My Little One Piece: Nakama is Magic!

by TimmayIsHawt

Chapter 2: Vivre Card

Author's Note:
Just giving you guys a heads-up that I'll be busy moving from my apartment to a new house. Meaning I won't be posting chapters until I get internet in my new house. However, I will be writing them so by the time I finally get my internet back up there may or may not be a couple of chapters out. I'll try to get some chapters in, but most of my time spent will be moving furniture back and forth so don't expect a lot. Also, this may be a short chapter. Timmay out!

Fluttershy got up wobbly. Her ankle was in deep pain and moving around proved to be difficult. However, she was doing the best she can. She was scared to death right now, but quickly thought about the important things she must do first. She had to find her friends. She mustered up all the courage she had and scanned the area.

It was then she saw something on the ground. A confused expression appearing on her face, she stumbled over to it. It was a ripped piece of paper, and on the bottom-half of it had the words Rayleigh on it. Other than that, it was completely blank.

"Rayleigh?" She thought. "What is this doing in the middle of the Everfree Forest? Was this a ripped letter...? Anyways what kind of name is Rayleigh..." She had Luffy's vivre card on her hoof and noticed it move on it's own ever so slightly. However, at the time, only thought it was the wind. Fluttershy held on to it tightly and brought it with her. For some strange reason, she felt like this was important, she just couldn't explain it. She ventured onwards, going deeper into the Everfree Forest.

Twilight's Group

Everypony was staring at Rainbow Dash. The sunlight shined through the branches, making Rainbow's mane look brighter than usual. Rainbow glanced around nervously, scanning the four ponies faces. She sighed and finally began talking.

"Well... I kind of yelled at Fluttershy-"

"You what!?" The four mares exclaimed, interrupting Rainbow.

"It was on accident! I swear, and I didn't expect her to get hurt that much." Rainbow told them, with sincerity in her voice.

"That still doesn't give you a reason to yell at her like that, you of all ponies know how she is!" Rarity told her, anger rising in her voice. Rainbow looked to the ground, embarrassed and ashamed. "I want you to go look for her, and apologize this instant!"

"We don't even know where she is!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Well, you can start by checking her cottage." Rarity said as she began walking the opposite direction of Rainbow. The three mares looked at her with a sad look, and began following Rarity. Rainbow looked at them with shock.

"You guys...!?" Rainbow cried to them as they continued to walk forward, leaving Rainbow behind. She knew it was her fault, and she knew she deserved this. As they grew apart, Rainbow finally sighed and walked the other way.

"You sure it's okay to let Rainbow go on her own?" Pinkie Pie frowned, asking Twilight. Twilight looked up thinking for a minute, than shrugged.

"It was kind of Rainbow's fault to begin with, but I think leaving her behind to look for Fluttershy is even worse." Twilight said as she sighed. The Everfree Forest was dangerous, and leaving somepony behind was probably the worst decision they could've made.

"I just hope she'll be okay." Twilight looked down glumly. She knew she should go help Rainbow, but she couldn't bring herself too.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy continued venturing the Everfree Forest.

As Fluttershy ventured through the dim forest, she came across a bear paw mark, imprinted on the ground. She examined it for a second, than began running the opposite direction. She knew that Ursa Minors roamed the forest and were a rare sight, but that paw mark was recent and one could be anywhere. She stopped running as soon as she was what she thought a safe distance.

Fluttershy walked along a different route, her courage slowly growing as she noticed nothing bad happening yet, or a Usra Minor appearing anytime soon. She began to appreciate the silent forest, feeling at ease with herself. Her flank brushed against the side of a bush, startling herself for a second. She began to giggle, noticing it was only a bush until she heard the sound of hoofsteps, the same hoofsteps that scared her earlier. It slowly grew louder and louder and she couldn't get herself to move, shaking in fear. The noise stopped and a nearby bush behind her began to rustle. Her eyes grew wide, expecting something to attack her.

A blue colored bird slowly came out of the bush. Fluttershy sighed in relief and approached it.

"Hey little fella, are you-" then out of nowhere, Luffy jumped out of the bush, noticing the yellow pegasus that beheld him. They stared in silence at each other for a couple of seconds, eyes both wide examining one another. That was until Luffy screamed.

"MEEEAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!" he said as, Fluttershy began screaming, running the opposite direction. From Luffy's perspective, he saw food. However, what Fluttershy saw was completely irrelevant. What she saw was a cannibalized pony, chasing her around the forest.

"Wait! Meat! Where are you going!?" Luffy screamed. Fluttershy ran through bushes and dodged trees, trying to escape her pursuer. However, Luffy was fast and strong though and he was slowly catching up to her. That was, until he noticed Fluttershy dropping a small piece of paper she had with her. Luffy stopped, closely examining the paper. He than began to grin widely, clapping his hooves together.

When Fluttershy noticed he wasn't chasing her anymore, she slowed down. To investigate where he ran off to, she back tracked, and realized he wasn't that far away. She hid behind a tree, curiously examining the crazy pony when he came into sight. She saw the red, black maned cannibal pony wearing a straw hat standing over the small, torn paper she picked up awhile back. She looked at Luffy, realizing he was smiling at the paper and clapping his hooves.

"I wonder if he's not that bad after all... but wait Fluttershy, he tried to eat you! Don't approach him he's dangerous!" She argued with herself, deciding whether she should talk to the crazy pony or not. "He may be crazy, but you might be able to help him!" Fluttershy told herself. Fluttershy yelped when she saw his cutie mark. It was a jolly roger mark, however the only difference was it was wearing a straw hat. The same straw hat the crazy pony was wearing.

Luffy clapped his hooves happily when he heard the yellow pegasus yelp. He looked over to her, a large grin appeared over his face. Luffy than began to pull his hoof back and quickly, he launched his rubber hoof over at Fluttershy. Fluttershy screamed as he pulled her over to him. She thought her life was over as she was slowly being pulled to her inevitable doom. That was, until she realized he was hugging her tightly.

"Thank you so much! I've been looking everywhere for this!" Luffy smiled looking at the now blushing pegasus. Luffy let go of her and finally examined the yellow mare. She was a horse just like he was, but she had wings.

"It's no problem... really-" Fluttershy began.

"SO COOL! How come I don't have wings!? Where'd you get the wings!?" Luffy exclaimed, interrupting her, as he stared at the wings of the pegasus, his eyes sparkling. This made Fluttershy's face even redder, taken back by his compliments. That's when Luffy realized another thing. "Wait... did you just talk!?"

"Um... yes?" Fluttershy responded, confused.

"Wow , this place is awesome! Okay, so everyone who talks is a horse thing?" Luffy asked. Fluttershy nodded slowly, still very confused. Fluttershy began to think what could've possibly happened to this stallion. She had lots of questions to ask like how his hoof was able to stretch, and why doesn't he know anything about ponies.

"Um... just wondering-" Fluttershy whispered, but was interrupted again as Rainbow Dash flew out of nowhere, kicking Luffy right in the face. Luffy flew a couple feet by the force of the kick, causing him to crash into a tree.

"Stay away from her you freak!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she slowly landed right next to Fluttershy's side. Luffy got up, since he was rubber it didn't hurt him. Luffy looked up at his attacker and frowned.

"What the hell was that for!?" Luffy glaring at Rainbow Dash.

"I should be asking you the same thing." Rainbow Dash raged with defiance in her eyes.