Trial and Error

by Kiernan

Epilogue: A New Beginning

Epilogue: A New Beginning

"Fluttershy... here ya go!" said the grey pegasus, handing Fluttershy a small box, topped with a letter. Fluttershy opened the letter up immediately. The only time she ever got mail was when someone wanted her to help care for a sick animal, and she just couldn't leave them knowing they were ill. But this letter was strange. It had no return adress, nor did the package. She unfolded the letter. She was glad to read that is wasn't about a sick pet.

Dear Fluttershy,

Firstly, I wish to thank you. I never did get the chance when we finished our project. I rushed out in such a hurry that I forgot. I only remembered a few days ago, that I had forgotten to do so five years ago, and I want to now, because without your help, it would have been a failure. Thank you so much for putting up with all the hell I must've put you through, and I'm very sorry if I caused you any stress.

You may have noticed that this package has no return address. I'm currently in hiding again. You can probably understand why, given the nature of my work, and the prejudices against them. However, I know that you don't support those prejudices, and therefore, I'll tell you how to find me. Back at the castle, in the workshop, is one of my torches. It's held in place by a spell I put down, stopping anyone not wearing the collar that I left on your Kitchen table the day I left, from getting near it. Use any tracking spell on it, and it will lead you to me.

Now, if you haven't opened the package, do so now. Enclosed is a trinket that will allow you to cast spells, like the unicorns do. It's the least I can give you for the wings you gave me. Also enclosed are a few of my notes on some spells I had made from scratch. I want you to give those to Twilight. She has real potential as a spellcaster, And I want her to succeed in that. You may also feel free to use them, once you garner enough magical prowess. I'd ask Twilight to teach you.

It seems my time in public grows short, people are starting to stare at the lump underneath my cape. I hope to see you again, someday.


Fluttershy smiled. She opened the package, and four books and a small chain adorned with a topaz surrounded by golden bands fell out. Fluttershy looked closely at the topaz, and saw a small 'F' etched into the back. she brought it up around her neck, and secured the clasp in place. It looked lovely.

She set the books down on her patio table, and quickly finished her chores.Upon completion, she gathered her books and set off for the library. On her way, thoughts of Kai's last night in Ponyville crossed her mind. He had left for Hoofington, She'd sent Rainbow Dash, Twilight showed up at her door, and the next morning, Kai was simply gone. There was no one at the castle. The only life inside was the greenhouse, which still thrived. The only torch not gone sat in the middle of his workshop, but it seemed unreachable through the barrier surrounding it. Not even bronze had been any good to pull it down. The only thing he left was a small collar, and a note sying to hold on to the collar, and more would be explained later.

She walked into the library, to be greeted by Twilight with a jovial smile. "Good afternoon, Fluttershy! What brings you here today?"

"Well, A friend of ours wanted me to give you these," said Fluttershy, handing the books over. "He said that they're personal notes on some new spells."

"New spells?" asked Twilight, pulling them over and flipping through the pages a bit. About halfway through the first, she stopped. She looked up at Fluttershy, a hopeful look on her face. "You saw him again!?"

"Well, no, he sent me this letter." she held up the letter, which Twilight began reading through quickly. "Also, Twilight? Could you, um... If it's not too much trouble... teach me some spells?"

Twilight finished the letter, then looked back at Fluttershy, eyeing the necklace in particular. "Is that the trinket?" she asked, pointing at it. Fluttershy nodded in response. "Then I guess I'll have to tutor you. Come with me please." She began toward the door to the basement lab, then stopped and called to Spike. "I'll be downstairs. Call me if something comes up, but no guests, understand?"

Spike gave the Salute, and Twilight began her walk down the stairs, to where she first met Kai, with Fluttershy right behind her. "So what do you already know about magic?" asked Twilight as the door closed behind them.

Author's notes:
I know I'm adding these about two weeks late, but for my readers who are too good to read the comments, the sequel is here. Enjoy it.