbow Dash asked, and then she smiled. "Who knew, right? Uh, nopony until he told all of Equestria in a press conference. Anyway, I think it's cool Fluttershy, thanks for telling me! Who else knows?" I turned and looked at Rarity. It would have been only her if she hadn't practically dragged me here. I knew she was helping me though, so I couldn't be angry at her. I wish she'd let me do this on my own time though. At my acknowledgment of her, Rarity finally chimed in. "Just us three! I happened to know you'd be around here today so I thought we should run right over to see you and tell you! Better now, not later, right?" Rainbow Dash made a face at her. I think she felt what I had been thinking, but too shy to say. It's not like it was that big of a deal anyway. "Rarity, did you even ask Fluttershy before coming here?" Rainbow Dash asked, starting to sound increasingly offended. I didn't want them to start fighting because of me; I certainly was no reason to fight. Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but after thinking for a moment she dropped her head and sighed, "No. I just thought---" "---I know what you thought Rarity. You were probably just excited for others to know, too. Right?" Rarity nodded. Rainbow Dash shrugged and turned to me, "Fluttershy, is it okay that I know?" Rainbow Dash asked, smiling at me. I nodded slowly, smiling back at her, "I didn't want to tell anypony at first...but after telling you I think I can tell the others..." Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at this. I guess she wasn't so used to me being sure of myself. "You sure?" I nodded again, still smiling. Of course I was scared to tell her at first, but Rarity's little push, while hostile at first, ended up being a good thing for me---a really good thing. Now I was not only comfortable with the idea, but comfortable with my friends knowing. I suppose what Rarity did was wrong, but at the same time, it had helped me. Rarity was only trying to do just that, anyway. "Cool. So, do you want to tell Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie?" I thought for a moment. Rainbow Dash had done the absolute opposite of what I thought she'd do. Instead of telling everypony, she seemed offended that Rairty had made me tell her against my wishes. I knew I should just get it over with and tell the other three, but that fear was still there---even if it had decreased. I weighed the good and bad that could come from telling the other mares and decided that while what I envisioned could come true, a more realistic scene could play out. It was possible that they'd be upset that I'd told Rarity and Rainbow Dash right away, but waited to tell them. I looked to the sky, breathing in and out slowly, and decided that the day was young and I might as well get it all over with. I looked back to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, who were exchanging worried glances at each other, and smiled to them. I nodded slowly and told them I would like to tell the other three today, preferably at the same time. While it would be better to have more personal encounters with them, I figured that I'd put it off long enough since the anxiety I had was bubbling up inside of me. I just had to know what their reactions would be. Rainbow Dash said she knew Pinkie Pie would be at the shop so that was the first place we trotted off to. When we arrived, Pinkie Pie was up to her usual self, jumping around happy to see her friends, "We've got something to tell you Pinkie Pie. Well, Fluttershy does." Rainbow Dash stated. Pinkie Pie stopped dancing around us and looked at Rainbow Dash, her spirits simmered down a bit. "Is everypony okay?" she asked, looking from me, to Rarity, and then back to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash nodded and sighed, "Everypony is fine. Can you be cool about this?" She sounded a little frustrated, but I knew she was probably just as anxious as I was. Pinkie Pie's ears and tail deflated and she nodded solemnly. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "Pinkie Pie, don't be sad. It's nothing bad, Rainbow Dash is just a little anxious. That's all." With my words, Pinkie Pie lifted her head up, cheery as ever, and smiled big at me. "Okie Dokie!" she beamed with happiness. I knew Pinkie Pie would probably be the worst of my problems when it came time to telling them all. Now that I was standing in front of her, I realized that her going around town laughing at me was highly unlikely. I smiled back at her, now beaming just as she was. "Pinkie Pie darling," Rarity said, "We need to find Twilight and Applejack first though. Have you seen them?" Pinkie Pie nodded her head vigorously. "Twilight is actually with Applejack! They're at her farm." Rarity smiled at Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash nodded, "Cool." she said simply.